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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13546635 No.13546635[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

At what point are you an alcoholic?

>> No.13546638

when you consider drinking during breakfast

>> No.13546641

When you decide to take a break from drinking and find some strange force overpowering your will.

>> No.13546642

When you have an addiction.

>> No.13546645

3+ drinks a day, every day, and unable to stop for more than a week

>> No.13546656

So is around 80oz of beer daily fine bros

>> No.13546657
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When your threads about drinking trigger the mod's fee-fees so hard they start deleting all mention of alcoholic beverages

>> No.13546681

>tfw 40oz of rum daily
You're fine.

>> No.13546708

Don't encourage that attitude. "That guy over there drinks more" is alcoholic cope strategy #1.

>> No.13546722

When you drink 6-8+ drinks every day and feel good about the nights you "only" having a couple drinks.

>> No.13546730

How long have you been doing that. This is such bullshit. People who ACTUALLY drink over a liter ever day never last more than a year or two at that pace. They either stop, slow down, or die.

>> No.13546739

don't think about it anon. nothing good can come from thinking aabout it. you're not an alcoholic an7n, neither am i

>> No.13546764

i only drink if i need a break from hookers&coke so i'm safe from addictions.

>> No.13546771

I mean, nobody asks for an opinion if they don't genuinely think they might have a problem, so saying yes or no is just bullshit.
Going on 3 years now. I've lost my job, everyone I love is dead, living is meaningless, I only leave the house to buy food and liquor, but at least I was smart with my money before everything went to shit. The health problems are piling up, but I'm also 6'10" and over 300lbs, so there's more to it than that. Every morning I wake up wishing I had died in my sleep.

>> No.13546776

If you ever think about what you have in your fridge/cabinet in terms of "enough" or "not enough" and it's not specifically for a party or other gathering of people, you have a problem.

>> No.13546797

I simply do not understand alcoholism
being drunk is generally not that great, I just slur your words and get sad when I drink
also it makes you feel like shit the next day
I don't understand how people get addicted to such a miserable feeling

>> No.13546814


Every time you want a drink, go on a walk
You're wasting the good years of your life feeling bad about yourself
There's a whole world out there waiting to meet you anon

>> No.13546825


Not everyone can get physically addicted. I drink a lot and I can stop without any sort of withdrawal at all. I feel better the next day, which is the opposite. I can go for months without drinking, but there's always that boring assed period when I say "hey, why don't I buy some booze", and I get right back into the routine.

An alcoholic gets out of bed and wants a drink because they have not had any for several hours. An alcoholic feels like shit if they have to go a full day without a drink.

>> No.13546828

Take a picture of your nest.

What is your brand of choice? Do you get and possy, do you use prostitutes?

>> No.13546832
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>I simply do not understand alcoholism
It's not always a physical addiction. Sometimes it's easier to deal with being a horrible person by being a horrible person in private with a drink.
>There's a whole world out there waiting to meet you anon

>> No.13546841

Am I an alcoholic if I mainly drink at lunchtime after my third shift job and then go into a food/booze induced comanap for 4 hours?

>> No.13546868

>There's a whole world out there waiting to meet you anon
But there is
Stop wallowing and start taking care of yourself, socialize (not at the bar)
People will smile at you, talk to you
It can be hard to start over but there's a lot more to life than drinking

>> No.13546955

You sound like a Disney fantasy story writer, fucking fruit, lol!

>> No.13546963

you should just kill yourself

>> No.13546969

Give it a rest, Tony Robbins.

>> No.13546972
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>makes gay thread about wine
>rages when based jannies delete it off the board and ban you
pic related

>> No.13546975

enjoy the rest of your lives drinking alone

>> No.13546985

no, you're just pathetic

>> No.13546993

based post, all these seething soy-pumped faggots can't handle the reality that they are fucking pathetic excuses for human beings

drinking is for losers who lack the ability to have willpower

>> No.13547017

what about during lunch?

>> No.13547023
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I drink a out 5L of vodka per week along with some beer, wine, and champagne. Maybe less if I have to work 12s because I fall asleep much earlier. It's obviously not healthy but it hasn't caused me any problems yet aside from the jewish cost of booze in Canada. Its surprisingly manageable for some people and you build up a comical tolerance over time too

>> No.13547043

>you build up a comical tolerance over time too

Right. Except your liver and other organs are still being damaged. All heavy drinkers get to the point where they don't get drunk any more, but the damage is still being done.

>> No.13547050

this is actually a good litmus test ive never heard before

>> No.13547061

You're not allowed to reveal that you're a janny, janny. I'm reporting this directly to Hiroshima Nagasaki

>> No.13547070

shut up idiot, go try and make another wine thread

>> No.13547097
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At some point before:
>painful tingles shooting down one hand constantly
>weird random squeezing pains in abdomen
>horrible brain fog
>piles of trash in room
>avoided at work
>beer store employees look relieved when you walk in after not going there for a few days

Feels bad man.

>> No.13547099

Move to new Orleans where alcoholism is the norm

>> No.13547100

Drinking a 6-pack of 16oz Miller Lite every night with your pack of Copenhagen Long Cut

>> No.13547117

In my opinion it's when you first experience a debilitating anxiety in the morning, like something could happen to you healthwise like you might have some kind of attack, and you know the only thing that will assuage that feeling is to start drinking. It took around five years for that first to happen to me.

>> No.13547132
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When you can't stop drinking until you black out if you start
When you lie about your drinking
When it pretty much rules your life whether you're sober or not
There's irresponsible drinking, drinking to cope with a shitty reality etc.
Addiction is a league of its own

>> No.13547134


Not a problem if you drink whiskey. Put down the beer.

>> No.13547149

Most of the calories come from the alcohol itself, wetbrainer.

>> No.13547150

Why tho. It’s the same amount of alcohol and calories if you’re drinking light beer

>> No.13547161

Had to mostly give that up, too much risk of sleeping through my alarm and being late for work. Also pretty sure it smells worse on you in the morning. Sucks because whiskey is way cheaper and lower in calories overall.

>> No.13547163
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you just know

>> No.13547164

I've literally never blacked out. If I drink too much I just vomit and go to bed. I'm not an alcoholic or even a daily drinker, just curious if anyone else can relate. I'm 24 yo.

>> No.13547171

>Most of the calories come from the alcohol itself, wetbrainer.

I'm not going to argue if you don't believe this, but alcohol calories don't contribute to weight gain the same way that food calories do. I think they say that they do contribute some, and I don't remember the ratio, but supposedly alcohol calories have less effect on your fat.

>> No.13547180

>being this much of a pussy

>> No.13547196

you can fuck right off now rick

>> No.13547208


>> No.13547232

Whiskey doesn't have carbs tho. Carbs make you fat

>> No.13547238

some people claim it's when you drink more than 2 days a week, some people claim it's when you drink every day, some claim it's when you drink alone at home.
but the reality is it's these

>> No.13547247

Drinking removes my social anxiety, improves my ability to feel comfortable around others, lets me destress after a long day of work, etc. It also doesn't make me sick.

I think the trick is, especially in America, kids get to college or whatever and it's like "OH BRO LET'S GET DRUNK" and they down half a bottle of cheap vodka in 30 minutes and completely lose all control of their faculties. When if you drink at a steady pace with beer, maybe wine, or really take your time with hard alcohol, the entire experience is pretty fun and you're only drunk to the point of slurring words when it's time to stop.

I'm an alcoholic, but not as bad as some alcoholics. I drink about 10 beers a day on a workday, on weekends I add in some shots, champagne, whatever else. I've maintained the ability to go on a break if I really have to without having major withdrawals, but I'm just lucky. I way outdrink my friend who has been hospitalized multiple times.

>> No.13547252

>drinking more than two days a week is alcoholism

Guys, who let Muhammad set the rules?

>> No.13547282

>I'm just lucky. I way outdrink my friend who has been hospitalized multiple times.

If you're not a 300 pounder you are still taking years if not decades off of your life. Just because you space it out over the day doesn't mean it sneaks past your organs.

>> No.13547323

>you are still taking years if not decades off of your life

>> No.13547330

you dont wanna die like that.

>> No.13547342


>> No.13547350

I have a handle of vodka and I don't feel like drinking today. What am I?

>> No.13547367


you mean the liver and kidneys. You can easily rejuvenate them with the magic of milk thistle and probiotics.

>> No.13547416

I don't care man, I'm aware I am. If it was just so easy to stop drinking and maintain my job, social life, and any semblance of normalcy, I'd do it.

But it's not worth sitting in my house/the gym sober watching my now longer life pass by me while slightly more healthy, but now alone and gripped by anxiety and stress.

>> No.13547421

when you can't go a day without alcohol and/or start drinking before noon

>> No.13547465

you're drinking away your retirement funds lol. hope you make well into 6 figures. alchohol in canada is jewishly expensive as you say

>> No.13547560
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My father is a lifetime alcoholic and legitimately did this. Now he's in his 70's and looking to family to support him, and it's not gonna happen.

Instead of drinking I encourage all of you to look into what happened in your life that made you turn to drink and come to terms with your own problems.

Don't waste your life, you only get one.

>> No.13547589

When you start concealing your drinking.

>> No.13547668
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I would never dare take another Anon's inventory. You're an alcoholic when you say "enough is enough."


>> No.13547675

I intentionally overdrank because I got angsty over girls when I was 17-20 and now I'm chemically addicted and can't just go hang out with my buddies a few times a week without wanting to drink alone all week at home.

>> No.13547687
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>Don't waste your life, you only get one.

fuck you, it's my life just as you have your life

fuck it, waste away

>> No.13547703

I know for me the biggest problem is boredom when I get home and it also just turned into routine. Been an alcoholic for a few years now and I’ve had a few moments here and there where I quit for about a month. I’m kinda going on two weeks sober, I drank Friday and Saturday and put down a pint of whiskey both nights. Right now I’m just trying to cut it down to Friday and maybe Saturday nights and slowly just cutting down to social occasions. Been a lot easier this time so far, I’m turning 30 in a few months and I don’t know if that has anything to do with it and I also met a nice girl. The hardest part giving up the booze for me was always the boredom and not being able to sleep. Haven’t had those issues yet.

>> No.13547748

If you drink more than one beer at least once a month.

>> No.13547774

lol it's nice on a Friday night with my gf
yeah I'm pretty financially secure all I really have to keep on top of is property tax and utilities. I buy the cheap Smirnoff from costco so it's really only like $250/week or so

>> No.13547784


One day when you're old you'll realize you missed out on the great parts of life and you'll be filled with regret

>> No.13547842

Some of us prefer illusion to despair.

I wish I could drink, but the state will put me in prison for 5 years if they catch me. Sucks.

>> No.13547847

I have to start at breakfast so Ill be nice and sleepy at night. If I started drinking at night I'd be awake for ages

>> No.13547862

Or he'll die suddenly one day because life is random as fuck, and have no time to care.

If I could fuck off and do fulfilling and wonderful things in life, I would, but instead I'm stuck working 8-5, being adult babysat, so I can afford to have health insurance and not die because I stubbed my toe and got an infection. And I can sleep when I want to a whopping two days of the week, of course assuming that there's not some other arbitrary adult responsibility I need to take care of.

And for the privilege of this work, I get a wonderful 2-3 weeks off a year to take for myself to... still get a ton of emails I need to check. Life is great! I'm regretting so much! Missing so many things!

>> No.13547869

I drink two 25 oz beers a day to get comfy.
Is that alcoholic?

>> No.13547890

Good thing you're spending what time you do have whining about your life on 4chan's Food & Cooking board.

>> No.13547892

No not really. That's about 4 drinks a day.
Doctors say that's an ok amount.
These guys that down whole hard alcohol bottles (vodka, whiskey, rum, ect) are alcoholic though.
Nope hard alcohol has a better alcohol/cal radio than every light beer.
65 cal vodka shot = 5% beer that's around 130 cals
Brainlet ketard.

>> No.13547918


>Or he'll die suddenly
More reason to get a hold of your life while you still can
>Waaaahh I hate my wageslave job, woe is me, etc.
Learn a marketable skill or a trade, something you enjoy, or at least something you can live with and stop being a defeatist bitch
You can live without it while you're young, you'll be ok for awhile, just be careful and be responsible.
>Sleeping in on your days off
This is the time you need to be using to make plans to restructure your miserable life

Your mindset is absolutely wrong and is going to lead you nowhere in life. You sound like the time that needs misery because it's familiar. Change before it's too late

>T. Former wageslave, now freelance graphic designer/illustrator/3d modeler (with insurance)

>> No.13547924

People have been saying this to me all my life. I'm 41, I expect no more than 29 more years given my lifestyle, no regrets. People like you are just projecting how you would feel if you were me. Well, guess what? You're not me and I'm not you.

>> No.13547936

>but the state will put me in prison for 5 years if they catch me

but why

>> No.13547958

>More reason to get a hold of your life while you still can
lol sure buddy
>Learn a marketable skill or a trade, something you enjoy, or at least something you can live with and stop being a defeatist bitch
I can either keep making north of six figures or I can take a paycut to some shit and still be miserable but with less experience.
>You can live without it while you're young, you'll be ok for awhile, just be careful and be responsible.
I'm 33 and have been drinking daily since I was 17. I think the ship has sailed on "live without it while you're young."
>This is the time you need to be using to make plans to restructure your miserable life
Sleep is the most worthwhile and comforting thing I have in life. No thanks on skipping that for faux-good feelings that will apparently come if I'm tired and more overworked.

Again, you're missing the part where socializing and keeping my friendships/career afloat relies on some form of drinking. Life isn't going to be happy if I isolate myself and spend my time in the gym and with videogames.

>> No.13547959

Not him but when alcohol starts to cause me pain I will put a bullet through my brain. Drinking is the only thing that makes me tolerate living in this hell of a world

>> No.13547964

>Instead of drinking I encourage all of you to look into what happened in your life that made you turn to drink and come to terms with your own problems
>lifetime of abuse
>ugly and not the normie 6/10 "ugly"
>balding from age 19
>schizoid personality disorder diagnosed and on neetbux for
>have nothing at all to live for

>> No.13547971

Pending felony for a dui. The deal is I go through a drug court treatment program for a year and stay sober....or prison. They drug test me 4 times a week.

>> No.13547986

/ck/ jannies are the most butthurt trigger happy faggots of any on this site

isn't it your bedtime janny?

>> No.13547989

>Making north of 6 figures
If you aren't able to save some of that money up to make a change in you're life you're doing it wrong
You aren't that old anon, you'd be surprised how quick you'll spring back (but you better act soon)
>Sleep is the most worthwhile and comforting thing I have in life
Sounds like you'd rather be dead than live the life you're living. I think that's a sign you need change

If your friendships depend on drinking, you need new friends. The gym WILL make you happier, it's scientifically proven to do so over time nigger, it's called endorphins. Videogames not so much. Go outside. Go to the park. Go to meetups around your living area, meet new people

All your denials are because you're too scared to change and that's understandable, change is difficult but worth it. You talk like someone who's already accepted defeat. If you want to live the rest of your life a loser, go right ahead. Plenty of people do.

>> No.13547990

>felony for a dui
jesus how many DUI's do you have? or did you kill someone?

>> No.13547996

Bruv, I've seen multiple people do that shit for almost a decade before it killed them.

>> No.13548002

My friend's grandpa did that on top of hard drugs and smoking his entire life. Died in his 80's of pneumonia

>> No.13548013

Three now. No, I never hurt anyone.

>> No.13548032


I've considered this often and i only drink bi-monthly

>> No.13548043

Damn that sucks. After my first I never wanted to do that shit again. Such a pain in the ass to deal with. 10k and a year of my life wasted on probation.

>> No.13548060

>Drinking and driving
Honestly you deserve what's coming to you
I have a highschool acquaintaince that killed a pedestrian drunk driving and is doing jailtime

>> No.13548075

Probably when you start posting about it on /ck/.

>> No.13548085

If there's a point where Jeanie claps, nods her head, and suddenly all that tolerance turns into cirrhosis and you only have to buy beer to get drunk again, THEN I EAGERLY AWAIT THAT MOMENT. Currently doing a handle every other day.

>> No.13548093

>If you aren't able to save some of that money up to make a change in you're life you're doing it wrong
Save it up to... what? Go to a job that makes me $35k like when I got out of college for the next decade? Be a starving artist?
>You aren't that old anon, you'd be surprised how quick you'll spring back (but you better act soon)
I feel fine, I just don't have any illusions that being uninsured is a smart choice at my age when shit starts to pop up.
>Sounds like you'd rather be dead than live the life you're living. I think that's a sign you need change
I just don't want to feel fucking tired all the time. When you've always been a night owl and your job demands you're up at 6 AM or so to get to the office on time, you're tired all the fucking time.

>If your friendships depend on drinking, you need new friends. The gym WILL make you happier, it's scientifically proven to do so over time nigger, it's called endorphins. Videogames not so much. Go outside. Go to the park. Go to meetups around your living area, meet new people
I don't NEED to drink to be with friends, but being a 100% sober fuck when the rest of the group is going out to the bar to have shots is no fun. The gym WON'T make me happier if I just come home to look at myself in the mirror and have no human interactions. My job requires I interact with clients after work hours, and drinking is basically the main way to do that for any reasonable adult. I don't need new friends, these people have been there for me my entire life, and are not alcoholics.

I am going on my annual 2-3 month break right after the Super Bowl, but I'll GUARANTEE that my life isn't going to become sunshine and rainbows because I stopped drinking. I do this all the time, and it's nothing but isolation and misery.

I don't want kids, I don't want a wife, I've achieved everything I want to do, I own a house and a nice car in a great area... the rest of my life is spinning my wheels until I die.

>> No.13548124

>I'm alcoholic because I drink low abv beer everyday
If it's not at least Steel Reverse it's pussy shit.

>> No.13548152

I've literally sideswiped seven cars and actually runover two pedestrians going back and forth between Taco Bell while drunk. If you think you're protected by the threat of "jailtime", I'd like to know what you've been drinking.

>> No.13548156

if you have to ask...

>> No.13548231

When your addiction ends with -ic

>> No.13548249

"jailtime" isn't even the real deterrent here. dealing with being entrenched in our fucked up justice system is enough to make me never want to do it again. all the fucking legal red tape, probation, community service and "alcohol classes" and AA meetings. hell if I didn't have a job at the time I would have rather just taken the jail time to get it over with. I think it was only 30 days in the can as opposed to a year of bullshit.

>> No.13548291

You are human scum, I hope you know that

>> No.13548295

Drunk people do dumb things.

>> No.13548586

>hell if I didn't have a job at the time I would have rather just taken the jail time to get it over with.

>> No.13548594

Wrong. Nothing wrong with a beer for breakfast on the occasional weekend. Very comfy.

>> No.13548603
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For me it has nothing to do with regularity or quantity. Any addiction is a matter of dependency. Try going a bit without drinking. Do you cave earlier than intended? We're you constantly thinking about drinking and longing for another drink? Can you go without a drink even of the people around you are drinking? These are the questions you need to ask yourself

>> No.13548621

I don't drink that much but I get a slight cramp in my liver area after drinking even one drink, that's been going on for like 10 years and i'm not dead yet, maybe it's my gallbladder...who knows.

>> No.13548627

Drinking before lunch.
Not trusting yourself to be able to keep a bottle of hard liquor in your house.
Not being able to take a week-long break from drinking.
>dude you're a pussy if you don't get blackout drunk bro
Are you underage or just brain damaged?

>> No.13548644

God willing, you'll die of a debilitating disease which leaves you helpless and in pain for months.

>> No.13548663

Everyone has their struggles, but if you honestly haven't had it in you to quit after the first few times your habbit has hurt someone then you aren't worth the energy required to keep you alive, you'll never make it up to society. What a fucking drain.

>> No.13548667

wtf? Alcohol improves my driving. If that's you driving at your best I hope you never sober up.

>> No.13548702

Why are you replying to this abject faggot who likely isn't old enough to drink? For the platitudes?

>> No.13548716

When you're drinking because you feel shit if you don't drink.

>> No.13548726
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Rosey cheeks mean hes happy

>> No.13548731

At point 3b.56 lix

>> No.13548733

Worked in a behavioral hospital, and patients that routinely go to the gym routinely express in the daily groups, and I quote, being terrified of women and their own tiny penises, terrified of the peer pressure until they eventually break down and end up in one of these places. So tell me another one.

>> No.13548753

Wish weed could do the job but it almost feels like psyche russian roulette where as alcohol only makes you mentally miserable if you do stupid shit and embarrass yourself. But you can always drink and be retarded alone as anon and no one will ever know. If you keep your public life in check then no one will ever know how much of a degenerate you are. I've done this for 7 years now

>> No.13548763
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i was told i would die within 1 year if i kept drinking like i did, that was when i was 11yo... 15 years later and still putting down a minimum of a 750mL a day + 7years of opium use (which btw anybody that says there's no cure for hangovers clearly has never tried opium because that shit works miracles )

>> No.13548774

About 2011.

>> No.13548782

>alcohol only makes you mentally miserable if you do stupid shit and embarrass yourself
Depression will make you kill yourself tho

>> No.13548786

my man!!!

>> No.13548787

I guess when you’re unable to go a day without drinking.

>> No.13548791

depression leads to alcoholism not the other way around if you are a heavy drinker without depression it does not make you want to kill yourself trust me I would know

>> No.13548831
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/ck/ jannies are literally not even human. Much like niggers.

Ohhh did you hear that janny? I'm being racist AND complaining about moderation at the same time! What are you going to do now!? Quick! Quick! We have a RULEBREAKER here! Someone come and ban this madman right now!

>waaahhh wahhhh muh rule 8

get fr*cked moon cricket jiggaboo giblet-necked jive turkey

>> No.13548840

Take it from me, you're an alcoholic when you start to get into trouble over booze. I thought I had things under control, now I'm facing a DUI. Time to think things over, bros.

>> No.13548881

Honestly it's whether or not it is affecting your life in a negative way in my opinion is the determining factor, the amount is hardly a factor if you can keep your shit together, my dad drinks about 2L of boxed wine a day but you would never know

>> No.13548892

Alcohol is classified as a depressant you fucking idiot, and it very much can be that way around.

>> No.13548897
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thats not how blacking works, your memory center in your brain just shuts off and stops recording. Some people don't even have to be that drunk, my dad for example blacks out super quick but he's still up drinking for several more hours but the next day he thinks he only had one drink and when to bed at 10pm when really he was up till 4am ripping cabinet doors off and putting cheese in the dishwasher

>> No.13548900

people seek alcohol for a cure to their depression. they don't seek depression as a cure for alcohol. how is this hard for you?

>> No.13548901


>> No.13548907

I don't disagree. Alcohol also causes depression by it's mechanism of action. How is that hard for you?

>> No.13548908

Some time before you start tentatively thinking maybe you're an alcoholic.

>> No.13548915

but drunk drive is really fun! unironically. Plus even when im drunk im still a better driver then 75% of the people on the road

>> No.13548922

it's hard for me because that point doesn't make sense? why would drinking alcohol cause depression?

>> No.13548927

godspeed anon you're doing the lords work

>> No.13548931

Because alcohol is a depressant.

>> No.13548932

you should kill your self tranny no one likes you

>> No.13548935
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>Alcohol is classified as a depressant
are you actually retarded? depressant=/= depression

>> No.13548938

i will

>> No.13548940
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>tfw switched to benzos instead and have it a bit more under control
they got their revenge

>> No.13548947

>Routinely lower levels of neurotransmission, proactively lower arousal/stimulation in the brain over time.
>I-it's not depression.
It's the definition of depression, smoothbrain.

>> No.13548953

fuck off mohammed

>> No.13548958

For me, it was when I literally couldn't function without some sort of liquor in more or even around. I used to work drunk all the time, drive drunk, sleep drunk, but at the very least I was working. That was functional alcoholism.
Rock bottom was a few months ago when I wasn't working, drank all the time, didn't eat, and only slept for an hour or two at a time (usually because I drank so much I couldn't stay awake). It was the morning I had some breakfast, thought everything was normal, and had a huge burst of anxiety. The shakes were insane, I was sweating profusely. Total, non-functioning alcoholic.

I don't recommend it tbqh

>> No.13548970

>opium war
funny thing is right now china is using that exact same tactic on America with fentanyl. Which is far worse of a drug and really hard to quit

>> No.13548974

it just doesent cause depression thats so wrong and if you drink without fucking up you might get sad while drunk but you wont feel sad after when youve sobered up you fucking geezer

>> No.13548976

not the guy you were responding to, but buddy, you're fucking brain-dead

>> No.13548981

Drink til your little bellies are full and godspeed.

>> No.13549013

Doctors say this that shit actually. They say depressants = depressed so you take your pills. If you get mad at them for it they will say your are manic and give you antipsychotics.

>> No.13549015

You aren't that informed bud

>> No.13549027

Oh i'm very informed, fentanyl is mass produced in china ultra cheap because is completely synthetic, its also ultra potent making it ideal for smuggling


>> No.13549195

According to my recovered alcoholic stepdad, the sure sign is when you decide on your own volition to buy Coors Light. I thought he was joking but have since seen two budding alcoholics develop a taste for the swill.

>> No.13549200

>lacking any and all reading comprehension
>in 2020

>> No.13549245

I drank a liter of whiskey/vodka day from 2010 to 2018 with only 4 days during that whole time not drinking anything (withdrawled like crazy). Blood pressure was constantly 220/150 and heart rate of 140. Heart, Kidneys, and Liver were on verge of failure. Got a DUI and a year later I am completely healthy other than doctors want to keep an eye on my kidneys over the years.

>> No.13549257

>alcohol calories don't contribute to weight gain the same way that food calories do
This is only true if you don't eat while drinking, which is impossible for alcohlics who drink all day you absolute fucking mong
go back to plebbit if you want to confidently say something that is complete bullshit

>> No.13549261

>Instead of drinking I encourage all of you to look into what happened in your life that made you turn to drink and come to terms with your own problems.
>Don't waste your life, you only get one.

>> No.13549273

Ok that's true. What you said before is all probably false is what I'm saying.

>> No.13549282
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When you make your own booze in 150Liter vats.

>> No.13549294

when you consider being drunk preferable to any other experience. eventually your addiction makes you like your drunk existence more than your sober existence on all possible accounts, that's when you start getting into trouble because you've broken your brain and are done with living real life.

I've been drunk almost every other day (and many consecutive days in a row) for the past 4 months and am currently drunk, but I read that at 6 months your liver starts taking irreparable damage. but there are people who drink a handle of 80 proof liquor daily for 10 years, so it's not like you're going to die right away, it's a slow decline until middle age takes you if you keep doing this shit. if you can at least test yourself by running 10km every week and doing various above average calisthenics, you must not be dying since most normies can't pull it off, r-right?

>> No.13549304

>6 months your liver starts taking irreparable damage

God, my liver must look like a distressed leather purse left out in the rain.

>> No.13549310

It's more like quitting cigarettes: your liver starts to heal especially with some sensible eating like some veggies. Be positive about each day you fall asleep without a drink.

>> No.13549323

by the time distill that down there won't be that much

>> No.13549327

>fall asleep without a drink.
i have never been able to sleep with some form of drug or alcohol, i have tried and stayed awake for 4 days straight which is not fun because you lose grip with reality

>> No.13549330


That's 300 liters x .13. 39 Liters of booze for about 80 bucks if you don't do a second distillation.

>> No.13549332

I normally drink 4-6 drinks 4 or 5 days a week. But sometimes I don't drink for a week. If I feel sick I don't drink. If I feel like my tolerance is too high I stop drinking. Am I am alcoholic? I mean I love drinking, but I never get really drunk because I don't like too. But at the same time I think lots of things are simply better drunk. But at the same time, I often voluntarily stop drinking. Not really sure what I qualify as.

>> No.13549334


Sorry that's 39 liters of 94%, so more than double that to get to 40%.

>> No.13549337

97.5 liters of booze.

>> No.13549340

Oh also I don't drink if I am in a shit mood, only if I am in a normal or good mood. Drinking just makes my current feelings/mood more pronounced so I don't drink to escape negative emotions or shit like that.

>> No.13549347

That's not meant to last sorry

>> No.13549348


>> No.13549364

. I recommend eating healthy shit like eggs and trying using tryptophan while eating carbs at bedtime to passout. Keep eating *full* meals at the end of the day with oils/fats so you don't wake up with low blood sugar which is really shitty

>> No.13549370

I mean you might feel like you can keep drinking after this and buddy you can't

>> No.13549385

Alcoholics need to think about inflammation.

>> No.13549394

do you do a stripping run then re-distill it? also do you mix all the heads/hearts/tails and doesn't the taste like shit? even if its something like birdwatchers

>> No.13549395

People should learn moderation like you show here but alcohol is a bastard and will challenge you

>> No.13549427

As an alcoholic, whats the most important organ to wstch out for? Kidneys or liver? I know the liver can take quite the beating and recover, but i think people underestimate the importance of the kidneys.

>> No.13549431


Birdwatchers is what I make and I do one distillation, I trim off the first 150ml of foreshot during the stripping run, but the heads hearts and tails get smeared. Birdwatchers is the only wash that you could drink the low wines from, but it does taste bad. I put in 3 tsp of Sodium Bicarb for every 4 liters of booze to normalize the pH and convert some of the aldehydes to ethanol. But I'm lazy and got used to it. Doing a full column distillation takes another 3 hours on top of 3 hours of making 3 handles of booze so I just grin and bear it.

>> No.13549438

Kidneys for sure. Drink a ton of water all the time.

>> No.13549443

>Drink a ton of water all the time.

Do this, i didnt and got a kidney stone andthose are not fun

>> No.13549450

So pee all the time... I will quit!

>> No.13549522

It's either that or wake up with your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth and eyeballs glued to your eyelids. Oh, and joint pain in ever joint on your body. I use to get up and the room sound like someone was cracking spaghetti for 30 seconds.

>> No.13549685

the old age correct answer

>> No.13549700

Protip: You can't conceal your drinking, ever. It comes out of your lungs whether you brush your teeth or use mouthwash. You always smell like a bottle of open booze and your eyes looking like glazed over saucers give you away in 2 seconds.

>> No.13549702

When 1 is too many and 10 ain't enough.

>> No.13549723

What if you're on vacation like me
Bloody Mary's in the morning are fucking kino

>> No.13549726

>I put in 3 tsp of Sodium Bicarb for every 4 liters of booze to normalize the pH and convert some of the aldehydes to ethanol.
at what stage do you do this? i seen someone do that but they put it in the still and it turned the booze blue which means poisonous copper sulfate or something

>> No.13549729

Yeah thats why any weight loss plan says to drink alcohol.....not

>> No.13549746

When you realise

>> No.13549762

The term 'alcoholic' is so stupid.

I drink 3 nights in a row once every 2-4 weeks. 750ml bottle of vodka each night, 2.25L over the course of 48h. I have no problem during the day waiting till night to be able to drink. I barely get cravings. I haven't drank in a fortnight and don't plan on doing so for at least another month (dieting). I could go without drinking ever again, I don't care. Most would label me an alcoholic because it's a bottle of vodka a night and I always blackout. But I'm clearly not, I have no problems with alcohol whatsoever.

>> No.13549764
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Take a look at the list below:

>Had times when you ended up drinking more, or longer than you intended?
>More than once wanted to cut down or stop drinking, or tried to, but couldn’t?
>Spent a lot of time drinking? Or being sick or getting over the aftereffects?
>Experienced craving — a strong need, or urge, to drink?
>Found that drinking — or being sick from drinking — often interfered with taking care of your home or family? Or caused job troubles? Or school problems?
>Continued to drink even though it was causing trouble with your family or friends?
>Given up or cut back on activities that were important or interesting to you, or gave you pleasure, in order to drink?
>More than once gotten into situations while or after drinking that increased your chances of getting hurt (such as driving, swimming, using machinery, walking in a dangerous area, or having unsafe sex)?
>Continued to drink even though it was making you feel depressed or anxious or adding to another health problem? Or after having had a memory blackout?
>Had to drink much more than you once did to get the effect you want? Or found that your usual number of drinks had much less effect than before?
>Found that when the effects of alcohol were wearing off, you had withdrawal symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, shakiness, irritability, anxiety, depression, restlessness, nausea, or sweating? Or sensed things that were not there?

MILD: 1 - 3

What are you /ck/?

>> No.13549770

No no no, you put it in after the first distillation which comes out at 65% in the first 3 liters and the last liter comes out 55% so it get 1 tsp. You normalize all of that to 40% and bottle it. You need a alcolimiter.. whatever the hydrometer version is in pure alcohol is called. So you can make it 40% So 3 tsp in the first batch that gets watered to 40 from 65ish, then the last batch 1 tsp which is 55ish down to 40. None of it tastes like tails and by tails I mean cardboard. I cut off my run at 95 degrees even so I don't taste cardboard at all. Real tails taste like dissolved cardboard.

>> No.13549796


Yeah you don't copper sulfide in anything. You want your still to be "seasoned" with crap so it never makes you sick. If you have copper in your iris you're poisoned with copper. Never get there or you'll need to be chelated.

>> No.13549804
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This is my distilling element, it's a Jackson Crossflow condenser. I stuffed it with copper netting to maximize it's "knock down" of 2600 watts of heat. I can make 4.3 liters of 60% booze in 3 hours of distillation.

>> No.13549811
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These are my trial and error copper devices. The Liebig and Parrot work fine, the 3 element cold finger did not.

>> No.13549812

You're an alcoholic when your drinking start interfering with your life.

>> No.13549866

7 although im not sure about the 1st question since i always want to drink until im fucked up and sometimes i dont achieve that goal

>> No.13549887

30oz of vodka a day for this fella. I've probably spent $40k on booze in the last 5 years

>> No.13549889
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That's why I learned to make my own.

>> No.13549890

I've been doing it for 5 years and have no health problems yet and it hasn't interfered with my work (I drink from the time I get home until I go to bed)

>> No.13549892
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>tfw it's almost 6am and you can but booze again

>> No.13549897

Jesus christ, I just did that. like 2 hours ago
I rehosed.

>> No.13549899


>> No.13549905

How much did it cost to make that rig?

>> No.13549907
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I woke up this morning and had to drink to stop the nausea and paranoia. I only have half a tall boy of steel reserve left, I really hope that's enough until lunch.

>> No.13549911
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it's wednesday my dudes, but i have nowhere to be today so i got more bottom shelf rum in me 2 hours ago, i'm rooming AAAAAAAAAAAAA I'M GONNA ROOM UUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH

>> No.13549918

How do you deal with looking at the person at the liquor store every day?

>> No.13549921


Listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8MAHQhKe7Q

Good mood music.

>> No.13549924

Make friends with em, fucking hell I babysat one of the cashiers kids before just cuz she knew me from all my booze buying.

>> No.13549939

i don't care what they think, they are all reasonably friendly women like >>13549924 indirectly pointed out, why are all liquor store cashiers now ladies?! weird phenom

I'll admit I was mildly embarrassed on visit 3 but by like 111 any pretense of humanity is gone

>> No.13549943

Sound like a retard.

>> No.13549947

I don't sound like anything, i'm typing to you. Delirious fucking cunt.

>> No.13549969


>> No.13549982

I go to different ones each day

>> No.13549996

Is rather just have one person know about my problem desu

>> No.13549998


The actual still cost around 600 bucks. But the toys, I dunno a couple hundred I guess. It only saved me 50 thousand bucks in 8 years.

>> No.13550009

When you're questioning it.

>> No.13550026

Someone close to me is in deep denial about his drinking. One of the biggest tells is if you have to lie about your drinking, you constantly compare yourself to the worst drinkers around your life, or you use whatever event as an excuse to get publicly hammered. The more subtle ones are when they're defensive when you turn down a drink or claim you're cutting back, they stop doing activities that don't allow them to drink, or they rework activities to allow their drinking (perfect example, "fuck the gym, let's work out at my house bro").

>> No.13550031

if you drink by yourself

>> No.13550038

Real alcoholics turn off their phone and disappear.

>> No.13550068

I was a heroin addict for a few years and to be honest I was thankful it wasn't alcohol addiction. I saw some fuck up shit from the alcoholics i was in rehab with. Alcohol withdrawals can actually kill you, with dope you just FEEL like you're dying. With alcohol there is a very real possibility that if you're in that deep you can have a seizure so bad you die. Addiction sucks, but even to this day I would much rather be a heroin addict than an alcoholic.

>> No.13550086

This is normie propaganda

>> No.13550170

If you have to ask then you're probably an alcoholic.

>> No.13550176

who are you trying to convince?

>> No.13550216

cope harder drunkard

>> No.13550228

When you start wondering whether you're an alcoholic and can no longer immediately dismiss the idea.

>> No.13550243

>they stop doing activities that don't allow them to drink, or they rework activities to allow their drinking (perfect example, "fuck the gym, let's work out at my house bro")
I'm totally guilty of this, and I'm an alcoholic, but come to me dehydrated and shit after a full day of drinking and tell me you want to go for a long hike or some shit. It's not because I "can't drink," it's because I know halfway through I'm not going to be able to keep up and will ruin your enjoyable time.

I don't get defensive when people don't want to drink, but I can't stand when I tell someone I'm cutting back or not drinking because I have a problem with alcohol, and they're like "come on man just join us and don't drink! have a tonic water with lemon!"

Yeah, that's what I want to do. Come watch you all enjoy having drinks at a bar, doing what I desperately want to be doing, while I sit in the corner and drink my flavorless fizzy water. It's like going out with four of your college buddies and four of their dates and being the only one at the end of the night not getting any ass.

>> No.13550398

Just stop drinking bro lol

>> No.13550407

If alcoholism is a condition, nobody should frown upon alcoholics. Alcoholism is horrible but I feel nothing but compassion for alcoholics.

>> No.13550448

>>13546635 All the fucking time/

>> No.13550467

I don't have time to read all of the replies, so I am sorry if someone has already posted this.
You're an alcoholic when you know when the liquor store opens, not when it closes.
>t. bought liquor at 10:00am today.

>> No.13550482

>the gym WON’T make me happier
Absolutely retarded

>> No.13550658

fucking retard

>> No.13550668
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I am old and very few regrets

>> No.13550758

its only one or two people that know how disgusting i am. Not a big deal.

>> No.13550816

What about second breakfast?

>> No.13550866
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>> No.13550970

I used to be friends with this chick who got drunk everyday but would skip a day maybe once a week so she could get one over her boyfriend and tell him she didn't drink everyday like he did and behind his back would talk about how he was in denial about being an alcoholic.

Fuck whatever the precise definition of alcoholic is, if you get shakes when you don't drink or think about drinking daily (even if you don't) you've got a problem.

>> No.13551061

Delete this

>> No.13551167

What if you only do this on Saturdays?

>> No.13551497

Don't have to turn it off if nobody calls.

>> No.13551523

>this isn't considered off topic
Janny and mod is a fucking faggot nigger

>> No.13551556

Dude you have a severe problem with alcohol

>> No.13551690

When you get drunk you slur other peoples words?