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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13571897 No.13571897 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve always found it strange that Pepsi is pretty much never used for cocktails. There’s the Jack and Coke then there’s the Cuba Libre but never any Pepsi specific cocktails. Why is that? Does /ck/ use Pepsi for mixed drinks?

>> No.13571903

1. Marketing
2. Pepsi is far too sweet

>> No.13571908

Pepsi sucks

>> No.13571954

Pepsi is too sweet and lacks the complexity of coke.

>> No.13571979
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>complexity of coke

>> No.13571993

By comparison, Coke has a more complex flavor profile than Pepsi. It's not complex or deep in the grand scheme of drinks, but it is more complex than the pure sugarbomb that is the flavor of Pepsi.

>> No.13572038


>> No.13572138
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>> No.13572159

For those complaining about the sweetness, I can recommend diet wild cherry pepsi. one of our group is diabetic so he made the switch to diet cokes for his cocktails -- found it works well with rums (Kraken is our choice)

>> No.13572169
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Fuck off and enjoy your shitty aftertaste and Santa shilled drink. Pepsi is far fucking better and you can shove your "complexity" up your inbred ass. Tell me right now, in front of all the anons, what is so damn complex about that mule piss you call Coke.

>> No.13572235


>> No.13572259
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>Reading the ass blasted anons bitching about whether Cock or Penis is better.
Both pops are shit anons. Drink 7Up or Ginger Ale.

>> No.13572289
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Coke has a very terrible aftertaste, it tastes metallic and bitter-- even in the bottles. The only excusable Coke is from McDonalds who has paid incredible amounts of cash to have the /original/ flavor WHICH is better than Pepsi. But on the market Pepsi VS on the market Coke results in a Pepsi victory because of the following: Good aftertaste, no gritty teeth shit, has a superior vanilla and cherry version, and has a max flavor option.

Not to mention Coke’s retarded flavors such as orange, orange vanilla, blueberry, lime, lemon, and cinnamon.

Ok i dont care who you are can we all laugh at this faggot?

>> No.13572304
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Deal with it faggot. Both are shit pops.

>> No.13572317
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>> No.13572359

It's like you didn't know they made 7-11 into quik-e-mart to promote the Simpsons movie

>> No.13572371

what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.13572384

>EUUGH... I'll have a crab juice...

>> No.13572399
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>> No.13572408

Cherry Pepsi and fireball mixed together is really good
Other than that, I can’t help you, fren

>> No.13572432

I don't like either one, but Pepsi makes my teeth hurt more than Coke, so if I was forced to drink one it'd be Coke.

>> No.13572439

I understand from your viewpoint because there is pain involved, no one should feel pain drinking a nice sweet, and refreshing drink. I weep for you.

>> No.13572482

For a long long long time...Pepsi was outsold by Coke in every country in the world (except Venezuela for some reason). I don't know where it stands today, but Coca Cola is it.

Pepsi's marketing tends towards black people, the young and the dumb (people without brand loyalties yet), third world popular sports like soccer, and you'll find them sponsoring from Michael Jackson to the NBA to now Kendall Jenner. Despite all that, Coke's headquarters is Atlanta, so it's going to nail down the South, aside from the RC Cola drinkers (Royal Crown, Columbus GA).

And, yes, in cocktails, people like what they like, and the mixers people add to sweeter liquors, whiskey or rum, or even very sweet spiced rum, will want a less sweet cola mixer. I actually find that Publix brand caffeine-free Cola is wayyy better in cocktails, seems to have more cinnamon or caramel, can't put my finger on it, but it's a generic better than the brand name.

>> No.13572556

Probably because Coca-Cola was invented first, and Pepsi was in and out of bankruptcy in the 1920's when a lot of cocktails were invented. Rum and Coke specifically is a cocktail created when Coca-Cola was first shipped to Cuba, so between the history and the fact that Rum and Coke is just easier to say than Rum and Pepsi, Coke is just the go to mixer.

>> No.13573829

Truly based.

>> No.13574658

>has a better cherry variant
This is very true.

>> No.13574784
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>McD's has coke that tastes like coke
I'm curious now. That's the first reason I've gotten to go there in over 20 years.

>> No.13574791 [DELETED] 
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>I’ve always found it strange that Pepsi is pretty much never used for cocktails. There’s the Jack and Coke then there’s the Cuba Libre but never any Pepsi specific cocktails. Why is that? Does /ck/ use Pepsi for mixed drinks?

>> No.13574809

If you go to a bar and ask for Jack and Coke you're going to get a cheap rail drink with cheap whiskey and cheap cola

>> No.13574894

>ginger ale
What's it like living with Downs?
Drink ginger beer, and never fucking touch a bottle of 7up again.
The best soft drink is root beer. I have spoken, and the matter is now settled.

>> No.13575019

I swap between my affinity for Pepsi or Coke every few months. I only ever drink their Diet variants, because I personally hate the taste of a sugary beverage.
Coke definitely feels... sharper? And diet Pepsi is also a lot more foamier than diet Coke. I couldn't choose either one over the other. I wouldn't really say either is better or worse than the other.

All "fruit flavor" sodas suck. Sprite, Mountain Dew, Fanta, Sierra Mist, Crush, Sunkist, Surge are all disgusting. Root Beer and Dr. Pepper are mildly acceptable but still inferior. Vernor's is the only other soda that is as good as Coke/Pepsi.

>> No.13575104

For me, its cherry Pepsi with Jim Beam Vanilla.

>> No.13576119

of course they do, they just don't tell you because they know you can't tell the difference.

>> No.13576131
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>> No.13576361

i don't mix alcohol

>> No.13576406


>> No.13576435

Pepsi and Coke taste exactly the same.

>> No.13576442

Your palate is shit. Lay off sugar for a while so you can start to actually taste things for once.

>> No.13576485
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You're greatly underestimating Coca-Cola's dominance of soda. They've always been #1 in sales even at their lowest point when they got desperate and released New Coke. Pepsi has never once surpassed them.
'Coca-Cola' is the second most recognized word in the world after 'OK' and the most purchased brand of any kind, soda or otherwise.
Easy access to Coca-Cola predates access to life or death needs like antimalarial drugs in the poorest regions of the world. And when they did get access to their life saving medical supplies it was delivered using the Coca-Cola distribution network.

>> No.13576795

Ok boomer

>> No.13576811

coke btfo by irn bru

>> No.13576820

Irn-Bru doesn't even exist anymore. Enjoy your reformulated artificially sweetened nu-bru.

>> No.13576829

Fucking Scots and their IRNBRU

>> No.13576831

Even just Coke doesn't taste the same in all countries. In some places, Coke doesn't taste the same in some parts of the same country.
Same goes for Pepsi.
I used to prefer the Pepsi they sold here over Coke, but then the two rival companies that had the license for one of each switched them up. Now the Coke is better.

>> No.13576842

diet anything or artificial sugar anything tastes like chemistry.
"tastes just like coke" my ass the flavor is really strong in any fucking drink even if you don't know it's sugar free.

>> No.13577228
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>> No.13577818

>ginger ale
Ok boomer

>> No.13579117

I always wondered why the McDonalds coke tasted better

>> No.13579127

I don't drink

>> No.13579132

Honestly, I prefer the taste of coke zero when it comes to mixing drinks.
It just has this... zesty(?) quality to it that makes it better for cocktails and longdrinks.
Don't know exactly what it is.

>> No.13580775

Pepsi has a musky cardboard after taste

>> No.13580820
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These posts are simultaneously both baste and Pepsi pilled.

>> No.13581710

It blew my mind was I was visiting Europe from the states that coc cola tasted completely different, also so did McDonald's

Yes I was fat

>> No.13581722

My friend who has worked for Pepsi for 15 years tried the “Pepsi challenge” and said coke tasted better, they taste the exact same to most people, even those who work for the company and are told they have to ask for Pepsi if given the option.

>> No.13581727

What's this about aftertaste? Coca cola tastes so much better, but Pepsi has this weird aftertaste that remind me of black pepper. I'm a finn if that matters.

>> No.13581878

Holy shit, you fat people are disgusting. Just drink water.

>> No.13581886

Nice try, lardass. People without weight problems aren't terrified by calories in their drinks.

>> No.13581894

it's from a simpsons episode dweeb

>> No.13582131

Sure, fattie. Keep guzzling your mountain dew.

>> No.13582143

Rum and Pepsi is way better than a rum and coke

>> No.13582156

>People without weight problems aren't terrified by calories in their drinks.
And that's exactly how they eventually become people with weight problems.

>> No.13582723

Vanilla coke is the only good soda, with Dr Pepper being tolerable when that cannot be found. Even then I can't stand having more than a glass or two every week at most. Neither of those really go well mixed with drinks either, so regular coke it is.

>> No.13582751


They most certainly do NOT!!!

>> No.13582804

Coke is vanilla, raisin, and cola, the taste develops after you are done sipping as well.

Pepsi is citrus up front and sweetness, and that's it. It's a shallow drink for children. I used to work at bar and I had to tell people "We have Pepsi, so I have to give you a Jack and Pepsi instead of coke" 90% of the people changed their order. Pepsi is dogshit.

>> No.13582941

Yes, jack Daniels is a cheap whiskey and Coke bought by the syrup cannister is basically pennies.
Are you trying to imply bars use generic store brands or something? Nobody is doing that.

>> No.13583303

Fat people don't accidentally become fat by drinking too much soda you retard. They eat like fat people and it isn't any more subtle or surprising than the inevitable OD is for a heroin addict.

>> No.13583481

Drinking too much soda can enable overeating by way of the fructose content reducing satiety.

>> No.13584252

People say coke, but they mean any cola.
When people say Pepsi they only mean Pepsi. Pepsi is a cola.

>> No.13584257

When I order cola at a restaurant I actually say cola just so they don't go, "Ooh, we only have Pepsi, is that okay?" Yeah, I don't give a shit, just gimme some cola.

>> No.13584275

I prefer Pepsi with rye. Coke with bourbon.

>> No.13584288

Then if they have multiple varieties they're going to have to ask what kind.

>> No.13584294

I actually ask for a liter of cola. They ask if a pint is ok; I reply with something stupid like "Sure, make it Guinness please." ... and I wind up with a pint of Guinness, generally pleased with the turn of events my stupid brain has mis-steered.

>> No.13584304

Never been to a restaurant that had more than one type of cola. It's always either Coke or Pepsi. Sometimes when I visit the south it's RC Cola. But no one ever overlaps cola brands.

>> No.13584307

Some bars will - usually just the colas - just because some folks have a preference, and the owners haven't necessarily signed on with either brand.

>> No.13584387

Words for soda change throughout the nation. Coke is not generic in my area, it means fucking coke. And not a single person has ever asked for fucking "cola" in my entire life.

>> No.13584404

Are you a pop guy? A soda guy? Soft drink? A goblet of the fizzy? Where the hell are you? In some places coke means pop of any kind.

>> No.13584422
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>Words for soda change throughout the nation
>Words for soda
That should be enough to tell you. Everything is soda. When I visit a friend's house and I want to drink something sugary that will make me feel like shit 20 minutes later, I ask for a "soda." Soft drink sounds pretentious as fuck, pop sounds childish or something you would see in some super outdated 60s commercial.

>> No.13584440 [DELETED] 

daily reminder that soda is carbonated because without the bubbles you'd be able to taste how thick and syrupy it is compared to water and hate it.

>> No.13584445

daily reminder that soda is carbonated because without the bubbles you'd be able to taste how thick and syrupy it is compared to water and hate it.

>> No.13585172

t. Tastelet.

>> No.13585186

>they even got western Sahara
No, that's impossible...

>> No.13585209

True story
>Corporate Christmas party
>Working my ass off, tired as fuck, now I need afterhours bantz
>Need caffeine asap, open bar, free
>Walk up to the bar
>”Hi, what can I get you?”
>Uh, how about a jack and coke
>”No problem. Is Pepsi OK?”
>grumble grumble, yeah sure I guess
>”Here you go sir”
>Hands me a perfectly mixed Coke and Pepsi

>> No.13585230
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>hurr pepsi
>durr coke
Move aside, uncultured swines. Despicable peasants. Pitiful fools.

>> No.13585244

>bubblegum soda

>> No.13585358

>pepsi is to sweet
> it also sucks ass.