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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13506004 No.13506004[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13506024

Europe gay

>> No.13506030

>aerosol oils
Do you mean cooking sprays?

Because they make cooking easier? Because they make clean-up easier when baking? Because they keep meat from sticking to the grill?

>> No.13506050

laziness, then.

>> No.13506055

Why is 95% of everyone outside the US named Mohammed these days?

>> No.13506057

stu boomer

>> No.13506128

your country sucks ass compared to the usa

>> No.13506144

It doesn't.

>> No.13506150

Name it and we'll be the judge.

>> No.13506262

I doubt anyone has even heard of it so who would know

>> No.13506278

US American here
I don't use that shit. I tried cooking eggs with propellant-free cooking spray once. I sprayed some in the pan and turned the fire on while I grabbed some eggs. In that time, the oil turned very dark brown. Normal oil doesn't do that. It freaked me out and I never used it again. It didn't even have propellants. It was just oil and soy lecithin.

>> No.13506286
File: 50 KB, 500x482, mccoy wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still cook over a fire instead of using a stove
>I grind my own corn in my handy riverside mill
>I'm currently using a stationary bike to generate the electricity needed to post dumbass opinions to a McChicken enthusiast board

Fuck off.

>> No.13506318

It means it burned, you idiot.

>> No.13506319

US consistently ranks lowest of all developed countries on all quality of life measurements. They're also below like 8 european countries on per capita GDP.

>> No.13506331

Why do amerisharts "banter" like 12-year-olds?

>> No.13506339
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>I sprayed some in the pan and turned the fire on while I grabbed some eggs.
A very small amount of oil in a hot pan burns quickly. Who knew?

Please don't reproduce, the world doesn't need any more stupidity.

>> No.13506350

Their brains usually don't evolve past that stage.

>> No.13506355

A large, very hot surface area enters in contact with a small amount of flammable material.

>> No.13506357

>American Cuisine

>> No.13506380

It's hilarious how you're too scared to mention your "country". Insecure around us Americhads?

>> No.13506387

Keep crying shitskin, if you're lucky maybe uncle sam will bomb the hell out of your caliphate and liberate you too.

>> No.13506396


>> No.13506410

I'm a proud citizen of the Kingdom of Spain, amerishart.

>> No.13506412

>laziness, then.
isn't that why your country hasn't gone to the moon?

>> No.13506415

rent free

>> No.13506416
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>Keep crying shitskin, if you're lucky maybe uncle sam will bomb the hell out of your caliphate and liberate you too.

>> No.13506420

>A very small amount of oil in a hot pan burns quickly
No, it doesn't. It doesn't happen when I use real oil that doesn't come out of a spray bottle. I cooked it just like I cook eggs every single day. The only difference was the oil. Explain that

I think it was the soy lecithin burning

>> No.13506430

Ah yes. Another irrelevant country that's only known for a few dishes and that savagery where you run from angry animals in the streets. Your opinion means nothing

>> No.13506432

Off-topic posting. If you want to discuss fiction, try >>>/tv/ or even >>>/x/

>> No.13506434

Yes it does

>> No.13506442

I don't recall asking what an adipose mutt thinks of my nation.

>> No.13506470

>irrelevant country
Spain is the second most visited country in the world after France. Instead of embarrassing yourself again, stick to topics you're well versed in such as sharting yourself or crack addiction.

>> No.13506477

One time when I was on a crack binge, I was so high on crack that I shat myself

>> No.13506482

When it comes to making international level decisions, Spains opinion is not considered. IRRELEVANT

>> No.13506501

literally only krauts and bongs visit spain

>> No.13506505

By international decisions you mean pandering to the (((NWO))) and its globohomo agenda?

>> No.13506517

Sounds like you're spreading some thick layers of COPE there. You'll never have a say in anything lol. Stay mad

>> No.13506552
File: 19 KB, 760x360, IMG_20200106_155819_541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine using cooking spray like some low IQ degenerate mutt
>imagine using canned shit instead of using butter or natural oil
>imagine defending that shit on /ck/, of all the places
>imagine being a delusionnal mutt with no sense of taste
Cope, amerimutts

>> No.13506568

The irony is only niggers and rich white women use the cooking spray shit.

Most of us are too broke to buy the cans so we just huy vegetable oil by the gallon.

>> No.13506577

>we're too poor for cooking spray
>yet all of your am*rican cooking shows use cooking sprays
lmao at you so hard, mutt

>> No.13506715

Name five with specific reference to which episode

>> No.13506727
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>nothing personell kid

>> No.13506739

Hahaha, yeah I know that feel bro.

>> No.13506745

you tell me Jose

>> No.13506752
File: 90 KB, 1000x929, 7e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking shows
Europoors actually believe cooking shows are the gospel

>> No.13506757

This is a Eurofag larping as a burger.

>> No.13506770

As long as the spray doesn't have any added extra ingredients then what's the problem. I looked and a lot of those have soy in them, why would they add soy to Olive Oil spray. I would agree to stay away, but if you are going to use, look at the label.

>> No.13506787

So it's evenly distributed in the pan

>> No.13506979

Funny thing about these. They were marketed as a low cal option for the masses. As in a single serving has only 12 calories and 0grams of fat. Thing is a "serving" is listed as a 1/3 of a second spritz. The reality is an oil is an oil and has the same amount of fat and calories as every other oil. I'll keep using butter and lard, but thank you for asking.

>> No.13506989

Yet you can't stop thinking, talking, obsessing, and posting about another country.

>> No.13506998


>> No.13507016

We get a high by ingesting the propellants butane and propane when our fetanyl/meth supplier is out of commision.

>> No.13507026


>> No.13507046

Why do certain Scandinavian counties eat rotten fish? Why do the British have the worst food in all of Europe? Why does Europe have an ironic authoritarian government fetish after fighting against it in the last century?

>> No.13507050

I don't even use spray oil and I can tell you're one of the faggots that I would absolutely mog on public transportation in Europe

An entire fucking continent of skeletons, it's a shame my continent is fat people.

>> No.13507208

They just don't know any better. Mainly due to being poor. Without the supply packages of food and water we send to yurop I don't think there would even be any yuropoors left

>> No.13507258

kek anon the americans first have to google what that is

>> No.13507275

To be fair if your country is obscure enough that it has to be googled your probably not in a place to throw rocks

>> No.13507277

Doesn't it spray other parts of your kitchen by virtue of being sprayed and carried by air?

>> No.13507315

Luxembourg? More like Suxaturd LMAO

>> No.13507360

Not if you have two brain cells and don’t spray for more than a second or two

>> No.13507373

There isn't anything on the moon. Dumb USA and Russia like always. Wasted money on that shit.

>> No.13507390

Don't think you understand how aerosol works

>> No.13507398

I imagine the only "good" use of oil spray would be for cupcake trays
but cupcakes are gay and impractical so whatever

>> No.13507399

Bullshit. The moon has loads of H3. Pretty much endless amount of clean fuel.

>> No.13507402

ITT: EUROBVLLS dab on cultureless amerimutts

>> No.13507407

Huh? This thread is pretty much filled to the brim with seething europoors

>> No.13507418
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In 'murica we is proud of being ignorant, ok? It's our national identity!

>> No.13507420

That’s what we call cope anon, for example brits in general

>> No.13507425


>> No.13507430

I’ll never understand this insult considering 90% of the world comes here for higher education. Is it projecting?

>> No.13507446

Get this, on television shows they get paid money to.. ADVERTISE. if they've got shit they can sell you you better believe they will, just because they didn't cut to a commercial "break" doesn't mean that the entire show isn't just a commercial for the various products they use in it.

By the way, I'm a different anon, I don't hate spain. but you in particular are a faggot.

>> No.13507454
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They like to pretend that it's zero calories even though the serving size is literally 1/4 of a second of spray time (0.25g of oil). Legally, anything can be labeled zero calories per serving in America as long as you get the serving size under 5 calories. And people wonder why two out of every three Americans are fat.

>> No.13507458
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 1564582835789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to remember that all non-Americans have an inferiority complex. They have a psychological need to be butthurt over America as a defense mechanism against their insecurities. Every moment of their lives revolve around America and every single one of them is desperately in love with America despite all the shit they talk. Consider how they willingly spend all their time hanging around Americans on American websites like 4chan. What they really want is for Americans to recognize their existence and validate them, and when we don't appeal to their insecure needy satisfaction they get asspained and lash out. They are getting angry reading this and the overt declaration of the truths in this post, but none of them will leave 4chan despite the painfully illogical act of spending all your time hanging around Americans if you actually hate them. Their actions speak for themselves, non-Americans are like insecure girls desperately looking to be noticed from the alpha male and trash talking as a means to make themselves feel better when they don't get the attention they crave.

>> No.13507467
File: 97 KB, 426x309, 1511039892956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to remember that all non-Americans have an inferiority complex. They have a psychological need to be butthurt over America as a defense mechanism against their insecurities. Every moment of their lives revolve around America and every single one of them is desperately in love with America despite all the shit they talk. Consider how they willingly spend all their time hanging around Americans on American websites like 4chan. What they really want is for Americans to recognize their existence and validate them, and when we don't appeal to their insecure needy satisfaction they get asspained and lash out. They are getting angry reading this and the overt declaration of the truths in this post, but none of them will leave 4chan despite the painfully illogical act of spending all your time hanging around Americans if you actually hate them. Their actions speak for themselves, non-Americans are like insecure girls desperately looking to be noticed from the alpha male and trash talking as a means to make themselves feel better when they don't get the attention they crave.