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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13509942 No.13509942 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/, I'm going to order a meal replacement, because I need quick convenient food. What are some /ck/ approved meal replacements/rations? I wanna start eating a little better, and I need the easy and quick option.

Secondly, I want some cozy snacks. Are Whales good?

>> No.13509947


>> No.13509985

Don't get huel
Rape oil and oat slurry tastes exactly how you'd expect

>> No.13510371

I want to protect these deer
mainly from /k/

>> No.13510387

>meal replacement
protein powder, blend with milk, oats, and banana
stop being a fucking bleeding heart faggot
deer are pests and need to be hunted

>> No.13510389

T. doesn't live anywhere near those fucking tick infested rats

>> No.13510392
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>> No.13510401
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oh, a zoophile

>> No.13510404

Deer are the least of your worries.
>t. Live in the mountains, with a squirrel that lives in his ceiling and rips into his garbage for empty coffee creamer containers

>> No.13510409

Yeah squirrels are fucking annoying too but they don't kill you on your way home.

>> No.13510421

>oh no this animal is slightly inconveniencing me, what a pest

>> No.13510423

Unless you piss off a buck during mating season, they generally run off.

Squirrels on the other hand, ever got into a fight with one?

>> No.13510426

They no longer have any natural predators in developed areas so their population explodes. They destroy local ecosystems, spread disease to animals and humans, and literally kill people by running into cars at night. State governments put out culling contracts to try to control the populations.

>> No.13510429
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>deers don't cause thousands of car accidents a year by being fucking retards that leap in front of oncoming traffic

>> No.13510432


>> No.13510433

I was driving home one night and avoided a deer. The second deer jumps over a 6 foot high fence and RUNS into the driver side door of my fucking car.

>> No.13510440

don't fall for liquid meal replacement meme. they taste gross, like dirty water with some soybean oil in them

if you're lazy, eat fewer meals (intermittent fasting)

for me, it's mostly nuts, some protein bars sometimes

>> No.13510441

Deer don't kill you, that barbie doll plastic chinese piece of shit prius did.

Get a truck.

>> No.13510443

Give one legitimate reason to be driving at night? If you have somewhere you need to be, you should arrange to be there before sundown.
>spread diseases
Maybe you should just try leaving them alone and you wouldn't get diseases from them.

>> No.13510445
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Yeah if they jump into your windshield your truck isn't gonna help you.

>> No.13510447

I have actually gotten into a fight with a squirrel.
We were in a park. Not sure what we did to piss it off but we ended up getting pelted with twigs and tree debris.
Being the mature teenagers we were, we started chucking similar things back at it.
The squirrel won the fight by changing tactics, instead of throwing crap at us it started dropping things on a sleeping elk.
When the elk stood up, we got in the car and left.
Punk ass kids:0

>> No.13510448
File: 97 KB, 602x386, main-qimg-ffb92c5e088a506fc1f735cf67f9a220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a truck.

Give one legitimate reason to be driving at night?

go shitpost on b

>> No.13510451

Rice and egg

>> No.13510456

Where the fuck do you live? In Africa? In civilized parts of the world, the sun sets before 5 pm during winter. It's unavoidable for normal people to not drive at night sometimes.

>> No.13510457

>keeping empty coffee cream containers
>not using vanilla and cream like a real gay
>using cream in your coffee
You've asked for this, fuckmeat.

>> No.13510482

>he doesn't take advantage of the bitter notes with rich cream

Ok boomer

>> No.13510490

>dood fuck deer!!! yeah I love ted nugent!! kill them all!!!!

deer are cute. I see them in my backyard sometime. Just don't drive fast when you can't see where you're going

also venison is gross. You have to give it away. And it costs a bunch of money to process it into edible cuts.

>> No.13510499

>milk choky is gooder than nasty dark choky
Ok zoomy

>> No.13510517

Objectively and provably true. Dark chocolate just tastes edgy.

>> No.13510539


Ah.. bringing entertainment for the next /k/ meetup. Excellent

>> No.13511585

on the off chance that op is still monitoring
get the chocolate, vanilla is ok and chai sucks

>> No.13511658

But /k/ is just going to fuck them.
I have read things.

>> No.13511663

>All that young doe pussy.

>> No.13511818
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/k/ please control yourselves.

>> No.13511824

>Deerfuckers on /k/
>Horsefuckers on /mlp/
We're surrounded by degeneracy.

>> No.13511850

>Soy!!!! Fuck Ted nugent drink it all!!!
keep watching anime and let the men worry about your deer waifus

>> No.13511863

It's not like /ck/ is some sort of holy sanctuary for pure minds.

>> No.13511872

We are getting better.
I am seeing fewer carnist threads daily.

>> No.13511886
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>> No.13511896

I ran over a squirrel on my bicycle once and the sound it made was horrible :(

>> No.13511902

Oh look another deluded soynigger, good one dude. The only one shilling your veggieshit here is YOU.

>> No.13511913

That's one way to get squeaky wheels.

>> No.13513121


It'll drive you nuts

>> No.13513189

Makes the whole thing act squirrely tho.

>> No.13513239

Venison is tasty tho

>> No.13513305

Are those deers kill?

>> No.13513718

They sleep.
Only slaying happening is when their owner comes back for that doe pussy.

>> No.13513731
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/trash/ reporting, we'll take it from here.

>> No.13513738

That shit's gay, bro.

>> No.13513743
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Gay is relative.

>> No.13513788
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Just saw this

>> No.13513903

Deer is just trying to stand straight in your shitty picture.

>> No.13514027

He doesn't mean from being hunted, he means from being raped. Do you not know that meme? How new are you?

>> No.13514117

Thought those were hamburger buns.

>> No.13514426

Well they are soft and delicious.