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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13537736 No.13537736 [Reply] [Original]

This is what depression looks like

>> No.13537737

so what you're saying is that if I become depressed, at least i'll still now what good hot sauce is?

>> No.13537765
File: 297 KB, 680x1020, charredbroccolisalad_alexandraskitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give that broccoli a good char in the oven next time. lemon juice. wo la

>> No.13537777
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Looks pretty good desu

cheer up OP, people are paying 10 dollars for basically that at dig inn or other yuppie fast casual "bowlstraunts"

>> No.13537786
File: 16 KB, 186x186, faggot .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so what you're saying is that if I become depressed, at least i'll still now what good hot sauce is?

>> No.13537868

No it's not. There was effort involved in that food. You have no idea what depression is like.

>> No.13537871


>> No.13537875

>no carbs
If your depression is related to being overweight, going keto might help

>> No.13537877

>This is what depression looks like
Depression is eating raw hot dogs, well at least they got good protein

>> No.13537879

Holy Fazolis!

>> No.13537880

That's not depression food at all. That looks like a /fit/ manlet meal. Depression food is drinking cold spaghettio's straight out of the can. Or a mayonnaise sandwich. Or some of a pizza that you ordered 2 days ago and left out on the counter

>> No.13537885

If you're fancy you put some ketchup on that mayo sandwich

>> No.13537892

>Cooking actual food
>Not dipping bread in anything runnier than bread
Looks like you're riding high my man

>> No.13537918

You have no idea what depression looks like.

>> No.13537928

>This is what depression looks like
you are like baby

>> No.13537931

>table, surrounding area fairly clean
>bottle of hot sauce and not liquor
A pathetic display, really.

>> No.13537939

More like
>It's 7:45PM and I don't wan't to make something that requires thinking.

>> No.13537967

>hurr durr you cant be a part of my exclusive club

Then what does depression actually look like?

>> No.13537972

A few pieces of bread straight out of the bag because you couldn't be bothered preparing anything, and even then you only take a few bites because you chewing and swallowing doesn't feel like it's worth the effort.

>> No.13537977

deenz and chup

>> No.13537990

kraft single folded in a piece of bread

>> No.13537998

I'm eating a can of refried beans for dinner

>> No.13538000

Sucking every last drop out of a duck sauce packet and some stale saltines you found under your fridge
You think you might've eaten a dead insect, but you stop caring immediately after the thought.

>> No.13538003

You’re an idiot

>> No.13538008

watch the sodium content tho

>> No.13538195

White bread dipped in the remnants of a can of jalapenos is what I had to eat today

>> No.13538201

THAT is depression food

>> No.13538203

Luxury. I couldn't muster the motivation to do more than lick up a few cockroaches that wandered within range of my tongue.

>> No.13538204

Based and Moran-pilled.

>> No.13538214

based kiddo

>> No.13538267


>> No.13538280

A handful of peanut butter pretzels at 1:00 in the morning.

>> No.13538284
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No it isn't.

>> No.13538287

Imagine being well adjusted enough to pour your wine into another container before drinking it.

>> No.13538289

for the $3 you spent on what I'm assuming is that shitty barefoot blend you could've at least gotten peanut butter for that bread

>> No.13538297

a wine glass at that

>> No.13539108

>bread on plate
>wine in glass

>> No.13539126

You just dont eat at all.

>> No.13539142

depression looks like chaos mixed with empty pints of ben and jerrys lining the top of every pile of random junk

>> No.13539164

if you didn't tell me you were depressed, I'd think you were a /fit/izen

>> No.13539619

Depression comes in all shapes and sizes, anon. There isn't only one way to be depressed.

>> No.13539622


>> No.13539627

this. to paraphrase another thread:

>> No.13539655

Looks undercooked as fuck.

>> No.13539665

But chick' with 'coli isn't bad, even if it doesn't look Michelin tier plating.

>> No.13539711
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lmao upvote for you

>> No.13540069

Based. Ever since i learned this broccoli has been my go to side.

>> No.13540710

Nothing depressing about eating right with proper portions and plating.

>> No.13541661

>not a welch's jelly glass jar with a slowly fading pikachu that reminds you of the last time you felt happy, decades ago as a child.

>> No.13541670

That's healthier eating than a lot of people in America. Are you just attention starved?

>> No.13541722

nothing but fast food.

>> No.13541949

This is the correct way to cook broccoli.

>> No.13541979

Starting a hard cut today

Just ate dinner and still fucking hungry

>> No.13541999

Five minutes after eating, you don't remember what you ate, nor do you care.

>> No.13542027
File: 67 KB, 940x529, depressionen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then what does depression actually look like?

>> No.13542142

Cook better food. Then you don’t need sauce. Sauce is a crutch for shitty cooks and shitty food.

>> No.13542166 [DELETED] 

My auntie. Lost her dog two weeks ago.
Funny thing. She likes eating doggy meat.

>> No.13542165

That explains your cum guzzling

>> No.13542177

If you're well enough to cook and eat you're well enough to clean up afterwards.
Depression is real and serious but this cunt is just fishing for compliments on the Internet. Which is in its own way sadder still.

>> No.13542186

100% pure tastelet COPE

>> No.13542190

>two weeks of unwashed dishes
imagine the mold smell

>> No.13542312


>> No.13542316


>> No.13542334

top kek of trips.
>you can never really get every last drop of duck sauce which make it even more depressing

>> No.13542453

looks fine to me

>> No.13542643

depends on the person. I eat well but i have zero relationships and i dont brush my teeth.
Doing ok at work though. I also drink a lot

>> No.13542655

how the fuck is that an entire two weeks of cooking/eating? It should be 3 times as much

>> No.13542666

only thing depressing about this is the frozen broc. Get fresh, m8. It will cost you an extra dollar.
Ill give you a dollar for fresh broc.

>> No.13542667

Dude you're miles away from rock bottom. Sorry to let you know it's going to get a lot worse.

>> No.13543214
File: 424 KB, 600x721, woefYg0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This or a whole box of stale crackers. No drink.

>> No.13543715

Eventually you run out and have to clean one

>> No.13544682

Maybe she just doesn't have hat many dishes.

>> No.13544719

its depression

>> No.13544865

Fucking this

>> No.13545272
File: 1.60 MB, 1378x1710, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13545291

As someone guilty of all three, true depression is being too lazy to prepare the first two.

>> No.13545298

half bag of doritos at 1AM then the other half at 10AM

>> No.13545478

What is depression anyway? Is it really that hard to be happy?

>> No.13545486

Depression is code word for attention seeking faggot online.

>> No.13545524

Definitely seems that way. If you're feeling "down," just start eating better, drinking more water, getting 8 hours of sleep, exercising, geta job, reading, and consuming less media. It's literally that simple. Just stop being a self pitying manchild.

>> No.13546057

Dude just be happy

>> No.13546069

are you a 56yo grandma by chance?

>> No.13546133

>implying you don't just reuse the least greasy one and eat right out of the pan with your spatula, the only thing that stays clean because it takes two strokes to wipe it down

>> No.13546256

It is a brain malfunction that makes it hard to be happy. More accurately, it makes it hard to muster motivation to do things because you don't expect to get the "happy" reward in your brain if you put in the effort. Kind of like how paraplegia makes it hard to walk.

>> No.13546313
File: 1.49 MB, 1000x1000, food for the depressed retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my depression looked that good. I've eaten almost nothing but a single pint of protein "ice cream" every day for weeks.

>> No.13546330

Canned crab. It's depression because it's like you are trying to feel better about buying something seen as fancy, but you can't motivate yourself to actually cook crab and can't afford it fresh.

>> No.13546339


>> No.13547032

I’m a 25 year old heterosexual male.

>> No.13547086

Based and Self-responsible
Cringe and Self-pitying

>> No.13547136

Sick cut bro, macros are solid and you've defeated the flavor jew. Seems based.

>> No.13547155
File: 136 KB, 756x1008, IMG_20200121_160018_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, them's good eats. Here's mine from earlier. Would have had broccoli with it, but wanted to eat the last remaining sweet potato before it went bad.

>> No.13547225

>you've defeated the flavor jew
How so? I eat it because it tastes good in addition to requiring no effort.

>> No.13547281
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>> No.13547642
File: 3.84 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20200121_205219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my Tuesday night dinner. Would you eat it anon?

>> No.13547659

nah, doesn't look very appetizing to me, sorry.

>> No.13547682
File: 2.00 MB, 375x283, spaghetti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does depression actually look like?

>> No.13547725


>> No.13547744

all of that significantly improves the quality of life, but some people like myself have dumb brains that stay sad

>> No.13547761

Do you think you have a rare gene mutation that makes you sad? You don't; Most likely you are just a normal guy. Stop acting like your depression is inevitable

>> No.13547765

this is so naive lol
work on your empathy, bud

>> No.13547789
File: 275 KB, 1279x1942, 1579610745345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what depression looks like

>> No.13547793

Golden Corral is art you fucking pig

>> No.13547796

this braindead nigger is going to literally deny science when he spends all day arguing over how trannies are an affront to science and human biology

>> No.13547803

>uses sauce
well well, look at the city slicker with his fancy german recipe

>> No.13547819

>trannies are an affront to science and human biology

>> No.13547838
File: 2.95 MB, 290x354, 1572493048697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just start reading
>consume less media

>> No.13547839

My pain is greater than yours: the thread

>> No.13547966

It's not rare.

>> No.13548512

do not want this feel

>> No.13548521

>I’m a 25 year old delusional male.

>> No.13548588

My meal for the day was a pound of fajita seasoned ground beef mixed with 3 packs of ramen noodles. I still mixed in the shrimp flavor packets from the ramen too.

>> No.13548692

bruh... that sound horrid, next time try the taco seasoning instead

>> No.13548736
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why the fuck all the hot sauces come from louisiana

>> No.13548752

fast food and canned food, and right after you immediately crawl into bed

>> No.13548758
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>> No.13548824

either this or you eat way too much
I do both, eat nothing one day and a massive meal the next