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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 128 KB, 1024x683, iStock-695140262-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13581895 No.13581895 [Reply] [Original]

Is this entire state a fucking food desert? I mean what the fuck? This is legitimiately some of the worst food and worst looking ingredients I have ever seen across multiple towns, allover the state.

Jesus Christ. I had been considering moving my family out here for the recreation and views but I don't know if I can put up with this. Is there a single tomato in this entire state that isn't shit?

Coloradans, speak up you fucking faggots!

>> No.13581902

Unironically I heard the Denver Airport has some of the best food of any US airport.

>> No.13581905
File: 88 KB, 205x256, 1553413048816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit! fucking top tier aiport food!

are you fucking kidding me? that is the best food this place has? fucking aiport fast food? just kys

>> No.13581910

why are you so angry

>> No.13581912


t. Entitled coastie thinks some place in the middle of nowhere with a tiny population has the infrastructure to bring in a ton of fresh produce, when they don't even sell great because most people there grow their own shit

>> No.13581922

What's really funny to me about Colorado since I'm from Arizona is that they legitimately think they make good burritos.

>> No.13581924
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You are correct OP, not much thats any good.
There used to be good german delis but those are closing up pretty fast.
Lots of growing pains, the new arrivals dont eat the diner food from the 50s that colorado was pretty good at, and they have not been replacing the places that close with anything good.

Head down to NM for some pretty impressive regional cuisine if you like spicy food.

>> No.13581926

I had the worst bbq chicken pizza I've ever had in my life at the wolfgang puck restaurant there. They put fucking corn on it.

>> No.13581928

Sams Diner in Denver was excellent. I fucking hate overyly friendly wait staff and overpriced breakfast bullshit.

>> No.13581929

Uh oh, you're totally right and you better leave.

>> No.13581935
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because i hoped this place had it all. recreation is great but the food is nothing but an absolute disappointment. what a disgusting shit show

>t. butthurt centennial fag
i have been allover this state faggot. most places i have gone have not been "tiny" by any stretch and all of the food and markets have been absolute liquid turd-tier.

exactly. they cant even get fucking mexican food right. what an absolute disaster.

im actually a fan of diners, what a shame.

>hurr stop moving to my state le stay out were full duudes!

>> No.13581946

>ate at Sam's
>thinks the pricing was reasonable for diner food and liked the atmosphere
It's a food network meme.
Honestly 16th street is like a vortex of shit that radially hikes prices and tanks quality but if you have to eat in that generally vicinity walk over to the Little India next to the improv theater instead.
God I get mad in that neighborhood, I almost killed some skank working at Leela's once.

>> No.13581952

>I hate your state but don't tell me to leave it
That is becoming the most common demographic.

>> No.13581953
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>absolute liquid turd-tier

>> No.13581961

>13 replies
>7 posters

Your thread is shit, let it go.

>> No.13581962
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I feel the same way about californians and middle easterners here in Phoenix. The Southerners are allowed to stay though.

>> No.13581963
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i dont hate it faggot can you read? i said the food sucks, which it absolutely does.

>> No.13581971

I moved there for the weed but the food is absolute shit. The locals get dressed up to go to fucking Olive Garden. It’s not even shitty flyover food; it’s literally just standard diner food and chain restaurants.

>> No.13581972
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>mfw were up to 8 now
suck my dick faggot

>> No.13581974

My breakfast was 6 dollars and the waiter was fast instead of talkative. It was my ideal breakfast food because my wife fucking loves breakfast food but getting out the door without paying 10 dollars for eggs and bacon is impossible anywhere around me. Even dennys food is overpriced and all that place is is a job for people in halfway houses.

>> No.13581976

Amazingly few indian places in such a big city.
Never did find a decent doner kebab. I heard there was one from a cart but not any good ones in restaurants

>> No.13581982

>some place in the middle of nowhere with a tiny population
God I wish we were in the middle of nowhere, god I wish we had a tiny population.
Imagine OP in real life.
Imagine tens of thousands of OP.
Tens of thousands once a month every month.
Being shitty angry assholes, who leave California to come here and yell at me for my state not being California.

>> No.13581985

This is two separate thoughts here btw.
Not trying to say doner is indian

>> No.13581988

I like to make indian food but I would absolutely never eat at an indian restaurant. Are you insane?

>> No.13581994

If you want to haul yourself all the way over to Arvada Yak and Yeti is pretty comfy and they also make some decent beers.
As a rule I avoid Denver like the plague and only brave it to catch an occasional show at the DCPA.

>> No.13581998

im not from california you faggot that place has better food but is worse in every other way. those faggots are ruining your state

>> No.13582000

why did you go to a cold weather state in the middle of winter expecting good produce?

>> No.13582006

>muh poo in loos meme
>implying there are actual Indians in the kitchen instead of the Mexicans who make food at literally any restaurant despite their being "indian" "chinese" "japanese" "german" or what have you

>> No.13582016

You are not exactly helping either

>> No.13582017
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States with Best food:

NY, Tennessee, Louisiana, NJ, Texas

States with Worst food:

Colorado, West Virginia, Kansas, Dakotas, Oklahomo

>> No.13582021

Do you really eat at restaurants where you can't see the kitchen?

>> No.13582025
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one other positive of moving there which i hadnt fully considered was upsetting faggots like you.

>> No.13582029

You people seriously have no idea.
We literally made street-shitting legal because of how many coastal bastards came here to become bud-tenders. There are mandated overdose kits in every public library.
It's gone full Detroit, it's all fucking over.
Never, ever legalize weed- your state will die.

>> No.13582030

How does one eat food in new york without the pungent air flavor ruining it?

>> No.13582073

You forgot Arkansas in "worst"

>> No.13582080

>be oregon
>legal weed
>everything is still awesome because all the retards went to washington and colorado

>> No.13582098


There is literally only root Down and it's shitty rushed menu version of it

>> No.13582258

I'd be much more concerned about proximity to Portland in your shoes.

>> No.13582266

I like Linger, Opheilia's Electric Soapbox was actually pretty shitty when I went, should I give Root Down a try?

>> No.13582301

Don't move there, Colorado already has enough Californian faggots.

>> No.13582306


>> No.13582319

>marijuana overdose kits
>literally Nancy Reagan "Reefer Madness" tardation
Stay on the wrong side of history and get bulldozed over, nancy!

>> No.13582405

They're heroin overdose kits, you wacky nigger.

>> No.13582410

Has nothing to do with weed you retarded incel

>> No.13582451

Who fucking cares? With the exception of certain meat dishes that have to marinate/cook/smoke for days, it's pretty easy to cook better food than a local restaurant by virtue of having more time to prepare and cook on your own.

>> No.13582467

it has to do with an exponential explosion in population that's raped existing infrastructure and worsened every social issue- drugs, crime, hunger, homelessness, unsanitary conditions, traffic- one can imagine. And that's strongly tied to legalization.
It's not weed specifically, weed just makes people into retarded manchildren with big tits, it's imbalance between state and federal regulation.

>> No.13582485

Colorado was going to shit from transplants before they legalized weed
Op is right though, having lived there for 18 years there's not much good food wise, except for maybe green chili but even New Mexico does that better

>> No.13582492
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I was going to ask if they'd go back but I imagine they smugly think they're ahead of the curve by getting out of California first while they ban guns and trucks for all the rural residents from the comfort of their Denver apartment.

>> No.13582509
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>Is there a single tomato in this entire state that isn't shit?
>not growing your own tomatoes in the first place
You're such a faggot, I hope your family starves.

>> No.13582533
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Funfact: did you know that most drugs have an antagonist? Like medicine to save people from OD'ing? They had one for cannabis too but had to pull it out of the EU because it made people depressed. Says alot about our society baka.

>> No.13582545

This isn’t true. There was even a manhunt for a streetshitter who was caught on camera last month. All the homeless were kicked out of the parks as well.

>> No.13582546

Let's see your garden you fat fuck.

>> No.13582564

>tfw the best tomatoes and peppers I ever grew were in Aur*ra
Godawful shithole with rabid dogs wandering the streets and schizophrenic crackwhores trying to smash your car windows in with abandoned limebikes- but some really good sun.

>> No.13582591

OP is an unmotivated crybaby

>> No.13582611

>has never seen insane prison sentences, unfair legal actions or be effected by social stigma due to cannabis in his life.

'You Have No IdEA HoW Bad COLoraDo Is BeCauSe ToOOO ManY GaY CaLiFoRnIans oPen up WEed STores EvEryWhere!!!!11!111!'

Thats you. Thats how you sound.

>> No.13582613

I've had some of the best sweet corn and peaches on the west side of the state

>> No.13582621

>effected by social stigma due to cannabis
Just stop smoking weed you stinky stupid stoner.
Please don't tell them about the pleasant agricultural areas, I don't want them to go there.

>> No.13582640

I see you never have been in Bavaria my dude where the drunk old farts will start calling the police on you when they THINK they smell weed.
Or Asia where you can get sentenced for 30 years for possession. The world is bigger then America my dud.

>> No.13582676

The same Denver airport with the creepy as fuck NWO murals?

>> No.13582872

It sounds like an exaggeration but it's true, just recently Colorado passed some of the strictest emission regulation and gun bans in America, and Denver is experiencing massive, measurable growth. Not a coincidence, the weed laws made the city go from average urban area to radlib enclave, and it's bleeding into the rest of the state which used to be fairly politically neutral, even conservative leaning.

>> No.13582904

Which gun bans?

>> No.13582922

>Is there a single tomato in this entire state that isn't shit?
>asked the dullard in january

>> No.13583206

i guess you didnt read the part about the bad ingredients, which is most definitely true.

>> No.13583218

this is the 3rd time ive been there faggot. not a good piece of produce in any season at any location in this fucking state kys

>> No.13583226

Is it possible to buy this off the black market? I would love a drug that pushes me over the edge.

>> No.13583243
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get help if true, friend.

>> No.13583325

>Is this entire state a fucking food desert?
your supposed to grow your own food dummie

>> No.13583345
File: 201 KB, 610x343, 9B91981F-916E-437A-90AC-5817AB92435D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casa Bonita has some good food.

>> No.13583356

Colorado sux! Go fucking home and be sure to tell your friends faggot

>> No.13583368

where in colorado do you live im curious?

i like the appeal of denver, but that traffic seems to have gotten ridiculous. i live in junction now but not enjoying it tbf

>> No.13583370

>be first to legalize DUDE WEED
>get millions of useless stoners
You literally asked for it. Other states were just waiting a while for all their homeless bums to migrate to Colorado first.

>> No.13583389

>only eats at restaurants with a fully visible kitchen, a comprehensive view of the line as the food is assembled, and a body cam on every cook to ensure they wipe their ass and wash their hands properly

>> No.13583391

The Mother Load in Aspen is pretty fucken good.

>> No.13583420

You should get tested for paranoid schizophrenia. Sounds like your life is filled with precautions.

>> No.13583424
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OP's a fucking retard, don't listen to him. Colorado is fine and even has some pretty neat local produce/specialties. Also some pretty dang good beef.

Also no DIA doesn't have the best food of any airport and while the weed industry has caused a giant population boom since legalization, it's not as bad as people are making it out to be if you're not poor. Also Casa Bonita is fucking garbage, but fun novelty. Sopapillas are ok.

>> No.13583558

youre wrong. the entire state is absolute ass.

comfy photo tho

>> No.13583733
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Sorry you're shit at life, bro.

>> No.13583953

please stay in California

>> No.13583975
File: 54 KB, 1024x711, 1569171563265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.13584047

>Is this entire state a fucking food desert?

yes, now fuck off back to where-ever the fuck your flat-land ass is from. you fuck.

>> No.13584054


>> No.13584056

>The locals get dressed up to go to fucking Olive Garden.

you dumb oxygen addled cunt, Coloradans never dress up, for anything, ever. now leave.

>> No.13584063

there are Indian places all over Jeff Co, but stay the fuck out of Jeff Co or I'll have you arrested.

>> No.13584070

very well put.

>> No.13584086
File: 175 KB, 628x640, 1578355685679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that too. why do you fucking faggots have to wear hoodies and vans everywhere? what the fuck is wrong with you? put a collar on youre in public. what an absolute disgrace

>> No.13584090

>i live in junction now but not enjoying it tbf

that sucks, you should leave.

>> No.13584098
File: 65 KB, 634x411, 1414409895653_Image_galleryImage_Britain_s_fattest_woman_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. hamplanet flyover food desert victim who thinks picking a tomato once a year in the backyard makes up for 364 days of inhaling steak-ums slathered in HFCS and washed down with a 2L cola of some kind

>> No.13584099

yeah trying to. hard to justify a move without a real job prospect. was thinking denver but idk

>> No.13584102

>youre wrong. the entire state is absolute ass.

this is true, stay away.

>> No.13584108

>wear hoodies and vans everywhere

it's hoodies and hiking shoes you dumb bastard. you have to be prepared at all times. I hope you wear a collar and freeze to death.

>> No.13584114

>was thinking denver but idk

fuck off, we're full. move to Austin or Raleigh.

>> No.13584115

>t. hamplanet

Colorado is the fittest state in the country you corn drinking panty stain.

>> No.13584116

they're all pretty much the same. I was in ohio once and the locals think wearing a belt and tucking in your fucking shirt is putting on airs

these are the same people who think a black person wearing a hoodie deserves to be shot, ironically. apparently blacks ought to go out wearing a 3 piece suit just to take out the garbage because otherwise they're a dangerous gang banger, but if you're not black you should roll around in your own excrement otherwise you're a fucking faggot college boy who thinks he's better than us

also everyone is at least 100 pounds overweight and has hair like it's 20 years ago

I swear to god if I had to move to a flyover state I'd kill myself

>> No.13584131

yeah, you'd hate it here, now fuck off.

>> No.13584133

>you have to be prepared at all times
you live in colorado not antartica get over yourself you fucking faggot.

>> No.13584139

b nice pls
austin is too hot and raleigh is gay. i liek denver

>> No.13584148

tuck in your shirt you fat fuck.

>> No.13584149
File: 61 KB, 612x452, Polite-Melanie-Homo-Sapiens-Tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corn drinking
It's a Fleurie. That's a village-level appellation. You've DEFINITELY never heard of it. Clos De La Roilette if you must know. Not my usual thing but the shop guy recommended it and I felt like trying something different.
Yes I know, I've been. You'd hate me too. Probably try to shoot me because every time I open my mouth it's a conspiracy to make you feel uncultured. The only way you people know how to settle differences is murder. Of course you don't call it that, it's "stand down your castle" or some weird euphemism like that, right?

Flyovers cannot even be considered human.

>> No.13584153

>b nice pls

ok, you can stay. the shirt tucker with the $50 hair cut needs to leave though.

just shave your head you cunt.

>> No.13584159

thanks friend

i do wear collared shirts too though

>> No.13584160

>fittest state in the country
>currently fatter than the fattest state 15 years ago
The rate of American girth expansion is still unable to be explained by modern science.

>> No.13584163


sounds awful, you should probably just not come here.

>> No.13584168

The rate of global girth can and has been explained by modern science you fucking dolt.

>> No.13584171

>The rate of American girth expansion is still unable to be explained by modern science.

pretty easily explained buy our immigration policy.

central americans are a thick people.

>> No.13584172
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can u explain my girth

>> No.13584176

good point, best stay away to avoid being sat on.

>> No.13584185

If the secret to American weight gain could be isolated and explained, we could use the energy to colonize the entire solar system in the next 50 years.

>> No.13584191

Good. Dont move here. Nobody wants you here.

>> No.13584199


I had the shittest fucking sushi roll of my entire life at one of the "local" chains at Denver International. It was almost 10 fucking dollars too. Nearly made me gag.

>> No.13584229
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>flyover sushi

>> No.13584250

Denver actually has decent seafood considering it's a great stopping point between the west and east coasts. That other retard just had bad cheap sushi at an airport. There is even a great sushi place at fucking Salt Lake.

>> No.13584280
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stopping point?
>yes pilot, please pullover here. yes, denver colorado. i hear the sushi is fantastic

>> No.13584311


I am fine with shitty "flyover" sushi. My body has adapted to it over the years of being a poorfag. This was something... else. Like chewing on satan's asshole.

>> No.13584339
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>type out someone talking like a retard
>haha you sound retarded

>> No.13584341

Shows what the fuck you know. It's a well established city that has access to seafood from either coast.


>> No.13584358

Probably referring to the red flag bill recently passed which bans guns for those deemed "too dangerous" by the state

>> No.13584360

what? of course it has access you faggot. thats not the point. the point is the DISTANCE from the coast. good luck getting quality fresh seafood from 1500 miles away

>> No.13584391

hey reddit

>> No.13584402

Ingredients around me are fine, never gone grocery shopping out of state so I have no frame of reference but it's hard for me to imagine meat and produce tasting noticeably worse.

>> No.13584540

this thread is hilarious. I'm 29, i was born and have lived in Colorado my entire life. I agree that there isnt really much here in terms of a culinary identity. There are tons of decent breweries with decent bar food, lots of good "mexican" as long as it suits your pallate. yeah. we like to brag about our version of green chile, especially smothered on burritos. I love all of that shit. For me though, Colorados appeal has never been it's food. it's the natural beauty.the amazing weather and access to endless hiking, camping, dirtbiking, and whatever else you want to do in the mountains. its not a mystery the food isnt "world class" Its not our focus. eat something and go do gnarly shit with your friends in the mountains. who the fuck cares if our pizza or burritos dont meet some flyovers standards? no one. if thats the best thing your state can claim, well thats a sad state of affairs. fite me

>> No.13584563

Lol the first couple of states got an influx of lowlifes when they legalized it but now enough states have followed suit that the lowlifes don’t have a reason to flood the next state to legalize.

>> No.13584602

go to Sprouts asshole

>> No.13585396

don't tell the cunts about Tonys.

>> No.13585643
File: 700 KB, 1053x1070, 1f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sympathize with this post being from Texas. Fucking California literal retards are abandoning their shit hole and coming here and then have the fucking gall to VOTE FOR THE SAME SHIT THAT MADE THEM ABANDON THEIR HOME it is fucking unbelievable.
>"Hey guys meet our new team member he just moved in from somefuck California"
>"hey bro nice to meet you why'd you leave silicon Valley?"
>"oh you know how it is man insane taxes and insane rent prices"
>"yeah man I've heard about it, well welcome to Texas."
>get in my car after work
>see him get in his car
>bernie2020 sticker on the bumper

>> No.13585648

>insane taxes and insane rent prices
Conversations that only exist in the heads of flyovers

>> No.13585660

>texan bitching about californians in a colorado thread
That’s rich. You’re only slightly behind the Californians when it comes to immigrants flocking in massive numbers and bitching about how it isn’t like your home state. Slightly more tolerable, granted, but still a nuisance.

>> No.13585771

Yeah but we've got cool accents so we're better

>> No.13585773

Compare the cost of living

>> No.13585774

Easy, you eat the food in any of the many many areas outside of new york city.

>> No.13585781

The Detroit airport has a legit Coney Island in it. Nothing better then getting a great omelette and some greasy hash browns to settle your stomach after you’ve spent an entire flight drinking on an empty stomach.

>> No.13585860

>take a drive
>flipped trucks and SUVs every block with Texan plates

>> No.13585885

Wtf are you talking about? The front range has pretty good food. I lived there for 10 years and other than no tex mex and Indian it wasn't bad. Some of the best pizza and fish tacos ive had were in Fort Collins.

>> No.13585889

>be a normal looking white person
>can go on a cross-country roadtrip through the heartland and they're all really nice to me
>feel perplexed about all the hate
>in some cute little truckstop in Missouri
>everyone's laughing and chatting
>a bunch of gay niggers from outer space come in
>the demeanor of everyone around me changes and it's like the room just dropped ten degrees
>go to settle up
>the lady at the counter just grunts at me
>leave and note that there's one lone new york car in the lot
It was like a fucking twilight zone episode.
But honestly as it's totally irrelevant to me I still like flyover America and find it comfy as fuck.

>> No.13585933

I was born and raised in California. Since I was a kid I have wanted to move to Colorado. I have a lot of memories out in nature and snowboarding. That was when Colorado was affordable. Now it’s expensive af. Shit is lame

>> No.13586868

I'd tell you where you should move to but I want all you commiefornia morons far away from me, you already ruined my last home state

>> No.13586892


The trout at Elway's was really good but the beer was stale for some reason. You'd think of CO as a beer hub if anything

>> No.13586915


What was the pizza place called? I had really good pi in Ft. C years ago, it was this little spot downtown with grey walls that people could write on? Little window in the wall is where they call out your ready order

>> No.13587093
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>> No.13587186

Don't your national chain supermarkets carry pretty much the same thing all across the country? Or are you people too good for supermarket produce period?

>> No.13587276

My favorite was Uncles. Off the main drag south of the college. Used to chill and drink free beer and watch champions league. I think you might be thinking of pudge bros. Check out la luz for awesome fish tacos

>> No.13587370

>some of the best food of any US airport.
Where did he imply the airport had the best food in Colorado? Learn to read, smoothbrain.

>> No.13588554

Most supermarkets carry the same thing across the whole country with some additional regional, local variants. Even in Hawaii and Alaska.

Source: work at Whole Farts.

>> No.13588596

John Elway made my sister cry. She beat his daughter in a swim meet when they were kids and John drunkenly yelled that my sister was cheating and demanded she be disqualified.

>> No.13588644

>He can't afford to drive to Aspen or Colorado Springs.

>> No.13588661

The only time I've ever eaten out at Aspen was that fucking White House tavern bullshit place everybody can't seem to shut the fuck up about and I got a sub par chicken sandwich. How do you even fuck up a chicken sandwich?

I'm still angry!

>> No.13589079

The older i get the more i feel like being impressed by nature is a gay tryhard meme for empty white people. I live in the NW and im sick of people with doug fir tattoos. What? Did you come from a place where there are no trees? What is so great about hiking and trees. They dont even care about the effort that goes into hiking mt defiance or dog mountain or whatever. They just do it to humblebrag about it on insta

>> No.13589422

Isn't that normal for a BBQ pizza?

>> No.13589466
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Alright, Coloradoan here, I'll speak up. Everything south of Denver is unlivable unless you're Oprah or some other billionaire. Now as for the food, idk, its okay? I agree I wish we had better tomatoes. Also the town I live in (Fort Collins) prides itself on having one of the highest per-capita number of restaurants in the country but honestly none of them will blow you away, idk how most of them stay in business.
idk man I was getting Panda Express there one time and there were earwigs in the rice.
This is true, we consider the Macaroni Grill to be fine dining. However, the horrible food keeps me skinny because I never crave it. Also kys worthless tourist stoner.
I swear EVERYTHING in my local Sprouts is always rotten or on the verge of expiring.
Colorado Springs has a Chic Fil A and a sports bar and that's it. Its boring as hell.

>> No.13589795

Fag Collins has nothing good in it, my dude. The only decent food is usually in Denver or southern Denver. Places like downtown Arvada and Littleton are also nice, the best Cajun place in the state is in downtown Littleton. People up north never get good produce outside of shitty apples. If you have a Natural Grocers up there, try it out.

>> No.13589798

Corn is a normal thing on BBQ pizzas

>> No.13590293

Saying it was weed laws is simplifying things too much. It was over exposure. 25 years ago, people barely ever thought us really, except for the rockies and Aspen. We were this hidden but open secret. Then weed happened and a big boom happened, but that died down, the very steady rise in population now is everyone telling all their friends to move out here and shit. Denver used to be a cow town :(

>> No.13590391

Ny is huge, more than just the city

>> No.13590420

>being this much of a douchebag
>reddit spacing
If it was one or the other OP, it'd be just another day on 4chan. But now you've taken things too far.

>> No.13591185

fake news

>> No.13591215

>Fag Collins has nothing good in it, my dude.
Food sucks but the crime rate is low
>If you have a Natural Grocers up there, try it out.
That's where I get all my fresh food and eggs thats not dry rice, dry beans etc

>> No.13591437

Is your sister mexican?

>> No.13591449

Wow , you sound like a boring fucking cityfag

>> No.13591490

>Yak and Yeti
I went in once when it was slow. Owner came over to my table to chat. Told him i lived his mango lassi and that i was about to order some to take home.
He says"why not just make your own at home?"
Fucker proceeded to walk me through the entire recipe. I had not even asked for it.
If i end up in arvada again i will go back for sure.

>> No.13591501

Colorado has Pudge Brothers Pizza

>> No.13591534

Get a load of this faggot. If you hate it then leave. Or be like everyone else in Colorado and have your own small garden. If you're a city fag then recognize you live in the middle of the US, you really think you're getting good ingredients?

I've lived here for 15 years and never have I thought this place had shit food, you're just going to shit places, everyone knows the best places are the hole in the walls. Stop expecting Yelp to tell you what the best locations are, find your own mom and pop shop. Also eating out is a waste of money, enjoy never being /biz/

Note the following is what your thread sounds like

>hurr durr I just fucking moved to Florida and I can't find a single god damn ski resort anywhere. This place has so much to offer but no ski resort! Speak up faggots where are your snowy mountains!

>> No.13591655

There is no reason that colorado should not have good produce.
Also why the fuck are all the grocery stores filthy and poorly stocked?
King soopers is a pile of shit.
No other wealthy state has such shitty stores

>> No.13591692

My favorite is when CO tries to into mexican food because they grew some subpar chili peppers in some vain attempt to compete with NM chili.
It's like some confused texmex shit that only a retard could enjoy.

>> No.13591716

You're right. NM has like nothing going for it so CO should just leave them green chili.

>> No.13591732

Hey a skyrocketing crime rate and a population that's too retarded to work anything other than menial call center jobs are not "nothing".

>> No.13591752

South New Mexico has delicious, plentiful and cheap pistachios.

>> No.13591754

>agrarian state
>no fresh produce
Imagine not thinking this is a problem

>> No.13591758

I stand corrected.

>> No.13591844

>work as a kid's clown
>got hired to twist balloons at Elway's for one Easter
>having a good time, making decent tips and having fun with rich kids
>a man dressed as a southern dandy came in, ate breakfast alone at the bar, and periodically walked up to me every five minutes to roast me
I can see that weird bastard browsing /ck/.

>> No.13592054

King Soopers is weirdly spotty and varies wildly by location.
38th & Sheridan- good produce, friendly staff, relatively clean- decent deals on cheeses at the cheese counter, you can get near-expired stuff for a fraction of the price
32nd & Youngfield- kind of a weird fucking layout but decent produce and well managed.
17th and Sheradan- garbage everywhere, bums accosting you in the parking lot, weird smells
Alameda & Union- really bad produce, often half the shit is unstocked, methed out employees
Generally you can't get a very good tomato in CO, I usually opt for camparis on the vine.

>> No.13592754

fuck off you poopdick faggot !

>> No.13592776

Please don't move here

>> No.13594592

I am 100% certain you've never left the city you live in

>> No.13595836

Tattoos are for scumbags and sluts, but being out and active in a natural setting is pure sensory pleasure. Pleasure in moving and mastering your body, pleasure of attuning yourself to smell and hear the subtle hints of nature, vanilla cedars and chattering songbirds, the thin elevated air that needs to be devoured to deliver oxygen to your lungs.
As you said, it is very white. If you aren't white it would be quite difficult to understand.

>> No.13595870

No you midwestern fucking weirdos

>> No.13595892

I live in Florida now, but grew up and spent most of my life in Colorado. Have been to the Columbine steakhouse once.

The food in Colorado sucks, and it's tricky to cook at that altitude. But you also taste less because of the altitude.

Legit witnessed the owner of Yak and Yeti on 88th and Sheridan cleaning dirty bussed dishes off with a rag, wipe his hands with it, and then go prep an order for delivery with his bare hands.

The best king soopers are in Broomfield, Highlands Ranch, and superior.

When I lived in Arvada 32nd and Youngfield was my store. It was alright, but fucking annoying to park at and lots of boomers. 64th and ward was a nightmare.

>> No.13596184


Or just legalize it everywhere so that there's no need to migrate. Everyone can buy, everyone can grow. Boom, perfect solution that everyone will ignore.