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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 755x568, 1579304183244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13528165 No.13528165[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Really, America? I ate better in literal jail here in France.

>> No.13528172

France IS a jail

>> No.13528177

Public schools are literal jail everywhere except the richest areas

>> No.13528180

Shit like this is how Trump got elected

>> No.13528184
File: 70 KB, 605x756, 1578780140125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have garden
Eat natural and healthy
Go outside
Stop consooming media
Homeschool your kids
Consider the alternative

>> No.13528186

As someone who’s spent a few years in prison I can tell you the food is actually pretty good. Some of the long timers are crazy good at making cookups.

>> No.13528187

I ate better at an actual American public school cafeteria so I assume that place either has horrible funding issues or the pic was faked by a douche journalist for life-sustaining views. Even then I thought the people bitching about the food were picky bitches. The real issue is the poorly balanced nutrition - pizza, a cookie, some grapes and a milk carton isn't a well-balanced meal.

>> No.13528190

that is the proper amount of calories and nutrients for a childs lunch.

>> No.13528192

Some public schools are like that.

>> No.13528194

I remember public school food being pretty good. From middle school on we had a decent selection plus we could buy pizza or chicken sandwiches that were delivered to the school.

>> No.13528201

remove the single tomato and replace the fresh fruit and substitute half of a cling peach canned in heavy syrup, maybe

>> No.13528272

apple - 73 calories
cherry tomato - 3 cal
hot dog 150 cal
2 tbsp ketchup - 30 cal
milk - 110 cal

that's not even 400 calories #thanksmichellobama

>> No.13528294


thats plenty of calories for any child in elementary school

>> No.13528310

sure, if they're fed 5 times a day which they are not
anyways, pic was from a high school

>> No.13528323

In America forcing yourself to eat substandard industrial runoff repackaged as "food" and taking intense machismo jingo pride in doing so is our national sport. What are you a faggot or something? Why would you want to eat high quality food? If you don't like it GIT OUT

>> No.13528324


>> No.13528334

The age of the boomers is coming to an end though

>> No.13528347
File: 91 KB, 1500x831, 4242hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our dominion is forevermore, kiddo.

>> No.13528354

This isn't even from the US, you absolute dumbass baited faggots.

>> No.13528372

probably a staged pic too

>> No.13528385

This was during Obama's America. Schroeder was bought out by Canada, and served at schools. All the fruits are probably Canadian as well, because Obama hated America.

>> No.13528387

That looks like our school lunch here in Canada. They were $8

>> No.13528396

ya this girl used twitter for a whole year just to dupe people for this one picture

>> No.13528406

So almost free in Canada?

>> No.13528411

You should have been fed nothing but the corpses of your fellow prisoners, fuck criminals especially Europeans.

>> No.13528446

That's a great way of creating zombies and starting the zombie apocalypse you idiot

>> No.13528470

European zombies would only eat fellow Europeans due to their stuck up dietary requirements, we could watch and laugh.

>> No.13528472

in jail i got something pretty similar. it was a box milk and an offbrand twinkie.

>> No.13528570

Maybe, but the dumbfuck is not restricted to Da Boooomerz. Plenty of morons in rural America. cf: 2016 election map.

>> No.13528581

Yea Trump won 2,626 counties compared to Hilary's 487, and won the electorial votes causing Hilary to lose, and the Democrats to view impeachment ever since day 1.

>> No.13528585
File: 883 KB, 960x960, B7B34972-5276-4496-894C-698B5BE323F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this assmad over three years later

>> No.13528586

>muh Blumpf
I’m not into politics but the amount of headspace you fucking mongrels commit to this man borders on mental illness

>> No.13528590

Home school your kids.

>> No.13528592

can we talk about vending machines in school being the same price as a convenience store?

i remeber paying $1.00 15 years ago for a candy bar they bought in bulk for probably 30 cents

where does that money go?

>> No.13528596
File: 216 KB, 1050x550, trump-inauguration-crowd-1484943564224-facebookJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Kings County NY with 2.5 million people is just as important as South Jesusville County KS with 77 people

>> No.13528604

Operating a school isn't free. Taxes pay for some of it, but less than is needed.

>> No.13528612

>left unemployed or people who take a day off work probably putting pressure on their coworkers just to show support to someone who already won
>right people with jobs that would rather make money for their families then stand in a park,

>> No.13528615

but is it regulated or recorded? or is it just the culinary department splitting up extra money each week?

>> No.13528621

>left professionals who can take a few days off without becoming homeless
>right paid losers bused in by the failing Trump Organization using stolen mafia funds from a bankrupt casino. BANKRUPT CASINO two words that could never go together until DJT's innovative new management techniques took Atlantic City by storm

>> No.13528622

Jail food is bad because who gives a shit.
Prison food is good because it's cheaper than replacing the guards who get shivved.

>> No.13528628

Any family who can’t prove $35k per year in taxable income shouldn’t get a vote

>> No.13528634

I work in a school.
In fact, I work in a school that is probably close to the school where this photo was taken, based on the brand of milk in this picture.

I can tell you that literally none of the schools issue this as a standard lunch. What is much more likely is this particular individual who is eating this lunch opted to only take this as their meal.

All of the schools i've worked at, even the inner city urban ones, allow the kids to take as much fruits and vegetables as they want. This would have surely come with a whole wheat bun, and another side, probably of baked beans (as is standard on my school lunch menu, paired with a hotdog)

So, in short, school lunch in America really isnt this stark.

But the quality is very mediocre. USA schools suck, for many reasons. Theyre all too large, trying to serve too many kids, and a staggering amount of these kids have very serious issues (mental, behavioral, whatever, psychological, social) that prevent them and others from learning, and cost a lot of money to "manage" in the system that's currently set up. School lunch is very much a part of this system.

anyway this thread is gay becuase none of you know what youre talking about.

>> No.13528647
File: 797 KB, 2000x1187, 1569289786839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, except make that $100k. If you're making $35k a year you're dead weight tbqh and you're probably not smart enough to see through blatant foreign propaganda on Facebook let alone vote according to your interests and not against them.

>> No.13528659

high school in America is unironically jail-light

>> No.13528661
File: 51 KB, 615x500, 1497127785476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mention-
>in a city that votes 90+% democrat
>trump got 4% of the vote in dc so anyone who showed up is most likely from out of town
>also a rainy day unlike 2009
pic related

>> No.13528668

literally the dumbest thing i have read today the people with money will just make it harder to make money so their vote counts for more. then raise the money needed to vote. what about disabled people that can't work? what about somebody who retired? what about somebody who is living off savings for a year becuase they can while looking for a good job or trying to get a small business off the ground?

>> No.13528676

Sucks for them. The fewer people who vote, the more likely Trump gets to keep making America great

>> No.13528691

Yeah fuck all those leeches, they already get my tax dollars why should they get to vote too?

>> No.13528707

No, it should be anyone who owns property, regardless of income.

>> No.13528722

So just the banks and like 0.1% of the population?

>> No.13528743

top two ways to make slavery legal

>> No.13528766

65% of people own their house in the US.

>> No.13528793

Cumskin Americans can be SUCH boo lickers, it's unreal. This is why you're being genocided BTW.

>> No.13528813

Why do you care?

>> No.13528824

Why is that?

>> No.13528837

because profiting off of children is immoral to me.

>> No.13528838

Trump is only making Israel great again, stupid cumskin.

>> No.13528845

Which age bracket does that 65% contain? Stupid idiot, do you want old boomer fucks only voting? You must be a boomer fuck, that's why. Know this boomer, the death of your generation will be celebrated by MANY, and mourned by NOBODY.

>> No.13528847

A lot of places profit off of children. Are you a low IQ flyover? Because it really seems like you are.

>> No.13528853

Trump controls the Jews, smoothbrain.

>> No.13528854

i am aware of this just because it happens doesn't make it right.

>> No.13528865

this is just sad

>> No.13528879

So let's shut down toy stores and make it illegal for kids to purchase anything. Fucking retard. I ought to wring your neck like a wet towel.

>> No.13528889

>homeschool your kids
This is how you end up with retards like Brie Larson

>> No.13528911

the toy business is one of the worst around but atleast you don't need them unlike food and water. i don't know why you are being so aggressive. you literally can't intimidate someone through the internet.

>> No.13528925
File: 130 KB, 607x608, 1532475410011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which age bracket does that 65% contain?
Why don't you go look it up you whiny little bitch.
If you did you'd see it's not only boomers who own their house.
One thing is for sure, losers like you wouldn't be voting.
Also you must be over 18 to post here.

>> No.13528928
File: 425 KB, 625x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>successful millionaire Stacy
Homeschool your kids. Consider the alternative.

>> No.13528934

I don't think nigger cum makes a better meal that this, but I guess that's down to your personal tastes.
If you enjoyed it, then I guess that's that.

>> No.13528937
File: 53 KB, 860x960, 1578259960267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of food in American schools demonstrated perfectly Michelle Obama's hatred for the American people. Vicious racist.

>> No.13528965

she got her program subverted by big sugar like they do to anything that threatens them.

>> No.13528996

my point is she's socially inept as hell and all of her costars hate her

>> No.13529002
File: 1.49 MB, 346x261, 1551224313115 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh my god, this is so sad, someone doesn't like some hollywood actress! Ban homeschooling!

>> No.13529010
File: 702 KB, 1280x719, 15775142797355270740219545054676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're missing the forest for the trees and i feel like it's on purpose
my entire point was that she's socially retarded and it's due to her homeschooling
her success is completely and utterly irrelevant to that fact

>> No.13529014

There's no way this is a school lunch.
There's gotta be something out of context here unless the school is in literally the shittiest school district in the country.

>> No.13529041

You're missing the point with this specific tree though.
How can you be a successful millionaire if you're socially inept?

And as for the forest, let's say for argument's sake that there's an anti-social or socially inept person who happened to be homeschooled. This must mean that it was caused by the homeschooling, and therefore is inherent in homeschooling. Hruuurrrr dururururrrrr

>> No.13529273

You mean the bank owns their home and they pay monthly for the right to live in it

>> No.13529429

It's the same amount of calories in a Happy Meal, just saying.

You're supposed to eat the other 1000 cals with breakfast, snack and dinner.

The problem is rather the lack of vegetables, quality meat/fish, and fat in that meal.

>> No.13529441

No, the bank owns the loan, which is secured using the home.
If the owner fails to pay the loan the bank gets the home as agreed by the owner.

>> No.13530158
File: 514 KB, 2000x1187, howmanyamericanshaveapassport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are just as important. This is why safeguards were implemented.

>> No.13530172

She's just autistic it's not because of homeschooling

>> No.13530635

Search #ThanksMichelleObama on Twitter. There's lots of images like this. Most schools have dropped out of that program these days though.

>> No.13530642

Ok, Mohammed.

>> No.13530645

>It's the same amount of calories in a Happy Meal, just saying.
Why do people bother lying on the internet? It's very easy to look up and see that you're full of shit.

>> No.13530683


+ he got jailed
top kek

>> No.13530686

Thank god the Trump administration rolls back michelle lunch policy on her fucking birthday. This is such a good troll move.

>> No.13530692

>Really, America?

No, not really. that isn't a school lunch anywhere lol.