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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13573281 No.13573281 [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat dumpster dived food

>> No.13573295

no because I’m not fucking poor lmao

>> No.13573299

post a webm of the dumpster meat being sold to street venders

>> No.13573321

Ugh, it's a good way to get stuck with an HIV needle

>> No.13573334

Perhaps if I could be reasonably sure it wasn't swimming around with shitty diapers and vomit or whatever

>> No.13573346

No, can't say I would.

>> No.13573359

There is like $20 worth of food in that picture. You really think it was worth picking through literal garbage for an hour to save $20? Scratch that, there's actually $0 worth of food in that picture because it's fucking garbage. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.13573467

I have eaten scavenged bread before, bakery just tosses what it can't sell in a day and doesn't lock their trash bins

>> No.13573472

>i'd rather crawl in garbage than get a job

>> No.13573650

>implying i don't eat trash AND have a job
Imagine being such a girl that you are afraid of germs, literally microscopic organisms. Its like being afraid of an ant except even more pathetic.

>> No.13573655

They should give you a noble price.

>> No.13573817

What is that thing on the right? bread covered in mold?

>> No.13573853

Very unlikely

>> No.13573858

That you'll ever get laid? We know, bud.

>> No.13573879

A little mold never hurt anyone before.

>> No.13573914

Once dumpster dove a giant bag of donuts from behind a bakery for a party. They didn't taste great, but nobody got sick. We were almost all on acid though, so maybe our judgement wasn't the best. One girl did a sushi lady thing with them, where we put them all over her naked body and ate them until she was nude. But there were too many, so we ended up just putting them back in the fridge.

>> No.13573932

In fact it SAVED lives historically

>> No.13573939

Finger buns.

>> No.13573940
File: 1.12 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20200118_183453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat almost exclusively dumpster dived or extremely reduced foods.

>> No.13573965

i have and i'm not above it but i have lots of money so it's just easier to just go to the store

>> No.13573976

checks out

>> No.13573984


checks out lefty cuck

>> No.13573995

Checks out

>> No.13574039
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>> No.13574045

I thought this was gonna be a dinotendies thread, unfortunately its just a cheap chinese knockoff.

>> No.13574051

When I worked at a grocery store we had a spot in the back where we put damaged or soon to expire food and gave it to hobos if they walked in the store instead of putting it in the dumpster unless it was no longer edible. We stopped doing it when corporate took over (it was a franchise and then the franchisees were all bought out)

>> No.13574057

I thought libraries were closed on Sunday. How are you posting?

>> No.13574058

Lol. I was never able to eat on lsd

>> No.13574059


>> No.13574789


>> No.13574857

Depending on what it is.

I've found frozen food still fully frozen, full unopened cases of beer that bad 1 broken bottle in them, giant trash bags full of candy when they switch to the holiday stuff. A friend of mine hauled around 300 lbs of candy right after Halloween a few years back.

>> No.13574859
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>> No.13575767

Of course, I eat my own shit I get that hungry

>> No.13575768

would rather sell blowjobs for money and use that money to buy clean food that I wont lose self respect eating

>> No.13575777

You wouldn't need to find or buy mayo then either.

>> No.13575787

Someone has told me they go dumpster diving for meat. This doesn't seem like the worst idea since places have to throw meat away prematurely. As long as it's packaged and you freeze it soon. I'm not on a tight budget so don't really need to attempt this.

>> No.13575822

You got all that from the Aldi skip bin OP? Good haul mate.
Fruit n vegies can always be rinsed and that salami meat looks like the vacuum packaging is intact. I'd eat it.

>> No.13575824

"Chicken Asapargus with 2 sides!"


Classic episode of Extreme Cheapskates for anyone who likes to binge.

>> No.13575828

>unuprotected oral with strangers is cleaner than slightly old bread

>> No.13575865

>swimming around with shitty diapers and vomit
Like that's a bad thing, poopy diapers are perfectly safe to reuse as long as u microwave them first

>> No.13575925

I like to suck mine out like when you'd suck snow out of your cotton gloves. The slurping and the way the diaper juices taste when you're just cleaning it up.

>> No.13575969

It's a good way to get coronavirus
I met a "homeless" hippy cross country mountain biker type who shamelessly dumpster dove. He said he lived offgrid to avoid student debt. Didnt have a job, they didnt fit his environmental standards

>> No.13577879

i miss dinotendies

>> No.13577883

No I'm not a chink or nigger

>> No.13577928

urine is sterile and genitals are cleaner than hands, believe it or not

if you are worried about HIV, the chances of getting it through oral sex is near zero as long you dont have cut in your mouth

i aint gonna eat anything that came out of a rubbish bin, sorry, thats just gross AF

>> No.13578120

I used to eat expired shit all the time when I was younger, it's fine, especially during winter when the stuff they throw out just freezes within hours anyway. Food companies probably underestimate the expiration date to play it safe and avoid getting sued.

>> No.13578232

James Brown tells a story about how when he was young, he would go searching through abandoned warehouses looking for cans of food. He said no matter how swollen the can had gotten his mom would cook it slowly and they would eat that shit. He also said one time the cops were chasing him he jumped into a river and broke a reed that he used to breathe through like a straw, which makes him the most bassest nigga evah if you ask me. SOUL!


>> No.13578292

i have a pretty legit food bank that gets trash bound food for me :)

and then i hang out with the bums for a few minutes every other week or so to come home with usually about 6 to 16 giant slices of quality ny style pizza

>> No.13578307

yeah I have dumpster dived before
was pretty good, got me through some hard times
I wouldn't serve it to people though, it's just to save money

>> No.13578371

has anyone else seen the extreme cheapskate video of the woman who thinks exactly this, would rummage trash cans near restaurants and food markets instead of buying groceries & the end of the episode was her serving guests dumpster food without telling them?

>> No.13578503

Someone linked it in this very thread. I'm calling bullshit on that series, the directors probably told the "cheap" people to exaggerate.

>> No.13578756

Did you know you can also drink you're own urine? It's like a never-ending cycle of free fluids to keep you hydrated...

>> No.13578962

>There is like $20 worth of food in that picture
>about 1.5lbs of cashews
>has never been to a grocery store because retarded NEET or something

>> No.13579774

I mean if there isn't rat bite holes and it's sealed given if I somehow become a hobo.

>> No.13579912

yes i would, its as clean as something coming from SA or china

>> No.13579947
