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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 400 KB, 686x709, 20200124_151614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13562504 No.13562504 [Reply] [Original]

How's your friday night looking boys? I'm sitting tall with some local half pep/bacon/pineapple, half thyme sausage/mushroom/red onion and a fresh case of good ol' Ice.... yep, I'm thinking I'll be alright

>> No.13562512
File: 421 KB, 716x716, 20200124_151722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeeeeee boiiiiiiii

>> No.13562612
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gonna lay in bed and eat a whole gallon on blue bell banana pudding ice cream while contemplating my existence

>> No.13562624

nobody cares about your blog, faggot

>> No.13562628
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I'm eating a bag of caramel popcorn and I'm going to make a Trader Joe's freezer lasagna and freezer corndogs in my bachelor ovenlet. My greatest victory today was that both the lasagna and the corndogs require 375 degrees, so if I or my ovenlet fuck up the lasagna (probable), I am at least much less likely to fuck up the corndogs on the way. I also went to the library and checked out 9 books on Max Weber and I have to write a proposal for a conference that is due in 6 hours.

I might watch a documentary about Napoleon.

>> No.13562633

Sounds rad but moreso if copious amounts of cannabis was involved

>> No.13562634

I spent 5 hours last night sugar soaping a lot of walls, previous owners ate a LOT of fried food it seems. gotta go in today and start painting. I feel sore pls wish me luck.
I also ordered a pizza at 11pm, but it was dominoes because they were the only ones open.

>> No.13562646
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You're one of t h o s e types, aren't you

>> No.13562656

May vigor and Bayer aspirin be forever in your favor

>> No.13562670

Which ones?

>> No.13562673

Pretty jealous. I quit drinking and should lose some weight.

>> No.13562683

You never quit, you only put it on hold.

>> No.13562689

>freezer condoms

>> No.13562702

why the shit beer?

>> No.13562717

natty ice is famously cheap

also why it's notoriously associated with white trash. all-day drinkers in new jersey can often be seen on a weekday morning picking up their case of natty ice from the beer store, using their welfare money.

>> No.13562727

Probably going to get some teriyaki chicken from this place in my mall's food court. They steal virtually all the business from almost any other place that happens to pop into one of the 8 other stalls, barring maybe sbarro.

>> No.13562747

Yeah yeah I know. You know what I meant. I technically did quit. I never said I quit forever.

>> No.13562757
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another night of drinking alone

>> No.13562789

You can buy booze with government benefits in New Jersey?

>> No.13563016

OP here, >>13562717 is right but also I need to cut back on liquor because I was drinking so much that I was puking so much while in acute withdrawal that the stomach acid fucked my mouth up. Right now I can barely appreciate my pizza because my frontal taste buds are fried and theres painful sores all over my inner cheeks. I still wanted to get a buzz on though, so I'm gonna call it good after finishing this 15-pack instead of going on a bender like usual. Wish me luck, got plenty of Vinland Saga to catch up on that will hopefully take care of the boredom

>> No.13563021

Food court food rarely is ever good, but when its made by competent people with a new shipment of fresh supplies it can really slap

>> No.13563033

i'm shitposting on /b/ while drinking carlo rossi burgundy. i'm 46, autistic, and live alone. fuck, i wish i'd never found 4chin.

>> No.13563035

>need to cut back
>call it good after 15 beers
fucking degenerate

>> No.13563040

Hey I'll cheers to that, brother.

>> No.13563045


maybe in your shit part of new jersey. north jersey craft beer bois represent

>> No.13563048

Well good job Anon, I hope you can keep off it.

>> No.13563050

yeah, 4chan's the problem. holy fuck you're sad.

>> No.13563068

>holy fuck you're sad
stop projecting your insecurity faggot

>> No.13563073

>trying to cyberbully an autist
you're the one who is truly sad

>> No.13563074

fragile masculinity: the post

>> No.13563085

>fragile masculinity
Again, projecting. Did someone hurt you Anon?

>> No.13563087

yep. right here >>13563050

>> No.13563091

... and the other autistic retards come out of the woodwork to defend one of their herd.

>> No.13563093

kebab, which I have about once a month with a couple of augustiners and a bottle of wine

cant complain, pröst bois

>> No.13563096

Using this doll, show us where the autistic kid 'allegedly' touched you inappropriately.

>> No.13563103

Just calling out the fact you seem very angry and upset Anon. Calling other people sad won't make you feel better though.

>> No.13563114

Gonna go out for dim sum chicken feet and jellyfish wit my homies, its byob so we're bringing a case of coronas

>> No.13563115

sorry tards, your disability doesn't get you special treatment here. shoo shoo if you don't like it

>> No.13563118

I love when food SLAPS. Especially when the food court music is a real BOP. zoom zoom

>> No.13563137
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>> No.13563140

post the exact text where anyone in this thread asked for special treatment

>> No.13563145

learn what a word means before you use it, cupcake

>> No.13563148

>don't pick on the t-t-tard!
take your pick, you and your soy buddy made several of them

>> No.13563154
File: 264 KB, 1080x1080, 1507585765622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say it was gonna be all in one night did I?

Fuck, I'm watching Vinland Saga, its probly gonna be all in one night...

>> No.13563159

Sounds fookin lush la

>> No.13563160

your reading comprehension issue is noted. you failed and now you'll attack.

>> No.13563161

Get mad pussy

>> No.13563169

only ok for me I have 2 beers left and finishing survey junkies surveys to get 10 bucks to buy more for the weekend.

>> No.13563175

>take a loss and call it a win
ok kiddo. keep white-knighting, it's really fucking entertaining how desperate you are

>> No.13563178

Neighbors bought me a pizza for helping them with some things. Got a 12 pack of yuenglings black and tan to go with it. So pretty good.

I love the sangria. What the fuck is even left on /b/ now? It was nothing but horrible porn last I looked.

>> No.13563179

It’s ok bro we have each other

>> No.13563180

see? every time.

>> No.13563190

Fuck I remember being there. Its faster to sell shit on apps like letgo you know?

>> No.13563192

what buzzword are you going to hide behind next angry anon?

>> No.13563194
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>he did it again

>> No.13563203

holy fuck, get a fucking job

>> No.13563205

yep. i made you reply. you weren't difficult to train either. the dumb ones are the easiest to train.

>> No.13563213

I have a job but when you have a wife who has been out of work for 4 months because of foot surgery you make a little extra for beer.

>> No.13563218

delusion: the post. go ahead, try again.

>> No.13563221

yeah but I dont have anything to sell

>> No.13563223

working a corner will afford you a 2-4, at least

>> No.13563225

I'm eating at cracker barrel with my family. I'm feeling the southern grilled chicken caesar salad.

>> No.13563240

good boy. do it again.

>> No.13563247

still going, drone? I thought you'd be back-tracing your autistic friend so you could tongue his asshole. but hey, keep replying. come on, one more for me?

>> No.13563251

good boy. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :)

>> No.13563260

That actually looks like a good time.

>> No.13563262

>take another loss, call it a win
keep going, special ed

>> No.13563269

KEK. watch, this is how you make a faggot do what you command it to do.

>> No.13563273

Two retards smearing buggers on each other while thinking they are trolling. Remember children, not all attention if good attention.

>> No.13563275

Got any family members you hate who you could pull the ol credit scam on?

>> No.13563276
File: 27 KB, 453x465, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some autist starts to get obsessed with me and literally can't stop replying...

>> No.13563279

I wouldn't be surprised if the autist is some booger fetishist

>> No.13563285
File: 289 KB, 756x1008, 20200124_155654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took so much effort for me to take this picture, you guys better appreciate it

>> No.13563286

sorry not a fag like you

>> No.13563294

Thank you! Its been a melancholic good time, as most drinking sessions are for me. My dad loved Vikings, and he even got into Samurai Champloo when he caught me watching it, so I want to try to get him into Vinland Saga. Usually anytime I ask to put something on he tells me to fuck off back to my "hovel" (my room in his apartment). Things are alright though.

Sounds comfy af. I'd hate being at CB alone or even with friends but with nonjudgemental family I could enjoy a spell there. Won't see me touching those greasy toys & games though

>> No.13563296

no I actually like all my family members my parents helped me with the powerbill.

>> No.13563297

What took effort? Looks good if you get it down while its warm

>> No.13563311

Welp... keep clicking those little bubbles then my friend. Might I suggest the app Smores? If you allow an ad to be your phone lockscreen you get 10 cents a day which can be redeemed for amazon gift codes, dominos gift codes, etc.

>> No.13563312

yep, that's what you're doing. i'll make you do it again. like i said, the dumb are easily trained.

>> No.13563318

Yeah I dont like cb that much but it's me and my dads birthdays and honestly, they do have some pretty bomb ass salads.

>> No.13563319

>attacking someone for doing exactly what you're doing
hoo boy. nice comeback, peewee. got anything that isn't from the playground?

>> No.13563326

you'll reply because you aren't able to admit being defeated by an autist. do it. i command thee.

>> No.13563327

Not much for me tonight. Ordered a mess of mozzarella sticks from a local pizza parlor and had some Cigar City Guayabera leftover from last night.
I have work tomorrow morning since I'm a wage cuck and can't get drunk or I'll regret it but Sunday is my birthday so I'm gonna get smashed tomorrow night.

>> No.13563331

cool I will check it out thanks!

>> No.13563333

Ayyy January boys. My birthday is tomorrow the 25th.

>> No.13563339


>> No.13563343

KEK. just like i commanded. she'll do it again.

>> No.13563345


>> No.13563346

happy birthdays bros my bday was the 17th

>> No.13563351
File: 11 KB, 320x272, bale jizzes his dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Happy birthday Aquarius bros. Capricorn fags need not apply.

>> No.13563354

watch me keep her going.

>> No.13563361

this is the saddest fucking comment chain in 4chan history and that's saying something.

>> No.13563370

KEK. now i have her reading from her tear stained diary. you will reply because that's what i trained you to do. don't let me down.

>> No.13563394

good puppet

>> No.13563406

yes. yes, you are. you didn't let me down. now, post again like the good girl you are.

>> No.13563411

dance monkey

>> No.13563415

why do you keep calling some guy a woman? is that how autistic people try to insult others?

>> No.13563432

KEK. i made you reply twice. do it again.

>> No.13563433

Got my wisdom teeth pulled so tomato soup, applesauce and salt water

>> No.13563454

Where can you order thyme on your pizza? I love mushroom sausage and thyme on pizza but always had to make it myself. Also I use fontina cheese instead of mozzarella.

>> No.13563458

https://smore.page.link/GYHu - I use S'more & get paid for using my phone. It's stupid easy. Download with this link & get a bonus when you sign up

Heres the copypasta they give you when you hit refer a friend. Trust me, the app only gives you 25cents for referrals as apposed to the 10cents a day for using it. I have little to gain. But if you used my code I appreciate it

>> No.13563459

Ty boys. Hope you had a good birthday.

>> No.13563463

>How's your friday night looking boys?

Don't know what to make or do since I'm a cooking incompetent

>> No.13563471

happy birthday brother

>> No.13563478
File: 275 KB, 720x960, 20200124_183813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here hate to make you salivate but this is my local's basic menu. You can ask for extra of anything

>> No.13563483

Why you here then? Make some ground beef and stick it in some kraft mac ya fuck

>> No.13563492

aw. she tired herself out.

>> No.13563497

Enjoy the natty splatties tomorrow morning

>> No.13563502

i will

>> No.13563506

The dark mud has become my only friend... the only only one I can count on..

>> No.13563508

my local pizza joint is fucking horrific, like 1/5 as good as our dominos which is also horrible. fuck rural america

i'm glad yours is good enough to enjoy anon

>> No.13563518

I actually am reporting from the outskirts of KC. Sorry to hear about yours, when I was stuck in a shitty little town called Weston, Mo the pizza was HORRIBLE. $30 for 50% crust and a whole lot of canned toppings. God bless and better trails

>> No.13563620

F f f f f friday night

>> No.13563626

I lied to my friends about being busy with a work event so I could stay home, drink miller lite, play videogames, and shitpost instead of going to a bar for a birthday.

>> No.13563633

Which games? Why miller? I don't have to ask about the other parts, I get it

>> No.13563646

I've lost 20 pounds in 2 months since I stopped drinking

>> No.13563655

I'm looking at either McDonald's, Panda Express, or Taco Bell for dinner. Not sure which one to get.

>> No.13563682

Nuggs from mcdick's

>> No.13563714

fags and women say this phrase and no one else

>> No.13563742

Leaf here. Are nugs affordable in the U.S.?

>> No.13563830

I walked a half mile to McDonald's then a couple miles to Twin Peaks. Snow bunnies week so titties and asses hanging out and their house beer is on special even on Friday night. There's a bunch of bars by here so will probably visit them all. Uber home after.

>> No.13563856

Depends. I just got them with the Mcbreak special, 6 nuggets and small fries for 2.50. Getting a ten nugget meal seems expensive in comparison. But you can always get a 20 box for 5 bucks.

>> No.13563875

I've been practicing making gluten-free cakes for my mom's upcoming birthday. Vegging out with PBR before I hit the gym.

>> No.13563877

fuck me. I'm pretty sure a 6 pack here is slightly less than USD $5

>> No.13563878

Sounds like a lot of cash that could be better spent in a handle with a 2 liter of cola and free internet porn

>> No.13563894

Yeah but I did that all week. Wanted to get out of the house.

>> No.13563895

Whats the circumference of your largest dildo?

>> No.13563899

We all don't hate our moms anon

>> No.13563907

post body

>> No.13563950


>> No.13564074

>when you're so autistic you just start arguing with yourself

>> No.13564080

Spoken like an insecure manchild, well done.

>> No.13564201

Yeah the beers are gone... my mouth hurts... barely touched the pizza... this life is gay as fuck

>> No.13564456
File: 18 KB, 239x320, 8c946e2b8612d609c8fbd162043c0da2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koikatsu, COM3d2, Insult Order, Waifu Sex Simulator VR

Just finishing a batch of the World of Warcraft Cookbook spiked Apple Cider.

Will be enjoying the Hearthstone Hair of The Worgen tomorrow (have made it a ton before)

>> No.13564471

Please post a selfie and please no one report it if he does

>> No.13564514

>natural Ice
Enjoy your shit beer faggot. Get some good fucking beer, not fucking water

>> No.13564538

Nice job anon! I’ve been fasting myself and had to cut out my nightly bourbon but I’m down 13 lbs since the 1st of the month. Keep it up bud

>> No.13564543
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Not gonna happen.
Despite what it would sound like my BMI is 21 with ~12% BF. Can do a 5 mike run without a problem, still trying to get back into pre 4.3 patch shape though when I was lifting serious weights. Used to consume over 3500 calories a day then in an attempt to not lose weight.
Finally got a chance to go to Blizzcon this year and most of the people were in the non overweight range for BMI too, although maybe that group is more likely to travel and afford it

>> No.13564743

It is water, but at least its 5.9% water. I do regret not just getting 4 or 6 steelies though, 4 hours after drinking all 15 and I feel sober as a priest

I have never been the elctionfag tourist type to use this language before, but in this case it feels necessary... cope my man. Cope.

>> No.13564823


>> No.13564844

I'm cutting, so I had a grilled cheese sandwich and a pepsi at around 4 PM, then a couple chocolates and a full glass of milk at around 10 PM because I was still uncomfortably below my caloric intake goal.

>> No.13564909

>cutting on milk, soda, and grilled cheese
I know you're only thinking of CICO but get some fucking nutrition, yeesh.

>> No.13565061
File: 10 KB, 250x166, pretzel crust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard that if you make just the right pizza thread, that faggot transexual janitors will delete it.
>A stuffed crust pretzel crust pizza loaded with nacho cheese sauce instead of marinara and topped off with 2 kinds of grated cheese, just imagine biting into a warm gooey pizza and receiving exactly 4 different kinds of melted decadent cheese in your mouth!

I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.13565064
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>> No.13565067
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>> No.13565089

Come on faggot niggers. Defend your faggotry as you moderate the biggest cesspool on the internet for free.

>> No.13565096

Delete some more threads off of page one, you fucking cock loving nigger bitches.

>> No.13565097


>> No.13565107

All I see if some fucking spastic (you) try and cope with an embarrassing amount of damage control

>> No.13565124 [DELETED] 

could you try to rephrase that is less incel?

>> No.13565132

Are you a jannie or mod? If not, the fuck off.
I was talking to faggot nigger janitors and faggot-ass moderators who love nigger dicks in their ass all day.

>> No.13565136

who the fuck am i talking to

>> No.13565138

This thread is sad.

>> No.13565546

I was the one who first mentioned nuggs, it was $5.79 for a 10 piece where I am

>> No.13566466

OP here I consumed everything in my pic plus a couple bags of gummy bears and now I can't shit :(

>> No.13566482

>15 pack of natti
>can't shit
Nice try. You aren't OP.

>> No.13566501

Why would the burning part of the cigarette be hanging outside of an ashtray. Do people not understand how ashtrays work anymore?

>> No.13566511

I swear, all thats coming out is a bunch of foul braps

>> No.13566521

Have some caffeine and smoke a cigarette

>> No.13566530

An apples for an after dinner snack, then start the next morning with coffee and a smoke. That's how you keep clean.

>> No.13566533

god i want pizza so bad.

>> No.13566569
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1500577511401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then order one.

Unless you're too poor. You aren't poor, are you anon?

>> No.13566580

Oh yeah some coffee did the trick

>> No.13566590

Even if he is poor, sometimes the mooks on reddit will order you one if you beg with a sob story

>> No.13566619

based and steelpilled

>> No.13566625

imgur works better