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13511239 No.13511239 [Reply] [Original]

How did they do it? How did """mixologists"""" ruin drinking alcohol?

>> No.13511255
File: 118 KB, 958x960, FB_IMG_1578386110765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off with thinly veiled baby yeed posting

>> No.13511260

As a man you are allowed to drink the following:
1. Shit beer by the dozen
2. Whiskey or bourbon on the rocks
3. Old fashioned
4. Gin
5. Tequila shots on occasion
6. Any beverage offered to you free, as long as it isn’t pink purple etc

>> No.13511274

Anyone who drinks whiskey on the rocks instead of neat needs to be shot

>> No.13511294

Wrong, the water releases the flavors

>> No.13511304

You're all fucking gay drink any booze you want so long as it isn't some faggy rainbow jizz and nigger spit novelty gin.

>> No.13511306

How did they ruin drinking alcohol?

>> No.13511361

I love baby Yoda!

>> No.13511436

Stupid hipster ingredients nobody can get a hand on or aren't worth to made by yourself, because they are only used in one or two drinks nobody gives a shit about.
While you can mix most classic cocktails with a few ingredients at home (basespirits, citrus juices, vermouths, bitters, syrups and a few common liqueurs like Maraschino, Curacao/Triple Sec etc.) because they are perfect as simple as they are it's impossible with modern pretentious creations.

>> No.13511473
File: 2.04 MB, 415x311, 1541846831683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one appletini please

>> No.13511502

I still think it’s cute and very creative, which I respect. I’d have never thought of even doing this.

>> No.13511522
File: 70 KB, 1100x825, FECD4437-789D-4E94-BF2B-54835A91F8C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah she ruined drinking alchohol.


>> No.13511526

I'll drink what ever the fuck I want you cuck, try and regulate my consumption and I will fucking tear your balls off and force feed them to you.

>> No.13511533

incels gonna incel

>> No.13511534

Because you're autistic.

>> No.13511573

if you have the pallet of a 6 year old

>> No.13511577


>> No.13511580
File: 14 KB, 342x316, 1547853922720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's sad

>> No.13511601

Fuck off retard.

>> No.13511639

I'd be happy to pay a couple of bucks for that drink desu.

>> No.13511671

>jim beam
fuck no

>> No.13511843

>no cognac
>no geist
>no armagnac
>no pernod
not a world citizen/10

>> No.13511869

rich people ruined everything anon. Today, poor people eat and drink like literal kings from the medieval era, so rich people had to invent a bunch of pretentious horse shit to try and separate themselves from the masses.

>> No.13511973

i'd pay for her to spit in my drink

>> No.13511978

Was that filmed in 1998?

>> No.13511992

>no vodka

>> No.13512015

Shut up fag
I'll take my mojito and slushie type drinks over that shit any day

>> No.13512038

In Queensland Australia it is also considered acceptable for a man to drink local rum and coke, which is probably why it's called Queensland.

>> No.13512142
File: 541 KB, 316x306, 156799881092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaahhhhh yeeeeiiii

>> No.13512148

Sorry Ivan, forgot about you way out there in the frozen wastes

>> No.13512185
File: 2.00 MB, 371x331, Libby the goat.webm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>water releases the flavors
Huh? How does that work?

>> No.13512190

Imagine having masculinity so fragile, it's endangered by what you drink.

>> No.13512191

In the immediate aftermath of being mixed with water, evaporation is briefly accelerated.

>> No.13512196
File: 241 KB, 388x476, 1495252642004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so cool anon.

>> No.13512197

In most parts of the world, you will be ostracized and regularly subjected to violence if you do not conform to the community's concept of masculinity. It's only in densely populated cities that you are safe to cross the line into faggotry without having everybody turn on you.

>> No.13512198

Libby the goat needs a pornhub comment in the subtitle.

>> No.13512212

In densely populated cities. No one gives a shit
Literally no one will see someone drinking a neon green margarita and care.

>> No.13512215

>conservatives think this is a good thing

>> No.13512224

that‘s not a goat though, fucking naturelets

>> No.13512250
File: 80 KB, 745x633, 1518762295939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit retard. I bet you're gonna tell us that that's ackshually not a webm, huh

>> No.13512262


>> No.13512271

god forbid people want to make boring ass hit like making drinks and baking cakes more artistic.

>> No.13512289

Then go on and say it. We're waiting

>> No.13512369

do not try to take the high road on this one. you spelled "actually" like an unironic third worlder.

>> No.13512399

Imagine having your masculinity wrapped up in the beverages you consume

>> No.13512950


>> No.13512972

fuck off midlifecrisistierfag

>> No.13512978

Having no standards for your own manliness is what leads to homosexuality anon

>> No.13512981

>he thinks ackshually is ESL

>> No.13512986

t. closeted, but my lightbulb burned out

>> No.13513002

Don’t talk queer at me pal

>> No.13513003

i dont care about burger politics, sorry

>> No.13513006

Fuck you i'll drink martinis and manhattans till the day i die and let no light beer drinking faggot dare persuade me otherwise

>> No.13513448

ill drink whatever the fuck i want to drink. and that is an ice cold dr.pepper.