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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13591419 No.13591419 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever eaten grass before?

>> No.13591456

Yes, it tasted grass.

>> No.13591478

Yes. This is why boomers aren't allergic to literally everything.

>> No.13591488

Yeah, as a kid, who didn't

>> No.13591728

Yea. In my old neighborhood we would play games, and losing team would either have to eat grass, or get a wedgie.

>> No.13591743

I bit a blade of grass, and it was pretty tough, so I didn't bother chewing or swallowing it.

Does wheatgrass juice count? That stuff tastes pretty interesting.

>> No.13591879

Somebody post the webm

>> No.13591906

>he didn't rip grass and chuck in at classmates for a laugh
>he never got told off as some kid had "hayfever"
>he was never curious about the texture and taste of the taboo blade of grass overgrown in the summer, chewing it then quickly spitting it out to gross out the girls
>he never climbed trees and got scared to jump down but was eventually coaxed by his loving parents
>he never convinced his friends that there were witches hiding in thick undergrowth and ran away screaming on purpose to make everyone else scared everyone panic
did you have a childhood op?

>> No.13591951
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i am not a cow

>> No.13591958

Yeah after watching Land Before Time I tried grass and leaves(starleaf)

>> No.13592075

only after it's been turned in to a cow.

>> No.13592082

who hasn't eaten spinach or rucola?

>> No.13592093

You're not a True Fan

>> No.13592120
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hell yeah, I'm all into the grass

>> No.13592132

Was this thread posted by Les Miles?

>> No.13592142

It cured my cancer, although i havent been back to the doctor to confirm.

>> No.13593339

>>he never convinced his friends that there were witches hiding in thick undergrowth and ran away screaming on purpose to make everyone else scared everyone panic
I used to convince all of the kids at my elementary that there was a child-rpaing swamp beast behind our school, because it was a really nasty smelly bog. Nobody ever went near it after I started telling the story.

>> No.13593355

Yes, as a kid.

Its grassy I guess.

>> No.13593373

I tasted one once when I was a little kid, also a rose leaf. The rose leaf tasted a lot better than a stupid blade of grass. I guess we all do stupid shit when we're little kids.

>> No.13593379

Lemongrass is great and useful for Thai dishes.

>> No.13593386
File: 127 KB, 964x653, Korean eating grass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a dare, as a kid. Tasted like romaine lettuce. Dry and flavorless.

>> No.13593394

Destroys your teeth.

>> No.13593414

>he didnt take one of those long pieces of grass with the seeds on the top and chew on the end at baseball practice like some hillbilly
In retrospect it was probably bathed in pesticides

>> No.13593422


>> No.13593423

It's not as if you're a cow or something, it's just a small bite of one blade of grass to know what it tastes like, the memory sticks in. It's not very good tasting, it tastes like... fuckin' grass.

>> No.13593796
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what are some forbidden delicacies you ate as a special needs child?
>cat food
>earwax (my own, of course)