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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13595265 No.13595265 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13595316
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Clearly bait, but you're still wrong.

Picture is not related

>> No.13595319

for u

>> No.13595320

I have my own bay leaf plant.

It does something if you grow your own.

>> No.13595329

lol no it doesn't
it's tasteless trash with a placebo effect

>> No.13595392


>> No.13595416

they aren't very dominant, but they do have a flavor if you're cooking something with gentle flavors. I made pierogies the other day, cooked them in bay leaf water and it made a huge difference

>> No.13595425

you tell me

>> No.13595433

Just like Persian caviar.

>> No.13595494

Aren't these poisonous?

>> No.13595505

Maybe you don't have the receptors or something.

>> No.13595506

try making a tea out of a couple of them in water, and drink that, then tell me again they taste of nothing. If it tastes of nothing, your bay leaves are old as shit

>> No.13595514

Have you ever had fresh bay leaves from a plant? I suggest you try using more of them, like 5-6 in a dish and you will notice a different.

>> No.13595516

you can say it's not overpowering but it does make a difference in taste anon, specially in stews.

>> No.13595544

It consistently gets you replies on your troll posts. Show some appreciation.

>> No.13595549

>bay leaf in pierogi water
Based idea, thank you anon.

>> No.13595553

It's a subtle flavor which I detect as a a combination of thyme/basil. I always add a few to any western soup or stew I make and they would be missing something if I left them out.

>> No.13595557

I made carnitas the other day and didn't have any bay leaves and it didn't taste as good as when I use bay leaves.

>> No.13596396

>*cuts ur guts*

>> No.13596402

more like gay leaves

>> No.13596423

retard, how do you accidentally swallow an entire bay leaf?

>> No.13596465

It triggers clueless Americans

>> No.13596468
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One time I was so depressed I didn't feel like fishing it out of my mouth and just chewed it up. Wasn't exactly Harmon-tier wiping your ass with a tshirt but I still felt like RB

>> No.13596499

Try steeping it in water to get the flavor out and using that water in whatever, I grew up drinking it with breakfast as a sort of tea it most definitely does have a flavor.

>> No.13596642

>reposts endless threads about the dusty, years old dry bay leaves he bought from a seppo supermarket

>> No.13598521

you cunt, are off your head. With bay leaf, a little goes a long way

>> No.13598607

I think he fried his taste buds with soda etc.
Hell I'm a ching chong and appreciate the effect a couple of bay leaves make in western dishes.

>> No.13598609

If it has the placebo effect, that means it still works

>> No.13598978


>> No.13598990

America’s Test Kitchen did blind tastings of identical dishes with and without bay leaf and the tasters consistently picked the ones with the bay leaf, but were unable to articulate exactly why. This is why I use it.

>> No.13598995

it tastes bad to me

>> No.13599034

Go larp somewhere else, dick.

>> No.13599045

stop making this thread you fucking retarded faggot

>> No.13599073

well yea its a leaf

>> No.13600967

or what ? you'll call the bay leaf police ?

>> No.13601461

I believed the same thing for years.
Then I finally got good ones at some oriental shop. A small bucket for next to nothing.
Don't know why so many stores sell completely useless ones for way too much, but they do.
I know there had to be real ones, because I am very fond of bay leaf licorice, and the bay leaf taste in that is very obvious and powerful.

>> No.13602068

This. Its a meme ingredient.

>> No.13602529

If they were poisonous you wouldn’t be putting them in food dumbfuck
>inb4 poisonous in very large doses
You’re not supposed to eat them, and literally everything is poisonous if you eat enough of it

>> No.13602634
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Imagine not ingesting various poisons in small doses to become assassin proof.

>> No.13602820

toss a few into rice- plain ass white rice, mind you- and BAM tell me it adds no flavor. LOVE fresh ones too btw

>> No.13602847

Add them for an aromatic slightly herby flavorx. Put one or two when you simmer a pasta dish or make a soup. Good with meats and sauces too
There definately is such a thing as too much bay leave too, thus proving it works.

>> No.13603145

Make yourself a bayleaf tea.

WA la. You now know what bay leaf adds to your dish

>> No.13603232

Good idea, gonna have to suggest that one to my Polack family

>> No.13603372

they're great in beans, especially if you coook them low and slow with other herbs and spices.you will notice the difference. also good as part of a marinade for meat .

>> No.13604589

they taste good tho

>> No.13605916

Cook rice without bay leaf. Cook rice with bay leaf. Compare and you will taste the difference and begin to understand the flavor bay leaves provide

>> No.13606598

>bayleaf licorice
What the fuck. I want that now