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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13557428 No.13557428[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>23 yr old living with parents
>Try to cook meals for myself
>Mom gets angry any time I interrupt her 'dinner plans' even though half the time she doesn't end up cooking anything and when she does it's just some boxed shit she throws in the oven
>Dad refuses to eat anything that isn't bland and within his 10-15 accepted meals (I've been eating leftover sauerkraut all week)
>Too poor to afford a car, no restaurants within walking distance
>Dad refuses to get groceries that I ask for unless I specifically come with him, even then he rushes it and gets angry with me if I stop for anything that isn't a simple ingredient for one of the aforementioned 10-15 meals he deems acceptable

How the fuck do I survive this? I could stomach it at one point but I just went to the kitchen and she was throwing fucking french fries and fish sticks in the oven.

I can't do it. I just fucking can't anymore. I pay rent, i'm a good son, and i'm saving up to move out as soon as possible but my family's refusal to grant me even the slightest amount of autonomy is driving me over the edge.

>> No.13557434

>23 year old living with parents
had 5 years to save money to move out bud

>> No.13557450

Ok boomer

How far is the store? Can't you just take the bus or Uber

>> No.13557456

This is an XY problem. Provide enough value to your community so that they compensate you with sufficient currency for you to live the lifestyle you prefer. Basically, get a fucking job or cry moar.

>> No.13557467

>just start working straight out of high school and work paycheck to paycheck trying to afford rent for most of your adult life
>finally afford to buy a former crack-den with a mold problem 15km away from the city
How's the investment property going, boomer?

>> No.13557472

>saving up to move out
man up buttercup.
stop whining and move out or shut up and be a momma's boy.

>> No.13557485

I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. The only way I can get to public transportation is by asking my dad to drive me like 45 minutes out to an airport to catch a city bus.
See above. Right now I work a manual labor job 40-50 hrs a week and save every penny but it just isn't enough to move out on my own and pay rent/utilities/car. There are very few job opportunities in my area. I'm trapped.

>> No.13557489

>ok _______

>> No.13557496

even on federal minimum wage he would've saved over $34,000 in those 5 years while factoring in a monthly rent of $500 to his shithead parents
but instead he whines about his mom never cooking food, refusing to take him out to dinner, and having to wake up and go with his dad to the grocery store if he wants to pick out any food he likes
it doesn't take $34,000 to get your first apartment. if he hates his parents this much he should've moved out with the first $1,000 in his bank

>> No.13557501

Just do it. If they get mad, fuck them. You're paying rent, they aren't about to kick out a paycheck, lol.

>> No.13557503

>i work a manual labor job
oh ok yeah so you aren't even earning just minimum wage. you're probably making $15 an hour and somehow you haven't been able to save enough over five years of working 40-50 hours a week. what do you spend your money on you fucking loser?

>> No.13557505

>boomer economics 101

>> No.13557516

and which part of the budgeting lesson is wrong?

>> No.13557517

What shithole country are you from?

>> No.13557526

The fact that it hasn't been feasible for over four decades, but you wouldn't know that.
It starts with a U and ends with America.

>> No.13557529
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Ignore retarded over-the-top extreme "solution" posters and trolls ITT that have been posted above.

Firstly; have a serious discussion with your father about your dietary needs and plans to become healthier. He is your father and has an innate degree of control over you more then you do over him, but making a reasonable and sitting down for a serious discussion should help ease over any memes he has about his food pickiness.
>"Dad, I'm seriously trying to lose weight/save money/study and practice cooking. I would really appreciate it if we could go to the store together without you rushing me so I can check ingredients when I go with you. If you're going by yourself, I'll make you a list of the most important ingredients that I need for meals."
>Go with your father to walmart and split up, tell him to meet back at the checkout counter in X amount of minutes, can't complain about you taking too long when you're split up and he can't see you shopping for stuff- let him buy the basic necessities you would get anyway like butter/milk and you focus on grabbing your "special" food items
>Increase your independence and try to get a driver's license and a used car/motorcycle. Maybe get a bike if possible so you can go to stores or restaurants yourself.
>Tell your Mom that you aren't trying to be rude to her by interrupting her dinner plans, but you simply want to learn how to be more independent and cook your own food and offer to make a good show of prepping food with her so you can "learn what she knows about cooking" (this is just to butter her up, we both know she doesn't know shit about cooking)
>inb4 "Bruh you don't KNOW my parents" posting

Nobody's relationships are perfect and I know for a fact you will not be able to do all of these, but it might be a reasonable start to help get what you want.

>> No.13557535

You need to do what I did. Just start cooking large meals for the family, find what they like, and then do some of your own shit. Get them excited about food and cooking. It took a few years, but I've got my dad paying for half of a garden this summer because I got him into it over time.

>> No.13557539

it hasn't been feasible for someone with zero expenses outside of rent to save money over five years so they can move out?

>> No.13557544
File: 103 KB, 1135x540, wittle kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who can't save up for first and last month rent in 2 or 3 years is a failure, you might as well stay home little boy.

>> No.13557545

Is that supposed to be a long distance? That's basically right in town.

>> No.13557553

you dont need insurance to drive. pay for 1 month get the proof and cancel it just dont get in any accidents

>> No.13557556

What is chup mah nigga? Fish, fries, chup, vinegar, sounds like you're set to me homey.

>> No.13557560

don't know where you live but here they inform the state when you cancel your insurance. You'll get a letter in the mail in about a week saying "why don't you have insurance?"

>> No.13557579

you tell the cop that it is up to date a little piece of paper is more proof than their computer system

>> No.13557599

>Americans believe it's completely acceptable to live over 15km from a grocery store
Fuck this continent. I love driving, but suburban life is not for me.

>> No.13557615

>what do you spend your money on you fucking loser?
vidya and anime, but I need that (I'm an incel, you see)

>> No.13557628

Student loan payments, rent to my parents, and basic misc. necessities like toothpaste and toilet paper. I started making $7.25 an hour over three summers ago when I worked off of college and only within the last 6 months have started to make $12 an hour. I majored in Chem E at a shitty state school but couldn't land a job afterwards so i'm stuck doing this until something opens up, which considering the area I live in, is highly unlikely.
This is good advice for the most part. I'll try talking to my dad since he's more reasonable but my mom simply doesn't get why I wouldn't just eat the food she cooks. I have a license btw and have looked at used cars/motorcycles but haven't found anything reasonable at a reasonable price. I live too far from anything to bike.

>> No.13557636

What planet do you live on? Do you not understand the value of the dollar? If you make

>> No.13557640

>Ok boomer
based manchild zoomer

>> No.13557645

No idea if you're actually OP or trolling but seriously, you need to start saving and investing. Set up a direct deposit in your checking account to go to savings; 50 or 100 dollars a month at least. This money needs to come out first and automatically, don't save when you "feel" like you can afford it, it needs to happen regardless.

Once that's done, look up ETFs and stocks with dividend payouts. Start aggressively investing your money. After 5 years you should already have several thousand bucks saved up, but you're younger then a lot of people on here so you've got time left and you'll need it.

Eventually the hope is to save enough money to start earning a passive income. Once your stocks grow you could start making something like 100 dollars a month passively, without lifting a finger. This is extremely important as one of the only ways you can afford a lifestyle change is to increase your income, and unless you magically land a big new job this is one of the few ways to do it. It's shitty and slow and bad I know, but it's something you gotta do.

>> No.13557648

>$7.25 an hour over three summers ago when I worked off of college and only within the last 6 months have started to make $12 an hour
Jesus Christ, America

>> No.13557656

>Once your stocks grow you could start making something like 100 dollars a month passively
100 bucks? Who the fuck cares lmao

>> No.13557662


>> No.13557664

>inflation has outstripped wage growth by over double
>"lol, pull yourself up by your bootstraps"

>> No.13557678

wow, you must be a commie :D it's very fair hehe

>> No.13557685
File: 442 KB, 533x358, scooby shut the fuck up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>increasing your income by $1,200 a year doesn't matter
>being able to take off an entire utility, car insurance, or student loan bill you have every month off your mind permanently by investing your money wisely doesn't matter
>not having your investments grow over the years and continually investing in them until you make a secondary salary from your capital gains
kys wagelet

>> No.13557691

>Student loan payments
why haven't you consolidated your student loans and signed up for income based repayment so your payment will be $50 at most?
>rent to my parents
how much?
>misc necessities
buying things like toothpaste and toilet paper would not be using up all the money you could've potentially saved
you're clearly refusing to acknowledge that you have absolutely zero desire to do anything but whine about your parents who are, honestly, not as bad as what most people grow up dealing with

i stated it earlier and here are the details with everything you've given us
>didn't work until the age of 20
>made $41,760 over 3 years on minimum wage
>made $11,520 over the last 6 months at $12/hr
>paid parents x in rent
>claims to buy misc necessities "like toothpaste and toilet paper"
>claims to be paying student loans but never put any effort into refinancing them with the government
so where is all your money? and don't come back with a whiny "uhh taxes!" story. you wouldn't have any tax liabilities at either bracket

>> No.13557703

I make three times what you do working only 20 hours a week kek. I don't need to be financially prudent

>> No.13557715

>"just invest your money bro"
What if I don't know what to invest in? I'd rather not lose the money I've worked so hard for

>> No.13557728

I moved out immediatedly too but when I have kids I'll let them stay with me as long as they want so they can comfortably get their shit together and not be stressed out.

>> No.13557739
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Oh damn, are we fucked? Like drinking soiboi juice like it's the last plague? Count me out, niggas.

>> No.13557760
File: 146 KB, 336x434, Jack Mackintosh the Whiskey King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going to lose it. Look up Vanguard for professionally managed stocks or invest in some dividend stocks. Doesn't matter if the price drops, you just want those monthly payouts. Do some research and then you won't have to worry. Your dollars can either sit in your checking account doing nothing, sit in your bank account getting <1% interest, or be put in the stock market and be making 8% returns or better with a little effort. If you're going to be a wageslave you might as well make the most of it.

Annoys me when I give people practical advice and they always go off on the tangents I specifically myself hate. I KNOW that the whole "just invest your money bro" is a meme. It's very much a Boomerism. You aren't going to become rich by doing that, the only way to truly change your lifestyle, buy a house, etc. is to get a better job which involves a lot of luck and/or connections. You and I will never be rich or truly satisfied with this post modern capitalist society. But you can make yourself more comfortable. Might as well be a poorfag who doesn't have to work once your body starts failing then be a poorfag who is still working deep into old age. Or you could just kms, which would solve all our problems to begin with. Lucky!

>> No.13557764

and that isn't the issue. his parents are fine with him living there
he's tired of his parents normal behavior and is having a whiny baby fit because he has to interact with his parents despite having no excuse for still living with them

>> No.13557822

I only started loan payments a month ago. Consolidation and the income-based plan just elongates the time period for your payments and compounds interest. I'm on the 10 year basic repayment plan and pay about $350 a month and it's not too bad, considering what some other people I know pay.
>rent to my parents
$600 a month, not including what I ask for my dad to buy at the grocery store and if I need something outside of that.
>misc necessities
I'm not going to pretend that I only pay for the bare essentials all the time, but taking anything outside of that it's less than $100-200 a month at maximum. And I don't complain about them outside of the fact that they expect me to magically self sustain and exceed with no real help whatsoever, and that their food is horrid.

>made $41,760
You're grossly overestimating minimum wage pay, and again, I could only work for 3 months each summer doing seasonal labor, not 12 months a year. I can only work now at $12 an hour because the business itself is drawing profits off of my efforts and knowledge. That could stop as soon as business slows down, which undoubtedly will happen at some point. At that point, i'll be laid off until it picks up again, as all the other workers are or already have been.

>> No.13557835

how much money do you have saved up as of now, lad?

>> No.13557876

>$600 a month
That's way, way too high. Your parents shouldn't be scalping you, especially not in your early adult life.
>debt repayment
You aren't wrong and unfortunately I have little experience with this; but having a lower payment per month may be beneficial in the short term to save up more money for bigger purchases. There is nothing stopping you from just increasing your payments towards your education to pay it off faster later on.
>I could only work for 3 months each summer doing seasonal labor, not 12 months a year.
Start working more, or finding a better job. What do your parents do? Why aren't they helping you set up with a career? Not trying to be an asshole here but did you really expect to have good finances when you're working 3 months out of a whole year? You do realize that's cutting your potential income by 1/4th just off the cuff
>And I don't complain about them outside of the fact that they expect me to magically self sustain and exceed with no real help whatsoever
They're boomers, we know this already. Still, you could ask them for help or explain the situation better and try and get pity points. Seriously, I don't know how you got sucked in paying that much for rent. Your parents made you their wagie for no real reason it seems.

>> No.13557881

Homes are not for sale any more silly boomer. They're for rent. It's the magic of the (((free))) market.

>> No.13557915

hilarious that you've gone from claiming you've worked for five years doing manual labor, to 3 years of minimum wage, and now to 3 months after being called out for your shitty spending habits
you're 23, not 18. yeah, your parents are fucking you over with rent and if i were you i'd just tell them you're leaving and spend a week on a friend's couch. they'll feel bad and let you come back for free the next day

you're still a huge entitled bitch when you've done almost nothing for work over the last 5 years, have zero money saved, and cry about your parents not buying you "good food" because they expect you to go grocery shopping with them

>> No.13558165

Tag along and get your own fucking groceries. If your dad is being a jew about time, just get a couple days worth.
And if they're charging you rent, you have every right to use the fucking burners.

>> No.13558292

You are an adult, take control of your own life, I say while I have no control of my own life either

>> No.13558880

ok boomer

>> No.13558892

Are you stupid? They can look it up in from their computer.
I got a fine once for having insurance, but the "proof" I had was out of date because my new card got lost in the mail. The cop even looked up my policy number and saw it was still active. The city still made me pay $60 in fines.

>> No.13558924

...are we seriously humoring a grown man that is afraid to cook because of his mom and dad?

>> No.13559040

can i trust someone i hire to do it for me?
i got like 30k i wanna grow but i have no interest in any of it

>> No.13559078

ok boomer

>> No.13559220
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I could never in a million years imagine having to pay rent to my parents or making my sons pay rent to me.
Violating the sanctity of the family home and what it means is just some profane jew shit, to be frank with you my familymembers

Just imagine fucking up the life of your own sons like that for 600$ ahah fucking vermin
t. yurorich

>> No.13559250

Go work at a place that provides room and board. National Parks and resorts always need live in help. Take that money you claim you are saving and buy a bus ticket whenever you land a job. Nobody is trapped

>> No.13559425

Anon I could post a few easy recipes with pictures for you to spice up your life with, usually they focus on one meat item with various spices that can be changed

I used to be like you, and only learned to cook at 25, now my friends beg me to cook for group events

>> No.13559444

Do it anyway cause I want to see them

>> No.13559470
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, 6615A587-4AAD-47A7-B48A-4614A69A50F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a tasty Caribbean jerk marinade for ribs and any kind of beef

This is ginger, garlic and onions

>> No.13559476
File: 2.42 MB, 4032x3024, FA63D76F-F8C3-4359-93FD-486A8C9E2C34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dice it up anon, also based trips

>> No.13559480
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, 0A47D021-C56F-4705-A90D-7966F046837F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add to blender with the oil in pic, blend until smooth

>> No.13559485
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, 5780AE3E-B1BB-499D-A789-A4B431E7DE4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add the good stuff, but the 5 scotch bonnets are my personal choice, it was insane spicy

>> No.13559493
File: 1.92 MB, 4032x3024, B19688F5-EF0D-45F4-B6EC-A7B0AB78B5FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add it to the blender, use all the onions but everything else is to your personal taste. Don’t be shy with the allspice and brown sugar, that’s the sweet in your heat.

>> No.13559495

Offer to cook dinner for family on [two days from now], aquire ingredients, cook dinner for three, eat.

>> No.13559498
File: 2.09 MB, 4032x3024, 6AE2D46A-CB4D-4780-8818-BB790E38A9B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulse the mixture until smooth and add your ginger, onion and garlic purée

This is your final product, use it as a marinade for chicken or beef for a sweet and hot kick, add less scotch bonnets for less heat, I’d recommend 3, diced with the seeds in.

>> No.13561101

No use in picking on the retarded