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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 523 KB, 2016x1512, 20200122_125246-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13550743 No.13550743 [Reply] [Original]

Star Trek and Chill: Spare Ribs Edition

>> No.13550791
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That, boys and girls, is how you turn a full spare ribs into a St. Louis cut spare ribs.

>> No.13550805
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>> No.13550812

Which episode?

>> No.13550822

It's the episode where OP fucks up some ribs

>> No.13550830

Where’s your chicken warp core-don bleu

>> No.13550831

what do you typically do with the other parts?

>> No.13550872
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Seasoned up

It's possible


I don't usually buy whole spare ribs so I'm not sure what I'll do with the rest desu. My usual butcher was out of ribs this morning so i had to go to the grocery store and buy a whole rack and cut them up myself.

>> No.13550908
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Into the smoker for the first 30min at 150f on smoke setting.

>> No.13550914

Balance of terror

>> No.13550916

Seems entirely unnecessary. I just do the whole spare rib.

>> No.13550932

I actually really like that Jack Daniels rub. I'm kind of a snob so I thought that I wouldn't, but it might be my favorite big name grocery store rub.

>> No.13550947
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Oops i skipped a few steps. Membrane off.

>> No.13550954
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Slathered in yellow mustard for a binding agent. Then i seasoned here >>13550872

>> No.13550968

I buy a new rub every time I do ribs. I figure one day I'll stumble onto something amazing. I bought both these ribs today. Figured I'd give Jack Daniels a shot because why not, it's Jack Daniels. I also bought the Rufus Teague because I thought it looked like it would give a nice texture. I mixed both on the set of ribs. First the Jack Daniels and then topped with the Rufus Teague.

>> No.13551063
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30min in on heavy smoke at 150f. Now turning the smoker up to 225f for three hours.

>> No.13551066
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more like SOY, TRANNIES and CUM
op reddit confirmed

>> No.13551261 [DELETED] 

Going to start spritzing the ribs in another 20min or so. Olive oil, apple/orange/pineapple juice, apple cider vinegar and a 1/2 tsp of the Jack Daniels rub.

>> No.13551274
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Going to start spritzing the ribs in another 20min or so. Olive oil, apple/orange/pineapple juice, apple cider vinegar and a 1/2 tsp of the Jack Daniels rub.

>> No.13551415

what kinda smoker you got senpai?

>> No.13551417

I can't tell if you're just a shill or some autist who is trying to brag about his wusthof knife by including it in nearly every pic.

>> No.13551424

how do you know hes not shilling Star Trek? or the toaster? or the coffee maker? or the ipad? or the ipad stand?

>> No.13551433

It's all about positioning. We all know this slob has a dirty stove top or he'd include it in the pic as well.

>> No.13551445

Pitboss 4 series.

Actually i included it because i was hoping to trigger someone like you into posting. If I was shilling I would hope i had a much more expensive wusthof.

#startrek, #cuisinart, #mr. coffee, #apple, #somerandomamazonsupplier

>> No.13551449

monitoring this thread

>> No.13551459
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>> No.13551519
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1.5 hours in. Another 1.5 hours to go before i wrap them. Spritzing every hour.

>> No.13551697

What Star Trek episode are you watching now? You've got to keep us updated on those as well.

>> No.13551728
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A very famous one. "The Squire of Gothos" S1:E18

>> No.13552001
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Out of the smoker. Time to wrap.

Now the important question. Is Trelane part of the Q Continuum?

>> No.13552005
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Dark brown sugar, butter, honey and more rub in the wrap.

>> No.13552023
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Wrapped up, ready to go back in the smoker and we're on to episode 19 of seas one TOS. This is the one where Kirk fights the really terrible looking lizard monster. This episode truly deserves the MST3K treatment.

>> No.13552032
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Two hours in the foil. Still at 225f.

>> No.13552037

why thermometer in the smoker? doesnt it automatically monitor/adjust temp for you?

>> No.13552093
File: 391 KB, 2016x1512, 20200122_174011-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure the smoker has an internal thermometer but it doesn't control the amount of fuel being fed into the fire. If I put the smoker at 225f it dumps in the wood pellets at a predetermined rate. Depending on things like wind and weather it might not actually be at the proper temp. You have to adjust things like the vent cap to let out heat or trap more heat to compensate for external factors that would affect the smokers internal temp. Even the sun beating down on the smoker is enough to raise the temperature inside by 20 degrees. The thermometer you see in that picture is part of a wireless meat thermometer. It allows me to monitor the true internal temp of the smoker from inside my house and adjust it as need be. In the last hour or two the sun has been going down and the temp inside the smoker has been dropping so I've had to go outside and tighten it's vent down to trap more heat. It also acts as my timer and has an alarm if the temp in the smoker gets too hot for whatever reason.

>> No.13552117

You have a cool set-up, OP. I need to take better advantage of current technology and stream-line my shit. I like your OC and appreciate you not posting in the cat blog.

>> No.13552135

>Rufus Teague
All your credibility is fucking gone you meme faggot

>> No.13552145
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>> No.13552182

>thermopro tp20


>> No.13552210

this is probably the cleanest cook area i've seen on /ck/

>> No.13552225

Mom keeps it tidy for me since I'm a good little pitmaster NEET that feeds the family well.

>> No.13552238
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>> No.13552276

My bedroom on the other hand....... not so clean.

I wish.

>> No.13552289
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x3024, Stove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a second I thought we had the same range, but I think mine's a little shittier.

>> No.13552304

Close enough. I want to replace mine but I can’t justify spending the money. I need a lot of other cookware things first.

>> No.13552330

stop larping you spent all wednesday smoking ribs and watching star trek

>> No.13552361

>you spent all wednesday smoking ribs and watching star trek
And? I clean the house every Saturday except my bedroom. I like my bedroom messy. It’s the one room I allow myself to be a slob.

>> No.13552374

was pointing out that youre a neet

>> No.13552381

Nah sorry, I have a job and I’m going on a double date the weekend.

>> No.13552440

>and I’m going on a double date the weekend.

>> No.13552456

rent free

>> No.13552466

Awww, you really don't know what that is, do you?
It just means two couples hanging out together.

>> No.13552516

Spouting buzzwords doesn't change the fact that most people here appreciate OC but think the cat blog is cancer. Go hide in your containment thread.

>> No.13552526

no it just doesnt have anything to do with being a neet. congrats on leaving the house tho

>> No.13552579
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S1E20 "Tomorrow is Yesterday"

Ribs out of the foil.

>> No.13552612
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Brushed and back into the smoker for the last hour.

>> No.13552655

looking good dad

>> No.13552864
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S1:E21 "Court Martial"

>> No.13553036
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Back out of the smoker and ready to eat. Side of some cornbread and baked beans.

>> No.13553044
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>> No.13553060

shit nigger that looks good, hows it taste?

>> No.13553088
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Bout to find out.

>> No.13553107
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Literally perfect.

>> No.13553118
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Has a nice bite but still separates from the bone perfectly.

>> No.13553131


>> No.13553174
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Done just in time for the end of the episode.

>> No.13553268

good thread anon

make us a brisket next time thx

>> No.13553299

If my co-workers throw in to buy one i will. I actually did a brisket flat last week. A whole brisket requires a whole lot of people to eat.

>> No.13553312

just do it for /ck/ and throw out the leftovers

>> No.13553432

Donate to my paypal and I’ll make it happen.

>> No.13553822

I feel so bad for the knives on the right. Tip down in a metal container. Shameful.

>> No.13554153

Those are 15 year old Ikea steak knives that have maybe been used once.

>> No.13555419

i love how the smoke ring almost seems to glow neon pink. how does that happen?