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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13486783 No.13486783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why can't science solve the obesity crisis?

>> No.13486790

Because science created the obesity crisis

>> No.13486794

Mandatory, state-enforced keto diets

>> No.13486801
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they did solve it but the results were really gross

>> No.13486821
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Yeah, it's called working out.

>> No.13486823
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Because it's not a problem of knowledge, it's a problem of policy. For all their talk of "free markets" the rural right has managed to milk out billions of subsidies for the worst quality crops, so that the price sensitive (poor) end up buying calorie-rich, nutrient poor garbage.

Stupid people don't go "why do I feel like shit oh it must be a vitamin deficiency or something"... they just go "oh better shove some moon pies down my throat, only 0.032 cents per calorie".

To make matters worse the right wing media has taught the poor that intelligent people are their enemy, that facts are not trustworthy, and that eating healthy is just a libtard fad to make them feel dumb, or perhaps a (((globalist))) plot to make them pledge allegiance to an autistic swedish girl. So the idea of improving themselves by spending more on real food is taken as an attack on America. And they end up taking pride in their fat bodies. Having a fit body is seen as politically suspect. Visit a flyover state and instantly the backhanded compliments begin. "Oh you must be on a diet, live a little! Why are you eating a vegetable? That must be the fad in the big city ha ha! I bet you're not used to eating normal food huh"

>> No.13486824

Does nothing if you're eating 4,000cal a day

>> No.13486834


>> No.13486838

It has, but people are too fucking lazy to follow two ridiculously simple pieces of advice: eat a wide variety of healthy foods in moderate amounts, and exercise regularly.

>> No.13486846

I just did some very basic bitch dumbbell exercises and leg curls/lifts today for the first time in any real while and my muscles are fucking sore but I actually feel pretty good.

>> No.13486860
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Nailed it. The combination of subsidy, anti-intellectualism, and the veneration of 'regular guy' stupidity is responsible for most of America's problems.

>> No.13487047


It can but it won’t. One of my past professors and a military brat and officer says capitalism is a subsidised war at the local level. Obesity and athleticism will always be two important tools used by technocrats. One hides and the other gives it away. In several regions that were first opened to foreigners of countries with no former diplomacy. Researchers found women incubating eggs that were not theirs and men sterile. It was done by foreign intelligence officials on the natives as to appease their appeal. Forcing them to economic overture. What you saw was an obese native population experimented on. And a foreign population in tip top shape. Remember beauty predominates the realm of selection. With history we know science is only there for it.

>> No.13487064

Yeah no you just dont know when to put down the fork

>> No.13487077

I mean, we know what a healthy diet is. It's not like we don't know why people are fat. It's a matter of people being willing to change their personal habits and government willing to regulate and legislate in a fashion that discourages people from eating large quantities of unhealthy shit.

>> No.13487115

u leave my chips, candy and soda alone ALRIGHT?

>> No.13487148


It’s not so hard seeing the involvement of technocrats. Most cash businesses make profits off of goods sold by bulk wholesale only. You need an account. To purchase gem quality diamonds you need let’s say $1bn upfront delivered to the main wholesaler. To open a cocaine/meth/heroin etc account you need let’s say $500mn up front sold in bulk only. From the bushels you can get an idea of what goes where, what happens, who is making surplus. The idea is not many people have $500mn or a $1bn to open up accounts so they need to go to the second wholesale market. Trickles down all the way to the end user. Not many people can say they have $500mn in untraceable cash ready to go. Unless they are coming from a low accountability country.

>> No.13487220


I don't even like Bloomberg but I'd vote for him if he'd get rid of all the fat people.

>> No.13487229

Yes, we know creepy little authoritarians have no morals.

>> No.13487231
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Just look at what fat piece of shit we have right now. Literally ripped up all the vegetables his predecessor planted in the white house because they triggered his manbaby tendies fragility.

Fat people shouldn't be allowed to serve in any decision making roles.

>> No.13487264

Forcing you fatties to eat right is like teaching a child to use the toilet. You might kick and scream but you'll understand why it was for your own good later.

>> No.13487273
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Strictly speaking, Obamacare was a Romney bill.

>> No.13487285

What about, people like to eat food?

>> No.13487295
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The funny thing about fat fucks is you'd think they'd be the biggest food freaks right? Except no. If you take a fatty to a high end restaurant and serve them nice food they'll poke at it and make faces and bitch and moan about the stupidest shit, like the temperature of the room or what the fork looks like.

Then they'll go to McDonalds after because they wouldn't eat any of the food because it was "weird".

>> No.13487309

if there really was a single pill you could take to get down to a healthy weight instantly, do you think there'd still be "healthy at every size sexy bbw" people?

>> No.13487311
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ITT fat monstrosities blame everyone but themselves

Have a nice read on how you are going to die: http://www.endofshiftreport.com/2015/07/a-colleague-of-mine-related-tale-of-pt.html

You are in for some FUUUUUN, fatties. Guess that daily sugar intake and fear of cardio was worth it.

>> No.13487320

Does he realize he's wearing a BDSM collar?

>> No.13487330

You missed the point, of course we know how to be healthy, but it has the extremely unpleasant side effect of hard labor and denial of pleasure. What we expect from advanced science is a miracle way to eat junk like a pig while sitting around, yet still be ripped and feel great. THAT is the goal we should be working towards, not just constantly echo DIET and EXERCISE, rigid routines for the rest of your life, and NO guilty pleasures. For now, its the only way.
That's lame, and we expect better.
Unfortunately, biological science has hit a brick wall here, and we are much more likely to conquer cancer and deadly viruses long before any magic can address the ULTIMATE GOAL of achieving fitness and health, along with gluttony and sloth. Its not wrong to desire this.

>> No.13487348

The thing is, once you're ripped you can eat anything you like within reason. Muscle men take an entire day out of their week to gorge on guilty pleasures, even.

You're asking science for a magic pill that will turn whales into gorillas with no effort and that is unreasonable.

>> No.13487357

>being this obsessed with a yelling orange cheeto hitler

he owns you. lmaoing at your life

>> No.13487370
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Stop eating so much you fat fucks

>> No.13487375

fatty cope

>> No.13487412

>Mandatory, state-enforced keto diets
Japan and Italy have the longest life expectancies in world and they eat mostly carbs lol.

>> No.13487468

I’m an AMERICAN and I can eat and be as fat as I want. It’s called freedom. I don’t need some elitist «scientist» to tell me anything. I have common sense.

>> No.13487499

I know you're just meming, but people like this unironically should not be allowed to procreate

>> No.13487586

Obesity isnt real

>> No.13487588 [DELETED] 
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>obesity is right wing problem
get bent juden.
blow it out yer' ass.

>> No.13487606

Mimicing fat and sugar is hard.

I suspect companies like Coca Cola are actually hesitant of undermining their main money makers and keep their sugar free sodas intentionally poor imitations too (they have no viscosity enhancer for instance).

>> No.13487623

You seem lost

>> No.13487630

The solution doesnt make enough trillions

>> No.13487650

Lefties get fat for other reasons. You of course have the average "gamer" type that is a large part of their population, but there is also a sizable group of "body-positive" "beauty-in-all-sizes" intentionally fat females that just don't try because some beta will feed them cake anyway.

>> No.13487658

just pick up smoking and do like 50 pushups a day bro lol

>> No.13487676
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>working out and eating 4k/day does nothing
turns you into a sick cunt is what it does

>> No.13487692

jesus christ working out isn't THAT bad lmao.

>> No.13487695

Because it's going against a billion years of evolution.

>> No.13487705

Intentionally fat? They would be intentionally fit if it was as easy as their lazy bullshit. America is fat for reasons not due to the right/left football kikery.

>> No.13487707

lardass lefties tend to blame genetics, lardass righties tend to blame themselves

>> No.13487709


>> No.13487716

Low IQ people lack portion control
foodies tend to graze
mentally ill binge
and everyone is sedentary (really only like 20% of the equation)
The hardest part is dealing with low IQ people where massive portions are the norm for them. Even of they are full they feel robbed of the meal if they don't have two pounds of mashed potatoes with everything piled up on the plate. Grazers and bingers atleast know what they are doing is wrong.

>> No.13487719

It's unironically societies fault. It's the way the culture and social life is structured. Most people are NPCs and you can't fault them for going with the flow. The cult of fitness sub-culture is pathological and even Evola recognized this way back.

>> No.13487723

small reason obesity is going up that nobody thinks about is because smoking rates are falling

>> No.13487731

Now this is a hot take

>> No.13487756

>The cult of fitness sub-culture is pathological
sure but the average person doesn't need to dudebro it everyday in the gym, count macros or whatever that shit means, and fret about their diet every waking minute. just some basic ass physical activity and don't mow down a pint of ice cream 15 minutes after dessert. anecdotally the problem I see with most fat people is that they are constantly eating. it's basically like a soft drug addiction

>> No.13487779

I have a good friend like this. I'm usually too "nice guy" too say anything but after trying to convince me to have a second dessert I nearly threw up after the second bite of his ~ice-cream-caramel syrup- and cake~ abomination. I just don't understand how you can eat all that in one day and feel physically well.

>> No.13487822


they did, it's called stimulants. used to be a binge-eating fat fuck but these babies made me lose 20 pounds in a month.

>> No.13487853


the secret path to nirvana is to blame both, then you will truly know peace and get those sweet gains

>> No.13487874

The cult of fitness predates gym culture, it was rooted in a neurotic consumerism of looking good at the beach, health food and dieting and was quintessentially american.

It depends on the level of fat aswell. We have a skewed perception of what is fat on both sides of the spectrum. OPs image is morbidly obese, but he would be seen as the baseline for being a novel fat guy while obese would be "chubby" or "stocky"

> just some basic ass physical activity
This does next to nothing for preventing obesity. The issue is what is perceived as normal portions, the added fat and sugar obfuscating how many calories are in things, and the convenience based snacking, fast food, grazing culture that the way modern life is structured makes normal.

The majority of people in the west have an eating disorder (and I would include those autistic about their food in the same category) you focus on the 4% or so that are clearly morbidly or super obese, i'm more concerned with the 60% that are "chubby" boomers and fratboys, and the fact that not being at least this means you need to be part of a particular "fitness" consumer clique.

>> No.13487946

>I'm safe from Bloomberg!
lmao what a dumb little faggot you are

>> No.13488080

based fuck nerds

>> No.13488096

Spoken like a true tyrant. Fuck off, pal.

>> No.13488098

Odd how allegedly left wing administrations carry on or expand the same policies. Most American farmers lol at the fact they receive small amounts of gibs. The American political system as a whole is a horrid abomination of rationalism, not at all just one side of your faggoted isle. But I'm sure you'd fix it all if you just had control.

>Lefties get fat for other reasons.
No, they don't. Goddamn this thread is fucking stupid. It's a matter of thermodynamics, literal goddamn physical laws.
>pic related
Anything else is a cope. With that said, refining grains to the point of removing all nutrition, and allowing mad scientists to control the nutrition of your youth was, I think we all can admit really fucking stupid. But just blame it on literal goddamn farmers, who grow things, and church-types. It has to be their fault.

>> No.13488099
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forgot pic

>> No.13488100

>seething libcuck

>> No.13488102

I'm not a liberal you fucking retard.

>> No.13488103

Bloomberg is a piece of shit

>> No.13488190

Because it's a social problem.

>> No.13488245

>It depends on the level of fat as well. We have a skewed perception of what is fat on both sides of the spectrum. OPs image is morbidly obese, but he would be seen as the baseline for being a novel fat guy while obese would be "chubby" or "stocky"
I agree with this, what constitutes "overweight" is in a lot of instances not a problem at all, but as they use to say that's what sell papers
>you focus on the 4% or so that are clearly morbidly or super obese, i'm more concerned with the 60%
at the same time i definitely had that 60% in mind in my response, not the outlier scooter crowd. or more specifically, the "fairly overweight" people, which is probably somewhere in the range of 33%

>> No.13488263

farm subsidies are if anything like a 60/40 left thing historically, and it was largely started by them, neither side has a leg to stand on talking about that

>> No.13488422

It already has. The science of losing weight is simple

>> No.13488853

Because it is not science problem, it is problem of crappy food with sugar everywhere.

>> No.13489518 [DELETED] 
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Kill leftists.

>> No.13489523 [DELETED] 
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KILL leftists

>> No.13489528 [DELETED] 
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kill leftists

>> No.13489532

>Odd how allegedly left wing administrations carry on or expand the same policies
the farthest left of all american politicians are still far right on a global perspective

>> No.13489537 [DELETED] 
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kill yourself kike

>> No.13489538 [DELETED] 
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kill yourself kike

>> No.13489540

Because thats how it started. Spineless unmotivated fags like you OP want someone else to fix self induced problems instead of putting even the slightest amount of effort in. Find it in you to take responsibility for yourself.

>> No.13489543 [DELETED] 
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kill yourself kike

>> No.13489544 [DELETED] 
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>Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
>national socialist
>socialism = right wing

>> No.13489547 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 1558076940751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like an NPC cuck/kike and should definitely kill yourself

>> No.13489549

I’m not a ham planet, so, yeah

>> No.13489551 [DELETED] 
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kill yourself kike

>> No.13489560 [DELETED] 
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>NPC cuck/kike
So original. So redpilled.

>> No.13489569 [DELETED] 
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>>>13489532 (You)
>you sound like an NPC cuck/kike and should definitely kill yourself

>> No.13489576 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 1000x1000, 154554035.63000003_discordtranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag kike detected. you're a samefag kike. kill yourself kike.

>> No.13489582

I'm willing to bet 95% of obesity is caused by sweet things. Just dont eat sweets. Cut them out. Pop, ice cream, candy, those juice containers that you buy in the supermarket that have like 30 grams of sugar per cup. Literally none of those are esential in our diets but fats are villified for some reason.

It really starts with shitty parenting and kids becoming dependant on sugar at an early age, now people cant even drink regular water without sweetening it.

>> No.13489593 [DELETED] 
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kill niggers. kill kikes.

>> No.13489598

it did, but since you can't force people, or apply in mass some healthcare mesures (especially in u.s.) people will continue being morbidly obese until they die because they want to. its the same with tobacco or dangerous driving. people know its dangerous, and science already has given tools to solve it, its just that people don't give fuck.

>> No.13489597 [DELETED] 

literally kys please, no one wants you around. no one

>> No.13489599

ITT: fat nazi rage

>> No.13489604

I have a buddy who used to be pretty large, all he did was quit drinking soda and started walking every where - dropped almost 100lb in a few months

>> No.13489611 [DELETED] 
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cope harder, and then kill yourself, kike.

>> No.13489619 [DELETED] 
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you sound like a kike. kill yourself kike.

>> No.13489634

He's memeing how? Everything he said makes sense to me. We are free to be fat. That's a good thing. Wanting daddy government to take care of you is cucked.

>> No.13489635

so THIS is the power of the amerilard when you threaten to tax their soda.......

>> No.13489642

I do eat 4k calories a day and I don't work out. Just a laborious ish job, mechanic. 180 pounds 6'

>> No.13489654

I don't need daddy government to make me not fat, I can manage that on my own. I need daddy government to make other people not fat, because they're disgusting to look at, and they won't buy a second seat on the plane, they insist on taking over mine.

>> No.13489660
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>> No.13489693

/thread, ignore the seething /pol/dittors

>> No.13490504

>Fast and Furious
>no prosecution after stock market crash
>no real punishments for people who pushed Oxy and repeatedly lied about it
>general globalist push
I don’t care that he wasn’t fat, Obama was an awful president and ruined the Democratic Party.