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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13561814 No.13561814 [Reply] [Original]

What are some very smart animals people eat around the world? Without counting cannibalism.

>> No.13561835

>without counting cannibalism
But we humans are so dumb! xD Animals are smarter than us because they aren't bigots. :)
Also dolphins.

>> No.13561839


>> No.13561844
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>> No.13561851


>> No.13561857

I worked in a pig farm, all piggerinos have different personalities, some are assholes, specially the big ones; some others are friendly and cute.

>> No.13561864

How does it make you feel that the Chinese torture pigs for fun?

>> No.13561872 [DELETED] 

Why HAVEN’T the American people started torturing chinks for fun? Are they even *really* human?

>> No.13561883

Sad :(

All animals that will be food should be sacrified with the least suffering possible

>> No.13561885

Calm down, chang.

>> No.13561891

How does it make you feel that [nearly every nation] torture pigs for fun?

>> No.13561917

They can't even turn around. I'm no vegan but, dude, that sucks.

>> No.13561937

You don't have to be vegan to realize our meat industry is pretty fucked.

>> No.13561949
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>> No.13561958

People probably eat elephants somewhere.

>> No.13561963

Is this why bacon tastes so good?

>> No.13562160

When Zimbabwe was at the peak ot its economical crisis, some people started eating dead elephants, I mean, they didn't hunt them, just looked for a dead elephant to eat the flesh.

>> No.13562177

if they were smart, they would escape

>> No.13562204

t. dilate seething tranny

>> No.13562417
File: 2.65 MB, 3527x2605, IMG_20190513_174732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/out/ Greekfag here, I have been fishing and eating delicious octopi for my whole life. I usualy catch them using the traditional Greek way of tying a chicken leg (the yellow part with the talons and shit) on a flat curved metal sheet tied with a small chain and then the chain tied with a rope. They are pretty stupid, as soon as they attack the chicken leg they refuse to come down from the metal sheet and just cruse on it as it is draged towards the coast. I like them sundried and roasted over an open fire with lemon juice.

>> No.13562444
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Fun fact: Some pigs have stress induced heart attacks while waiting in line to be slaughtered. They can hear the screams and they know what is coming.

>> No.13562580

So would you.
You're here forever.

>> No.13562588


Nice trips, but pig is too delicious to give up.

>> No.13562596

You don't have to give it up, you just have to lobby for mandatory soundproof killing chambers and shit like that.

>> No.13562882

why is she (male) bullying the octobro?

>> No.13562888

Why would I worry about a pig when governments are doing plenty to fuck over people. Let's fix shit that matters first.

>> No.13562945


>> No.13563022
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checked based and unironically this, my 15lbs Jack Russel chewed his leash in half then jumped over a 6'ft wooden fence but these supposedly intelligent pigs don't even attempt to break out of a stupid hog pen that they could literally lean on and collapse

>> No.13563070
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>You're here forever.
i don't think you anons even know

>> No.13563402
File: 1.77 MB, 2610x4640, IMG_20190724_211018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Octopi need to be tenderised before cooking (they have the consistancy of a rubber tire if you dont). The traditional mediterranean way is throwing it on a large stone in intervals and washing it intervals in the foam that comes out from the beating.

>> No.13563608

is the power of greek IQ

>> No.13563673

I can't believe Mr Bones' Wild Ride was seven years ago.

He was right.

>> No.13564804

somehow i'm missing the first part of the screen cap

>> No.13564854

pigs matter more than dirty disgusting humans, who should all die

>> No.13564855

Pigs are just natural neets

>> No.13564865

you cant be Greek

>> No.13564872
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Why do vegans and their ilk hate themselves?

>> No.13565024

>claiming to be a Greekfag and saying octopi
You should be ashamed.

>> No.13565049

they all taste like bacon at the end of the day

>> No.13565127
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Its kinda hard to bring my washing machine with me.
Latin is a compulsory course for two years in high school if you want to apply for any degree in humanities plus I am a lawyer so you do another 2 years of latin at the university.

>> No.13565174

The dog gains nothing by being with the homeless man. The idea is the dog trades its independence and dignity for shelter and an assured food source; the homeless man can offer neither of those. Being homeless in the streets is something the dog can do on its own. Not that I don't feel pity for the homeless man; the government ought to do something to help the homeless man, and ought to pay for his shelter and food if he is unable to provide for himself, but it's wrong for him to drag a dog down to his station.

>> No.13565190

do you ever wonder what sex with a girl feels like?

>> No.13565261

dogs are pack animals and like companionship and the security that a larger group offers. Also you don't know shit about homeless people, i used have them buy me beer when i was a teenager and they always had money because they all worked in some way or another. Since food,drugs and alcohol are there only expenses they just don't have to work very much.

>> No.13565316

>the government ought to do something to help the homeless man, and ought to pay for his shelter and food

That's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.13565579

I don't wanna stop eating meat but when lab grown meat comes to market and overtakes living beings being killed, i will gladly switch to that once they cost about the same even if it tastes a bit worse.

>> No.13565582

>Fun fact: Some pigs have stress induced heart attacks while waiting in line to be slaughtered. They can hear the screams and they know what is coming.
This reads like PETA lore. Source

>> No.13565589

desu you gotta want to be homeless to become homeless.

>> No.13565641

The only workable alternative is for citizens to not be fully self-serving and act to sustain the disadvantaged. The knowledge that people as a whole are too selfish for things like that is the reason conservatives know Communism doesn't work-- there will always be people who abuse such a system for personal advantage. That's why socialism exists. It subdues the rage of the dispossessed and stops them from undermining the society at large. During the GFC we did not see the sorts of protests and rebellions that were triggered by the Great Depression. The Occupy movement was nowhere near as disruptive as what went on back then. Why? Government-funded charity. Socialism.

>> No.13566308

Is this bait? every animal has the same abilities of a human so all of them are smart.

>> No.13566559

I thought plural was octopussy

>> No.13566574

Which deer invented the light bulb?

>> No.13566579

Nit*picking my post so hard

I mean they can raise families, reproduce, eat, smell, and breathe. Every species has the same basic abilities

>> No.13566582

Whales and dolphins are the big ones. Apes and monkeys, pigs, crows. Octopi are smart too.

>> No.13566584

I'm puzzled why he let them take the dog in the first place. A few quick jabs with a perfectly legal three-incher knife will help the human overpopulation problem and let you keep your dog.

>> No.13566593

Porifera are pretty dummy

>> No.13567242

Then you should know that octopus isn't Latin. It's Greek.

>> No.13567422
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That's just for feeding time so that they don't attack each other or steal food from the smaller ones, you retard. They go back into the bigger pens once they're done eating.

Fuckin self-righteous idiots like you are the worst. You're the sort of people who will spazz out over farrowing crates, not realizing that pigs are just about the worst mothers in the whole class of mammals and will literally crush half the piglets to death by sitting on them if we don't. It's the reason they have such a fuckin huge litter size to begin with.

But who cares about animals actually dying so long as you get to feel good about yourself. Certainly not the farmer whose income depends on his pigs being healthy and well taken care of because they won't eat or gain weight otherwise. Fucking peon

>> No.13567552

>all animals can smell
Not orca.
>all animals raise families
Not sea turtles.
>all animals breathe
Do tardigrades and moss pigs? I'm genuinely not sure. And does absorbing oxygen through skin count as breathing? Cuz if not, nematodes, worms and many other creepy-crawlies do not.

>> No.13568102
File: 3.01 MB, 4640x2610, IMG_20170817_175635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the root is Greek comes from the ancient ὀκταπόδιον or ὀκτάπους or ὀκτώπους(lit. eight feet) that in turn becomes in medieval Greek χταπόδι, same word used today. The English root on the other hand comes from the Latin octopus that in turn comes from the ancient Greek version ὀκτώπους thus it is a latin loan word and not a Greek one when it comes to the English language.

>> No.13568276

why the long face?

>> No.13568296

Kek, good luck finding an industry that isn't fucked up. We've spent the last 100+ years screwing each other over and supporting legislation that helps us while screwing everyone else. No true market left anymore.

>> No.13568302

Dolphin soup

>> No.13568896
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my, you seem like a cunning linguist

>> No.13568946

>What are some very smart animals
None exist. I'm sick of people thinking the ability for some animals to open boxes is a sign of intelligence.

>> No.13569032

Octopus is Greek. Only the scientific name is Latin. It's octopuses.

>> No.13569084


>> No.13569184
File: 35 KB, 450x323, Octopussy Maud Adams girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13569204

Bitch, the most common object in the universe is dust, animals moving and doing cute things is wonderful and you should fuck yourself.

>> No.13569224

i was waiting for this