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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13548689 No.13548689 [Reply] [Original]

doc told me im borderline diabetic
evrything i try to eat is gluten or sugar
wtf do i eat

>> No.13548695

peanuts and peanut butter

>> No.13548697
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Cook your own food.
Describe your current day. What do you eat in an average day?

>> No.13548701

well you're probably overweight so you want to cut most of your portion sizes and eat less in general. gluten shouldn't be a problem. eat meat, cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans. minimize intake of refined sugar, only have a small amount of junk food once in a while if you want it.

>> No.13548704

Adjust your diet to include more whole grains and vegetables. You'll lose weight and not have spikes in blood sugar with high fiber/low sugar foods.

>> No.13548707

Eat tons sugar, glutes. Only family care.
But seriously you're just a burden to society

>> No.13548729

Look up keto diets for inspiration

>> No.13548744

desu i work at a fast food restaurant, i get free breakfast lunch and dinner, switched it out for a chopped or southwestern salad from my usual snacking on fries, and meal (borger, seak, lamb, fried chicken)

recipe southwest salad,
half cup of corn, half cup of black beans, half cup of tomatoes, hand full of oak leaf, tango and iceburg lettuce chopped mixed, some shredded sharp cheddar on top, with 2 to 3 tbsp of ranch on top, add some balsamic vinegar to taste (or not at all,
i usually eat what i can get cheaply (junk)
or my mom will cook for me (salted kale/ spinach soup, with lemon) and i hate that stuff with a passion, i can eat it but not every night

>> No.13548750
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>> No.13548776

thank you, i've been trying to go on the lightly snacking diet, taking inspiration from Europe,
as in having some cured meats like prosucco with some dry sharp cheese as a meal, with minimally or unsweetened coffee

>> No.13548797


Portion sizes is another big thing to keep in mind. Your stomach is stretchable and if you're used to eating a lot, you'll likely feel hungry when you don't need to eat more. I had that problem when I was in a similar position to you. Going cold turkey on portion sizes/snacking feels shitty for about a month but once you get used to eating enough for your calorie needs instead of whenever you feel hungry, eating heathily is way easier. It's something I think most diet and nutrition advice don't take into account about how/why fat people eat so much.

>> No.13548818

Veggies, fish, chicken, some fruits, nuts, high fiber itmes, whole grains, popcorn.
No desserts, no sodas, no juice.
Truthfully most foods are still on the table at the end of the day, but you need to rethink your portions and what you consider staples. And get some exercise fatty, before its too late and you get diagnosed with type 2.

t. type 2 diabetic

>> No.13548821


>> No.13548848

sorry to hear that man, i would like to thank you for helping me out, so that i may not soon share your fate, am writing down, ingredients now, any specific recipes for meals you eat a lot?

>> No.13548861


>> No.13548891

No worries, I'm on medication right now but might be able to get off it entirely if I keep to my diet and exercise regimen.
Personally I've been favoring salads and homemade soups, but you should talk with your doctor about seeing a nutritionist asap and take their advice seriously. Asking a mongolian basket weaving forum for medical advice specific to your situation is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.13548905

"Asking a mongolian basket weaving forum for medical advice specific to your situation is a recipe for disaster."

top kek my dude,
"talk with your doctor about seeing a nutritionist asap and take their advice seriously" will do

>> No.13548950

Well there is good news OP, you are PREdiabetic. Trust me you don't want full-blown 'beetus.
Two things you have to do:

1. Watch what you eat
2. Move your ass

If you manage to do those two things weight loss will follow. Set modest goals. Don't expect to run a marathon next week. Just get outside. Get an audiobook or podcast you like on your phone and go for a walk. Do this several times a week.
The same for food. Modest goals. It might be hard to completely switch to salads and veggies if your diet today consists of burgers and fries. Introduce healthier food gradually.

Good luck!

>> No.13549424

>thank you, i've been trying to go on the lightly snacking diet, taking inspiration from Europe,
eating non-stop doesn't fucking work you fat loser