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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13596142 No.13596142 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone dieting right now? What are you eating?

>> No.13596156

ur mums ass lel

>> No.13596161

Extremely based

>> No.13596176

I don't diet I water fast

>> No.13596199


I'm at a caloric deficit at 2200 calories so I eat whatever the fuck I want

>> No.13596202

mostly oats, muesli, shredded wheat, milk, greek yogurt, whey powder, cheese, eggs, english muffin with (KERRYGOLD) butter

then I have cookies and chocolates but try to keep those under 200kcal or I go into craving fatty mode

I'm thinking of trying baked potato next because of that satiety meme chart

>> No.13596208

Salad, sweet potatoes, avocado.

>> No.13596226
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Rice with seasonings, popcorn, beef jerky, sandwich wraps made with these 60 calorie badboys

>> No.13596229

whole meals in smaller portions you stupid faggot

>> No.13596368


>> No.13596947

whole30 and OMAD all january. Lost about 25 lbs.

>> No.13596950

About how fast would you say you water on average?

>> No.13597027

Did keto for about 5 months, lost 50 pounds just by eating eggs, cheese, meat, and sometimes nuts. Keto really helped manage cravings and I was basically able to eat as much chicken as I wanted.

I'm back on carbs now, the transition was really rough (suddenly bloated up 4 pounds from water weight, bad for morale and lead to a splurge that set me back a day or two), but things are going just about as smoothly as before now that I've gotten into the groove again. I'm on a college budget as well (part of the reason why I got off keto), so I'm living on sandwiches and wraps mostly involving egg and beans. Much less meat, which is quite regretful, but it's very very much so harder to prepare meat here.

>> No.13597043

Eating at a deficit of 1200 cals. Always hungry

>> No.13597226

I'm basically eating "healthier" but haven't really cut anything out, just 700 calories under my maintenance. By "healthier" I mean that more of my meals are a meat and green veggie, and fewer are pizza

>> No.13597256

I'm fasting for two days and then having a big meal on my third day, I eat whatever I feel like on my third day

>> No.13597350

I'm trying to limit my intake of bread, rice, pastas etc. While drinking only water outside of a glass of wine now and then. Got back to doing some exercise twice a week.
Fuck counting calories though. I'm not neurotic enough to do that.

>> No.13597354
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I realized these are not correctly labeled after buying a ton.
Carbohydrates are 13g, so 52 calories.
Protein is 5g, so 20 calories.
Fat is 2g, so 18 calories.
That's 90 calories.

>> No.13597366
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Who the fuck cuts in winter? What in the fuck?

>> No.13597372

you have to subtract fiber

but amerifat labels round everything so much who really knows

>> No.13597380

We orthodox do Christmas fast through December and the start of January.

>> No.13597384

Yeh. I'm gonna eat a burger and fries tonight with some beer
>inb4 no you can't do that if you're dieting
git gud, fags

>> No.13597392
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Well fuck mate you can still bulk on what you are allowed to eat. And why in the unholy fuck is it called the nativity fast? That doesn't make any damn sense.

>> No.13597399

man, I'm always hungry no matter what weight I am
at least when I diet, I get a little nauseous so food is less appetizing

>> No.13597404
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I make my own shakes and they end up being too think so I have to eat them with a spoon

>> No.13597418

>Well fuck mate you can still bulk on what you are allowed to eat.
Yeah but that's not the point now is it ? If you're a true hardcore believer all you'll eat are grains, steamed vegetables and soup. Fish on some days it's allowed.
>And why in the unholy fuck is it called the nativity fast?
Because the nativity is the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ? I don't understand what you missed

>> No.13597419


>> No.13597429

you subtract fiber from the total carbs, so it's only 5g carbs. total 18 + 20 + 20 = 58 calories

>> No.13597430

Consumption and drinking and going heavy doesn't stop until the NFL playoffs end. Super Bowl is Sunday. Also in the Southwest United States, it's pretty much already t-shirt weather. It's supposed to be 75 on Sunday. Before I know it, it'll be pool weather.

Starting my diet Monday. 1000-1200 calories a day, no cheat days. Lean meat and raw veggies with hot sauce during the day if I can't stand the hunger, one meal a day otherwise.

>> No.13597438

>Starting my diet Monday.
Start now, tard.

>> No.13597441

I completely forgot that was an Orthodox belief. Fair enough.
Eh yeah guess it depends on where ya live. It won't be warm here for a while still. And even still half the fun of the start of summer is crushing that fat with outdoor activities. At least for me.

>> No.13597468

>n-no way, muh superbowl which everyone says defines my being requires me to consume, consume consume!
Welcome to late stage capitalism -5 hours of commercials, 1 hour of sports. Thx, but no thx.

>> No.13597478
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I eat about 1500 calories a day. Breakfast is 300-350, usually oatmeal or a protein bar. Lunch and dinner vary and I'll often combine the two into a single meal that's about 1000 calories, and I always leave at least 200 calories open for a late night snack. I like these, a can of sardines or some fruit and/or cheese.

>> No.13597485

I'm watching it solely for the food excuse. I'll be drinking vodka diets all day and we're making buffalo chicken dip, deviled eggs, and frozen jalapeno poppers. I still plan on staying under 1900 calories.

>> No.13597495

who the fuck watches the superbowl other than people who need an excuse to possibly watch a man kill themselves with a concussion

>> No.13597501

No point in starting now when I have a surprise birthday tonight and a Super Bowl party Sunday. I'm mostly going on the diet to stop drinking for a while. I'm not gonna sit like a boring jackass in the corner eating my vegetables and avoiding the fun for the next three days.

Jack shit goes on from now until summer besides meme drinking holidays.

>> No.13597509

Not to dissuade you but there's no real point to eating protein bars like this. If you want chocolate, eat a little chocolate. If you want nuts, eat nuts. You probably already have whey protein if you need it. Unless you really like the bar more than a candy bar, I'd personally opt to eat a small section of my desired candy bar + a protein shake that equals the same amount of calories as this protein bar.

>> No.13597524

you can eat the same foods, idiot, just eat less of them or don't eat for the whole day prior to your parties

>> No.13597530

Fuck I want this so bad.

>> No.13597537

Nah I just like protein bars. They're basically less-sweet candy bars and that suits me fine.

>> No.13597540

>Ya bro just have two miller lites during the super bowl so you're under your calorie count!
>Just have one hot dog and slice of pizza and don't eat all day otherwise!

Nah man, fuck off. I'll have my fun and make up for it after.

>> No.13597544

fatlogic mindset

>> No.13597547

boring /fit/fag logic

>> No.13597552

one works, the other doesn't

excuses are how you got overweight in the first place

>> No.13597553
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>perceiving food as entertainment

>> No.13597569

both of you aren't realizing it's the booze and not the food, but okay guys who are hella /fit/, i'm sure you're in the diet thread for good reasons

>> No.13597571

I've been doing OMAD during January. Been eating around 1500-2000 calories per day, depending on the meal, I haven't changed my usual meals very much since it was the snacking and the chips that made me fat, and I've cut everything out save black coffee.
I've lost 31 pounds. Gave myself a cheat day since it is(was) the last of January, but eating a bunch of candy and chips just made me feel like shit, honestly. Think I might have ruined my sweet tooth.

>> No.13597576

is there anything that whey powder is ok in?
every time I plan on mixing it in, it tastes bad or I decide I don't want the thing to taste bad so I just drink it instead. drinking calories seems dumb and whey digests really fast

greek yogurt is way better but it's twice as expensive

>> No.13597602

>I-i-i-t's just the booze, guys!
>>Just have one hot dog and slice of pizza and don't eat all day otherwise!

>Nah man, fuck off. I'll have my fun and make up for it after.
Which is it, Jan?

>> No.13597621
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>you can eat the same foods, idiot, just eat less of them
How is this not "sit around and barely peck at the food around you?" Of course, it's 4chan, but I'm sure you're a fucking thrill at parties.

>> No.13597633

I've been doing OMAD since January 1st.
My TDEE is around 1700 with light exercise and 1500 without it, and I've only gone over 1200 3 days the whole month (around 2000 calories, bad days, but on most days I ate in between 700 and 900 calories), but I've barely lost anything. I'm using a food scale every single time.
I have subclinical hypothyroidism, so maybe that's a factor? Even though as far as I'm aware the subclinical type is a mild form of hypothyroidism and shouldn't affect too much. I don't know, genuinely.

I've generally been eating 300g of frozen vegetable and 1 or 2 tablespoons of low calorie sauce (like different mustards) + bread with deli meat, or frozen lean meals, or greek yogurt with berries, or whatever, as long as it stays within the calories.

>> No.13597676

It sounds like you have to be dramatically fucking up your calorie counts or what you think you're losing from "light exercise." To burn 200 calories, you need to run at least two miles. Not walk it, run it.

One slice of "bread," is almost 100 calories, not knowing the type. Two is 200. Your chosen deli meat, if it's turkey and you have ONE serving is almost 100 calories. A cup of greek yogurt, 100 calories. A cup of berries, 100 calories. I would recommend ALWAYS rounding up on whatever portion you think you're consuming. Yogurt and berries aren't filling, either. Most of the shit you're apparently eating isn't filling.

I bet you're using something like MyFitnessPal, which underestimates a ridiculous amount of things. Maybe you're part of the very small percentage of people with a hormonal issue, but I hella doubt it.

>> No.13597682

I don't understand what the problem is. How are you unable to stay under xxxx calories at a superbowl party? Hard alcohol is 100 calories per 1.5oz shot, mix with diet soda and eat snacks in moderation

>> No.13597699

>participate in thread about diets
>get assblasted when people talk about your stupid diet and fatlogic

>> No.13597701

That's all well and good if you are maintaining. If you need to start losing weight, it's gotta be much lower. And I'm not going to autistically ask anyone who made food exactly what they put in it.

I also don't want to drink hard alcohol throughout a 5 hour party without eating, and end up as the hammered asshole no one wanted around. All I'm saying is the "start today" bullshit is ridiculous. I will hold to my plans when it is time to start, because I have set a goal.

>> No.13597703

you're probably overdoing your cheat days

>> No.13597704

In three days I'll be on a diet and you won't have any issue anymore. Calm down.

>> No.13597706

see you at the next holiday/event thread when you have the same thought pattern

>> No.13597709

I'm vegetarian but my diet is shit. I'm not fat but could be/was leaner.

>> No.13597712 [DELETED] 

don't eat the day before

>> No.13597715

Literally every sentence in this reply is an excuse. Maybe not the 5th one, but you gotta get past the "It's not my fault" mentality you're projecting if you want success. If this is your first time really dieting, know that success only comes with some degree of personality change

>> No.13597719 [DELETED] 

>It sounds like you have to be dramatically fucking up your calorie counts
>I bet you're using something like MyFitnessPal, which underestimates a ridiculous amount of things
For real, that's why I'm confused. I weight everything with a food scale and I'm going by the calorie count in the package of stuff. Not using oil either. I use butter, but I weight it also.
I'm not counting the exercise calories, my goal is to eat 700~900.
But yeah, rounding up is a good idea. I'm gonna try lowering the calories as well (like 600~700) and see if that makes a difference.
I've lost 3kg, by the way. Usually with this deficit I lose at least 6kg.

I had 3 binge/cheat days at 2000~22000.
I now have the feeling it was probably more, but then that means I can't trust package calorie counts at all. That kinda sucks but I'll try being smarter about it I guess.

>> No.13597723

2200* lol

>> No.13597731

>equating cheat days with binging
stop this
you are eating more than you think

>> No.13597756

>then that I can't trust package calorie counts at all.

>> No.13597760

so I look at packages of dry black beans and they say 70 calories 9g protein. but everywhere online I see 114 calories 7.6g protein for black beans. completely different protein ratio. Can anyone explain?

>> No.13597766

not that guy but labels are allowed to lie about a lot of things in america at least (for example rounding 3/4 to 1 on a serving size)

>> No.13597774

Cheat days = planned
Binge = not planned
At least that's how I see it. Guess they were more like binge.

I mean I get it, but I've been dieting since I was a child (which shows that I have terrible eating habits, but losing weight was never an issue). So I'm indeed confused by the slowness this time, but obviously there's a problem somewhere and I'll fix it.

>> No.13597775

then stop eating things with nutrition labels and think for yourself, retard

>> No.13597782

what an idiotic reply

>> No.13597783

stop binging

>> No.13597784

Sandwiches and noodle soups using shirataki

>> No.13597787

what about it is idiotic?
you claim nutrition labels lie about their contents and then blame them for your plateau
the solution is not to eat that sort of garbage, cook food on your own, and calculate the calorie content yourself

>> No.13597793

I started intermittent fasting december. Eat only between 2-6 and don't beat myself up if I decide to be a fat ass once in a while. I also exercise regularly and my body has started to show real definition. Mostly I eat soup. Love soup.

>> No.13597798

What kinda soup? I love miso soup especially instant shit cuz then you can use water or broth and then add noodles or mushrooms or whatever

>> No.13597849

Any soup really. Gungo peas (pigeon pea) soup, minestrone, spicy butternut squash, new England clam chowder, lobster bisque , gazpacho, etc etc. It's insane how much soup recipes I'm trying to learn and tried. Trying to get into cold soups too. Honestly i haven't used a pan in a while, just the Dutch oven. Oh yeah and stews too. Fucking love stews. Soup, stews, and sauces are all I've come to make these days. Pasta is about the only thing I make that isn't soup or stews, and even then I make pasta like once a fortnight.

>> No.13597857

shit man give me your minestrone recipe
last recipe i made was garbage

>> No.13597886

I don't pretend to be a masterchef like some others here, so I get my recipes where I can get them. If they're good, I write then down. One I personally love is the one from orsararecipes on YT. Check it out, it's only 7 mins.

>> No.13597906

Dieting is such a stupid meme. Just eat less. I'm fit as a fiddle and my diet is whatever I feel like paired with a bottle of vodka per night.

>> No.13597916

I'm the same. I have a huge google doc of all the recipes I like with tweaks and even then I only loosely follow them. thx bro

>> No.13597955

>Anyone dieting right now? What are you eating?
potatoes, oatmeal, beans, bread, carrots, 20g of roasted peanuts with daily vitamin.

>> No.13600037

t. american education
what happens on 21g? you die?

>> No.13600045

>mum and ass
>not mum and arse or mom and ass

>> No.13600300

I'll give ya some love soup, anon.

>> No.13601580
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>> No.13602181

been on this the last month:
10-12 calories per goal body weight
.82 grams of protein per pound of current body weight
Strength Training: monday and friday
Abs day: wednesday and saturday
random cardio throughout the week to get leaner (i prefer jump roping, cause efficiency)

eating a lot of mcdoubles (no bun) and chicken when i want to fit in more protein per calorie. I still drink a beer or two a few days a week. drink 2 shots of bourbon every other night. I enjoy counting and tracking the calories/protein of what i eat.
so far i've gained around 6 pounds in a month. Will see how things go in another 2 months, before i make some changes.

>> No.13602207

Not really "dieting" but I have maintained the same weight for 6 years. I avoid all drinks with calories except a bit of milk in my tea/coffee. I for the most part avoid all sweets and things with a lot of sugar. I count every calorie I take in and put it into a calculator. When I hit 1950 calories I'm done eating for the day. It's really not hard to lose weight if you have any spine. You need to be stronger than your addiction. You need to stop being mentally weak. Calculate your TDEE. If you are trying to lose weight, eat 300 calories under that. Overestimate how many calories everything you eat has.
simple as

>> No.13602236
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>What are you eating?
Nothing. That's how you diet.

>> No.13602237

imagine dieting when you all you have to do is cut carbs to stay fit

>> No.13602318

I made cabbage soup

>> No.13602416

Way too much dick.

>> No.13603336

Oatmeal, cottage cheese

>> No.13603914

uhh, what do if it also says insoluble and soluble fiber? What do i subtract then?

>> No.13603968

what veggies, if any?