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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13550350 No.13550350 [Reply] [Original]

What are some foods or shit to do with food that your parents taught you that you realized was pretty wierd or retarded? Or bad food from your familyi in general?
>used to have butter toast with sugar spread over it
>mom tells me to drink if i have a lot of food in my mouth to mix it up and swallow more easily
>uncle gets super angry over it once and scolds her about not educating me properly

>> No.13550354

>growing up with food
Ya I can’t relate to this...

>> No.13550371
File: 465 KB, 450x253, nausia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom made spaghetti with a sauce that came from an envelope, it was orange, and had black mystery flakes in it. She's the reason I can't eat spaghetti to this day because it is poor people food.

Same for Ramen, we ate it by the case.

She made "shepherds pie" bisquick dough smeared over green beans and ground beef in cheep envelope brown gravy. Some times the bisquik was switched out for instant mashed potatoes. I almost throw up in my mouth a little any time I think of sheperds pie.

>> No.13550411

Me mom fell for every fucking meme out there, thinking brown sugar was good for you whatever and she doesn't even cook, end result i escaped from shti food hell while my genetics blessed twin only eats shit like waffers

>> No.13550557

>She's the reason I can't eat spaghetti to this day because it is poor people food.
Same but to be honest it kind of is, I long ago took to calling it Italian Ramen
Upper middle family, stay at home mom.
Spaghetti or lasagna once a week (left overs next day), everything out of can / plastic jug, store made meatballs. Just heated up.
Breakfast was milk and little debbie swiss rolls or chocolate cupcakes...not joking.
Another meal once a week (and then next day would be sausages and store rolls, if she was fancy she would fry onions and peppers).
Each meal came with a side or two of vegetables (from microwave bag)
Mashed potatoes would be from flake boxes.
Elementary school lunch was a one type of meat / cheese sandwich with a bag of chips / other snack.
Shit on a shingle was a rare treat to young me, BLT too...

>> No.13550596

My mom likes to make cucumber sandwiches, they're just slices of raw cucumber lathered in cream cheese

>> No.13551712
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>Mashed potatoes would be from flake boxes.

>loved mashed potatos as a kid
>ubeknownst to me, sometimes my mom would make it from box flakes
>i thought sometimes she would just fuck something up so they would taste bad, so dont say anything
>one day she asks why i didnt eat my mashed potatoes
>"they taste kind of weird"
>tells me theyre from the box and she thought i couldnt tell the difference
>says she wont buy that crap anymore

>> No.13551749


If you cant eat poor people food, even when you have decent money, that says more about you than anything. Specifically a fear of being trailer trash because you grew up that way and don't want to fall back into it or feel like a failure
A lot of today's haute dishes are working man's food from 100-200 years ago. You can make dirt poor cheap spaghetti that is fucking delicious that isn't vomit garbage, literally just mash up skinned tomatoes and simmer them with whatever ingredients you want. instant ramen is more of a comfort food than a meal and you can eat it once a week or month or so without having to be poor.

>> No.13551819

My mom has this weird as shit poor people meal where she simmers campbells condensed vege soup with some beef then puts it on rice. I call it weird and not retarded because it's both dirt cheap and actually fucking delicious so I still make it from time to time

An actually retarded thing my mom would do is eat half a brick of old cheddar with a ground beef patty, covered in canned tomatoes

I make homemade spaghetti sauces every other month or so, both fresh and canned whole tomatoes, and can declare they don't taste different enough from canned sauces to warrant making it unless you enjoy it, or are specifically making something with a taste/texture profile you can't normally get out of a can.

Instant mashed potatoes are fucking horrendous and are only fit to eat when you want to be a lazy piece of shit.

A good homemade gravy is much better than a bag/box/tin gravy, but the convenience versions are serviceable enough if you need or want a gravy without having the shit to make it (which isn't always going to be available.)

Home made broths and stocks blow store-bought stuff completely out of the water, soups and stews made with store stuff will NEVER taste as good as with an actual stock. However, thry are very time consuming and require a lot of meal scraps if you aren't willing to flat out waste good money to make it, so store broth for me is a kitchen staple for flavouring rice and shit or for making simple soups.

>> No.13551883

Eating a really really shitty version of one dish can put you off that dish entirely for a long time. I think the problem is that "poor people food" in America is seriously bottom of the barrel slop.

>> No.13551918

>>used to have butter toast with sugar spread over it
To this day sometimes I'll eat bread rolls with margarine and sugar. It's delicious.

>> No.13551919

frogfuckers should hang

>> No.13551944
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>butter toast with sugar
That shit's great, retard. What the fuck are you talking about?. Patrician food if there are any
>drink if i have a lot of food in my mouth
That's because your retarded ass kept chocking on food like you do with dicks nowadays
>uncle gets super angry
Need I say more?

>> No.13551965

America is a weird country.

You people seem more concerned about appearing poor or having poor people's habits than about whether or not you are poor.

Eating a steak dinner won't make you rich if you are poor, and eating mac and cheese from the box won't make you poor if you're rich.

In my country we have some dishes which are considered to be poor people's food, but only the poor care about it, so they waste more money buying other things. I'm from a middle class family and never cared about such things. I've had meals which were white rice, sliced bologna and tomato salad. Delicious.

>> No.13551970

>My mom has this weird as shit poor people meal where she simmers campbells condensed vege soup with some beef then puts it on rice.
sounds like a lazy man's stroganoff. must be good.

>> No.13552562

My mother routinely overcooked lamb.
That's seriously the worst her foodcrimes ever got; overcooked lamb. Other than that, everything was good.

>> No.13552609
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>Mashed potatoes would be from flake boxes.

Hello friend I am autism and lumpiness in normal smashed potatos is utterly intolerable for reasons that even I cannot fathom. Instant mashed potatos are one of my favorite things in the world because they are perfectly consistent throughout. I'm getting a little mad right now just thinking about little lumps.

>> No.13552626

>Mom makes instant mash
>lumpy chunks of dried unrehydrated potato flakes throughout
>"Well, the box said not to stir it too much."
God bless you, Mom.

>> No.13552656

That's heartbreaking.

>> No.13552665 [DELETED] 

Another day, another boring round of the same frogposts we've seen a million times.

>> No.13552671

>mom is picky eater
>become picky eater because of following her example
>go to college
>realize basically everything tastes delicious
>come back home and horrify her when she finds out I enjoy and semi-regularly buy canned sardines

>> No.13552672

>Another day, another boring round of the same frogposts we've seen a million times.

Phew, it's all so tiresome, right dude? Probably better to just become an hero instead of having to deal with the lessers on your anime image board. I get it, I really do.

>> No.13552688

Ground beef, noodles, cream of mushroom soup.
Also I was taught that you can eat shit as long as it doesn't have mold on it even if it was left out on the counter overnight or whatever.
I have three kids now and they will never know my pain and I hope they respect me for it when they're older and I tell them.

>> No.13552692 [DELETED] 

Take your self-flagellating pity party to /r9k/. You aren't entitled to be here.

>> No.13552700

>lumpiness in normal smashed potatos is utterly intolerable for reasons that even I cannot fathom.
that's why you need a ricer.

>> No.13552714


Show me on your penis where Pepe touched you.

>> No.13552738

I was training some dude from the ghetto (I live in America and the ghetto in my city is like based around the poorest zip code in the country) and I was like where are we eating lunch? He was like nah I don't eat lunch(?) and he busted out a can of Vienna sausages and some saltine crackers. I was like dude I can get you a burger or something and he went all apeshit talking about how he's gonna eat corner store food his whole life. He quit the next fuckin day had 3 kids one on the way fuckin bonkers. Vienna sausages and saltines is poor people food I don't care if you think there isn't "poor people food" nothing will ever change my mind after that shit

>> No.13552746


>> No.13552751 [DELETED] 

Good, you stopped posting frogs. Now keep that up tomorrow and we can have a board that isn't full of the same old shit day in and day out.

>> No.13552769
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I'm a bad motherfucker and I do what I want.

>> No.13552772
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>> No.13552778
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>people who don't like lumpy mashed potatoes

>> No.13552791


It gives me a visceral repulsion due to my 'tism.

>> No.13552796 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, offbugspray1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo, shoo, frogposters.

>> No.13552803

I leave the skins on my potatoes, don't even wash them much, rough mash after a boil. Lots of texture and extra minerals. Delicious. You should try it, all I add is salt pepper and mayo.

>> No.13552807 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 465x99, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you delet

>> No.13552813
File: 112 KB, 512x512, 1555523443812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your life is pure chaos.

>> No.13552818

>Mom cooks regularly
>Crock pot, pan fry, grill, witch ever
>Isnt as good as her brother (God rest his soul) who made it through cordon bleu school
>Food looks like absolute dog-shit to acceptable.
>Dog-shit looking food tastes amazing and acceptable food taste okay
>Cant make paisterys/deserts to save her life.
I do like her food and delight whenever im invited over to her house for dinner, im starting to prefer root-vegetables over just mashed tato's nowadays.

>> No.13552821
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I may like a tidy room, but I don't like tidy potatoes

>> No.13552838


>> No.13552852 [DELETED] 

Janny deleted my posts

Top kek! He did it again, the green 4chan man LOOOOOOOOOOOL
I know that poster is funny, incredibly based, and definitely an oldfag because he used a meme only us oldschool 'channers would know about! Feels good, man!

>> No.13552861
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>> No.13552868
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I hope you have an awkward public interaction tomorrow.

>> No.13552880 [DELETED] 


Banning is useless in current year. Nice image saved from knowyourmeme though, you epic memer you!

>> No.13552913
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>> No.13552928

Thanks, another rare pepe for my collection. After that reddit release of pepes, the value of my portfolio plummeted.

>> No.13552931
File: 95 KB, 800x600, Rare-Pepe-Illuminati.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if banning is usless and the jannies are absolutely incompitant, then why the fuck are you posting sage for? Shit dosent work eather.

>> No.13552955

How long is this simmered for? I'm intrigued and poor.

>> No.13552979

Sage works.

Thanks for the rare pepe.

>> No.13552997
File: 112 KB, 750x390, F8DC0186-AA8C-44BE-9616-43413EB0DF40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad would often fix barbecued crockpot snapping turtle. No joke, it has the texture of chicken and taste but with a hint of fish. It’s kind of fucked up the way he would skin them. You basically just stick an air hose under the skin and release the air. It blows them up like a balloon, separating the meat from the skin.

>> No.13553004

Based fellow redditors

>> No.13553014

women have terrible/weird eating habbits in general anon.

>> No.13553023
File: 1.64 MB, 1038x901, 1576243041101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooo o ohho hoho hoh oho ohh

>> No.13553056

Typical dumbfuck am*rican who can't cope with the idea that their delicious meal actually comes from an animal

>> No.13553134

I do this too.

>> No.13553150

Would like to try this.

>> No.13553586


The longer you simmer, the more it will taste like premade sauce. You can simmer it for hours, or you can even simmer it for like 30 minutes and have a more tomatoey "fresh" taste