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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.41 MB, 2519x3060, 20200114_063020~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13510529 No.13510529 [Reply] [Original]

The company i work for wanted to thank us for our hard work over the holidays. So they gave us these.
Are the 1% really so disconeccted?
Anywho what should i waste my own money from this absurd website.
I was thinking some wagu steaks.

>> No.13510535

One of the guys on my team bought half a pie and it cost $50

>> No.13510545

im fucking dying laughing at this shit
>a jar of sauce
>1 lb. of Parmigiano Reggiano

>> No.13510554

We voted collectively as a company to not have a Christmas party last year and to instead use the money to split between employees as a holiday bonus. This should have meant an extra $400 in everyone’s pocket. The owner of the company gave everyone $100 and pocketed the rest. Every single employee gave him the $100 back.

>> No.13510561

>Every single employee gave him the $100 back.

>> No.13510610

Does the fucking finger tattoo say BEELY?

They couldn't even spell their own brand right.

>> No.13510614

Based cant read anon

>> No.13510615

Hes right though

>> No.13510619

>everything is done old-school, orders written by hand, totaled on a calculator and rung up on an old-fashioned register.
I bet this makes the food taste even better!

>> No.13510622
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>> No.13510631
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Holy shit I cant believe this is real, who buys this shit? Who do you work for OP? Post what you buy.

>> No.13510640

I work at a dominos supply chain. Some of the guys on my team barley speak english. They are making 30k at best.
Obviously i didnt buy anything yet.
Funny part is most of the team didnt use those gift cards so dominos just gave a bunch of money to goldbelly. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.13510648

I wonder if they knew and have used the service before or if they just read through a BA/Vice/BuzzFeed article talking about holiday food trends.

>> No.13510650
File: 70 KB, 215x296, pastrami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like that card will get you sandwiches for two. What a deal.

>> No.13510667

Oh shit you're right. I self owned. >>13510615

>> No.13510672

What currency is this in?

>> No.13510675

Also find out if your boss owns this company and is giving the money to himself.

>> No.13510687

Why the fuck is it so expensive? Like actually. You can buy literal wagyu steaks from Japan on other websites for less than some of the shit on this website. Ridiculous.

>> No.13510717

US of A

>> No.13510724

everyone at work was more confused than disappointed
and they were pretty disappointed.
I had a good laugh

>> No.13510738

ah yes a fat man with arm tattoos, now that's gourmet

I guess this is how the youtube generation thinks

>> No.13510758

If I were you I'd just sell this shit card for a loss at one of those gift card exchange sites, shit isn't worth it

>> No.13510763
File: 103 KB, 750x905, D3FD7AE5-D17A-4EB7-B3D4-2B1FFEC88C5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna comment on buying four cheesesteaks, a food that doesn’t even keep in the fridge overnight, for $109. Then I saw this.
70 American dollars for 4 boxes of tastykakes? What kind of monster thinks this is okay?

>> No.13510774

>>a jar of sauce
>>1 lb. of Parmigiano Reggiano
How does this business survive? Those prices aren't remotely competitive nor are the ingredients exclusive enough to warrant it. What the fuck.

>> No.13510777
File: 104 KB, 1387x663, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek literally 20 dollars on amazon for 4 FAMILY SIZE PACKS

>> No.13510804
File: 614 KB, 3111x667, hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to pay 3x as much, even for hot dogs?

>> No.13510811

Goldbelly is probably just a money laundering operation where the point is just to have a fake legitimate seeming business while keeping the prices so high they barely have to fulfill any actual orders.

You are assuming this is a legit business in the first place and not a scam to launder profits from other businesses.

>> No.13510824

If it's this obvious and accessible for anyone it sounds like a poor choice to launder shit in.

>> No.13510843

If you get some rube to actually buy the food, all the better

>> No.13510846

Good laundering businesses are public and easily accessable to everyone so any auditors don't go "and why is your two machine laundromat, open from 11am to 11:15am on wednesdays, pulling in $390,000 a week in earnings?"

>> No.13510849

What if i host an art gallery instead of a laundromat?

>> No.13510854

wow showed him

>> No.13510857

Then they often investigate the buyers too. If you really, really fuck up the covering your tracks part they investigate your estimators. You have to know real people to get out of that, and if you know real people you aren't getting audited in the first place.

>> No.13510883

>free shipping
Fucking bargain.

>> No.13510888

Most of the 1% wouldn’t be buying anything from this site either. I’d try to exchange it for hard cash or a Visa giftcard at a loss as well. Sorry you’re in this position, OP.

>> No.13510906
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don't be like that wagie, if they gave you anymore then My Goldstein wouldn't be able to afford his second Yacht.

>> No.13511001

Both scenarios seem to be above the threshold for seriously suspicious. Selling average food for exorbitant prices, without a proper niche, dining hall or other quirky luxury where every other business around does it for less than half is ludicrous. Unless it counts shit like:
>>everything is done old-school, orders written by hand, totaled on a calculator and rung up on an old-fashioned register.
Which is basically just taking a long route for no change in the product.

>> No.13511028

And they're actually more prone to errors with this shit. There's a reason nobody uses these anymore other than some 90 years old store owner in bumfuck, Montana.

Also, how can they say this shit straight faced if

>> No.13511046

I’ve read this thread and I can’t get my mind around this
>misspelled finger tattoos
>$140 for 4 pizzas
So it was founded in 2013 in san fran as Goldbely and that same year won time magazine’s 50 best websites. Then in 2018 it moved to new york and renamed Goldbelly. The fuck

>> No.13511089

You should be thankful desu he doesn't have to do shit for you

>> No.13511113

I bet the misspelled finger tats are on purpose, because people who get tats are traditionally retarded

>> No.13511133

>Christmas party costs $400 per person
That's an unreasonable expectation.

>> No.13511138

You can afford having an absolutely awful business model when you're propped up by venture capital.

>> No.13511171

What the fuck are those prices? Are they exploiting corporate money or something? I don't see casual consumers buying anything there

>> No.13511196

Well thanks OP for providing us with a source of laughter. This website is a joke. Sorry about your xmas bonus though

>> No.13511233

OP here. I think im going with the huckleberry cheesecake. Its only $60.

>> No.13511302

nevermind. they want $30 for shipping

>> No.13511316

Somehow this gift card is more of a burden than a gift

>> No.13511321

i bought the killer brownies. free shipping.

>> No.13511324

How do those boots taste?

>> No.13511330


>> No.13511350

From a review of this ridiculously fucking travesty of a company:

"They aren't necessarily a scam, but very poor customer service policies. If anything goes wrong with your order, like it did with mine, they just blocked me from their Facebook page so I couldn't leave a review. It's just luck if your order arrives and looks as you would expect and if it doesn't you are out of luck. Just contact local bakeries or restaurants and have them deliver for you, no reason to pay Goldbelly and have a third party who cares nothing about your order throw it around in the back of their truck and deliver it trashed. Goldbelly is unscrupulous and a big risk of wasted money."

>> No.13511351

>$50 gc
>+$15 off email promo
>Pastrami sale
Still can't get a free sandwich.

>> No.13511357
File: 221 KB, 680x680, honk honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao it's like satire

>> No.13511368

god boomers are retards

>> No.13511373

The gay mafia is real.

>> No.13511374

Wow. I'm actually mad. This shit is ridiculous

>> No.13511376

they calculate your total on a calculator and ring it up on an old school cash register though, that takes money you dumbass. try running a business before you run your mouth

>> No.13511386

Whoever decided to give you these most probably has shares in this other company too and gave you a pitiful $50 knowing that would only cover shipping on whatever you buy. What a humongous jew flex.

>> No.13511402

Try to return the card to the retailer for cash.

>> No.13511411

10 bucks that this is written by their employees to ward of potential customers stupid enough to even consider buying there.

>> No.13511412

Your company is full of asshats that are trying to profit off giving you a "gift".
I'd just quit.

>> No.13511438
File: 239 KB, 1153x584, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont even pay this much for american oranges and im in asia.

>> No.13511441

This. I quit a job once because they gave me a $25 Wal-Mart gift card as a Christmas bonus. I felt really insulted

>> No.13511453

I really dont care about xmas gifts or bonuses. I get paid well.

>> No.13511497

>I get paid well.
>Got $50 gift card designed for holiday gift
>Boss didn't even give you enough to buy anything from the company he invested in
This doesn't seem like a well paying employer.
Also you would spend less money if you ordered everything directly from the vendors listed since they ship nationally even with the $50 discount accounted for.

>> No.13511505

I make over 50k for a fairly easy job. As long as i get paid for the time i work i really dont care about the extra stuff.

>> No.13511512

>I make over 50k
So do garbage men, and teamsters, but they get decent bonuses.

>> No.13511518

fair point

>> No.13511553

Not that guy but garbage men and Teamsters actually have to do work. I sit in a Herman Miller aeron watching YouTube for 7 hours a day.

>> No.13511554
File: 310 KB, 1000x1000, 1575171850342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, you cant even buy anything serious with that much. what a fucking joke

>> No.13511571

>Not that guy but garbage men and Teamsters actually have to do work
You're clueless.

>> No.13511576

>garbage men don't work
That's objectively wrong, but ok.

>> No.13511586

>That's objectively wrong, but ok.
They do less work than you most of the time, and have better keyboards than op.

>> No.13511600
File: 356 KB, 1272x840, 5345666345343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 frozen mini pies for....

>> No.13511606

What kind of sheltered man baby are you? Being a trash guy is a hard fucking job. They work their asses off

>> No.13511610
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>> No.13511617

>They work their asses off
Yea maybe an hour a week, or so.
I was a trash guy/teamster during college. The hardest part of my job was finding the mist comfortable restroom in the city to take a shit in for an hour.

>> No.13511619

I dont disagree but physical labor before your 40s isnt as hard as mental work.

>> No.13511631


this must be some kind of corporate scam or something

>> No.13511633

Lol no. That just means you have retard strength and low cognitive ability. Are you on the spectrum or undiagnosed?

>> No.13511645

>in business since 2013 doing shit like this
>7 years of insane prices no one would pay meh products
Yeah they're doing some sketchy shit.

>> No.13511666

Im fairly intelligent but ive done my share of physical labor and it is easy. Especially if you get to use headphones. Getting paid to listen to podcasts and audio books for 8+ hours a day is a good deal. Plus you stay in shape with no trips to the gym.

>> No.13511670

Money laundering for lefty politicians, and the gay mafia.

>> No.13511679

>these gratuitously exorbitant prices

This is beyond retarded, yo.

>> No.13511709

I always wondered what this shit was when I was loading trucks for fedex, I just assumed it was overpriced candy like sugarfina

>> No.13511728
File: 253 KB, 803x790, 1556024342672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck, how is this a thing, how is it in business
It would literally be cheaper to hire a personal chef
Please help me understand

>> No.13511733

You mean to tell me enough people were buying from this site for you to notice the boxes?

>> No.13511738

Shit just got real.

>> No.13511752

>free shipping

The audacity.

>> No.13511761

They probably got those for free through some marketing scheme. They dont actually care about you and me.

>> No.13511782

Is this how Obama paid 65k for "hotdogs"?

>> No.13511832

it's probably something shady such as money laundering, which was mentioned in the beginning of the thread

>> No.13511898

Yeah but they were almost always gifts for businesses in the more affluent areas near Boston

>> No.13511929

Goldbelly is for rich people who want New York pizza in Chicago, like that time Obama had deep dish flown to DC. Like if you wanted Katz but lived in LA, stuff like that.
Pretty crazy but it was a thing before it was a company.

>> No.13511939

I now have goldbelly ads on every app fuck u zuckerberg

>> No.13511948

I looked into a few restaurants there and many of their own websites show the exorbitant prices on Goldbelly, so it makes me think the restaurants themselves are the ones being complete jews. Their food wasn't cheap in the first place, but then they'd double the price for freezing the food and shipping it nationwide. Goldbelly is just the middleman.

>> No.13511984

You have to understand that once upon a time your assistant would have to take a car to Russ and Daughters, stand in line, order a dozen bagels and a pound of Nova, then take a car to JFK, and fly to LA so your daughters batmizvah breakfast would have real new York lox.
This is cheaper.

>> No.13511988

That's exactly what it is. These companies usually offered these services off the menu, if you called in. When I lived in CA for a while I would have bbq flown in from north carolina around christmas time, and it would be about double+ the menu price, plus the shipping. You're not doing this for regular grocery shopping, it's for when you really want something in particular. This website doesn't really need to exist, but a fool and his money are easily parted.

>> No.13512046

BTW op as long as you have 50 bucks to blow you should get the bagels and a pound of salmon from Russ and Daughters, it actually is pretty good

>> No.13512055

>Like if you wanted Katz but lived in LA, stuff like that.
You could just order it directly from Katz, because it's cheaper.
Free nationwide (and maybe Canada) s/h over $100.

>> No.13512086

I mean personally I'm not planning on getting brisket and rye through the mail at all but good to know.

>> No.13513142

It would be cheaper to fly someone. Plane tickets are dirt cheap these days. Or hell, take a trip yourself and have it fresh.

"Yes, I have a craving for this specific thing even it will taste like supermarket frozen food after they put it on ice. I will pay you $200 for this."

>> No.13513270

This entire fucking website is amazing. This has to be satirical.

>> No.13513276

For $10k they'll even send a couple employees to slice meats for your party.

>> No.13513310

400 per person party are you fucking autistic?

>> No.13513313

>4 thin frozen personal pizzas
This site is a joke.

>> No.13513319
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>like that time Obama had deep dish flown to DC

>> No.13513323

god my keyboard is filthy.
how come my camera can see better than me but i can see what my camera sees just fine?

>> No.13513331

Boss spends 10000 on gift cards with company money. Goldbergbelly says thank you with a $5000 thank you cash payment to the boss arranged offline. No one ever uses the gift cards and if they do goodbelly still doesn't lose any money because everything is overpriced plus shipping plus word pricing making spending gift card amounts difficult. I'm actually going to report this company to the IRS. You should report your boss as well.

>> No.13513340

it wasnt my boss but it may have been his boss. But it may have been one of her bosses.

>> No.13513388


>> No.13513389

Why don't employers just give you extra cash bonus? Are they just trying to avoid taxes or something?
I get they are trying to sell """local""" hot spot shop food to you, but christ. Also whoever aloud that darkish beige on red at the footer should be shot.

>> No.13513393

very absurd and i buy butter for $20/lb
anyway a quick browse on that website i see russ and daughters has some decent looking things under $15 so maybe check that out

>> No.13513403


>> No.13513417


Corps get discount prices on bulk gift card purchases, i can bet you ass to dollar the OP's employer didn't pay more than $25 per card, probably even less than that consider the prices are a complete ripoff. Goldbelly definitely makes its money off of selling bulk gift cards to companies at massive discounts

>> No.13513430

You're all a bunch of spoiled pieces of shit. lol.

Good way to tell your employer to never do anything fun for you. Sometimes, it really is the thought that matters more than the money. At my work, my employer caters hamburgers and hotdogs and puts the first baseball game of the year on the tv's.

What's an extra $10 for everyone? If you actually enjoy your coworkers, I would choose a fun meal with everyone over a $100 check.

It's also like telling a couple getting married to just send you a check for the $30 they would have spent inviting you because you don't see the value in the party.

>> No.13513439

That makes sense. To bad they couldn't try to find a better place. Hell a meat box would have been better.

>> No.13513456

get your hotdogs op

>> No.13513461


They just got the lowest cost gift cards, given goldbelly's markup a corporate gift card order might be something like a 70-80% discount

>> No.13513722

pathetic bootlicker

>> No.13513806

I don't enjoy my coworkers. I have one who I am friends with and that's it. The rest of them are the lowest common denominator idiots who I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire.

>> No.13513812
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>If you actually enjoy your coworkers
You don't choose your co-workers faggot

>> No.13513827

dude probably bought a shitton of $50 cards for like 20 bucks each or something

>> No.13513864
File: 5 KB, 200x200, FUCK YOU MOM DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't like or even tolerate people unless it's completely on my terms!!!!
What a shockingly childish thing to say.

I can just imagine you shrouded away in your room clutching your daki seething angrily over being "forced" to attend a colleague's Christmas party where you were too much of a coward to say "sorry I can't go". topkek

>> No.13513874

I never said that you boomer faggot, why would I pretend to be friends with people on MY OWN TIME
Pay me to come to your faggot parties or fuck off

>> No.13513882

After reading about the business I kinda get the price tags (minus shit like tastykakes for $70). They deliver food from local popular restaurants, like Lou's Chicago casseroles to people in other areas where you normally can't get it. That I guess can get pricy because you have to pay for a middleman to order and ship it. Still some of the prices are overwhelmingly high, but really beats the cost to fly or drive all the way to Chicago when all you want to do is try their famous casserole and cant live another day until you do.

>> No.13513891
File: 213 KB, 400x225, cackling quacker.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pay me to come to your faggot parties or fuck off

Trust me, not a single person at the after-hours office party asked "where's Anon???". If anything they were relieved that they didn't have to suffer through your edgy nigger attitude.

>> No.13513897

>I expect to see everyone :) there since no has said they weren't coming! :)

Nah fuck you I'm not coming to your stupid party on my day off

>> No.13513901

Imagine getting this upset that someone gave you free food and drinks for an evening and then bitching about it online. You don't deserve anything.

>> No.13513909

>muh day off
Oh god a party, the horror. Free food and drinks while relaxing with other people is so much worse than working.

>> No.13513913

Based Goldbelly social media person.

>> No.13513920

I don't care, I will not do anything work related if you're not paying me, I will never, ever come in on my day off either, keep calling boomer I won't pick up

I don't want your shitty walmart food, leave me alone, I come into work for money stop pretending we're a "family" we're not even friends, if your boss stopped paying you, you'd never come into work or see him ever again
Go on tell me I'm wrong

>> No.13513927

>with other people
Maybe it's relaxing for an extrovert but for any introvert out there the weekend is our sanctuary away from other people

>> No.13513933

Then host the party during work hours you boomer faggot

>> No.13513942


>> No.13513944

Im extremely introverted and I enjoy parties. Being introverted doesnt mean being an unsociable retard with pockets full of spaghetti. You can sit outside and enjoy your beer while talking to 1 or 2 others you're close with.

>> No.13513973

So this is what the 1% spend their money on?

>> No.13513981
File: 89 KB, 600x780, eimi fukada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not required to go
>free food
>i refuse to be cordial with you """""people""""" unless you pay me
why are you so fucking angry lmao

>> No.13513984

He probably got those gift cards for free from a sales rep and he re-gifted them to you guys.

>> No.13513988
File: 105 KB, 862x1200, 1553882700871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a job not a charity
>>""not required to go""

>> No.13513994

My guess is hes either that smelly fat quiet guy that nobody talks to and he was just invited out of courtesy but nobody wants or expects him to actually show or hes 17 and watched too many episodes of the office and LARPs as an adult on 4chan

>> No.13514001

Wow they really had a gun to your head. Its almost like you couldnt have said no before or even after.

>> No.13514004
File: 1.13 MB, 404x720, cat vs endless chair.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm pretty sure that these services exist to abuse company expense accounts. The average person can't afford to pay at these prices, but a company expense account can be written off as a a cost of doing business. Especially if the products are given away as company gifts.

Some people like their co-workers you autist.

>""not required to go""
Imagine blaming someone else for being too much of an angry and cowardly beta to tell a host "sorry, but I can't make the party".

>> No.13514005

Just because your dumb whore manager wrote some passive aggressive note about everybody showing up doesn't mean you have to show up

>> No.13514051

You guys don't understand how rich people work.

This stuff is pennies to a millionaire. If they want their favorite food from their favorite restaurant, they'll happily drop $150 for it. This stuff is your typical "flex" money stuff, where people go with an obviously bad deal because they really, really want the thing.

>> No.13514080
File: 80 KB, 316x300, 1572097986067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Passive aggressive threat for not showing up
>"But you don't have to go"

>> No.13514087
File: 287 KB, 480x246, Do you want to fuck this fox.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime girl image
You are one of the most pathetic people I have ever seen.

>> No.13514092
File: 350 KB, 1318x1197, 1561631977450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime website you filthy fucking furry

>> No.13514106

>hurr anime website
I'm not going to engage with you any further.

Find solace in the fact that no matter how deep you keep digging that hole the space it wastes pales in comparison to you.

>> No.13514107

No, 4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board below that interests you and jump right in!

>> No.13514108

>bitches about anime and then posts a furry reddit webm
Honestly the jokes write themselves

>> No.13514113

When are you retards going to realize this argument is nonsensical and doesnt work, after the millions of times moot and other mods have personally stated that it's an anime website and redditor faggots like you can go back to your containment website

>> No.13514140

This is basically how I deal with parties. Go out, start a fire, crack a beer and enjoy the peace. Its not long till someone comes out for a smoke and comes to hang out. Far better conversation and much more relaxing then standing around listening to stacy and john cackling away about their kitchen renos or their kids.

>> No.13514160

Are you all trolling me? That site and this thread are like a social experiment.

>> No.13514168

>$67 bucks for 6 apizza

actually not bad

>> No.13514173
File: 210 KB, 1280x1440, 1571446865784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're fucking redditors who hate anime
What a fucking surprise you're normalfags, leave my website and enjoy your shitty "coke" thats cut with speed in the toilets

>> No.13514182

>$11 for a 10" personal pizza
They're frozen. As long as shipping is free it's not a heinous ripoff. It's not a good or even mediocre deal either, though.

>> No.13514227
File: 22 KB, 480x600, 8B0A0AE1-B21E-45CA-954D-6F43B2A65CA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find solace in the fact that no matter how deep you keep digging that hole the space it wastes pales in comparison to you.

>> No.13514245

Anon, that was an Asian lolli he was flying in for him and clooney

>> No.13514249

You start fires in the yards of people’s houses you are at? Do u also make eggs

>> No.13514253

Im out in the country dude, everyone I know has a fire pit in the yard. Its pretty sweet actually.

>> No.13514329

Didn't they eat the brain?

>> No.13514334

"Walnut sauce"

>> No.13514353

Yeah this trend autists have of declaring everything they dislike or don't understand a money laundering operation is fucking retarded. Acting like a bunch of pissreek autistic-savants-minus-the-savant have one over their country's taxation enforcement and relevant police agencies, it's like when some pants-shitting retard thinks they are clever for spotting shilling when somebody is trying their hardest for their ironic shill post to read like straight up advertising copy.

I don't understand why people choose to look so retarded. You ask them to explain how the caper works and if they do answer it's just some retarded fairy tale to explain away how nobody really likes Thing They Dislike with not even the slightest resemblance to how money laundering works.

>> No.13514502

You, and the rest of the gay mafia aren't fooling us with your money laundering, and gay racketeering.

>> No.13514509

wtf i love obama now

>> No.13514520

if what

>> No.13515052

You sound like an insufferable fart huffer. Good thing this place is anonymous and we don't get to see your face otherwise this entire conversation you're having would be embarrassing

>> No.13515774


Who the fuck throws a CHRISTMAS party for JANUARY 11??????

I wouldn't go either

>> No.13515828
File: 73 KB, 512x288, dispafox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find solace in the fact that no matter how deep you keep digging that hole the space it wastes pales in comparison to you.

>> No.13515880

Exactly this

>> No.13515896

just say that you're muslim and chirstmas is offense for you. If companies nowadays want to cater to snowflakes, then let them.

>> No.13515930

My sales team was the top in the country for a huge company. We got taken out for dinner. People on the leading team for our competition got a trip to Aruba

>> No.13515946

The finger tats are way cringier than arm tattoos.

>> No.13515966

Goldbeely got ‘im.

>> No.13516024
File: 78 KB, 640x1136, 443D3684-E256-432A-A28C-3DDF99257811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 dollar loaf of bread
>55 dollar shipping
>65 dollar loaf of bread
I don’t even know if a gift card exchange site would accept this shit.

>> No.13516059


he is gay. "Hotdogs" is slang for male prostitutes

>> No.13516076

According to a poorly researched /pol/ddit conspiracy that literally released that information after the email. I'm no fan of Obama, but pizzagate is literal retardation.

>> No.13516197

Wow, what ungrateful faggots.

>> No.13516208

They taste like having a christmas party.

>> No.13516210

>browse "gifts of new york"
>half the items are labeled carnegie deli
how can they offer real carnegie deli items when the place closed over a year ago?

>> No.13516214

How much money do you make that they spend $400 per person on a Christmas party? He probably spent more he would of. Way to tell your boss that if does anything you'll just throw a fit and throw it back at him.

>> No.13516225

You sound like an incredible autistic faggot.

>> No.13516257

Jesus Christ, I live in NYC and these prices are fucking stupid. Go to your deli and get 4 pounds of different Boars Head meat for like 25 bucks. Because that's what Carnegie is using.

>> No.13516272

I went through the website and figured it out. This is marketed to flyovers who will never go to NYC or Chicago, etc. They ship food from "local" establishments in big cities to flyovers so they could "eat like a New Yorker" since the only good they have by them are chain restaurants. So they charge a premium. What a fucking scam.

>> No.13516296

>cost $15 more to get it a day later


>> No.13516374

No, it's for rich people who want a chicago hotdog but they are currently in LA.

>> No.13516406

I'm legitimately shocked that this website is actually still in business. Are there THAT many rich people that want to pay $100+ for a single cake or whatever?

>> No.13516423

$70 for a "Pasta Night Package"... The fuck?

"To this day, they’ve kept their small, mom and pop image—everything is done old-school, orders written by hand, totaled on a calculator and rung up on an old-fashioned register."

Who gives a fuck? LMAO.

>> No.13516531



>> No.13516555

But how much is it with bar nuts?

>> No.13516576
File: 1.47 MB, 1394x2048, Screenshot_20191023-214027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find solace in the fact that no matter how deep you keep digging that hole the space it wastes pales in comparison to you

>> No.13516640

You can do both you know

>> No.13516647

maybe its for thoss corporate types who can write it off as a "business expense" or whatever

>> No.13516651

Actually the most plausible explanation

>> No.13516657
File: 107 KB, 522x579, 13034E95-7A6D-4CF9-A435-099DA644648A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find solace in the fact that no matter how deep you keep digging that hole the space it wastes pales in comparison to you.

>> No.13516661

>Every single employee gave him the $100 back
what did that accomplish? you retards should have all broke in at night and smeared shit all over his office

>> No.13516844

Is there anything of actual value that you can buy? Because it seems to me that those 50 bucks from the card can only buy you 5$ of actual value

>> No.13517101

I don't think so, something's sus. If you're rich enough to afford gold belly (and deal with shipping) you could afford a personal chef, seems weird an entire business model is reliant an rich people's hankering for oddly specific regional foods.

>> No.13517197

Thank you.

>> No.13517209

got a facebook ad video of this shit
its to impress your gay friends how cool you are for game day for sportsball
get some frozen cheese steaks to microwave from jinos

I could see the price if they manage to ship everything hot ready to eat that would be cool actually

>> No.13517214

I paid $20 out of pocket for some brownies.
I will let you know tomorrow when i get them if they were worth the $20

>> No.13517218


>> No.13517222

aren't a few frozen pizzas like $15?

>> No.13517277

Asking the real questions

>> No.13517284

Like door dash?
This food looks bad

>> No.13517287

kind of but through the mail

>> No.13517289

Oh fuck, anon is onto something!

>> No.13517295
File: 103 KB, 1042x378, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm actually going to report this company to the IRS. You should report your boss as well.

>> No.13517341

Just tell that you already promised your grandma to visit it and they shouldve told earlier
Those kind of excuses always work

>> No.13517348
File: 29 KB, 306x535, 3DFD2BFB00000578-4284724-image-m-36_1488766024690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this like WeWork but for food?

We don't get a Christmas bonus, we just have a free bar and a big fight in the pub after the last day at work for two weeks. It's class.

>> No.13517356

Exactly. It's money laundering scheme. Some guy pays with the company money, gets part of it in cash and you get overpriced gifts. and on paper it's zero because "He paid 1000$" while he actually paid 500 and got 500 in cash. You all got 1000$ of gift cards but the actual price of producs you get from it will be like 200$.

>> No.13517391

Someone’s needs to buy something and post pictures of it

>> No.13517444

it doesn't seem like this was a wise choice.

>> No.13517486

nice try, goldbellyberg

>> No.13517493

Slower and more expensive gotcha

>> No.13517501

my bonus this year was 8k cash (uk), learn to code :^)

>> No.13517502

Y’all hiring?

>> No.13517508

Should've gone for the $49 pie or the $59 hot dog kit with the hat oof

>> No.13517523
File: 199 KB, 284x311, anal beads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.13517561

Kek, based retard poster

>> No.13517569

You don’t seem to realize the size and scale of people doing illegal things to make money

>> No.13517573

It’s amazing how factual it is about fucking your asshole

>> No.13517577
File: 191 KB, 282x319, anal beads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally, these wonderful Buffalo Wyngz are $100 for 30, but act fast and you can snag them for a low, low price of $69!

>> No.13517740

It's mostly for stuff that may be difficult to source. Specific things from locally known brands that you miss since you had to move to Wyoming

>> No.13518096

i got the brownies because the shipping was free

>> No.13519335

Fuck off pedesta

>> No.13519358

Honestly money laundering makes the most sense, especially since they publicly advertise that they do all orders by pen and paper so its FAR easier to fake orders than have someone audit what their website would generate.

>> No.13519366

weekend delivery maybe

>> No.13519375

Who the fuck wants to spend ANY of their free time sitting around in a stupid fucking office building at an office party with their stupid fucking coworkers who are not your friends eating dumb shit and having stupid hairdresser conversations while also not being allowed to drink since again it's an office party?

That sounds like the biggest waste of time ever. People who spend their free time at work are the real wagies of the world. I choose to spend my free time doing things I actually like to do.

>> No.13519397

Isn't the point of money laundering supposed to be that you need actual business so you can mix in the laundering with your real customers and make it seem more legitimate and you know actually a business?

Like if your site has 0 customers and is only laundering it seems like the government would catch on pretty quickly.

>> No.13519424

Fuck, I want a herman miller chair so fucking badly. My chairs always suck shit at home.

>> No.13519425

I choose to spend my free time on 4chan, getting trashed alone in my room, and contemplating suicide. So who's the real wagie now, faggot?

>> No.13519433

Isn't 1 garbage guy always just the driver and the only one working hard is the one who has to get out and manually throw the trash in? What do they do after they've finished their route? Just take it to the dump and dump it and go home?

I feel like the only thing I'd hate about being a garbage man is dealing with all the awful rancid smells. Trash that smells like actual shit or spoiled food (especially dairy) would make my stomach turn.

>> No.13519441

You could probably hire a personal chef to make you whatever food you wanted, from wherever in the world, for a cheaper price than this.

>> No.13519442

Its just another shipping company. you are paying for shipping not the food. You pay someone to go get food at a store and then overnight it to you. Its not some grand scheme you dingus

>> No.13519448

You've also never had an orange from florida that was under a day old.

>> No.13519472

You don't realise how stupid you pantshitters are compared to the high functioning autists that work for the IRS

>> No.13519473

I don't understand why anyone would want it anyways. The food probably doesn't even taste 1/4th as good frozen and driven around the US for a week.

Like how can your craving for some "authentic new york restaurant food!" be so strong that you would pay 2-4x the amount just to have it frozen and delivered a week later when you might not even have the craving anymore?

It's going to taste like shit.

>> No.13519485

I can do that in the comfort of my own home though. Where I don't need to spend an hour showering and getting dressed nicely, drive for 30 minutes, spend 4 hours sitting around doing fuck all, just to "be socialable."

If I want to spend free time with "1 or 2 others I'm close with" I can just call them over drink some beers, play some vidya/watch some tv, shoot the shit, etc.

Also I'm almost positive work parties means you can't smoke or drink if it's on company property, so have fun trying to drink a beer.

>> No.13519496

>Also I'm almost positive work parties means you can't smoke or drink if it's on company property, so have fun trying to drink a beer.
lel, you work with some fucking squares

>> No.13519513

Coding seems really boring though. What about Networking?

>> No.13519526

What is the day to day job of being a coder? Like I imagine you aren't constantly creating new code for programs every day. Is it just upkeep on old programs? Fixing little errors? Brainstorming new ideas?

It genuinely confuses me. Like unless you are working for a cutting edge tech company or a game studio I just don't see how coders fill a 40 hour work week. Like for instance, my bank I work at uses a program from like 2 decades ago and most of the computers are still running windows xp/vista. There are 2 computers on win10 and 1 on win7. Most jobs seem to be this way with their programs, so what the fuck does a coder do?

>> No.13519685

Cobble together some php scripts to get Pajeets spaghetti javascript to do what its supposed to do. Atleast that was my experience doing webdev for 5 months before I quit

>> No.13519732

wouldn't be surprised if it's money laundering

>> No.13519738


>> No.13519753

Yuropoor hear, what is this about, even? You could buy meals for weeks from that?

>> No.13519767

>Is it just upkeep on old programs? Fixing little errors? Brainstorming new ideas?

yes to all these things, also unless you work alone you spend about an hour a day helping other people in your team fix bugs or understand software you wrote so they can fix bugs in it.

Depending on the current status of a project you can go a week or 2 without writing any code

>> No.13519771

>my bank I work at uses a program from like 2 decades ago and most of the computers are still running windows xp/vista.

if you work for a decent bank then they are probably playing developers millions of dollars to create software that isnt 2 decades old. it might take 10 years to be finished but banks wont be on xp forever

>> No.13519780

No. Because you're forced to spend money on the service as its not tender for purchasing anything anywhere else. The kick in the balls is that everything is so stupidly over priced you're going to be spending more than you would on food, even with 50 dollars off. You could probably make one or a few items there yourself if you had 50 bucks in cash.

>> No.13519788

Well built programs aren't made in a day when they're built from the ground up.

>> No.13519848

Remember that scene in the Tranny directed film, Le Matrix, where the Incel told Neo about the lady hologram in the red dress?

>> No.13519985

>Fuck, I want a herman miller chair so fucking badly
People constantly sell these for pretty cheap in my city every year. I believe that they rent them out (including the furniture) for a few times a year to businesses during trade shows, and offload them to buy new ones annually.
Seen them as low as $50 each.

>> No.13520262

did i write this while i was drunk?

>> No.13520290

fuck managers

>> No.13520702

stop falling for memes made by newfaggots for newfaggots

>> No.13521959


>> No.13522075


>> No.13522122
File: 2 KB, 512x512, yaranaika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find solace in the fact that no matter how deep you keep digging that hole the space it wastes pales in comparison to you

>> No.13522131
File: 35 KB, 474x610, 1578720712384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel too bad OP. I remember when I was a teenager the store we worked for was supposed to give a a Christmas bonus. They proceeded to not, even after the Christmas "party" was a pot luck which screams "our management is a bunch of poor broke ass house niggers" and then proceed to give us gift cards. For our own store.

Humorously enough I was able to buy an Amazon gift card with the store gift card. Fuck you faggots, I'm not cycling that "bonus" back into your own corrupted "employee owned" corn chucking cracker store and getting screwed three times in one day. There's better stuff out there OP. Just bide your time and search before you quit.

>> No.13522170

That site has to be owned by Jews. There's no way it's not.

>> No.13522196
File: 117 KB, 900x652, 1577322537998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I was an accountant my boss handed me my weekly pay, quarterly bonus, Christmas bonus, 100 dollar gift certificate to the local mall, a spiral cut ham and then went on to take all his employees out to a bar and cafe to drink and eat to their heart's content. This was of course before the market crash of 2008 but still.

That guy treated all his employees good and gold, even the ones that didn't deserve it. Your employer is just an asshole OP.

>> No.13522227

Fuck New York, 2 planes wasn't enough

>> No.13522231

I’m from here and sadly have to agree.

>> No.13522244

>before the market crash of 2008
Anecdote disregarded.

>> No.13522256
File: 397 KB, 750x726, 1577757585767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Yorker and I'm on the same note as you. Should crash the planes into the ghettos this time. Steaming rubble would be better than the people that live here.

>> No.13522381


It's really not. If you are in a city of any decent size and at a company of any decent size, they are going to probably want to rent the whole bar/restaurant for the event. That's going to be a minimum $5,000 that may or may not include any actual food. Tips will be at least $1,000 for even a company of small size. Any alcohol will be extra. Most companies also do games, hand out prizes, and do a ton of other stuff at parties.

They then turn around and write this all off.

>> No.13522492

You should have collectively voted to fire the owner and all take equal ownership of the company, that would have solved all your problems.

>> No.13522838

>Junior's Original Mini Cheesecakes - 18 Pack

I make these and sell them
it costs me around 16 bucks to make 22 mini cheesecakes, or 11 if I use Lidl brand cream cheese instead of Philidelphia
plus mine are bigger by almost double
these people are fucking scam artists

>> No.13522851

but they do everything old school they use an old calculator to add and manual scales to weight they also have an old school loonytoons style gold safe they need to fill help them out

>> No.13522882

I work for a Fortune 50.
First year? Boss gave us a $25 Applebee's gift card (I'm guessing personal gift). Ever since then? Nothing, not so much as 'Happy Holidays' or "Merry Christmas'. Just a 'fuck you for taking time off' vibe.

>> No.13522902

You have chosen... poorly. And also, who brags about where their soulless bullshit company is on the Fortune 500?

>> No.13522960

because the company makes nothing and is a leach on the world

>> No.13522970

Sounds like insurance or finance.

>> No.13523034

Honestly, if I were loaded beyond belief, there's worse ways to waste your money.

>> No.13523071

I mean, I paid $70 for my keyboard because it lights up and looks neat

but at least I get to look at that every day and it works as good as a normal one. At least I didn't spend that much on a frozen pizza from some place in new york

>> No.13523114

This. You would be surprised how many things in the corporate world given as "gifts" are just re-gifted or given by some vendor the company works with. It sometimes isn't always bad, but still.

>> No.13523132

>(((insurance or finance)))
Impossible, it couldn't be that!

>> No.13523147
File: 97 KB, 800x800, 1574621231560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has to be some sort of weird scam by asians right?

>> No.13523205

>$100 for 4 lobster tails
*laughs in nova scotia*

>> No.13523221

It depends. Company I work for rented out a nice hotel and had an huge open bar and food until 2am in the morning.

This was also after work hours, so eh. Policy is no drinking during work, but any events after work tend to have a shitton of drinking and bar visits.

>> No.13523236

The hospital I used to do IT at still had a CAT Scan that ran on Windows 98 and ONLY 98. This was 2016.

>> No.13523242

based wagecuck sucking his boss' cock for le fun meal

>> No.13523254
File: 34 KB, 600x376, grilled-cheese-tomato-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'll be $230 sir

>> No.13523533

Alright, let's see those brownies.

>> No.13523538
File: 106 KB, 1564x1564, BOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute decadence of it all

>> No.13523608

You should just go with the t-shirt. Only $29.99 and free shipping and then you can ironically advertise Goldbelly.

>> No.13523647

re-gift that shit to someone you don't really care about like your wife or kids

>> No.13523672
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x2308, screencapture-goldbelly-nyes-cream-sandwiches-23595-best-sellers-ice-cream-sandwich-8-pack-2020-01-16-20_05_56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid to look after seeing their ice cream sandwiches. MEIN GOTT.

>> No.13523708

the reviews should just be "these ice cream sandwiches are so good I spent $80 on them"