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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13491434 No.13491434 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get really tired when drinking alcohol? How do you fix it?
Also whats your go-to beer? For me its old milwaukee

>> No.13491451

Yes you do blow
I dont do blow i usually pass out at like 10pm and then wake up at like 3am hungover as fuck and lay there til work.

>> No.13491462

That sounds miserable. You do this every night?

>> No.13491510

I think half of /ck/ is alckie

>> No.13491515
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Oranjeboom because its super cheap

>> No.13491521
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Drunk people are obsessed with food and all food service workers are drunks. This board is a majority alckie.
t. havn't been a day sober in years

>> No.13491550

>How do you fix it
By drinking more alcohol, pussy.

>> No.13491569

Weird. I can't stand to drink. I'm just always amazed at the horrible state of people's lives here and the ridiculous amount of alcohol they consume to cope. Makes me sad

>> No.13491593
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>makes me sad
Just have a couple of drinks friend, that'll help ya out.

>> No.13491601

I'm always nervous as fuck, the tiredness is a bonus for me.
Alternatively, nicotine. If you don't smoke it's a mild stimulant. Get patches or something.

>> No.13491615

>How do you fix it?
I don't know about others, nor do I think this would work for everyone, but I make sure I don't drink while hungry. Mashed potato usually works good in that regard as long as I don't over-eat. Gotta leave room for the beer after all.
>Also whats your go-to beer?
For me I like to go with Red Stripe. Doesn't taste like mountain piss-water but I could still down a sixer with no real problems.

>> No.13491619

It's really sad to watch people do it, it's a lot worse to watch friends and family do it is incredibly painful to do it to yourself when you get pretty deep and many people never make it back. I'm on a taper right now, 4-5 beers for today then hopefully two tomorrow. Try to stay away from coke as much as you can, that shit will kill your bank account and leave you drinking alot more than you started at

>> No.13491642

Alcohol is babby's first cope, you'll cowards don't even smoke meth on your lunch break.

>> No.13491648

yes. Drinking too much alcohol before bed will fuck the quality of my sleep. I will fall asleep pretty quickly but I will wake up in the middle of the night feeling like death. The next day I might not feel too tired but repeat this everyday and eventually my body will adapt to a perpetual state of tiredness. I cope with the unpleasant feeling with more alcohol every night.

I've found the easiest way to not feel tired from alcohol is to not drink at all. I'm always scared the first sober night because I'm not falling asleep as fast as usual and there's something missing in my routine. After a couple days I feel a lot more refreshed and I have a better clarity of mind. I relapse every once in a while though. I tried to control my drinking but I found the first beer is the easiest to say no to.

My go to beer is/was whatever is on sale and isn't from a macro brewery.

>> No.13491669

Meth really isn't that big of a deal. You can do it and still function unlike several other street drugs on top of the fact booze can be much worse for you and your life.

>> No.13491731

Beer puts me right to sleep. Liquor less so, but still gets me tired. The older I get the quicker I'm in bed

>> No.13492432

>Meth really isn't that big of a deal
Okay Satan..

>> No.13492440

It really genuinely isn't. As someone who knows a lot about street drugs meth is honestly one of the better ones to use.

>> No.13492503

sometimes I do... I heard it's a sign of diabetus.

>> No.13492512

Bitch I drop acid on my coffee breaks and conduct the most dope meetings imaginable. ... im not joking... I work in the toy industry and it's fucked.

>> No.13492537

No it’s just a sign of not being in your 20s anymore

>> No.13492543

I was in my 20s when it happened tho... and I'm not overweight.

>> No.13492665

Take a 5 hour energy shot. It's an alcoholic trick my dad thought me.

>> No.13492898

Alcohol is a depressant. Getting tired when you drink it is basically the end game. Aside from doing stupid shit and pretending to not remember it later out of shame.

>> No.13493656


>> No.13493748

I have a pipe or a cigar and smoke as I drink. Also don't eat dinner or food or such, it'll make you crash.

>> No.13493756

I also notice that food can get me tired. But why the cigarettes?

>> No.13493762

Same here. Drink a cider, sweeter is better.

>> No.13493784

Anyone else stimulated by booze, when I drink I can stay up way longer?

>> No.13493791

>get hammered
>can’t sleep and toss and turn all night the next night while somehow being tired as fuck simultaneously

>> No.13493964

>Anyone else get really tired when drinking alcohol?

No shit. It's a central nervous system depressant. That's what they do. Same reason people nod off on percocets.

>> No.13493971

They're not cigarettes. The tobacco is vastly different (it's actually tobacco for one). Anyway because of the following.

1. Smoking breaks up the drinking cadence; a pipe or a cigar will last about 40 minutes to over an hour, all the while you're enjoying the flavour and smell of the tobacco as it pairs with the beer.
2. It's something to do while you're drinking, it's like talking with people or watching a film. Unless you've been drinking for hours and are eight or more beers in, you're not going to feel exhausted.
3. Nicotine is a factor. The intake is much less than with cigarettes but you're still taking smoke into your mouth (where it's absorbed, you don't breath in cigar or pipe smoke), and that helps stimulate and keep you from getting sleepy as it helps to counteract the alcohol a little.

>> No.13493972
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>Sweet cider

Disgusting. A good dry cider is much better.

>> No.13493980

Yeah, secret alcoholism is best alcoholism. Secret alcoholism punctuated by "accidental" death is the perfect life.

>> No.13494055

Don’t "No shit" me brother. It hits people differently - some people can stay out partying literally all night exclusively on alcohol, while others get really sleepy.

>> No.13494057

Batman gets sleepy. That's why Bruce Wayne pretends he's on the booze when he's really drinking ginger ale.

>> No.13494061

>How do you fix it?
Honestly I mostly just fix it by not drinking much alchohol.

>> No.13494066


>> No.13495629

>Anyone else get really tired when drinking alcohol? How do you fix it?

I had this problem, turned out it was kidney disease.

>> No.13495655

Some people don't digest large amounts of alcohol well and it makes them only get the negative effects like being tired. You could try having smaller amounts, or mixing it with coffee or something, but if you don't like it then maybe just find something else to enjoy. I'd usually rather have a cup of coffee over alcohol.

>> No.13495670

Fucking based.

>> No.13496966

Just once when having a beer with Bill Cosby.

>> No.13497479

Yes they've been cucking their organs for longer. People not in their 20s anymore have worse insulin sensitivity. I bet they eat 3 meals a day.