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13587201 No.13587201 [Reply] [Original]

What's the traditional breakfast in your cunt ?
In France it's a shitload of carbs, served with a bowl of refined sugar or stimulant, with very little protein

>> No.13587213

Listen buddy, i've seen you try to force this meme in multiple boards now and it just gets more and more pathetic each time. Give up already.

>> No.13587970

Peatard approved. Oui.

>> No.13587983

I don't have a cunt unless you count your mom's, in which case it's my semen.

>> No.13587991

You need fuel to work hard during the day, not protein to build a hamp planet.
Amerilard prodeins :DDD

>> No.13588052

I'm having brekky for dindin right now. Two strips of thick cut bacon, two sunny side up eggs, two slices of thick cut whole grain bread fried in the bacon fat and topped with butter, and a handful of cherry tomatoes fried in oil, and a glass of milk.

Typically though, I don't eat breakfast. On weekends I will sometimes have 3-4 eggs at 11 am.

>> No.13588072
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Breakfast is degenerate humans should only eat once every 24 hours

>> No.13588111

Breakfast skippers are more likely to be overweight and be hypertense among other problems.
Sorry, I don't need to cuck myself out of meals because I'm not obese.

>> No.13588130

>3-4 eggs
Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those up

>> No.13588135
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>Breakfast skippers
Isn't this just what "intermittent fasting" is? Isn't that a dieting tactic?

>> No.13588143

I dont skip breakfast I break fast once every 24 hours

>> No.13588168

You literally just said "breakfast is degenerate".

>> No.13588171

>What's the traditional breakfast in your cunt ?
Salty milk and coins.

>> No.13588183

imagine not knowing what a portmanteau is

>> No.13588205

what does a suitcase have to do with this?

>> No.13588263

>I'm not obese
Pick one and only one fatass.

>> No.13588270

I almost passed out, fuck you OP.

>> No.13588287

>n-no u
Facts don't care about your feelings, fattie. Billions of people manage to eat breakfast and be thin, lardass.

>> No.13588293

P.S. post your arm and we'll see who is actually thin

>> No.13588329

We eat pretty much the same thing as in the OP.

>> No.13588379

I thought Italians ate waffles, pancakes with syrup and cereals.

>> No.13589611

I dont think we have one in the USA.

I usually have potatoes, onion, semisweet peppers with sausage if I have time. Maybe some eggs if I'm really hungry.

>> No.13589629

4 weetbix and milk or 4 pieces of toast with vegemite.

>> No.13589926

Same thing in Italy.
Coffee, milk and croissant/cookies for breakfast. Kids eat at home and most of them eat a bowl of cereals/cookies & milk.
Lunch is usually pasta or a sandwich, and dinner is meat/fish/eggs + vegetables + bread.
Some people will eat pasta again.
Pizza is usually once a week.

Granted, it's not the worst, and portions aren't huge (one croissant usually weighs 50-80 grams, pasta is 80-100 grams, and so on), but I will never get how people can function on such a terrible mealplan. It must be the reason why 36% of kids (9 to 19 years old) and 50% of adults are overweight.
"Mediterranean" diet is a meme, or at least no one follows it here.

>> No.13589935
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For me in Canada it's a Sausage Egg Breakfast sandwich, Double Double and a Boston cream.

>> No.13589938

USA - Highly regional. In the south, it can range from grits to biscuits and sausage gravy to homefry hash to country ham and eggs to beignets to sticky or sweet rolls.

>> No.13589943

Most people here have never even heard of waffles and have never eaten a pancake... First I ever tried was at McDonald's, for breakfast, when I was 24. It's not a thing here.

>> No.13589953
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in order from that list (or see filenames)

>> No.13589959

I think we don't really have a traditional one in the USA, it's a big country so I guess it depends on where one lives. That said I do like a couple eggs on an toasted English muffin.

>> No.13589960
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>> No.13589964
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>> No.13589965

Sometimes it's just goofy leftovers from the night before, like a pizza slice.

>> No.13589968
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>> No.13589970
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>> No.13589974
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>> No.13589979

Sometimes there's nothing like a leftover pizza slice or two to hit the spot on a morning.

>> No.13589985

Tea or coffee and an open sandwich or porridge. Eggs too sometimes

>> No.13590250

>"Mediterranean" diet is a meme, or at least no one follows it here.
Are you retarded? Did you expect a Mediterranean diet to break the laws of thermodynamics?

>> No.13590251
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Germany is pretty much this. Cereals are more common amoung children. Same for chocolate milk.

>> No.13590258

imagine being gay enough to say portmanteau

>> No.13590263
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>in my country
toasted bread with tomato and olive oil and some sort of cured sausage
washed down with coffee usually

>> No.13590701

Bread, butter, and milk.
I don't know what other americans eat for breakfast.

>> No.13590782

What are some common cereal brands in Western Europe? Does it depend on the country or is there a lot of crossover, with itself and with other Western countries that eat cereal?

>> No.13590820

I understood that reference.

>> No.13590836
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Musli, porridge, a sandwich, a banana, boiled eggs. Splendissimo.

>> No.13590844

What are you even talking about?
What I'm saying is that while people in Italy think they're following the "Mediterranean diet", they're not.
Vegetables are absolutely not a staple. Most people don't even know that potatoes are tubers and peas (just peas: chickpeas and lentils are eaten or rare occasions) are legumes. Leafy vegetables are eaten very sparingly.
Fish is often lean (like cod, or canned tuna), and breaded before pan frying it. Very few people eat fatty fish on a regular basis.
People are scared of eating eggs because they believe cholesterol in diet = high cholesterol. When I tell them I eat one for breakfast they're horrified (but coffee + sugary pastry - with margarine - are perfectly fine).
I almost forgot kids eat "merendine" after school (and in school too, as a snack), which are packaged snacks like donuts, twinkies, chocolate bars, and so on. Nothing "mediterranean" about that.

I'm not saying an actual whole foods mediterranean diet would necessary garantee low overweight/obesity rates, but it's likely it would help.

>> No.13590875

>but coffee + sugary pastry - with margarine - are perfectly fine
Is it not?

>> No.13590894
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There are two main brands: Kellogg's and Nestlé.
Nestlé just has a worst version of every Kellogg's cereals.

Pic related are the most popular here, but there are many other (Honey Loops, which are called "Miel Pops" here, Cheerios, Lion, and so on).
A few are currently on sale, that's why some of the prices might seem low.

>> No.13590903

Empty carbs and trans fats, dude. It's just white flour and shitty fat.
At least in France they use butter.

>> No.13590915

>Most people here have never even heard of waffles and have never eaten a pancake
That's a huge stretch, maybe just in your region/city/circle of friends, pancakes are also one of the things that we'd just call frittelle

>> No.13590987

Frittelle are completely different tho: it's just a small ball of flour, sugar and salt that is deep-fried in vegetable oil.
I mean, I know what a pancake is 'cause now with the internet it's easy to get in touch with other cultures, but if you ask a few random >40 years olds, most of them wouldn't know.
My friends, around 25 years old, don't know that peanut butter & jelly are a thing and have never tried one.

It doesn't help that in films and books stuff like waffle or pancakes are never kept like that in the italian translation, so italian kids will read that Harry and Ron are having "sausages and chestnuts" instead of "crumpets and marshmallows".

>> No.13590991

>carbs BAD
based soccer mom

>> No.13590992

Sausage, bacon, egg, and cheese on a eveything bagel with black pepper and mayo.

>> No.13591001

Never said carbs were inherently bad.
But white sugar and white processed flour (here it's not enriched) can't be better than an egg.

>> No.13591044

Yeah but that's just one shape, albeit the most common of it
They're often pushed flat, what I was trying to say is that a sweet disk made with flour and milk in a pan would just be named frittelle, so some people just call them that way, but again, maybe just my region/city/circle of friends

>> No.13591062

There's a point to be made here: US non-bacon, non-sausage breakfast pork is almost never back bacon.

>> No.13591063

Protein and fat served with bread.

>> No.13591106

As the other guy said there are the typical children cereals but more popular is muesli. Especially fruit, nut or chocolate muesli. Most popular brands are Kölln, Seitenbacher, Kellogs, Dr. Oetker or Alnatura if you want organic muesli.

>> No.13591136

Switzerland : Birchermüesli, mixed with cream cheese and a bit of milk as well as some fresh red fruits or red fruits purée to give it some acidity. All of that with coffee and orange juice on the side.
The french breakfast is also pretty common.
We have quite a lot of children's cereals. Outside of that you can get a lot of variants of muesli throughout europa.

>> No.13591157

German and Austrian breakfasts are my favorite. I was glad many cafes in Vienna offer a breakfast formulas for a correct price.

>> No.13591163


absolutely based

>> No.13591167

>know the science behind this to basically be true
>trying to lose two pounds a week and only have enough calories for two meals most days
>feel so much worse skipping lunch than I do skipping breakfast

>> No.13591278

Wow, nobody mentioned this so I will.
Thinly sliced bagels, cream cheese with chives, and Scottish smoked salmon.
I suspect that you all can tell that I'm a man of class.

>> No.13591638

Actual tradition or industrial era "tradition"? Peasants used to sip a cup of heavy cream in the morning and only ate at the end of the day when the work was done. Ate whatever they made, usually grains, later taters. Otherwise beer, eggs, cabbage with beans, whatever meat was at hand etc. Effectively OMaD if you focus on insulin levels.

Modernity is what fucked societies up, the shit shortenings and refined sugars being the last dicks in the coffin.

>> No.13591646

well done
i just have a banana and coffee

>> No.13591659

>attempts to sound smart yet doesnt have a fucking single clue about nutrition

>> No.13591771

>peasants used to sip a cup of heavy cream in the morning
no they didn't lol

>> No.13591778

Banana coffee breath is why nobody will ever love you

>> No.13591782
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Eggs and caviar on hard bread with black coffee

>> No.13591820


>> No.13591851

How is he attempting to sound smart? And more importantly, how is he wrong?
Seems like he struck a nerve, fattie.

>> No.13591858

Roastie-tier insult.

>> No.13591874

Look out, it's the thot police.