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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13517428 No.13517428 [Reply] [Original]

None of those reddit cancer meme mediocre "chefs". This thread is for good cooking videos. I’ll start

>> No.13517438

Daily reminder the dog from cooking with dog is dead

>> No.13517447 [DELETED] 

fuck dogs and poodles are ugly tier
and it was so unhygienic to have an animal that eats its own feces right next to the food

>> No.13517456

same goes for the dickered anon and his disgusting cat on top of his ingredients

>> No.13517473
File: 185 KB, 1198x774, dominant-maangchi-gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's absolutely NO evidence that dickered anon eats his own feces. Stop spreading lies.

>> No.13517487
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Reminder that Maangchi and CwD are the OG /ck/ YT channels and pre-date the e-celeb cancer.

>> No.13517498

Anyone other than Chef John is a cuck

>> No.13517505


>> No.13517511


>> No.13517516


>> No.13517706
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this is the only one worth half of a flying fuck
helen rennie is a close-second

>> No.13517777

Poutine is a trash meal. This shit is straight garbage. Wrong cheese, wrong gravy. Bullshit. Fuck you.

>> No.13517795

Bruno Albouze aka The Real Deal. Sticks only to food and no algorithm gaming bullshit or stories, and is probably the most technically competent food YouTuber. Guy worked at a three Michelin star hotel and is a master at pastry and bread and very good with general savoury as well.

>> No.13518147

that's really just your opinion

>> No.13518203

Maangchi is eceleb cancer

>> No.13518205
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This is correct

>> No.13518208

Came here to post this, he and Chef John are the two essential food tubers. Food Wishes is approachable and Real Deal is challenging

>> No.13518209
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For me, it's Claire. The original Youtube chef

>> No.13518232

Akis for Greek foods and random desserts

British Chef John for bread

>> No.13518245

Sooooo deli-syous!
I love Akis. Went to his restaurant in Athens, it was solid but a bit of a let down as it’s a burger joint :-/

>> No.13518261

She's good but my problem is I get distracted by my erection and end up whacking off instead of paying attention to her technique.

>> No.13518274

This dude whacks it to asian grannys

>> No.13518301

As opposed to constant BA, Jack, and Ragusa e-celeb spam? People actually used to cook here.

>> No.13518320

There's another website where they'd be glaad to have you

>> No.13518333

Do they circle jerk about e-celebs there? Oh wait, that's where all the e-celeb posters and cat bloggers came from in 2016? No thanks.

>> No.13518339

Yes. Your point, Sir?

>> No.13518343


>> No.13518699

did some recipes from this channel


the great thing about these videos is that they dont waste your time, quick intro, and then jumpcuts between ingredients, short and to the point.

>> No.13518766

my blue cum

>> No.13518791

she missed out by not using him as the final ingredient in the show
also why is it still cooking with dog? it should be called cooking with memory of dog

>> No.13518874

he's a comedian you fucking idiots

>> No.13518884


>> No.13518896
File: 1.50 MB, 1599x1030, 2020-01-15_23-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disappointed in /ck/ to not see this posted yet


>> No.13518897

name a better race of grannies. go ahead ill wait.

>> No.13518907

Daddy Jacks Cooking with the Blues

>> No.13518920


>> No.13518946
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Souped up recipes.
Authentic chinese dishes and she's waifu material too.

>> No.13518988
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>when you hate Youtube cooking shows so much that you decide to make a thread about Youtube cooking shows

>> No.13519001

This fat nigger is so fucking filthy. How dare you recommend him

>> No.13519019

Because his food is good

>> No.13520179

Thai: https://www.youtube.com/user/PailinsKitchen

Based. Every kitchen needs a wog flirty dudebro chef like Akis.

>> No.13520187

He honestly makes some food on Gordon Ramsey's channel look mediocre in comparison.

>> No.13520190

Aussie cuisine:
Bogan style: https://www.youtube.com/user/GregsKitchen
Cafe style: https://www.youtube.com/user/bondiharvest/videos

>> No.13520220

internet shaquille

>> No.13520300
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I really enjoy the Scott rea project. he's from the UK I think and does mostly meat recipes and butcher stuff. Everything from the lamb still grassing to the finished cuts on your plates. Eventhough I will probably never do that myself. Seems like he knows his stuff.

>> No.13520324

Internet Shaquille

>> No.13520427

Adam Liaw for asian cooking.
Winner of the 2nd Australian Masterchef and his videos are just focused on cooking instead of on random memes or other bullshit.

>> No.13520495

chef john if you want a quick rundown and won't go on a murderous rampage after listening to him talk

>> No.13520502

pro chef with some top tier recipes and tips, his videos aren't very well put together though.

>> No.13520930

is that a pig in make up?

>> No.13520962

>packet gravy

>> No.13521002

How would we get a picture of your mom?

>> No.13521025

quads of truth

>> No.13521034

Stfu, Maangchi is pudgy in a cute way.

>> No.13521124

R.I.P Francis

>> No.13521130

ive gotten so many happy endings from frumpy old gooks who look like her

>> No.13521344

go fuck yourself bon appetit scum.

>> No.13521479

Kill your self!