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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13547597 No.13547597 [Reply] [Original]

>open package
>wash hands
>remove chicken
>wash hands
>season chicken
>wash hands
>season other side of chicken
>wash hands
>place chicken on tray
>wash hands
>place in oven
>wash oven handle

>> No.13547652

You didn't wash your chicken but washed your hands 6 times?

>> No.13547661

It's how you avoid cross contamination.

>> No.13547681

>Prep seasonings, plate, paper towels
>Open chicken
>Discard packaging
>Wash chicken
>Season chicken
>Let it rest on plate if need be
>Wash hands
>Add chicken to preferred cooking surface using tongs
>Wash plate

Not that hard.

>> No.13547713

your tongs are infected

>> No.13547726

>buy nitrile gloves or steal them from work like a normal person
problem solved

>> No.13547735

you're not supposed to wash chicken
it creates a fine mist that coats your kitchen with bacteria

>> No.13548379

Your supposed to use one hand to handle the chicken and the other hand to do spices/other tasks that way you only have to wash at the end or if you need two hands to put it in the oven

>> No.13548413

leave it to a frogposter to be retarded

>> No.13549584

you still need to swap out gloves between steps
seems wasteful

>> No.13549587


Just soak in bleach overnight.

>> No.13549604

Why would you want to eat something so contaminated in the first place?

>> No.13549845

have a dry hand and a salmonella hand

>> No.13549847

the taste makes it worth the extra risk and precaution

>> No.13549857

>washing the chicken
Decent troll

>> No.13550045
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>> No.13550578

> take chicken out of package
>pat with paper towel
>put it back on the same cutting board to rest because it doesn't matter

>> No.13550591

I'm still alive bro

>> No.13550597

if small children or elderly people ever enter your kitchen they will die

>> No.13550600


>> No.13550714

In the US that's already been done for you and it accumulates fecal matter to the point of being a cesspool so as more chickens are progressively dunked they become coated in feces. If you don't wash your factory farmed chicken you're literally eating chicken chit.

>> No.13550735
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>> No.13550767


>> No.13551007

and you call vegans crazy

>> No.13551693

this is why i hate chicken and now prefer fish and red meat. not only that it is so deadly as a dead motionless slab of meat. but ive begun smelling them when i get it out of the packaging and sometimes they just have that smell that makes you wanna gag

>> No.13551809

>open package
>use tongs to move chicken to clean cutting board
>flip using same tongs
>season other side
>keep the set of tongs you used for raw chicken to move it around until the chicken is cooked
>get a different set of tongs for cooked chicken
>wash cutting board and raw tongs
>stop getting eczema from chicken autism

>> No.13551826

Literally who cares, heat kills any bacteria

>> No.13551831

>wanting salmonella on your seasonuing container
i mean if you want to thats your choice

>> No.13551835

there's probably more bacteria in the tap water than on the chicken, you dumb germophobe

>> No.13551843

No grit or settled dust, though.

>> No.13551871

i don't live in america

>> No.13551893

>shitty repost

>> No.13552016
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Same desu. Never been sick tho

>> No.13552090

i'm with you on that. any time I handle chicken or seafood I feel the need to immediately wash my hands.
>watch TV chefs handle chicken then immediately touch another piece of food or cooking surface without washing hands and cross contaminating the shit out of their kitchen
I just assume it's just for show and they don't actually eat the food and bleach the kitchen immediately afterwards.

>> No.13552256

>watch TV chefs handle chicken then immediately touch another piece of food or cooking surface without washing hands and cross contaminating the shit out of their kitchen

>I just assume it's just for show and they don't actually eat the food and bleach the kitchen immediately afterwards.

I'm always conscious of that too. Ramsay will wipe the sweat from his face immediately after fisting a raw chicken, and in the same movement he'll touch every surface in the room and give all of his kids high fives. Then there's the towel on his waist that he wipes his hands on every 30 seconds and then uses to transport plates to the dinner table.

>> No.13552362
File: 203 KB, 390x382, 1579029238198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a meme? Is American chicken radioactive or something? What's happening here?
I never once washed my chicken nor did I bleach my kitchen after handling it.

>> No.13552372

>muh govt. approves feces coated chicken and that's a fine thing
Wew, lad!

>> No.13552397

just wash the chicken first then it will be clean and you don't have to wash your hands after touching it!

>> No.13552410
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>*saves anon's hands in you're path* in you're path
heh, nothing personal, kid

>> No.13552458

its chicken, not salmon

>> No.13552478

Why not just open the package and eat the chicken straight away? Are you so weak you can't resist simple infections? Man up.

>> No.13552497
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>> No.13552621

Why not answer the question, cuck?

>> No.13552789
File: 454 KB, 662x934, 2020-01-14_23.06.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his kitchen isnt covered in chicken mist

>> No.13553589

>be European
>buy, prepare, cook and eat raw whole chicken hundreds of times
>never ever wash hands before, during or after prepping, cooking or eating
>never get sick ever from chicken

Life is good

>> No.13553596


>> No.13553604
File: 2.85 MB, 320x238, Matteo Salvini eating chicken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13553622
File: 53 KB, 478x322, Goro MK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 hand to touch raw meat
>1 hand to season
>1 hand to jack off in the kitchen
>1 hand idle

why haven't you taken the goropill?

>> No.13553642
File: 158 KB, 1600x900, chicken mist storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw town needs to seek shelter when the chicken mist storm arrives so E.coli doesn't take their bodies

>> No.13554074

kill yourself

>> No.13554135

that's new :)

>> No.13554384

>take chicken out of packaging
>put it on wooden cutting board
>prep chicken
>put vegetables on same cutting board without washing it
>prep vegetables
>cook food
>no salmonella

Do american chicken companies spray their chicken with salmonella before selling them or where does that unrational fear for it come from?

>> No.13554443

Wash your fucking chicken, fuckin white people.

>> No.13554447

>raise and butcher my own heritage meat hens
I dont have this problem, enjoy your e coli and salmonella faggots.

>> No.13554464

Because in america the entire food chain is controlled by monsanto and run by boomers that employ spics who cant into hygene.

>> No.13554473

your water is probably even worse

>> No.13554515

Imagine being so poor that you don't have separate cutting boards specifically for meat and vegetables. It's like eurocopes have no concept of what's sanitary

>> No.13554521
File: 37 KB, 500x375, tendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take chicken out of packageing
>put on metal tray
>put oven to 375
>preheat light turns on
>put tray of chicken in the over
>wait 15 minutes
>take tray out of oven
>put on plate
>fill cups with BBQ, Honey Mustard, Hot sauce
>dip chicken

it's not that hard

>> No.13554776

Monsanto doesn't exist anymore. The Germans own it, so the products are no longer considered bad.
Enjoy your roundup, and unlabeled gmo s Europe.

>> No.13554788

so just eat chicken with shit all over it, huh

I can bleach the sink later, I can't bleach the chicken after it's cooked retard

>> No.13554917

>Wash your fucking chicken, fuckin white people
Why, was it touched by niggers?! Jesus Christ I think I'm gonna be sick!

>> No.13555280

Illya ?

>> No.13555308

>take chicken out of fridge
>carve up part/s you want to use, debone, deskin if necessary
>season, prepare, etc.
>start cooking
>wash cutting board, marinating, battering bowls, etc. while the chicken is cooking, at same time hands are washed, two birds
>when done cooking, plate
>wash the rest of dishes


>> No.13555311

you have autism, I'm sorry

>> No.13555322

Raw chicken smells like wet dog to me.

>> No.13555331

>buy medical exam gloves from Walmart
>wear them when handling meat and then throw them away
It's like magic

>> No.13555541

it's funny that this picture is filled with mutts.

>> No.13555556

Literally me. But it's good practice anon.

>> No.13555563

You dont change cutting boards? There's still raw chicken on that thing.

>> No.13555576

Open meat 1 handed use meat hand you shift meat top pan
Careful not to drip
Throw away container with meat hand
Take a shower
Cook dinner

>> No.13555610

lol this nigga shower with he chicken

>> No.13555616
File: 720 KB, 300x300, pepeChicken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13555622


Yeah no

>> No.13555687

>washing meat

You guys actually do this shit?

>> No.13555721

>put chicken in oven with packaging intact
>hit the self-cleaning button
>packaging incinerated into nothingness
>chicken perfectly cooked
>hands still clean

>> No.13555739

go away jack

>> No.13556076

I don't care. I have been doing it for years and there has never been a problem. Stop falling for scare tactics by the news.

>> No.13556119

I do have multiple cutting boards, but I also do have a brain.

>> No.13556403
File: 1.31 MB, 300x300, batSoup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13556512

Oops. Posted in wrong thread. Meant to post in the Bat Soup thread that I can no longer find.

>> No.13556598

>he says, in a frog thread