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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 355x355, big gay ice cream1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13592087 No.13592087 [Reply] [Original]

is this ice cream brand any good?

>> No.13592091

Looks kinda gay not gonna lie

>> No.13592092

I dunno faggot you tell me

>> No.13592099
File: 1.07 MB, 2736x2980, _20190806_072456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd put that creamy goo in my mouth.
Y'all ready for Ice Cream for Breakfast day this weekend?

>> No.13592102

it's the best


>> No.13592128

needs more chocolate salty balls

>> No.13592204

My sister's bisexual roommate has the peanut butter marshmallow flavor always stocked in his freezer. I thought it tasted alright.

>> No.13592211

>ice cream in January
I'll be waiting at least until May.

>> No.13592213
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>> No.13592231

some anons live in the south hemisphere tho

>> No.13592246

Who cares about them?

>> No.13592466

God kinda does.

>> No.13592471

>God still cares

>> No.13592510

i'd probably try it if it isn't $3 a pint
any jackass that pays more than $5 for a gallon of ice cream shouldn't have money

>> No.13592557
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>eating ice cream because of the weather instead of eating it for the flavor

>> No.13592740

$3 a pint is cheap. You don't need a whole gallon anyway lard ass.

>> No.13592759


>> No.13592765

why do queer faggots sexualize everything?

>> No.13592766

I hope you know most of that $5 gallon is just air called overrun. The fancy brands are denser and have less air but more actual cream. There is a reason they don't put the weight of the icecream on the label.

>> No.13592777
File: 471 KB, 800x800, 1562459237348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you be having sex since that's the only reason you were born, breeder?

>> No.13592809

because it's their only identity

>> No.13592813

Imagine your personality being made up entirely of your sexuality. How one-dimensional and sad

>> No.13592827
File: 1.71 MB, 720x720, bloomberg-ice-cream.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13592832


>> No.13592836

I'm sorry, I know this isn't the answer /ck/ wants to hear, but that is an extremely tasty ice cream flavor.

>> No.13592849

Does some guy bust an aids ridden load in every pint?

>> No.13592920
File: 263 KB, 900x900, dairy air1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the kind of person whose vote is actually swayed by this.
I'm not sure democracy is a very good idea.

>> No.13592958

advertising their ice cream is full of air, no wonder they fucking closed down

>> No.13593004

Air is important for ice cream, though.

>> No.13593047

if you're eating ice cream for the flavor and not the experience, you might as well melt it down or just drink flavored milk

But you don't fucking do that, do you?
nobody buys creme anglaise to drink, do they?

>> No.13593054

I don't have to imagine, i deal with them every day. Most Democrats are single issue voters at heart.

>> No.13593061

>But you don't fucking do that, do you?
It's called a milk shake you absolute brainlet

>> No.13593199

fucking lole
the republican party is being kept afloat by wedge issues

>> No.13593415
File: 104 KB, 666x884, bobby-hull-farm-boy-strong-e1441107216392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gay here and that shit is honestly offensive
HAHAHA LOOK AT ME I'M SOOOOO GAY DID YOU KNOW I'M GAY BTW like shut the fuck up you sound like a highschooler who just came out for the first time
Get a fucking personality beyond "god I love dick"
I love dick too but you're acting like one of those kids who smoke weed and is literally incapable of talking about anything besides blazing and 420 culture

>> No.13593591

I think you may be projecting your fathers’ issues here.

>> No.13593904


I went to one of the locations in nyc and it was fairly good but quite overpriced (even by nyc standards)

>> No.13593925

christ almighty this, hate those faggots wearing all rainbow so much

>> No.13594101

I literally melt my mint chip ice cream in a glass of choccy milk and it's delicious. Get fucked retarf

>> No.13594120

I like that it's gay, but I don't like that it's made of dairy and added sugar.

I often have a liter of NNNNNice cream each day and gain no weight :-)

>> No.13594129

As a Minnesotan, I sometimes get a vegan ice cream to warm up, because the air is colder.

>> No.13594176

I got this flavor once and it was pretty good but it was shameful having the cashier scan faggot ice cream for an adult man. I’ll stick to Talenti.

>> No.13594291

>if you're eating ice cream for the flavor and not the experience, you might as well melt it down or just drink flavored milk

Who DOESN'T eat ice cream for the flavor? Only a complete faggot cunt retard would eat something "for the experience."

>> No.13594389
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>> No.13594490


Is it fudge flavored cuz fags are fudge packers

>> No.13594497 [DELETED] 
File: 956 KB, 728x971, OUT AM I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put fags in body bags

>> No.13594681


>> No.13594780
File: 654 KB, 1080x1881, helmet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make it pretty clear that I'm pissed off at the state of the LGBT community and that i have to be lumped in with no-personality cunts
>"lol seething"
obviously, you motherfucking retard

>> No.13594845

Based self hating faggot.
Honestly, sometimes I too wish I had a nice cock to ride, but I dont want it attached to some gay idiot.

>> No.13594859

Not self hating in any way, I just have standards and expect others to do so as well
I'm married though which is nice

>> No.13595150


i 100% promise you that this company hires lots of perverts and sexually insane deviants. these kinds of people ALWAYS are totally fucked up, malicious, and evil. there's no such thing as a morally good homosexual - they will all wait for a moment to fuck you over and get away with it.

that being said, i 100% promise you that the employees tamper with this food product. i would bet anything they put semen and feces into it. there's a 0% chance that at the factory, not a single one of the homosexuals there doesn't contaminate or tamper with the food and think it's funny and cool. that's just how they are.

>> No.13595154

Trying way too fucking hard...

>> No.13595164

and because of this, i believe that homosexuals, deviants, perverts, the promiscuous, the sexually insane, people who practice wrong sex, or irresponsible sex, adultery, fornication, must be suppressed. they have to be attacked at every turn. they have to be punished, publicly humiliated and made to physically suffer: the truly evil like homosexuals have to be publicly killed. it is a hideous, destructive mental disease and children need to SEE homosexuals being lynched, because then they'll think 'i shouldn't be homosexual' and they'll avoid catching that disease. anything less than this is irresponsible cruelty.

remember, if you're kind to the cruel you wind up being cruel to the kind. we have to do what has to be done in order to restore order.

>> No.13595578
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>> No.13595608
File: 20 KB, 405x341, 5E2117FA-6825-4DA5-866D-21EB603F8DDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ice Cream for Breakfast day
When did all these random not-holiday days become a thing? I see them all over calendars now

>> No.13595717

This one actually has a pretty specific origin.

>> No.13595812

You can have another dessert, a warm one.
>the only aspect of food I can experience is a flavor, never smell, sight, texture, or temperature
You disgust me.

>> No.13596647

because their sexuality is their only character trait.

>> No.13596656

marketing 101: find a safe, easy to access demographic, and market to their wants and needs.

>> No.13596665
File: 32 KB, 347x355, 1426362495500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there anything more hateful than h*mosexuals?

>> No.13596673

I bought one for my lesbian co-worker once, because she was trying to be /fit/ and I'd tempt her with junk food all the time.

It doesn't taste anything special, it's just a gimmick. If it had a normal name nobody would ever have heard of it

>> No.13596733

Cucumber melon cayenne ice cream. Good flavor, but much better experience. It's ok to not understand what I mean when I say that, someone else might.