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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 332 KB, 1536x768, F7AE95A0-98B4-408D-8AC2-A1DAFE51BE1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13545053 No.13545053 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ like their burger? Thick or smashed? Toppings? Sauces? Let’s fucking discussion lads, embrace debate.

>> No.13545059

i like it any way

>> No.13545070


>> No.13545175
File: 56 KB, 1080x807, EOgeKLbXkAAJbEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real cheese
>grilled onions
>sheet of lettuce
>black pepper

>> No.13545182

Less toppings is more. Their like pizza; shit chefs put more shit on top to hide their inability to actually cook something good. Same goes for hot sauce fags drenching their food.

>> No.13545187


>> No.13545196

I like mine either one of two ways:
1.) Pepper Jack cheese, shredded lettuce, chipotle mayo, jalapenos, and pickes


2.) american cheese, ketchup

>> No.13545211

>two smashed burgers
>two slices of cheese (Swiss or American)
>toasted & buttered bun
I like bacon too but I don't like how you bite it and the whole thing comes out unless you overcook it

>> No.13545213


>> No.13545216

I like it in a way.

>> No.13545227

what is a smashed burger?

>> No.13545237

I like mine SMASHED and SLAMMED

>> No.13545281

make a meatball, put it on the griddle, smush it down with spatula. Makes a better crust, sacrifices looks

>> No.13545287

this entirely sounds like an American thing

>> No.13545295

>smashed, rare
>brioche bun
>smoked bacon
>swiss cheese
>shredded lettuce
>american mustard
>steam the bun top

>> No.13545296

you could call smashed, "thin"

>> No.13545301

Anyone who doesn't say smashed doesn't know burgers.
Cheese is a must, anything else is optional.

My favourite would be a double cheeseburger with bacon, grilled mushrooms and onions, bbq sauce on top, russian dressing on the bottom.

>> No.13545310

We're innovators

>> No.13545315

Grilled onions
Pepper jack
Smashed well done

I also like a good jalapeno/guac burger

>> No.13545322

I'm european.
Shut up, mate. Smashed is the way to go.

>> No.13545324


>> No.13545377

Do people in this thread understand what smashed means?
Are they just not cooking the other side at all? Cause otherwise, idk how you could achieve rare burgers.
Also, underdone mince meat is disgusting.
It's not a filet it's meat crumbs, stop being disgusting.

>> No.13545404
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>> No.13545476

I can tell from here that the meat is overdone and I know that kind of cheese and it sucks.

>> No.13545503

>I can tell from here that the meat is overdone
You can't possibly know that, you're just being an asshole for the sake of it, trying to establish some sorry of authority. Fuck off you pretentious faggot.

>> No.13545517

a true american does not discriminate when it comes to burgers

>> No.13545551

Weird huh

>> No.13545557

Yes I can tell very easily from the color.
That shit is one degree of separation removed from coal.
If you can't handle criticism, you shouldn't post.
Your bread is store boought, the cheese looks bad, the meat overdone and the image is poorly taken.

>> No.13545583
File: 1.22 MB, 3024x4032, 3g60pc3lo6n21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't even my picture you cunt, I'm just calling you out on your bullshit. You obviously don't know the difference between char (good) and burnt (bad) so your opinion is worthless. I'll bet you're one of those goobers who thinks bark on the outside of smoked meat is burnt, too.

>> No.13545793

I know the difference.
If you have either on a tiny burger patty,
it is overcooked.
Sorry to say your burger doesn't look good, but you are handling it poorly.

>> No.13545797

Seconding >>13545476
Stop being butthurt about it.

>> No.13545805

Please post an example of what you think a properly-grilled burger should look like.

>> No.13545824

if im running low on meat i enjoyed my burgers smashed

>> No.13545831

based and toadpilled

>> No.13545854

if you have lots of meat, just make it a double or triple.
The crusty bits is what's good, not the grey mass.
Only tastelets prefer fat burgers.

>> No.13545860
File: 60 KB, 640x360, burger-patties-on-grill-in-flames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 what's the difference
You see these have some dark spots and some lighter spots.
Yours is all dark. It's gonna be dry and overcooked in the middle.
>inb4 crust is good
not if the meat is overcooked.

>> No.13545968

See, I would prefer much more char. Like >>13545854 said, the flavor comes from the maillard reaction on the outside. These will be good but not nearly as flavorful as the ones you think are burnt. If your heat is high enough you can get a good char on the outside without overcooking the inside. You see, cooking is all about learning how things interact with eachother and being open to learning new techniques. Maybe you suck ass at cooking burgers so you barely char yours in order to prevent drying them out, and have conditioned yourself to think this is the correct way.

>> No.13546970

1/3rd pound ground sirloin 80/20 hand-shaped into a patty
salt and pepper
shittiest american cheese you can find that comes in a wrapper
ketchup, mustard, romaine leaf, red onion slice, tomato, avocado, bread and butter pickles
The most robust kaiser/telera roll you can find as it is the only bun that won't buckle under the strain

>> No.13546982

I’ve had some good burgers in my time. Uh I... I love a good swiss, melted swiss cheese and mush- roasted mushrooms and caramelized onions on a burger. Uh that is hot stuff, you can get that at- at a number of different places.

>> No.13547158

Why do you type like a stuttering faggot?

>> No.13547242

I've been a proponent for thick burgers for a long time and was really autistic about it not being pressed on and only flipped twice, but I've slowly been converted to smashed burgers.
I'm also much more minimalist about toppings nowadays. The store around the corner has nice pretzel buns and sometimes I just make burgers with those, a slice of cheese and mustard.
Better than 99% of the burgers you get in a restaurant.

>> No.13547541

Just accept that those burgers were overcooked already and move on.
They were clearly cooked on a stovetop. They are simply just overcooked.
You can tell from the color and the texture.
How can you be so insecure about your college-dorm-tier burgers?

>> No.13547590

They really just look overcooked m8

>> No.13547605

Don't like pretzel buns I think they clash with the meat taste and are more of a novelty than anything else.
Potato rolls or sweet potato rolls is what you need. Brioche if you insist on making it "fancy" (literally why tho, it's a burger)
Not even American, but that's what a burger is.

>> No.13547798
File: 149 KB, 1200x800, leberkaese-und-brezel-auf-dem-richtfest-im-bauzentrum-poing-bayern-21799-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they work really well, especially with mustard. Pretzels (or Bretzen) are commonly eaten here with sausages or Leberkäse, so it's not an unusual combination.

They are also simply the best buns I can buy around here. The "burger buns" you can get at the supermarkets around here are awful, dry stuff, and while I do make good buns myself, I'm usually too lazy for that.

>> No.13547816
File: 368 KB, 600x600, Laugenwuchtel_Detailbild_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the buns they have and they're just perfect in size, consistency and taste imo, and I can get them fresh out the oven basically all the time.

>> No.13547835
File: 1.54 MB, 3024x4032, 4ca90848v6d31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you've never had a nicely browned yet juicy burger but they do exist and are preferable to the undercooked bullshit you're advocating. Neither of us is going to convince the other, though, so you just stick to your medium rare pleb burgers and I'll continue eating my perfectly charred chad burgers.
>Pic related, another "burned/dry" burger the likes of which you're missing out on because you're a stubborn, close-minded jerkoff.

>> No.13547902

Smashed w/ american cheese, pickles, & fry sauce
i.e., shake shack & clones

>> No.13548146

Cringe. Kys for writing like that.

>> No.13548175

Soft bun, two smashed patties with melted cheddar, pickles, mustard, sriracha mayo, a slice of ripe tomato if they're in season.

That is an excellent-looking burger.

>> No.13548241

>excellent-looking burger
When did all of these burned patty-liking tastelets come out of the woodworks? Is liking dry burgers the new trend?

>> No.13548244

You can plainly see that it is not dry, shitposter-kun

>> No.13548260

All I can plainly see is a coating of oil leftover from whatever shitty pan these were fried (read: burned) in. Compare it to the burger in this picture >>13545860 and tell me it still looks "joosy."

>> No.13548387
File: 129 KB, 1334x750, Jacks Juicy Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice and pink

>> No.13548390

I had a really good turkey burger once and ive been on a quest to try and make one. I dont know if im a retard or what but i have a way tougher time cooking turkey than i do beef. Any advice for me? Im in the thin burger camp but im really not that picky.

>> No.13548569

God this is a based post, fpbp as always. Every burger can be good.

>> No.13548642
File: 865 KB, 1465x828, 72096C87-68EB-4004-B164-3677BB327DFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Burgers leave so much room for creativity, like specific blends or sauces. Even a fucking PBJ burger can work when made properly.

>> No.13548812

Why does /ck/ not get mad about this guy instead of the current one /ck/ gets mad about
He's just as annoying, but with 10x more smugness

>> No.13549017

2xSmashed beef
Toasted potato bun
2xAmerican cheese
Smokey barbecue sauce

>> No.13549114
File: 607 KB, 1080x1920, 1579039852220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to eat burgers with untoasted bread or is that just gross? It's whole wheat bread made at home with 1 of those boomer bread loaf machines.

>> No.13549279

I'll accept a wide variety of burgers as long as the following standards are met:
>patty MUST be well done, cooked all the way through, or I'll fucking kill you swear to god
>if there's bacon on the burger, the bacon MUST be fried crispy - soggy bacon is disgusting
>the burger MUST be thin enough to take bites out of - a burger that you have to eat with fork and knife misses the fucking point of burgers

>> No.13549505

I'm a german, I know.
Pretzel buns are good, just not suited with a burger.
Simple solution to your super market problem:
Make your own
find a baker who likes burgers.

>> No.13549509

That looks good.
The other looked overcooked.
Just fucking deal with it already.

>> No.13549521

It's like you are not listening at all.
This one has some darker and lighter spots, some crust and charring but only a bit on the outside.
The first one of your burgers looked dark all the way. It was clearly overcooked. Source: I frequently overcooked my burgers before I learned doing it right.
This looks overcooked. It looks tough. You can almost smell the sour-ish smell of overcooked mince meat from just looking at it.
You don't have to be so sensitive, they don't always come out perfect.

>> No.13549533
File: 425 KB, 1920x1080, 0203872_16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the perfect burger.

>> No.13549926

Let’s start with the bun. I prefer a pretzel bun, toasted. On the bottom half, a conservative application of mayonnaise with a singular slice of Swiss cheese. Then a burger patty; I prefer somewhere in between thick and smashed. Another slice of Swiss cheese and bacon on top of the patty. Then a second patty. Another slice of Swiss cheese and grilled onions on top of it. Finally, the top half of the bun, also with a conservative application of mayonnaise. Bonus points if the patties are liberally seasoned with black pepper, but not a requirement.

>> No.13549987

So plebian.

>> No.13550015

>crumbs of burnt "whatever was in the pan before" all throughout the thing
>burnt meat

>> No.13550082

Ever tried mayo and ketchup together? It’s a game changer lad and better than just mayo by itself. Can even use sriracha ketchup for a bit of heat.

>> No.13550117

I am but a simple man and don’t pretend to be anything else. Not all of us can appreciate a “3x3 double-double triple pounder whopper Mac, animal style with lox, hold the escargot.”
I do like mayonnaise and ketchup together—not a bad combination—but I prefer just mayonnaise.

>> No.13550271

Go back

>> No.13550341

>grey meat
>char marks simply brown
heat's too low. theyre hamburgers, youre not supposed to steam them skinner

>> No.13550507
File: 2.23 MB, 320x384, 1465002380870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mince meat
opinion discarded

>> No.13551027
File: 1.41 MB, 3536x2160, P1000477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my burgers.

I know they maybe ain't look like much, but they are de-li-ci-ous and are usually eaten up in under 1 minute.

Will follow up with ingredients

>> No.13551054
File: 1.35 MB, 2368x2112, 123 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Ox heart tomatoe finely sliced
2) Cheddar chees, cut round so that the bun doesn't get run over with the cheese
3) self made burgers with a burger press
4) brioche buns, sometimes the more rustic buns that you see on the side here
5) raw red onion rings
6) romana salad for crunch & taste
7) KNORR curry sauce (yellow)
8) KÜHNE chipotle sauce (orange)

>> No.13551075

Oh, I try to make my burgers as small as possible by the way so that you can eat them really comfortably and without a huge mess. McDonalds figured out that smaller burgers are better years ago. They fit in your mouth right away, make less of a mess, don't spill grease on your hands and can be grabbed easier.

These huge fucking burgers don't appeal to me anymore. Plus, if you do it right, you can fit so much fresh and delicious stuff into your burgers, it is unbelievable.

>> No.13551126
File: 155 KB, 1200x1200, Eggs-Benedict-Burgers_exps164638_TH2847295B03_07_1bC_RMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>medium rare
>sunny side up egg
>melted cheese
>hash browns on the side

>> No.13551416

I'm not the one who defended it, I only posted the picture and some other guy seemed to get butthurt over it not being universally appreciated.
I don't care that some randos on 4channel don't share my idea of a good burger. This thread asked me how I like my burger, and I liked that burger that way. So I posted it.

>> No.13551446


If you cant tell how done something is by its color youre a shit cook. The burger is charred and overcooked

>> No.13551491

Absolutely cucked.
If you haven't cooked enough meat to know that something can be charred on the outside and moist on the inside then you are the shit cook. If you ever move out of your section 8 housing and get a proper gas stove you'll see what I mean, goober.

>> No.13551503

>seasoned patty

>> No.13551559

Sesame Seed Bun
Mayo Ketchup
Beef patty cooked well
Chedder Slice
Tomato Slice
Banana Peppers
Shredded Lettuce

>> No.13551783

The best burger I ever ate had a miniature apple pie on it.

>> No.13551954

i like it dirty with just meat and cheese and ketchup and pickles

a greasy mess

grilled onions and grilled mushrooms as well if available

>> No.13551988

>smashed super thin
>real cheese
>raw oinion
>Chris .P Bacon
>homemade mayo
>potato bun
>serve with side of beer and crippling alcoholism

>> No.13551996

frozen mass produced 1/4 lbs patty
american cheese single
cheap store brand bun
mayo if its been sitting for awhile

>> No.13552021
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>> No.13552056
File: 34 KB, 194x198, 1574344505714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to:
>mix in an egg, breadcrumbs, ketchup, worchestershire sauce, salt, pepper, garlic
>patty them about 1/2" thick with a thumbprint indent in the center
>throw them on the grill and watch them puff up into a sphere
>spray the grease fire with water from a spray bottle
>put cheese on them and watch 70% of it it slough off
>assemble it on a bun with all the fixings (lettuce, tomato, raw onion, ketchup)
>watch everything fall off, then smush it all together in a rage
>try to fit my mouth around this 7" abomination while the totally soaked bottom bun disintegrates and all the toppings slide out on the first bite
>get pissed and eat the burger+cheese by itself with my hands
>throw away the bun and toppings
Ahh yeah, good times.

>> No.13552103

I’ve had some good burgers in my time. Uh I... I love a good swiss, melted swiss cheese and mush- roasted mushrooms and caramelized onions on a burger. Uh that is hot stuff, you can get that at- at a number of different places.

>> No.13552124

Try eating a bullet next time you fuckin sperg

>> No.13553108

>I try to make my burgers as small as possible
but a huge bun? thats really gay and retarded

>> No.13553132

I like a lot of bread and sauce and no meat

>> No.13553481

swiss mushroom melts are delicious

>> No.13553494

just made a bacon cheddar double smash

>2 patties
>one patty with bacon under the melted cheddar, 2nd patty just melted cheddar
>lettuce, tomato, ketchup, mustard, chipotle bbq sauce
>wish I had something crunchy to throw in there but I didn't, would probably have used onion rings
it was great lads

>> No.13553500

you seem to be mistaking what is obviously pepper for little burnt crumbs.

>> No.13553530

>sesame buns, brioche buns or pretzel buns
>1 (one) patty of high-quality beef cooked over a charcoal grill, well-done
>1 (one) slice of beefsteak tomato
>just enough romaine lettuce to cover the tomato and patty
>no mayo
>no sauce
>no cheese

>> No.13553572

Last time I wanted to make burgers I ended up spending like $38 at the grocery store. Fucking Canada...

>> No.13553654

I don't think I've had a smashed burger, so I can't say I really have a preference on that. But I like the basics, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, and of course cheese, cheddar or colby-jack are nice, plastic in a pinch.

Crispy onion rings and bbq sauce is another good combo.

>> No.13554688
File: 492 KB, 2560x1707, 1_NNjx6G5sJ2JPENjJ4gqY9w@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13554827

came to post this kek

>> No.13554980

Depends on choice of meat I usually do thick if it's a bison burger(in order to cook it a bit rare) but usually I go for smashed. I feel less is more when it comes for burg toppings, but I like grilled onions, apple smoked chedder, granny smith mustard, crispy bacon.

>> No.13554984
File: 64 KB, 740x493, Texas-Toast-Griddle-Burger-heatherlikesfood.com-61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a burger or a patty melt?

>> No.13555659

>Can't cook the simplest food properly
>Acts like this
Gee, I wonder how much sex you are having.

>> No.13555663

The Hamburg steak in the middle defines it, not the kind of bread you are using.

>> No.13555673

>something can be charred on the outside and moist on the inside
It can be completely burned on the outside and raw in the middle as far as I'm concerned.
If you ever cooked, you'd know that burnt meat tastes bad.
You act like it's not possible to overcook meat.
It is. Proof was posted in this thread. You are just being a big baby about it. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.13555677

t. flyover retard hick

>> No.13555680

>I am but a simple man
So why did you type it out like you own a considerable fedora collection? You must think of yourself as a sophisticated gentleman, who chooses his words very carefully.
Kudos to you my good man, truly a man of culture.

>> No.13555688

Unless you pepper your cheese and buns after the fact, I don't see how that would get there.
Either way, you are retarded and don't know what pepper looks like.