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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13558548 No.13558548 [Reply] [Original]

Back to Little Caesars tonight. The ExtraMostBestest is pretty decent but the Cheezy Jalapeño sauce was a big miss.

>> No.13558552

that hardly looks like extra pepperoni, I'd march back there and get my money back

>> No.13558557
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They put another layer under the cheese.

>> No.13558562

Is that a Hampton Inn?

>> No.13558567

Why haven’t you started trying local pizza places there? You eat so much pizza in that hotel, you might as well start trying and reviewing local digs

>> No.13558568


>> No.13558571

I've tried Jet's and Buddy's now. They were awesome. But LCs was on the way to the hotel tonight and I'm tired

>> No.13558573

Those are nice

>> No.13558578

Does the hotel restaurant make pizza?

>> No.13558582

Since you’re in Michigan, next time pick up a Detroit style pizza pls

>> No.13558590

Also tried Cottage Inn and Hungry Howie's. HH was absolute shit

>> No.13558669

If it did, would it even be worth trying?

>> No.13558677

That’s the point of trying it. You are /ck/‘s Pizza Correspondant

>> No.13558681

consulting anon?

>> No.13558699
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I had room service pizza at a marriot a couple years back

Me and my friends were pretty drunk but it wasnt bad

It was Sam's club tier pizza for those that have had that

>> No.13558746

What do you think of Papa Johns. Unironically I think they actually have downgraded since they got rid of Papa. I used to like their pizza but the last time I had it, it tasted different

>> No.13558766

Personally I've never been a fan of papa John's

I felt for the price they've always skimped on the amount of toppings they give you

>> No.13558770
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OP this is extremely biased but if you're ever in north texas you gotta go to crooked crust

It may be a bit nostalgic for me but this was the pizza me and my crew would have when we went out in Denton

Its the best

>> No.13558784

>the Cheezy Jalapeño sauce was a big miss
Bummer. Nacho cheese would be a nice option.

>> No.13558971

they downgraded their pizza like 2 decades ago. if it has gotten worse recently I don't even want to know

>> No.13560140

I ate a lot of it in college but yeah it seems to be garbage now

>> No.13560163

Fuck that just eat what you want to eat.

>> No.13560527

There's a local place here with a "big and cheesy" pepperoni pizza. Comes literally 5 layers thick and it's borderline disgusting. 2 is enough

>> No.13560578

Since your room has two beds I'll ask what your traveling companion thought of the pizza

>> No.13560611

Learned how to make my own pizza and now I can't go back to that trash.

>> No.13560624

Because making your own pizza in a hotel is practical

>> No.13560658

>next time pick up a Detroit style pizza pls
He said he tried Jet's in that very post you replied to.

>> No.13560692
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OP I am a little jealous of your life. It looks comfy. I'm quite an extrovert, but the last time I was on vacation with friends, I straight up made up an excuse to leave five days early and just chilled in a hotel room beating it like a lifer and ordering pizza.
I took some psychedelics and went to see a play by myself (major city), but the highlight of my "vacation" was just some real fucking alone time.
I hope you aren't miserable, and I want to know what you do for a living.
Please tell me.

>> No.13560721

Not OP, but I travel a lot for work too and it definitely has its benefits but for the most part it kinda fucking sucks. Hotels get old real fast and, as someone that really doesn’t like eating fast food, getting stuck in a place with no decent food options nearby fucking sucks.

>> No.13560732

Not OP either, but living in hotels is going to be my life starting in November. Going to be a pilot for an airline

>> No.13560769

Eh, I like it. Often times I make the decision/ an excuse to just drive around like it's the 1950's just to get some time to myself.
I had a roadrunning job for a few years, and I really loved the solitude.
I'm charismatic, and quickly make friends with anyone- but I need time alone.
How'd you get your job, and what's the highest level of education/ degree you've attained?

>> No.13560791
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Just went to Flight School. Got my ratings and then got a job as a Flight Instructor so I can log the needed hours for the airlines.

I don’t have a degree

>> No.13560795

OP here. I have a bachelor's of science in physics from the University of Iowa. I work in healthcare IT. Fell into that industry after the mortgage company I used to work for went belly-up in 2008.

>> No.13560800

I fly for an airline currently but am getting bored of it.
Would you recommend instructing?

>> No.13560803

What country do you live in

>> No.13560834

Dude, I might just be dumb- but I've got a buddy who went to aviation school so that he could actually fly.
By flight instructor, do you mean the bros with the big ol' glow sticks on the tarmac, or the dudes who tell you who the emergency exits are, or something else entirely?
Thanks for keeping me up to speed m8.

>> No.13560836

Not him, but I'm in the US.

>> No.13560839

I fly long haul.

>> No.13560840

wish i'd come when you started this thread, op. i really enjoy hanging out with in your motel during these threads while you sample pizzas. how's the job going? have you considered trying other chains or going local?

>> No.13560877
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Are you about to retire or something? Because being a CFI is not lucrative. If you’re sick of long trips, just try to be a sim instructor at your company.
>do you mean the bros with the big ol' glow sticks on the tarmac
Those are ramp agents
>or the dudes who tell you who the emergency exits are
Flight Attendants
>or something else entirely?
This. I get to the airport. Meet a student who knows literally nothing about airplanes, and I teach him how to fly the airplane within a few months. Just the student and I, flying around in a small airplane going to different places.

>> No.13560905

Ok, fucking cool. Thanks, my dude.
Due to my odd combo of extreme extroversion, and then introversion (up and down), I love training people.
This seems like a good fit.
There's a flight training school in my city.
I may give it a shot.

>> No.13560909

that sounds pretty fucking cool. how did you get that job? have you been doing it long?

i have been in a small aircraft before and they are actually quite low to the ground when flying usually, right? do you take parachutes for when something goes wrong?

>> No.13560919

post more comfy flight pics please

>> No.13560925
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It’s expensive but it’s fun, and the job market (globally) is a pilots market. The industry is desperate af for new pilots. Many airlines are offering serious bonuses, some up to $60k in the US because of how badly they need pilots.
I went to flight school, got all my ratings and got a job as an instructor afterward. We learn how to respond to emergencies . But no we don’t have parachutes.

This is more or less what a typical day is like for me. Very similar


>> No.13560933

The jalopeno cheese sauce is the best thing about LC.

>> No.13560937

since the plane is low enough to the ground, could you take your own parachutes with you? would they work from the altitudes where you train? i am sure emergencies happen and you deal with them, and you are incredibly rigorously trained to deal with them, but sometimes it would seem to me that things beyond control could happen...

>> No.13560951

If we were to bail out of the airplane, then the airplane would crash into the ground and possibly kill people. Or we could do our best to do a controlled landing and minimize that as much as possible

>> No.13560954

that's very interesting. have you ever had to do that? have you ever had a stall? or, some kind of mechanical failure (something small like the wheels not coming down or losing an engine or a wing not working or something) where you have to do an emergency landing or something? how do you deal with the emergencies that come up, like what do they train you to do?

>> No.13561000
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Yes all the time, we do that during training.
>mechanical issues
some electronic issues but nothing life threatening
>how do you deal with emergencies
Just follow checklists and use your best judgement. That’s too broad of a question.

Something like this. Although he’s a bit crazy for actually turning the engine off. We just simulate it at low power


>> No.13561036

seems interesting. i'm just wondering why commercial planes crash and kill people if pilots are trained and such. it seems like in cases like you posted or for these small planes, crashes and deaths rarely happen.

>> No.13561045

That question is just way too broad. There are so many factors that apply to each situation.

Go watch the movie “Sully” for an example. They just happened to be at the right place at the right time. It could have been way worse. Sometimes it’s just luck . That applies to most situations

>> No.13563155

Based hotel pizza guy. Way better than that drunk fag who takes pics of abbey bowls and japanese knives.

>> No.13563246

My job I could do remotely 100%. But they pay about $1300 per trip for me to come here, which right now is about 3 weeks out of every 4. It's stupid.

Any other local places I should try? I'm in Novi if that helps

>> No.13563277

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _____!

>> No.13563281

For me, it's the $5 hot n ready.

>> No.13563283

I don't understand this post

>> No.13563298

I hate Little Cesears cause they put chunks of tomato/tomato skin in their sauce and for some reason even though I like tomato/chunky sauce on pasta and shit the second I get a chunk on pizza my gag reflex goes off

>> No.13563338

That sounds like a personal problem

>> No.13563349

It is and it sucks and I get jelly of these threads as im stuck with Red Baron as my cheap go to

>> No.13563360

I think he wants to fuck that pizza.

>> No.13563385

Assuming you are in Michigan. If on the west side of the state I might be able to give some pointers for local options.