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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13486484 No.13486484 [Reply] [Original]

French Onion Soup

>> No.13488171


>> No.13488533 [DELETED] 

Reddit is great. Just because you are a social outcast, that doesn't mean you need to hate things normal people like just to fit in with social outcasts. Lmao, have your own opinion.

>> No.13488539

Reddit is trash. Just because you are an obnoxious snob, that doesn't mean you need to advertise bullshit that morons enjoy just to fit in with the rest of the mindless scumbags. Lmao, have your own opinion.

>> No.13488577
File: 37 KB, 604x340, 1463652020831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jewtube e-celeb thread

>> No.13488623

not that poster, but if you think *eddit is great then please take your business there. the flanderization of chan culture is propagated largely in part to cross-site posters and I really don't like it.

I want to go back to 2009 4chan. you can help me do that. by going back to *eddit and never returning here again. please and thank you.

>> No.13488669
File: 62 KB, 500x614, IMG_20190922_181643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit isn't great you buffoon. It's an echo chamber of the same boring, milktoast shit because that's the only content that doesn't get downvoted to death by the man children who use that website, or removed by power tipping mods because it conflicts with their narrow minded world view. Go back there and stay there you brain-dead mongoloid.

>> No.13488677
File: 73 KB, 768x1024, 3AD59263-9FC9-4A5D-BD86-E9C8A36AD10C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bing bing wahoo! I love e-celebs!

>> No.13488751

Lmao. everyone laugh at the dyslexic

>> No.13488765

Did they eat French onion soup on Adventure Time or something? What's the gay cartoon tie-in here?

>> No.13488776
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>> No.13488839
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>> No.13488848
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second reminder

>> No.13488971
File: 1.45 MB, 1769x1656, e-thot x trad wife 3 (beautiful).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 40k karma on reddit, been there since 2015. i can safely say that the place is good for leftist memes and not much else.

>> No.13488992

Why do people put bread and cheese on this soup? I find it unnecessary.

>> No.13489019

Because they're American and won't eat anything that isn't loaded with fat and carbs

>> No.13489275

im glad they've found love together

>> No.13489277
File: 137 KB, 1024x768, tradwives btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tradwife realized that she was just fulfilling a role for the nordic gamer, he was not truly interested in her.

>> No.13489354

cringe. this is why we need forced monogamy

>> No.13489355

Those onions were not caramelised enough for French onion soup. They should be a dark brown minimum.

>> No.13489364
File: 48 KB, 720x647, tradcath incels btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be gay.
do crime.
kill cops.

>> No.13489365

incel spotted

>> No.13489371

>No red wine
Terrible Reddit recipe.
>Soy sauce
Now I'm mad

>> No.13489390

>didn't even watch the video
he used red wine you blind faggot

>> No.13489395

They need to be burnt. Maybe that's too drastic for the Soybish audience though.

>> No.13489398 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 280x305, 1567514760239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They need to be burnt. Maybe that's too drastic for the Soybish audience though.

>> No.13489402

>fuckhueg cooking process with like 20 different ingredients
why does anyone even pretend they have the time and willpower to do this?

>> No.13489404
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>> No.13489406

You need:
A mountain of Onions

Everything else on top is reddit and cringe.

>> No.13489407

more like reddit soy soup amirite

>> No.13489410

but what about the soup base nigger

>> No.13489413

It's not really red wine though.
True but that's up to taste
Red wine is NOT optional.

>> No.13489417
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trans rights are human rights.

>> No.13489425
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>trans rights are human rights.

>> No.13489427

Uh no. Burning is easier and takes less effort than properly caramelizing

>> No.13489437

It is though. But then trans rights is retarded because they already have human rights. SJW need to be shot.

>> No.13489439

Exact description of 4chan apart from the downvoting.

>> No.13489444
File: 33 KB, 341x512, 1554567664524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't engenieered to make my enemies join the 40% suicide rate caste. But whoever did it, all my respect, kek.

>> No.13489445

time to save this cringe fest

>> No.13489448

Throw all SJWs and /pol/dditors into a pit, let them fight for a bit for the entertainment of people who have brains and then just drop a few nukes in the pit to finish them off.

>> No.13489451

And btw, Stalin high likely would have help raising your suicide rate.

>> No.13489452

He can actually cook and gives useful advice, so he's really more appropriate for Reddit than /ck/.

>> No.13489460
File: 2.76 MB, 428x606, binging with jack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can actually cook and gives useful advice, so he's really more appropriate for Reddit than /ck/.

>> No.13489472

its not hard to give cooking tips for people that have unlimited free time. yes just pat dry the chicken with paper towels and refrigerate then repeat 20 times over the course of 40 hours until it is folded like glorious nippon steel and will crisp in the oven.
nigga get the fuck out of here no one does any of this shit except for housewives which im certain no one here is, everyone just watches his videos for the food porn and is like "yeah that's pretty cool" or they actually delude themselves into thinking they'll make it one day. None of his videos give practical tips on things like heat and knife work and actually useful shit like every other cooking personality on the planet does.

>> No.13489484
File: 74 KB, 1200x675, julia-child---mastering-the-art-of-french-cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he can make videos, but he cant cook. try julia childs recipe and dont skimp on the cognac.

>> No.13489488

today I will remind them

>> No.13489495

honestly, i stopped watching him after he started shoving his girlfriend and personal life in my face.

>> No.13489501


>> No.13489505

>slice the potatoes
>wash the potatoes multiple times
>dry the potatoes
>fry the potatoes
>freeze the potatoes
>fry the potatoes again
>spend like 8 hours making french fries for a dish that costs like 10 bucks max for the good shit

>> No.13489514


>> No.13489533

It is better to be an incel than a SLUT

>> No.13489555 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1180x927, Swastika-Spiral.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill leftists

>> No.13489559

bro, some of us leftists are literally nazis, we've seen some shit, we just know that "the oligarchs" and "the jews" are one and the same

>> No.13489572 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 216x216, chnssap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill leftists

>> No.13489640

ironic that you also posted an eceleb image

>> No.13489649

Fuck off R_____

>> No.13489952

>Soup base
>French Onion Soup
Are you fucking retarded? Caramelized Onions and water/stock, the sugars from the onion will thicken the soup as it simmers.

>> No.13489959

Sugar is a thickening agent?

>> No.13490003

Yes retard. Why do you think honey and syrup are thick ?

>> No.13490024

it's a separate series where he just teaches basic stuff like how to cut an onion or make bread

>> No.13490056

>French Onion Soup

*Freedom Onion Soup, please.

>> No.13490058

just cook onions in beef broth you bought at the store homie LMAO that's all there is to it!!!

top 3 worst "recipe" I've ever seen
how is this guy producing cooking content if that's the best he's got?

>> No.13490075

Because honey and syrup are 80% sugar moron - you need an actual thickening agent if you don't just want onion slop

>> No.13490090

>he doesn't realize sugar thickens when heated

>> No.13490097

yes when i heat honey it becomes a solid
????????????? what are you talking about

>> No.13490924
File: 427 KB, 976x603, 1577862833284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13491310

>What is caramel

>> No.13491331


>> No.13491393

When I watch this dude's videos I realize french cuisine was really meant for the royalty an no one else. Most of the dishes imply that you've been coocking for 1 full day to make the dish.

>> No.13491401

Wives were home all day and even middle class incomes could afford servants because human labor was priced cheaply.

>> No.13491420

Her and pepin do a large batch one, looks pretty good. They use half the crouton to thicken the soup while baking, and then serve up the gooey soup with more on top.