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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13506451 No.13506451[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13506463

It's people stuffing their faces.

>> No.13506476

>not eating seafood and using sea salt instead

>> No.13506478
File: 89 KB, 640x480, meanwhile in america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is kosher salt use driving the obesity epidemic in America?
Probably not, but go ahead and blame (((da joos))) anyway, dumbass.

>> No.13506483

Iodized salt is YUCKY and GROSS. I only use it when I boil something like pasta or beans. Is that enough to get the iodine that I need? Otherwise, I use pink salt, sea salt, Maldon salt, or kosher salt because they taste better.

Watch some idiot try to tell me that all salt tastes the same, so I should just use iodized

>> No.13506561

all salt tastes the same, so you should just use iodized

>> No.13506564

How many fewer calories does it make you expend?

>> No.13506578

No. Most people in the US use iodized salt.

>> No.13506584

Cheapie diets and advertising are the cause of fatness in America.
Literally capitalisms fault.
With communism there's no food but nobody's fucking fat either.

>> No.13506588

Iodine has a decent half life that I don't remember. Some autistic bostoner I knew talked about it all the time. Just Google the half life and see what it says. You can probably get away with having it 1x a week/month or something. Look it up.

>> No.13506596

no one mentioned jews you schizo

>> No.13506597

No we don't. Only boomers still use iodized.

>> No.13506599

All salts taste the same


>> No.13506600
File: 20 KB, 456x311, 11-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With communism there's no food but nobody's fucking fat either.
Nice meme

>> No.13506606


There are chemicals in the modern food supply making both people and animals fat.

>> No.13506625

Gotta have those extra calories to wait in line. Also calories per person is easy to increase by getting rid of people.

>> No.13506629

Soo like I said
Ppl don't get fat from vegetables and meat

>> No.13506669

Normally one would assume you're moving the goalpost and being absurd on purpose toto cope but right-wingers are idiotic enough to say this seriously so you never know.

>> No.13506692

Muh breadlines were a thing when the USSR was undoing their socialist system with the Perestroika. As for "getting rid of people" as to affect demographic trends in the USSR, the last time that happened was in WWII. You're a literal idiot.

>> No.13506700

The line between the absurd and the beliefs of the Hannity-worshippers is increasingly hard to discern.

>> No.13506861

Just get coarse salt. It’s the same as Kosher salt but you aren’t paying the Kosher tax.

>> No.13506873

Do they have iodized course salt?

>> No.13506886

Of coarse.

>> No.13507005

You can defect to a communist country if you like, and enjoy surviving on grain and potatoes as shown in that chart. You won't be a party member or gulag commissar like you fantasize about though

>> No.13507087

Lmao, cope harder, retard. You got called out on your bullshit and all you can do is cry "w-well, move then" like the retarded faggot you are.

>> No.13507092

No, why would it do that?
That's stupid.

>> No.13507102

I have a bottle of iodine tincture that I drop in a bottle. I drink a third of the bottle every day, and use a kosher salt/MSG blend on everything instead.

>> No.13507117

Just eat seaweed a couple times a week, you can buy it anywhere these days and it’s tasty.

>> No.13507154

>right winger is an obese ketard as well
No surprise here

>> No.13507164

I only use it to brine my steaks but it never adds that salty layer on the meat even if I add a ton of it, as opposed to regular salt which if I add the same amount the meat would straight go into the trash

>> No.13507181
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, Iodine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you go out of your way to pick non-iodized salt? All that effort put into keeping you from goiters and the number one most common cause of literal mental retardation and you still manage to find a way around it? Just buy normal salt, faggot.

>> No.13507200

Kosher salt isn't part of the "Kosher tax." It's just coarse salt for koshering meat i.e. getting all the blood out. Nobody certified salt used for Koshering as Kosher or not.

>> No.13507205

>go out of your way to pick non-iodized salt
Have you ever actually shopped for your own groceries or do you just eat whatever mommy feeds you? 90% of the salt section at literally any grocery store is non-iodized, and unless you're somehow living during the great depression or in a 3rd world country there's absolutely zero need to supplement your diet with extra iodine, especially when it tastes like garbage in virtually everything uses salt.
>just buy normal salt
That's what I do, dum dum.

>> No.13507226

Every time someone makes a thread about kosher salt then it's always really about (((kosher))) salt. You can feign ignorance but you're obviously a /pol/dditor so I know that you're aware of the kosher salt meme

>> No.13507269

All normal salt is iodized you retard. What grocery store are you going to, your local "I fell for a pink Himalayan salt meme diet" depot for suggestible faggots? Standard Morton is iodized and don't fucking pretend you don't know what Morton salt is you zoomer piece of shit.

>> No.13507281

I'm not that poster, but why don't you move? You're a zealot and suffer ridiculous cognitive dissonance, trying to defend a system that's proven again and again to lead to bloodshed and famine. You argue exactly the way born again christians on here do because you're coming from a similar place of lies and emptiness.

I weigh 160lbs and eat a normal diet, I have had to survive on mostly carbs when I had no money a couple years ago and it is fucking miserable. Have you ever had nothing to eat but bread and potatoes?

>> No.13507314


The chemicals are in the vegetables and meat, it's happening to wild animals too
There are so many chemicals who knows what specifically is causing it, might be a fertilizer or a pesticide. I take mild stimulants to lose weight cause i can't lose weight wothout them unless I drastically lower my intake to like 1600, and being like 6ft1 I'd rather not. Stimulants + 2100 per day and the weight melts off.

>> No.13507322

There is no chemical that will prevent weight loss if you taking in less calories then you are burning. This is fact and non debatable.

>> No.13507331

>post retarded le gommies hav no food xd meme
>get proven wrong (with FAO data that was even acknowledged by the CIA)
>sperg out and accuse others of lying
Cope harder, retard.

>> No.13507346

Well I'm descended from the last living male of his family that got out of Russia in 1917 so perhaps my opinion is biased.

>> No.13507365

I said I wasn't the guy who posted that, I felt like joining the discussion because like I said, I have lived just eating mostly bread and potatoes for a short time thankfully and its miserable and unhealthy, and the way you argue by just shouting overused "meme" words is so similar to the christians I'm sure you hate is just negatively compelling.

>> No.13507376

Fuck you, retard.
You cannot post something and then just claim it wasn't you.

>> No.13507379

Whose family?

>> No.13507384

this is what I mean about lying/cognitive dissonance

>> No.13507385

I don't hate Christians and I'm a social-democrat. I just don't like historical misconceptions.

>> No.13507397

that chart is evidence that communists had a poorer quality diet though

>> No.13507414

What stimulants do you take? I've been taking green tea supplements and such. I need to lose weight. I've done fasting but that shit is too hard, longest I've gone is 6 days.

>> No.13507432

Just because your mom buys iodized salt doesn't make it "normal" or "standard"; it isn't.

>> No.13507434

Sea salt is a widespread fad, kosher salt is for Alton brown fanboys.

>> No.13507441

My grandfather's.

>> No.13507443

Yeah it is, it was a major public health project dating back to I believe the 1920s if not earlier, all the salt in your packaged food and saltshakers at normal restaurants is iodized and the regular cardboard cylinders in grocery stores is too. It's only gourmet salt that isn't.

>> No.13507453

Fuck this, I'm going back to leftypol where I can have intelligent conversations referencing impartial sources like espressostalinist.com

>> No.13507459

There's standards and regulations that require every producer to do it. It is literally, by law, the standard. You giant homofaggot.

>> No.13507460

>it was a major public health project dating back to I believe the 1920s
Yes, I covered that in an earlier post.
>unless you're somehow living during the great depression or in a 3rd world country
That's not true at all anymore, and only boomers still buy iodized salt out of habit. If your restaurants are serving iodized you probably live in deep flyover land.

>> No.13507471

Sure, kid

>> No.13507477


>> No.13507482

Calories in, calories out, and try moving around a bit. Simple as that.

>> No.13507504

I live in NY, I doubt a regular diner I'd go to for eggs and bacon or a burger and fries has sea salt in the shakers at the table which is why I said normal restaurants If you go to some faggy expensive place they probably aren't using Mortons I guess. It's definitely in packaged food though, and when you're buying general utility salt to use for salting pasta water and shit I at least hope you're reaching for the 40 cent cardboard cylinder and not something fancy

>> No.13507520

Why do you keep bringing up Mortons? The thread is literally about kosher salt not having iodine and Mortons main product is kosher salt. Yeah, they also have iodized, but it's by no means their main product.

>> No.13507534

Cause that's what I usually buy lol? It's just a turn of phrase meant to refer to your basic supermarket sold in large containers table salt since its a national brand

>> No.13507548

>Buy bag of fancy sea salt
>buy bag of kosher salt
>buy bag of iodized salt
>mix them all together
>problem solved

>> No.13507551

You are either fucking retarded or have never been to a REGULAR grocery store. It is THE LAW to have iodized salt. What is wrong with you?