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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13512007 No.13512007 [Reply] [Original]

>*makes Indian food*

>> No.13512012

No thanks

>> No.13512014


>> No.13512019

She rarely makes Indian food. It's usually American food with a cheeky Indian spin.

>> No.13512020

I love her "Indian" twists on everyday recipes. Glad she is finally getting recognition

>> No.13512080

I like watching how clumsy she is with a knife. It's so cute. I could watch that all day.

>> No.13512120 [DELETED] 
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TFW you learn Priya got bullied at school because Indian food is smellybad

>> No.13512130

>*creates icecream*
Sorry kiddo, nothing personal.

>> No.13512159

>*makes authentic Indian food better than authentic Indians*

>> No.13512162

>*calls her parents*

>> No.13512163

God I wish she was living with me and mixing my white genes and pooing in my loo every day.

>> No.13512199
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>> No.13512206

now thats a thicc chonky poo

>> No.13512219

I have no idea why they pair those two together sometimes, they don't fit

>> No.13512227

They used to sit near each other in the office. He was her ticket to the kitchen.

>> No.13512244

Because Brad is probably hitting the back of her pussy every day and night

>> No.13512252

I want to impregnate her

>> No.13512258

I hate her non authentic shit. Indo-american fusion nonsense is all she can make.

>> No.13512321

>Melts your heart

>> No.13512334

melts my farts

>> No.13512379

If I have a gallon of fresh clean water and I add 1% by volume of pure shit into it, do you consider this water fresh and clean, or shit?

>> No.13512425

I consider it water. I do not consider it a gallon of shit because it has been contaminated with a tiny amount of something else, no. Your analogy does not support what you are trying to say unless you are a homeopath, and if that's the case it simply means you're wrong about something else as well.

>> No.13512544

>he's used to this

>> No.13512552

melts my sharts

>> No.13512579

Shes so much better

>> No.13512637


So you'd take a sip out of a gallon of water that had 1% shit in it?

>> No.13512666

yeah I would because I'm not a nazi

>> No.13512693
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>i just drank a glass of water with shit in it

>> No.13513443

Why is she so cute, I don't understand it!

>> No.13513451

She has a lisp and you're a closet pedophile.

>> No.13513454

That brash background music does not mix well with her gentle demeanor.

>> No.13513458

Does she still live at home with her mom? Because it feels like it with how she talks about her mom more than herself.

>> No.13513465

I doubt she's a real chef. She makes everything indian because she's never eaten anything else it seems. Literal diversity hire. That being said, her indian recipes do look rather good, and i happen to love indian food.

>> No.13513476

>*poops on the floor*

>> No.13513559

Because you have very low standards

>> No.13513568

In my experience what people like you consider "standards" is really an inability to truly appreciate beauty. So you give yourself a number of rules to be met and consider something beautiful when it meets those rules, but the essence of beauty is always invisible to you. It is like a piano player hitting the notes correctly without ever finding the music in the piece.

>> No.13513572

I, too, am aroused and captivated by human-sized shit logs masquerading as dykes.

>> No.13513742

i want to kiss brad!! on the cheek!!!!!

>> No.13513760


> its not a molly thread

fuck off

>> No.13513759

>Indian food
Can't tell if feathers Indian or dots Indian.
Please advise.

>> No.13513771

Hell no, shes a diversity hire with zero taste. Its hilarious because most of the others have a diverse enough palette to make up for their lack of skill and character but she funnels every fucking second of air time into taking to talk about poo in the loo spins. Hard pass.

>> No.13514416


>> No.13514420


>> No.13514540

what a homo lmao

>> No.13514549


>> No.13514564

She's ugly though.

>> No.13514566

I'd consider it Indian food.

>> No.13514768
File: 1.63 MB, 1242x1493, 356BE752-C858-42B7-AC37-E5548F1E92D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody ever try making golden milk before


>> No.13515089

tap water practically always has shit in it
maybe not as much as 1%
and it's perfectly drinkable

you can't escape shit buddy

>> No.13515784

Who is this?

>> No.13515790

Marie osmond

>> No.13515795

>*gives you hepatitis from her food*

>> No.13515925

Oh, hello my chubby indian cutie.

>> No.13515932

As long as she’ll spit in my mouth and calls me daddy when I cum inside her ass.

>> No.13516470

She literally brings up chai in the new latte art video.

>> No.13516477

you should be careful with making fun of india, i've heard they are a superpower now

>> No.13516506

Brad and Gaby best duo, second only to the double trouble chaos that is Molly and Brad

>> No.13516529

It's getting really annoying, how can you be a professional chef that can't even be bothered to make a coffee of some sort after being asked.

>> No.13516585

>Indian cook cooking what she knows best

por que?

>> No.13516712

Since when?

>> No.13516741

I’m Indian and I hate her food.

>> No.13516777

She doesn't make real Indian food though...

>> No.13516786

This bitch literally just did it again. It was a coffee video and she made fucking CHAI instead and just dumped overwarmed milk on it.

>> No.13516788

No, it goes further than that. If she made Indian food for every video that was just about favorite dishes or childhood dishes or whatever that'd be fine. What actually happens is that they'll task the chefs with making ONE VERY SPECIFIC DISH, and without fail, every time, she just goes completely off-script and makes a completely unrelated Indian dish instead. On one video, they laid ingredients out and told them to guess the recipe from only the ingredients and then make the recipe. Priya instead said, "I'm pretty sure I know what food this is supposed to be, but I don't want to make that so I'm going to make this Indian dish instead." It's fucking dumb. It's like going to a spelling bee and getting a word, then saying "Nah, I'll spell a different word instead" and thinking that it's totally okay because you correctly spelled the word you chose for yourself despite not even attempting what was asked of you. Imagine if you sat down to play checkers with someone and they just started moving the pieces like chess pieces because they didn't really feel like playing by the rules of checkers. That's Priya, every fucking video.

>> No.13516793

I’m English and I have no clue why Indian food is so popular in the UK. I’ve never had a curry, I’m guessing Indian food is popular because of all the Indians and pakis we have idk

>> No.13516972

he still is right you trumpflake

>> No.13516973

> I have no clue why Indian food is so popular in the UK. I’ve never had a curry
worlds biggest mystery right here

>> No.13517037

he is married and has kids dude

>> No.13517040

the same reason why mexican food is popular in usa

>> No.13517045

I prefer the token indian from jamie oliver channel


>> No.13517046

new years eve. did you miss all the
>superpower by 2020
stuff anon? i don't know how they would give every citizen potty training overnight but they wouldn't lie about it right?

>> No.13517063
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I prefer the titcow version.

>> No.13517091

There's my busty Indian cookfu.

>> No.13517115

you sound mad

>> No.13517123


>> No.13517129

>I’ve never had a curry

complete shut in loser melt spotted
it actually boggles my mind that there are people, presumably adults, in my country that have never had a curry
and they are posting on a food board

no one cheeky vindaloo
no takeaway byriani

sort your life out m8

>> No.13517191

Angela Devi

>> No.13517297
File: 129 KB, 1200x1200, Madhur Jaffery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

og Indian cookfu coming through

>> No.13517305


>> No.13517307

That didn't stop my daddy

>> No.13517342

oh god I used to jack off to this broads youtube channel, I miss her food network show

>> No.13517500



>> No.13517550

Sohla is cuter and thiccer

>> No.13517566

How come all the people on the show come in pairs that are mirrors of each other?
Stud Bros

>> No.13517575
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Those tattoos tho

>> No.13517634
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>you can't escape shit buddy

>> No.13517657

Yeah, they look pretty cool.

>> No.13517669

Her tits were looking good in this latest video. But she is a complete diversity hire or her family knows something. She is one note, every other chef pulls from so many different influences but she is all india all the time to the point of it being annoying. And comes off really smug which doesn't help worst chef at ba by far.

>> No.13517854

Sohla is so wholesome and cute but does BA use magic mirrors to slim her down?

>> No.13517862

She doesn't come off smug at all. You are terrible at interpreting emotions.

>> No.13517872

That's because I am. Her incompetence coupled with her insufferable personality irritates me.

>> No.13517886

I'm convinced they're having an affair. Just they're awkward interactions and they tend to be paired together a lot. Brad is Priya's type.
Also convinced that Rappo test-drives Andy's ass from time to time.

>> No.13517896

Dunno about smug but at least close minded or sheltered. It's every video, in every single one she goes "uh i never done this basic thing before because in my Indian house we did Indian things" or " yeah i know i'm supposed to do x but i will do Indian y instead because I'm Indian. also did i mention i'm Indian?"

>> No.13517907

I would like to think brad is not a complete asshole to cheat on the mother of his child. Also his taste is probably not shit enough to go for a smelly shit curry instead of the many other options he has available to him.

>> No.13517908

I've made it in the microwave. Cup of milk, mix in a bit of turmeric, bit of cinnamon and a pinch of pepper and whatever sweetener you want. Like a minute in, stir, and then 30 more seconds?

>> No.13517913

Maybe they are just awkward together. I would also be if i was with someone who only talked about indian things all the time even when it was not warranted.

>> No.13517939

She could've lost weight in the meantime.

>> No.13517949

Well they get along together fine, but just something off/stifled with their interactions compared to Brad with others.

>> No.13518615

looks like she's hitting the wall. her face is getting fat. she used to be a lot skinnier/pretty

>> No.13518625

I also wonder if Brad takes advantage of his newfound cyber fame and ability to make women wet with his alpha carefree schtick and is now cheating. Seems he married really young and his wife is OK but not especially pretty if I'm being honest

>> No.13518838

Why is she still working there? Nobody takes her seriously. India this. My Indian mom that. Chutney. Chai. Seriously? Nobody's clicking that shit.

>> No.13518864

I think Brad is the only one who can pretend to tolerate Priya

>> No.13518937

God fucking shit, she is horrible.

Listen, whoever you Bon Appetit shilling fucks are, LOSE HER. The only thing she is is IRRITATING.

Listen to the chan. The chan is life. The chan is love. The chan is chan.


>> No.13518973

*gets a loose and creamy anus*

>> No.13518979

I make Indian food at least twice a day.

>> No.13519182

Why do all indian cooks do this? I can remember getting pissed watching masterchef because the challenge would be "Make this italian dish" or something and the indian contestent would always do "my indian twist this challenge, it's me on a plate!"

>> No.13519213

"Oh, we're making lattes with an espresso machine today? How about I make CHAI FUCKING TEA INSTEAD?"

>> No.13520014
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>> No.13520045

Why the fuck would you expect authentic autism Jain food on a Youtube normie housewife zoomer channel?
t. got replaced by an indian H1B who did a better job for less

>> No.13520151
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>he thinks everyone here is a normalfag who works
back to plebbit you go

>> No.13520182

>who did a better job

>> No.13520198

Brown people being told they are special their whole lives.

>> No.13520207

super power by 2020

>> No.13520231
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I planted a little seethe pill on 'ddit


>> No.13520251


>> No.13520256
File: 1016 KB, 630x987, Zim8RxTgSPbq_chrome_2020-01-16_13-24-29[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her tits are big and the recipes she makes are usually simple which is good

>> No.13520462


>> No.13520926

Jesus. Calm down.

>> No.13521366

It's not even unpopular. Literally the only negative comments I see under the BA videos is how bad Priya is.

>> No.13521993
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>*makes cardboard*

>> No.13522003

>*shits on the street*

>> No.13522020

That's just a fat woman anon. A really really fat woman.

>> No.13522029

Brad is everyone's type.

>> No.13522330


So if presented a gallon of water that had a turd floating in it that weighed 1.2 ounces, you also would drink it?

yes or no answers only

>> No.13522601

Something’s off about her. She doesn’t seem to have a neck.

>> No.13522636

Are there any actually good YouTube channels dedicated to indian food that aren’t bullshit Indo-Fusion abominations like whatever she does? I honestly love indian food but hate brown people especially this fucking CUNT she’s a self indulgent mouthy WHORE

>> No.13523363

forced diversity. they'd rather hire no-talent bores and more jew yentas for diversity than [more] talented and entertaining white gentile males like brad

>> No.13523632

LMAO, gotta admit you nailed it!

>> No.13523790

Why do pajeet women simultaneously look like they have really thick hair but also are balding? I see lots that could be cute but have an inch and a half wide part in their hair

>> No.13523808

Because they wash and preen themselves obsessively and it causes hair to get pulled out at an astounding rate.

t. dated a pajeet

>> No.13523810
File: 42 KB, 600x600, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She kinda looks like the happy merchant. Are there Jews in India?

>> No.13523838

yeah she does

>> No.13523913

Why do 'jeets always cook 'jeet food? You never see like a 'jeet who has mastered Italian cuisine. Why?

>> No.13523941

Limited brain capacity. Once their heads are filled with knowledge about Indian food, there's no more room for anything else.

>> No.13523945


>> No.13523953

they're praised for only cooking their own cultural food, unlike white people

>> No.13523970

Of course you brew your coffee with cardamom, Priya. Of course you do. Point for not mentioning your parents though.

>> No.13524001

Umm she doesn't drink coffee...only CHAI..black tea, cardamom, milk...wa lah...

>> No.13524019

>I planted a little seethe pill on 'ddit

no one is seething other than the OP. everyone is just saying to chill out lol.

>> No.13524044

And that is the biggest seethe you can get from them.
They have been triggered.

>> No.13524057


>> No.13524260

This guy doesn’t look like he’s all there

>> No.13524265

Jews somehow infiltrated India in the past and interbred. You will def notice the Jewish behaviour in many indians who look like this

>> No.13524268

So 'jeets have no versatility in the kitchen?

>> No.13524886

Her voice is so cute

>> No.13525063

Her boyfriend is a jew, seth

>> No.13525093

Her vocal fry makes me want to stab her throat

>> No.13525244

>point for not mentioning your parents though

>> No.13525262

Depends. If you have 1% nigger dna and rest european are you white or a nigger?

>> No.13525278

Nigger, obviously. What question is that?

>> No.13525313

lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.13525353

With his ADHD it must be double pain

>> No.13525356

That would make usa 100% non white

>> No.13525370

There was never any doubt about that

>> No.13525408

ITT: incels pretending to hate Bon Apetits but watch every single video.

>> No.13525781
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>> No.13525785

Indian people stink

>> No.13525814

t. incel pretending to hate incels but is on 4chan

>> No.13526079

I skip claire vids now
1. there's no way in hell I'd bother to replicate any of that at home
2. the gourmet part was lost after the first episode and now it's just trying to make a copy but maybe with expensive ingredients

>> No.13526191

>gossip gossip titter titter
Dilate. You will never pass.

>> No.13526218

Shit, you got me there. She sneaked one past me... fucking Priya.

>> No.13526327

* Por quê?

>> No.13526376

whats up with all the buttmad wine aunts hatin on my 'tube waifu itt? leave her alone!

>> No.13527810

Does chad Brad cheat on his wife? I lean towards yes. She instagrams a ton of pictures of him (clout chasing) and he barely posts pics with her. Seems they married very young, he's far more attractive than his fairly average white girl wife.

>> No.13528001

>What actually happens is that they'll task the chefs with making ONE VERY SPECIFIC DISH, and without fail, every time, she just goes completely off-script and makes a completely unrelated Indian dish instead.>On one video, they laid ingredients out and told them to guess the recipe from only the ingredients and then make the recipe. Priya instead said, "I'm pretty sure I know what food this is supposed to be, but I don't want to make that so I'm going to make this Indian dish instead."
and that's the only time that's happened, yet you act like it's all she does

>> No.13528043

One drop rule, fool.

>> No.13528062

Happened in every single video shes in, the falafel video, chef tips video, pizza video, late art video, then she makes indian stuff int he avocado video, sandwhich video, carrot video,

>> No.13528094

Not him but in every chef makes video i watched with her she did some form of that bullshit. The last one a saw, the pizza one, she keep going on on and on about how she never mad a pizza because of how traditional her mother and family was.

>> No.13528208

There is no difference between chutney and jam.

>> No.13530083
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"make egg stuff"
"make sandwich"
"make pizza"
>literally sets the kitchen on fire

Its great having heritage and all, but trying to shoehorn your sheltered autistic childhood into everything gets old real quick.

>> No.13530397

naw she's just a fat ugly poo lol

>> No.13530432

Do you think the shills from BA who post here will do anything about this?

>> No.13530441

I’m married with a kid and have an Indian mistress. She makes good lamb curry but I make much better sheek kebabs, tandoori lamb and chicken. She has shown me how to make stuff like stuffed chapatis which I never knew about and told me she will make me fat so I can’t get a different mistress. Would 100% recommend an Indian mistress.

>> No.13530586

Well I would like to assume most people are not sociopaths without no moral code to speak of and would remain faithful in a relationship.
I hope your wife cucked you and your kid is not actually your you fucking asshole.

>> No.13530727


the utter state of this faggot's posts. you have to go back, literal redditor.

>> No.13530737

ur human trash

>> No.13530745
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god i want a jewish woman in indianface as my wife now

>> No.13530898

>the gourmet part was lost after the first episode and now it's just trying to make a copy but maybe with expensive ingredients
Yeah, it bothers me that there's really nothing transformative about the process.

>> No.13532122

Brad is best with either Delaney or Molly

>> No.13532157

Gaby is shit tier
Her cooking seems to be about on the same level as her English
I'm convinced she's an illegal janitor who started sneaking into the videos without anybody noticing

>> No.13532364

>Brad is best with either Vinny or Vincenzo

>> No.13532391

I miss Vinny, mainly because I just think his name sounded better when Brad said it at the end of sentences.