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File: 134 KB, 800x450, NTKPBR_Header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13595155 No.13595155 [Reply] [Original]

>be german
>buy pic related for a taste test
bruh, it's not good.

>> No.13595163

What faggot told you it was?

>> No.13595168

Isn't that like the most famous beer in America, next to Corona which is okay and Coors light, which I also got, I'm gonna drink it later.

>> No.13595187

It’s just a cheap, light beer that people think tastes a bit better than most other light beers like miller lite, coors, budweiser, etc. and Corona is a Mexican beer. I would hardly call it “famous.” I don’t even know many people who drink it besides baby boomer women

>> No.13595200

PBR isn't supposed to be "good". Just cheap, familiar and enjoyable enough.

>> No.13595207
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check the dubs and drink this instead
can't beat the price

>> No.13595212

>boomer women
>drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon
Have sex or go outside, Jesus. The people who still drink Pabst are washed-out former hipster millennials that started when it was still uncool to drink, art hoes who are trying to recreate that vibe, the rednecks that made it uncool to drink in the first place, and literal 75+ year-old grandpas who liked it when it was the biggest beer in the country back when.

>> No.13595216

You mixed up the words “famous” and “notorious.”
Joking aside, PBR is mainly known as swill for blue collar workers, hipsters and people who like to get drunk for cheap. The working class have mostly switched to Bud Light and the hipsters have mostly moved on to milkshake-flavored craft beers. That just leaves the poor and alcoholics, both of whom aren’t known for being particular about taste when it comes to beer.

>> No.13595249

you nailed it. if you like it you like it, its like growing up on sliced whitebread, its not good but you grew up on it

>> No.13595258
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Raw lamb.
I like it.

>> No.13595306

PBR is a hipster drink from a few years ago, not a boomer drink.

>> No.13595309

PBR sucks but it's usually cheap as hell. Coors Light is equally bad in a different way, it tastes like metallic pond water and is even lower abv.

>> No.13595373

I'll drink the rest for you

>> No.13595379

PBR was always cheap trash beer. Hipster fuckwits picked it up to drink it ironically. I would say that it's the Foster's of America, but Bud Light already has that title.

>> No.13595447

The reason this beer went from what your alcoholic uncle drinks to hipster icon is because TMZ photographed Ashton Kutcher drinking one in a dive bar years ago. That's literally the reason.

>> No.13595485

Describe the taste compared to German beers please. I imagine it to taste like a non bitter boomer Pils or Helles.

>> No.13595487

But people in America love drinking Bud Light, while Australians deny that they ever drink Foster's

>> No.13595612

It's more of a white trailer trash beer here in the south. It's definitely the most prevalent can you see littering the roads and woods.

>> No.13595620
File: 279 KB, 300x550, E52B824E-44E4-4FB7-A980-33BDFE07E8E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duh, there’s a reason the redneck trailer trash stereotype is always associated with it
I prefer importing beer from your country to be honest

>> No.13595628

You bought the American equivalent to 5.0 and that probably at trice the price.

>> No.13595634

So whats your beer of choice then?

germanfag asking

>> No.13595655

It's nothing like wiehenstephaner but it's good for the price

>> No.13595677

>falling for the meme drink

>> No.13595679

PBR was always a redneck beer when I was growing up. Weird to see the hipsters latch onto it.

>> No.13595732

Theres a certain stride you have to catch with a cheap american beer and you have to drink those motherfuckers cold.

>> No.13595758

we drink pbr because our dads drank pbr

>> No.13595773

The best beer for your buck is Miller High life. No question.

>> No.13595866
File: 52 KB, 768x409, nusmsinoc0hivlujze4j[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't that like the most famous beer in America
I have no source for this image, it was just some random one I found. But based on my experience it seems roughly accurate when you go to bars, restaurants, sports stadiums, concerts or any events. Stuff like budweiser, coors, miller, etc are always the most popular, and the "light" versions are usually just as popular if not more. Pabst is definitely popular but not on the same level of those. You go to pretty much any random shithole across the US and they are guaranteed to have bud and bud light. Budweiser is ubiquitous with beer in the US. So much so that you don't even really think about it. Anywhere you go you just look at the beers and of course bud is there on the list, it would seem strange if it wasn't.

>> No.13595888

>country with the best beer in the world
>gives american """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""beer"""""""""""""""""""""" a chance

Why bother?

>> No.13595901
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>drinking for taste

>> No.13595903

Maybe trying something new?

>> No.13595969

Neither is German beer, so you should be used to it.

>> No.13595976
File: 23 KB, 320x401, photo_2019-05-17_16-06-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>country with the best beer in the world

>> No.13596022

I cannot believe that anybody told you Pabst was good in the first place.

>> No.13596023

Yes this is correct.
T. American

>> No.13596026


>> No.13596027

Is that shaggy?

>> No.13596040


>> No.13596044

I'm not from the US so I'm honestly asking: do Americans actually only drink light beer?

>> No.13596053

PBR is for white trash.

>> No.13596054

Also is there a difference between Bud and Bud Light etc? - Why are they making light versions of already light beers?

>> No.13596067

just slightly less calories. it's for the fatties who order a diet coke with their Big Smoke-tier order

>> No.13596074

You're a soiboy. Bud Light is the best selling beer in the country, regardless of your opinion it isn't some meme shit like Fosters.

>> No.13596086

Id say everyone drinks IPAs. Specifically, craft IPAs. College students and poor people drink PBR, Busch, Bud, etc., but anyone with some level of self respect drinks basically anything that doesnt start with a B or include the word "lite"

>> No.13596089

Ironically most people drinking light beer are fat fucks already.

>> No.13596096

for the price its better than most things on there. its of course not a heady beer but its a solid day drinking beer

>> No.13596097

Light beer is the go-to for blue collar workers and rednecks.
So, the majority of beer drinkers.
A lot more Americans are discovering non-meme craft beers.

>> No.13596112

a little surprised sam adams boston lager didnt make the top 20

>> No.13596126 [DELETED] 

Only rednecks, alcoholics, and niggers drink that pisswater. Anyone with a sense of taste will drink something with flavor, whether that's real lagers, stouts, ales, and otherwise.

>Also is there a difference between Bud and Bud Light etc? - Why are they making light versions of already light beers?
It's the exact same beer, but "light" versions are diluted with water to lower the caloric intake. Naturally, this cuts whatever shitty flavor those disgusting rice lagers had in the first place.

These shitty macrobeers are not representative of American brewing, they just have the most money poured into advertising and other shady corporate bullshit to stifle access and awareness of better brands.

>> No.13596155

Come back when you're 18.

>> No.13596160

>t. yuropoor LARPer

>> No.13596164

There are so many micro-brews now in the US you don't have to drink that swill. It can be argued that Budweiser is one of the best beers ever created.

>> No.13596179

Light beer is for getting drunk off of beer without feeling like you ate a loaf of bread. It's the best selling because it comes in huge packs, is sold everywhere cheap, and is super accessible for people at parties and sporting events. No one wants to sit in the summer sun at a baseball game drinking a heavy beverage. No one wants to waste good beer on shotguns and beer pong and kegs.

>> No.13596189

>without feeling like you ate a loaf of bread
But you have to drink even more of an already low% beer to get sufficiently drunk. Idk about you but a gallon of liquid is just as unpleasant as a loaf of bread in my stomach

>> No.13596248

I don't know where you're from, nor do I care, but I'm willing to bet cold hard American cash that the top selling beer in your country is a mass-produced pale lager.

>> No.13596275

Best beer to get drunk when you don't want to drink much is Carlsberg Elephant. 7,5% and a kinda thin taste. Beers with a similar abv like Bock have a much stronger taste and a more bready feel to it. The dark Elephant extra strong is undrinkable in large amounts.

>> No.13596298

I like the stuff

>> No.13596310

No texture, artificially bitter, can taste the alcohol in it. It's like they made it in a lab. Tastes better than Coors though.

Welde for casual drinking, Becks gold is okay, Staropramen when I find it.

>> No.13596326

Yeah but think of it like this: if I drink 6 300+ calorie IPAs with 8% ABV within 2 hours I'll be flat on my face but I'll be forcing the end of it down because no matter how much I've pissed my body is just full of calories and my palate is saturated. Whereas if I get the same effect on 8 160 calorie PBRs at 5%, I can crush those in an hour, pee twice and feel able to drink the rest of the case while still being sloshed. The crisp taste and feeling of refreshment from such a mild drink don't slow you down and at fewer calories per can you only fight the liquid which you'll be expelling at such a rate as to make it a nonfactor.

>> No.13596386

Have you considered that you don't have to drink the entire six pack at once?

>> No.13596413

>Becks gold is okay
No it's not. It's the aquivalent of lite beer in Germany and only drunken by teenage girls.

>> No.13596439

I could have sworn it was 6% alc so I was buying it for a while, but then I looked again and it was 4.2. Back to high life I guess

>> No.13596461

I wish I knew what teenage girls drank desu

>> No.13596470

Drinking a dozen at a time is the only purpose for light macro beers. It's a way better way to party than shooting vodka or something stupid

>> No.13596506

All girls i knew when i was younger drank Becks or Becks Gold when they didn't like sparkling wine. Mixed beer like Alster only had half the abv and weren't that popular even they prefered the much sweeter and fruitier taste of those.

>> No.13596554

Based Hamms drinker

>> No.13596874

Have you considered not being a faggot

>> No.13596908

it has too much malt to pound. i love em though

>> No.13596943

damn, imagine losing two world wars in a row...

>> No.13597009

No not really at least not since I had the impossible whopper

>> No.13597165

Allow me to explain something

>women have no voting rights
>(((some people))) say hey if we can convince women to vote for us we’re more likely to be elected/re-elected
>proceed to give women voting rights
>causes one of the biggest crime waves in American history, literally spawns the mafia and other organized crime
>people realize how fucking stupid the law is, repeal it
>ffw a ways
>some Charlie Chaplin look alike starts taking over Europe and Americans care for (((some reason)))
>draft time!
>every able bodied male is drafted And sent over seas to fight
>distillery's have now lost their base consumer and are left with women
>they cater to women’s pallets
>wars over and men don’t really give a fuck as long as they get drunk
>do this a couple generations

And only now have Americans started drinking something other than light beer

>> No.13597198
File: 105 KB, 630x485, wooden-pallet-thumbnail@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they cater to women’s pallets

>> No.13597201

when i was in high school, a case of this was like $3. this is what we drank in high school because it was cheap.

>> No.13597215

It's still one of the cheaper ones. Though hamms and milwaukees best are even less.

>> No.13597832

>>they cater to women’s pallets

>tfw you find a /pol/ poster out of his element

The element being...coherent spelling.

Fuck off, faggot retard.

>> No.13598346
File: 22 KB, 455x588, CoopersPale-1_4d46c170-8111-48d9-9b51-28aca14078f9_455x588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the American beer tasting like water thing was a joke. But seriously, water.

I'll just keep to pic related

>> No.13598357

The point is to taste like water so it's easy to drink a 24 rack of it in one go.

>> No.13598450

it's generic macrobrew pisswater for college kids
mass produced stuff yeah it's watery

>> No.13598496

It's cheap here

>> No.13598517

shouldn't they be smart enough to get 40s or cheap vodka

>> No.13598583

Drink Blatz Beer.

>> No.13598701

saw this in stacks at whole foods. figured it was a somehow overlooked beer with a simple but satisfying flavor. wow. who let some retarded millenial feature this? its objectively bad to anyone with 2 brain cells and 2 taste buds. this may mean the end of civilization if this shitwater is enjoyed by anyone.

>> No.13599979

Nah I would say Budweiser is the most famous beer. PBR is well known because of how cheap it is. 5 bucks for a 6 pack of pounders.

>> No.13600777
File: 51 KB, 650x435, 12fee9575196c72a2e972033a541bb9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with them.

>> No.13600803

>Becks gold is okay, Staropramen when I find it.

don‘t ever post anything again. Your opininion is non-relevant by default

>> No.13601317

PBR is pleb filter.
Normies drink Bud, Busch, Coors and Millers which are basically just water

>> No.13601322

Its usually either Cheap Beer or Craft beer, and no Craft beer is big enough to make the list

>> No.13601364

Excuse me but that list is false
Pabst Blue Ribbon should be number 1

>> No.13601368

i laughed out loud at the thought of someone thinking pbr might taste good

>> No.13601726

>Be American
They're popular, because they would set up booths in rednecky activities like monster truck rallies, and psychobilly concerts.

>> No.13602243
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1499772273804s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13602249

Local beer just like you guys. We have several thousand breweries at the local, regional and national scale to choose from

>> No.13602278

who told you that?

>> No.13602735

mein nigga

>> No.13602752

No, they're popular because in the 1890s they began putting blue ribbons on their bottles which became a point of interest, so people started asking bartenders for the blue ribbon beer, creating a big demand.

>> No.13602904

No. Don't ever post on /ck/ again, retard.

>> No.13603828

I thought this for the longesy time but my distributor just got a beer called lucky Streak that's 50 cents cheaper. I enjoy both

>> No.13603837

Only soy-consuming hipster faggots like PBR

>> No.13603843

In America there's an alcoholism culture in the trades. You're average tradesmen from the 80s would kill a 30 rack in a day. When they hit their 40s they realized it was making them fat so they switched to lighter beers

t. Whole family is working class guys who grew up in the 70s and 80s

>> No.13603849

If you're blaming beer for being fat, you're just shifting blame off over-consooming shitty foods.

>> No.13603866

Wierd how when they switched they lost the weight and are not fat. My dad for example is 6'2 200 pounds, 32-34 pants size in his 50s

>> No.13603881
File: 17 KB, 400x600, ci-natural-light-727cfa273d9cba64[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cheapest "beer" in the states is Natty Light.

A-B already had Busch for people who were too cheap for Bud, and Natty is a step below Busch.

>> No.13603883

If you're Aussie, seppo 'light' beer isn't the same as ours to my understanding. As in its not low alcohol beer for designated drivers.

I think its what they call a larger.

>> No.13603891

>my anecdotal evidence which I never even observed myself is proof beer makes you fat
>also, I never mentioned the food my daddy ate during all of this time
>6'2 200lbs
Your daddy's still fat and move out of your daddy's basement.

>> No.13603907

>30 beers a day
Lmao and you believed them

>> No.13603938

Interesting, next time I do my weekly visit to the cemetery I'll be sure and tell that to my decorated world war ii veteran grandpa that sacrificed his shin so you could have the freedom to sit on your ass whining like a girl about beer. He'll be glad to know he was a soy consuming hipster faggot when he was in northern france stabbing enemy soldiers in the neck despite having shrapnel wounds across the left side of his cheekbone and upper dorsal making it so he never went a day for the rest of his life without chronic pain.

>> No.13603964

Seen em they still do it.
Don't live with him. And don't have to. Number one never said he had a good diet, number 2 his diet hasn't changed.
Number 3 I included pants size for a reason retard. He was a mechanic that ran his own shop his whole life. He's ripped. 32 waist at 6'2 is perfectly healthy. What are your stats fag?
Lastly what makes you think I didn't know my dad in his 40s when this change happened? I was 20 back then.

>> No.13603973

Calories in Miller lite 96
Calories in mgd 143
Difference of 47 calories
Times 30 beers =1410

Totally not enough calorie change to lose weight

What's it like denying science everywhere you go?

>> No.13603982

drinking lite beer is fun because you can go all day and into the night and just have a pleasant bloated buzzed feeling.

>> No.13603984

Do you have the brain damage, son?

>> No.13604006

if it's this stuff >>13603881 then it's possible to drink 30 spaced out throughout the day, it's like 3% alc and most people don't even finish the backwash in the bottom of the can.

>> No.13604011
File: 527 KB, 680x679, delicious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer is literally soy water.
>B-b-but muh großefaggot craft dark brew lager stou-
Nope, that too.

>> No.13604013


>> No.13604048

I don't care about your daddy's pant size, you're a fucking faggot. Also, being an apple-shaped retard with pants around your hips. You're so fucking dumb.

>> No.13604835

>denies lowering caloric intake can cause weight loss
>gets brfo
>crys about it
>"w-well you're a-a dooty head"
LMFAO at your life

>> No.13604853

Odd how "moishe" is considered racism and the faggot /ck/ mods will warn/ban you for it; but "white trash" is perfectly acceptable.


>> No.13605010
File: 125 KB, 1152x864, Goldstar_111[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, this is Jewish beer

I've never had it because the only time I've been to Israel I was too young to drink.

>> No.13605020

>buys beer
>surprised it tastes bad


>> No.13605022
File: 77 KB, 928x705, Cn0UIjLWAAAvrmB.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this place? I just typed "how to make food with an extra chromosome" in the google and it brought me here...

>> No.13605029

You look lost, sounds like r/cooking is more up your alley

>> No.13605049
File: 18 KB, 670x670, mood2-670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
