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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13481886 No.13481886 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13481887

i don’t consume carbs

>> No.13482240
File: 92 KB, 990x660, beignets and cafe au lait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. it's so fucking good.

>> No.13482930

pretty much all i drink

>> No.13482966

yes its my preffered form of coffee
>Americans call "coffee with milk" in french

>> No.13483775

Je ne bois pas de café.

>> No.13483782

Americans don't use the term, I don't think.

t. non-American.

>> No.13483802

Well you're wrong

>> No.13483804

Yes it's very tasty.

>> No.13483807

yeeeehaw howdy pardner

>> No.13483812

Louisiana, not Texas

>> No.13483819


>> No.13483849

I'm not American, I just know that they drink it in New Orleans (see >>13482240)

>> No.13483861

oh i love america
john wayne
ronald reagan
best western movies

>> No.13483880

this is just coffee with milk right? how else would you drink it

also how come cappuccino is so good in cafes with a big full cup but when you order takeout cappuccino it's half (((foam)))

>> No.13483927

only if the coffee's not that good, good coffee would be wasted with milk

>> No.13483941
File: 72 KB, 793x528, crema-casera-cafe-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only with milk, specifically. God mode: 18-30% fat whipped milk with just fucking coffe on it. DE fucking LICIOUS.

>> No.13483953

There's something kind of sad about people who always rant about preferring black coffee.

They're just extra ingredients, dude. Adding stuff to your coffee doesn't lower your refinement or masculinity as a human being just like seasoning/cooking your steak doesn't need to ruin your food or turn you into a pussy.

>> No.13483959

>how else would you drink it

>> No.13484001

yeah as black as your fedora I bet lmao


>> No.13484041

You guys need to stop projecting.

The fact that some try to act as if drinking pure black coffee is a macho thing doesn't mean there aren't people who really enjoy it and don't look down on those who like cream or milk in their coffee.

>> No.13484047

ok but looking down on someone for liking dairy with coffee (the most popular combo ever) is idiotic so I'm right to call him autistic fedora retard

>> No.13484087


It's like putting Ketchup on your steak, if it's a shit steak you can't make it any worse anyway, but a good steak would be ruined.
If the coffee tastes good by itself the milk only "waters" it down.
On the other side mediocre coffee only becomes drinkable with milk because it tastes shit otherwise

>> No.13485288

Sorry I am not a drug addict

>> No.13485296

it makes me constipated...

>> No.13485304

Coffee and plain pain. No butter.

>> No.13485313
File: 68 KB, 1100x550, 5ce42136021b4c4e8601c806[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't notice side effects though, maybe harder to sleep, idk.

>> No.13485326
File: 44 KB, 550x413, cafe-cortado-con-leche[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No butter.
burgers pls, pls
btw try:
condensed milk, pic related
I'm sorry I don't like coffee if it isn't mixed with something like that.

>> No.13485346

don't you have a word for milk in your language? why use french you pretentious fag

>> No.13485352

>lazy and unfinished
>stupid and probably hastily done
Was alcohol tested?

>> No.13485381

Pretentious. Kek. Tu veux que j'te dise pti con? Les enfants de chienne comme toi ont rien de mieux a dire que d'envoyer chier les gens pour se remonter un peu l'égo. Café au lait is a french delicacy you uncultivated faggot, that's why the word stuck even with English speaking people.

>> No.13485452

No, I prefer it to arrive on time.

>> No.13485474
File: 28 KB, 600x450, 1432161556837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13485532
File: 155 KB, 668x512, untitled2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back then science meant something my dude

>> No.13485543
File: 120 KB, 750x515, 1stzg1peco301[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus, LSD actually improved performance

>> No.13485585

Holy shit, on ecstasy it actually tried to draw the scientist staring at him.

>> No.13485639


>> No.13485776

>natural selection evolved normal web inferior to LSD web
Dude, I think LSD does expand the mind if done in the proper setting, but it would be hard to argue that LSD web is better.