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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13540967 No.13540967 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13540984

in, but this really doesn't deserve it's own threads

>> No.13541004
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Found out just the other day that those two beasts are on TV now. I wonder if they'll talk about their funeral scam.

Also, I should make some banana bread this weekend and invite my mother over to eat it. Pretty sure I have a brown 'nana in the freezer just for that.

>> No.13541005

Three bananas Mashed with 3/4 cup of sugar and 1tsp salt
Add 1/4 cup buttermilk and two eggs and one tsp vanilla.
1tsp baking soda
1 and 3/4 cups flour
Stir to combine
Add one stick of melted salted butter and 1 cup chopped walnuts.
Fold that in
Divide equally between two well greased loaf pans
Bake 300 degrees 45 minutes

Wife’s grandmothers recipe. Sorry for crap formatting, I just typed it up for you as she rattled it off at me.

>> No.13541019

3 Large Bananas the older the better
3/4 Cup Sugar
2 Large Eggs
1/2 Cup Canola or Vegetable oil
3/4 Cups water
2 Cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda

optional but recommended
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon clove
1/2 teaspoon ginger

Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
Mash Bananas and stir in sugar, eggs, oil, and water.
In separate bowl combine remaining ingredients and mix well.
Fold dry ingredients into wet ingredients DO NOT mix with electric beater.
Mix well by hand.
Fill loaf or cupcake pans to 2/3 full.
Makes 3-4 small loafs or 6-8 large cupcakes.
Recipe can be Doubled
Bake until loaves crack, turn light brown and a toothpick stuck in the
center comes out clean. About 30 to 45 minutes.
For best result remove from oven let cool 15 minutes then wrap in cling wrap.
Cool for 1 hour then put in freezer to keep moist.

>> No.13541026

>Found out just the other day that those two beasts are on TV now
Didn't one of them die?

>> No.13541041
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>Banana Bread
>3 bananas

>> No.13541043

>3/4 Cup Sugar
holy fuckin beetus

you must be American cause this is way too much sugar.

>> No.13541053

Thank you, Anon.

Very sweet of you.

Thank you, also.

>> No.13541058

no dickhead that recipe originally called for 1 cup of sugar we cut it down snotsickle.

>> No.13541086

you didn't cut it down enough

OP asked for banana bread not banana cake

>> No.13541092

you didn't read the other recipe did you?

>> No.13541110

that was the funeral scam

>> No.13541130

Use Bon Appetits recipe, it's really damn good. My gf makes it and it's the only banana bread I like. I don't even like sweeter things, but it's not so sweet so it works. It's fucking amazing.

>> No.13541136

google banana bread recipes, the first three that come up have the same amount or more.

Banana bread was a war time invention like carrot cake to use something besides rationed sugar to sweeten cake. but like most recipes people wanted them sweeter and after the war added sugar back in.

I didn't see you post a recipe mon sewer.

>> No.13541144

>it's not so sweet
it has a cup of packed brown sugar in it.

>> No.13541153


>> No.13542568

Thanks for the thread anon. We made banana bread, enjoying some for dessert now.

>> No.13542597
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>> No.13542621
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in the oven

>> No.13542634
File: 170 KB, 1275x1650, Orange Muffins & Banana Bread copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13542932

Which recipe?
Keep us updated, bumping for results.

>> No.13542972
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I made the one with vegetable oil this time because I had no butter. Instead of water, I used milk, and I usef brown sugar. Came out great.

Next time I'll do the other anon's recipe, the one with butter.

Thanks again, lads.

>> No.13543002

Butter is a must.
Buttermilk however can be substituted with half and half with a little white vinegar in it to fix the ph.
1TBS white vinegar to a cup of half and half is a good swap in for buttermilk.
For the 1/4 cup used in the first recipe using half and half with a little splash of vinegar would be fine. We do that for pancakes all the time if we don’t have buttermilk around

>> No.13543277
File: 1.67 MB, 1125x1750, B18B8E95-BEEE-4FD1-9BD9-B2C79987CEE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the recipe my dad passed down to me. I make it without the nuts and it’s never failed me.

>> No.13543291

not real banana bread recipes there's no chocolate chips

>> No.13543295

based and chocolatepilled

>> No.13543325

Did she die yet? What about her sister? Those cooking vids were vile

>> No.13543460

thanks man just put it int he oven, dubs give me luck

yessir i got those chips in there

>> No.13544664
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Same as the other recipes, but stir in peanut butter, and rendered lardons. Elvis muffins.

>> No.13544847

I ignore what the recipe says on banana amount cause it’s usually like 2 or 3, and slam in 5 bananas that are so ripe they’ve gone completely black and shriveled, these are the best bananas for bread

>> No.13546011

>no chocolate chips
so add chocolate chips tard.

Milk? I have never made it that way, the recipe as were originally got it was very thick and did not rise well so I added the water for a more cake like batter. I add chocolate chips to it sometimes.