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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13538887 No.13538887 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/ currently going to live in a hotel for the next 9 months. Anyone got any good methods of healthy meals / ideas for meal prep with only cookware being a microwave, a grill outback and a minifridge?

>> No.13538918
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>tfw 5'10" 260 lbs

>> No.13539009

>be endomorph troll person
>have obese bmi since age 12 despite being athletic

>> No.13539011

I dont really know.
>1.93 m
>70 kg
What does that make me?

>> No.13539013

a fucking giraffe

>> No.13539024

5 10, 146. Alcoholic skinny. I used to be 220. My organs are failing.

>> No.13539072

bmi doesn't take into account musculature and bone density, it generally assumes you're exactly average on both, which means it can often rate you as overweight if you are above average in either.

seeing my Wii Fit avatar appear as a beerbelly cunt, even though my stomach doesn't go past my chest, feels pretty insulting.

>> No.13539086

keep telling yourself that fatty

>> No.13539091
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>big boned

>> No.13539110


get fucked


>> No.13539148

start dating locals and eating at their house

>> No.13539150

doubling down on the cope with a huffpost article lmao you are a real gem

>> No.13539520

6'1 245 pounds. Used to be 320 though so I'm improving at least.

>> No.13539536

tfw 182cm 165lb ectomorph and still fat as fuck

>> No.13539589

Ectomorph here, my lazy mother never cooked anything tasty or different, sometimes we ate the same food for weeks, mostly Noddles and potatoes. Because of this, my muscles never developed properly and my height is small.
In other words, Never, ever marry a woman/girl who thinks cooking is working

>> No.13539598

Fattie cope

>> No.13539653

My stats are 170 cm and 60 kg.

>> No.13539693

I'm actually big boned.

I'm also 20kg (44lbs) underweight, and my hands are bigger and my hip bones are wider (in a non-sexy way) than most women I know. Big bones are real but as long as you're not severely underweight you can't really tell

>> No.13539694

Do you have skinny gangly limbs but with a big pregnant-looking belly?

>> No.13539726


>> No.13540059

>177 and dropping
still too fat but boy it feels good to not be 230 anymore.

>> No.13540253

Since almost none of the posts have actually answered your question, I'd say your best bet is probably different variations of grilled meat and grilled vegetables, and then you could microwave rice and potatoes or even grill the potatoes.

>> No.13540271

Get a portable single burner and a toaster oven, combined that will cost 30 bucks and you can cook almost anything

>> No.13540277

you can cook rice, oatmeal, and fish in your microwave
virtually no other meat works for it
eggs sort of work, but usually cook in a ring around a raw center

you can probably bake bread on your grill as well as most of your meat and vegetables

>> No.13540627

>beerbelly mii
oof, I know that feel, brother.

>> No.13540642


Yes, yes I do. I never used to. I'm 'skinny fat'. Probably fatty liver and kidney disease.

>> No.13540820

Are you at and extended stay? i feel like they usually have at least one stovetop burner.

>> No.13541544

You could get a hot plate so you could at least use pans as well.

>> No.13542036
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not clicking that. do you have a source that isn't some amateur's blog?

>> No.13542302

don't know... don't speak your retarded metric language. Learn real numbers and maybe we'll consider bothering to communicate with you

>> No.13542409

If you have access to a grill you can grill meat and vegetables every day. The microwave should be mostly for reheating but there are some things you can do with it, baked potatoes for example. Or heat up store bought products like soup, chili, etc.

Fridge can store dairy products like cheese.

Your real battle would be in washing dishes and utensils. If you can stomach using the sink or shower for it, consider an instant pot. Instant pots basically are a stove top mixed with a slow cooker that can cook a slow cooker meal in under 30 minutes.

If you can't handle that, buy your food at the store and microwave it on days you don't want to grill.

>> No.13542433


Ectomorph right now, but if I don't stop eating pizza so much I'm gonna be fatfuck awfully soon...

>> No.13542541 [DELETED] 
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Don't worry, I think a shartoid was the last choice he had in mind when seeking for an opinion on healthy weight.

>> No.13542557

>not including the BASED /fit/izen
Shit pic OP

>> No.13542569

top kek

>> No.13542619

What's it like sharing a measurement system with Liberia and Myanmar?

at 6' and 260lbs, I should be perfectly round. I'm not in great shape by any means, but the veins on my hands and forearms protrude slightly, and my obliques are visible.

>> No.13542641

>What's it like sharing a measurement system with Liberia and Myanmar?
You don't think of those two as having their shit together but I guess they're top 3 countries.

>> No.13542719

You talking about Burma?

>> No.13542784

Yes, that country in the crotch between the Mughal Empire, and Cathay

>> No.13543637


>> No.13543645

>tfw 6' 270
I'm trying to lose weight though, drinking more water. I really should make time to go to the gym but uni's a bitch with classes.

>> No.13543654

Buy an instant pot.

>Put two chicken breasts in instant pot
>put whatever you want on it
>put some broth in
>10 minutes on meat setting
>quick release
>shred with forks mix your sauce and stuff into it, add more flavorings if you want
>seal it back
>low pressure 3 minutes
>you now have shredded chicken you can do anything with that is flavored any way you want and juicey with deeply permeated flavors

>> No.13543655

>6'4 and 226lb
am I fat?

>> No.13543665

Nah you good.

>> No.13543694


6' 4" with any real muscle mass should be well over 226 lb

>> No.13543784
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Count your calories
Count your calories
use a calorie calculator to find your caloric needs and go below

Hunger is salvation
Their is no way to be thin without being hungry

>> No.13544154

>Hunger is salvation
>Their is no way to be thin without being hungry
If you are a fattie or have an eating disorder perhaps. I'm slim and don't starve myself.

>> No.13544157



>> No.13544172


>> No.13544305

That ectomorph mesomorph thing is literally beneath bro science and dowsing rods, are schools really still teaching this nonsense? Milk industry really has its tentacles everywhere doesn't it. Amazing with all that reach they're still going bankrupt.

>> No.13545054

Thin but probably not underweight

>> No.13545058

Post hands

>> No.13545074

You can probably cook pretty much anything as long as you have a stainless steel or cast iron pan and good oven mits. Cook shit in the pan on the grill.

>> No.13545094
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I prefer this subject desu
How do you get the smell of smoke out of a steel baking tray? I used one to smoke sausages in a charcoal grill three days ago and no amount of scrubbing has gotten the smell out despite the tray looking clean.

>> No.13545111

Baking trays are like 4 bucks :( does it empart smoke taste into the food you cook in it? If not, then it's not too much of a problem, would you say? Baking soda is a deodorizer, maybe try soaking it in hot water baking soda?

>> No.13545113

You're a big guy

>> No.13545148

what a great president he was.

Now the world is laughing about america

>> No.13545467

>believing ____morph is something you're born as and can't change
Bone structure does make a difference but anyone can change their body

>> No.13545480

>5'11 120lbs
staying skinny to flex on fatties

>> No.13545610

Is this picture implying you are naturally fat or something?

>> No.13546028

174cm 87 kg, stocky-athletic frame
Grew up chubby, started cross country in high school, gym later on, became macroautist, made gains
Slacked off after + drinking in uni, now I have a dadbod
t. 23 year old boomer

>> No.13546055

Yfw was 6'1 310 now 6'1 and 250
Feels good man LITERALLY everyone at work one day told me I looked good when I wore a shirt that fit

>> No.13546106 [DELETED] 

If the first half of the 20th century didn't tell you the world was destined to be an ashpit by now without America taking hegemony I don't know what to tell you. So my point is why would an American care about any of their opinions

>> No.13547089

>Count your calories
Counting calories is gay. Eat until you are satiated once a day, no need for anything else.

>> No.13547104

You’re set. You can pretty much make anything your heart desires. I’d recommend that you Buy yourself a cheap electric skillet tho

>> No.13547122

Go fuck yourself, yuro.

>> No.13547183

>t. americans who assume everyone else is as fat as they are

>> No.13547417

He's right though.

t. amerilard

>> No.13547438

BMI is only useful as a metric for a large group. Learn statistics.

>> No.13547450

endomorphs are just mesomorphs that eat too much

>> No.13547503

6 ft 11, 300 lb
What am I?

>> No.13547565

>Since almost none of the posts have actually answered your question, I'd say your best bet is probably different variations of grilled meat and grilled vegetables, and then you could microwave rice and potatoes or even grill the potatoes.
If you're on a budget, it's tough. But, if you're willing to buy a bit of the prepared foods, you can totally eat out of WF or Wegman's choices, splitting a cobb salad into two meals, folding them up into pitas, microwaving various qualities of soups and deli meals. Oatmeal, fruit, pastries in the AM, probably you'll get a keurig or switch to bustelo instant plus cold milk. You might focus on picking up your meat via takeout, from rotisserie chicken, turkey, to pulled pork, and then supplementing with the kale salad in a bag kits.
Try to refrain from the really preserved, processed frozen stuff, though some of it is quite awesome now. Avoid too much fast food kind of takeout, more in some diner with basic mains.

>> No.13548669

I'm a solid 6' and I weigh pretty much the same

>> No.13548694

>6 ft 11, 300 lb
>What am I?
a big motherfucker

>> No.13548781

Given your limited resources, sandwiches and soups would be the way to go. Should be easy enough to keep bread out on the counter + deli meats/cheeses in fridge for sandwiches. Add a fistful of spinach/arugula/kale for vitamins. Heat them on the grill if you want or eat them cold (can also make grilled cheeses this way).

Soups can be easy and nutritious too, just microwave broth, add anything--frozen veggies, frozen dumplings, frozen meatballs, rice, dry pasta, whatever, and nuke some more. Great for using up leftover ingredients from sandwich making. Have some bread on the side for dipping, grill the bread beforehand if you like.

>> No.13549075

>tfw that was me over a year ago
>now 5'11 205

>> No.13549126

185 and 90kg. Not fat since my legs are pretty muscular. But still have a belly. Gonna try to lose at least 5kg the upcoming time.

>> No.13549258
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>> No.13549375

That's gonna be me soon if I don't start getting my shit together. I'm 5'10" and 230lbs.

>> No.13549707

nobody want date fat nerd living in motel.

>> No.13549730

this is what most people do and look where we are now

>> No.13549737


Jesus Christ. I was 5 10 and 220 at my worst. Now I'm 147. You need to become a raging alcoholic. You can do it, You can drink yourself thin.

>> No.13549946

>I don't have time to exercise
>but I sure have time to overeat!

>> No.13549955

6'1" 179lbs, how am I doing?

>> No.13549957


You're fine.

>> No.13550450

>165 lbs
Fasting really helps i lost like 25 lbs, still ways to go though

>> No.13550453

Really fucking thin, not in any bad way though, if you went fit who knows what youd be capable of

>> No.13550456

This is somehow true. Even though there are 4000 calories in a handle of Smirnoff, somehow I was at the skinniest of my life when drinking one a day.

>> No.13550861

How the fuck is that skinny? Do you live in some butt fuck middle state where being overweight is normal?

>> No.13550896

Get a toaster oven if possible, its convenient as hell if you live alone or somewhere without access to a real oven. I use mine to roast veggies, bake potatoes, pizzas, grill chicken breasts, etc.