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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13480659 No.13480659 [Reply] [Original]

What are some healthy foods you guys make?

>> No.13480666
File: 691 KB, 680x1020, Pissaladiere-recette-nicoise-oignons-anchois-olives-Nice-_6_680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its caramelized onion cold pizza with anchovy and herbs

>> No.13480695

Lentil and escarole soup.

>> No.13480707

>only 3 times a week
fat fucks need to be shot on sight

>> No.13480725

Cabbage rolls with ground up cauliflower replacing the rice. I normally use ground turkey as well instead of beef.

>at least
These don't mean the same thing.

>> No.13480762

I don't classify my meals in terms of "healthy" or "unhealthy". I eat a varied diet and eat moderate portions.

>> No.13480809

Here are some easy&tasty examples
>muesli + berries + nuts/seeds (marple syrup if you need the sweets)
>(ground)beef + (brown) rice + broccoli
>greek yoghurt + fruit + nuts (+honey)
>salmon/shrimps +1 cup of potato/pasta/rice (2 cups if you are really hungry/worked out or just can't) + spinach/brussel sprouts/asparagus/carrots (+either a self-made sauce or some parmesan chees)
>lots of fucking (ice cold) water

>> No.13480819

I love when people post this kind of shit. Like, good for you man. It's wonderful you have a balanced diet and never have had to worry about wanting to improve yourself. Fat dude is trying to lose weight, give him some advice.

>> No.13480988

Potato bread + tuna + freshly chopped celery + mayo = 1 delicious and nutritious meal

>> No.13480997

I love fish, but anchovies are way too fucking salty

>> No.13481002

sopa de mocaco

>> No.13481024

rage comics weren't funny in 2010
stop making them in 2020

>> No.13481027

there isnt supposed to be that much, usually only a small piece of anchovy per slice

>> No.13481029

STFU. This it the hot new meme and you’d better get with the program.

>> No.13481041
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I fucking love parsnips, bros

>> No.13481338

i like apples. i can't cook healthy. i use fresh products and make a lot of stuff myself but it still makes you fat.

>> No.13481659
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Succotash. Nutrient rich, filling, tasty.

>> No.13481929

take dnp and water fast fat people are just no willpower calorieniggers

>> No.13481955

That looks p good

>> No.13481958

This. 4-5 day krew checking in

>> No.13481972

Enjoy the heart attack from overexercising.

>> No.13482013

baloney sandwiches

>> No.13482096

buffalo chicken wrap

>> No.13482168

Lmfao @ HxC cope. Work out 4-5 days and 1 cardio. No one's asking you to dedicate the entire day to exercise you poo poo.

>> No.13482446


>> No.13482764

Porridge with milk and cinnamon - best and only true breakfast, imo

Also, I make a vegetable curry sometimes cuz you can eat a lot of vegetables (since they're low calorie) and like really bulk it out with loads of vegetables, so I'm super full from eating loads of vegetables. That's usually when I'm kinda hungry from my cut though.

>> No.13482890

Being that I’m fat as fuck trying to become fit every 4 to 5 days I make slow cooker chicken breast (5ish hours high heat in chicken broth with bay leaf, paprika, and onions) with cinnamon white rice and add one hard boiled egg to each serving and put Sriracha on it. That is my breakfast meal everyday until I run out then I make more. It tastes good and you can just change seasonings so that you don’t get bored. Very high in protein to calorie ration.

>> No.13482993

I don't exercise at all, but I'm not over- or under-weight.
What am I missing out on by not exercising?
For those of you who exercise regularly and eat well, how does it feel versus when you aren't doing either?

>> No.13483116

Enjoy the heart attack from overeating at McDongals

>> No.13484908
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>> No.13484911

>Satan's trips checked
You're in prison, right?

>> No.13484965

I eat like 4-5 apples a day during the fall and winter

>> No.13484975

When I was in high school, I had a job feeding horses and I would constantly snack on horse feed. The regular was kind of like a bit more brand breakfast cereal, and the senior feed was slightly sweetened with molasses. I liked the regular more. Sometimes I would bring a ziplock bag to take some home in

>> No.13484990

He did... moderate your portions and get a wide variety of healthy foods. You don't need to focus on this vegetable or that one, this cut of meat vs. tofu, pasta vs. beans. Take it all in and eat 500kcal under your needs.

>> No.13484995

Chili with beans and tomatoes.

>> No.13485030


>> No.13486428

>want to get an exercise routine going
>job decides to insitute mandatory 2 hours overtime per day, 10 hour shift + 8 hours Saturdays
>have no free time, want to die

I fucking hate modern society. You just wageslave until you die and if you refuse, you end up homeless.

>> No.13486447
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Unfortunately this is what 4chan (reddit 2.0) has become.

>> No.13486454

>6 days, 58 hours/week
What 3rd world shithole do you live?

>> No.13486474
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It's been infested with a generation that treats memes like videogames. Pay for additional content, then keep showing each other your new skins. It's not funny, it's a vanity.

>> No.13486500

find a different job?

>> No.13486514

Gen Z has truly destroyed the joy the internet used to have and turned it into a social media juggernaut with absolutely no creativity and a lust for regurgitated content that they can spam for decades. I miss the days of SA, Newgrounds, YTMND and more where people actually put effort into things and the only things that became memes were things that were actually entertaining. Something about the word "meme" these days just makes me shudder, it's been stretched to mean "every picture on the internet xD" and I can't stand it. The internet used to be my getaway from real life, now it's just become an extension of it.

>> No.13486536


Practically impossible these days without a degree.

>> No.13486557

That sucks.

>> No.13486560

Meme literally means "funny thing on internet" now. A coworker of mine was talking about the voice actor of CJ from San Andreas freaking out on instagram and referred to his posts as memes.

>> No.13486586

Get a new fucking job and stop making excuses, fatty. I'm actually almost a literal retard and still conned a top insurance company into giving me a consulting job lmao.

>> No.13486591

How the fuck did you do that?

>> No.13486641

Say goodbye to that shithole and move somewhere nice.

>> No.13486678

Well, I definitely simplified, but sure, I'll give you the rundown. Hope it helps in some way.

I bounced around between customer service jobs all through my 20s, mostly through third party companies. Eventually, the one I work for now opened up a direct operations center near me. I started on the phones at one of their call centers and spent 6 months treating it like "just another job" and saw myself going down the exact same path as I did previously.

Decided to say fuck that noise and started busting my balls. My stats blew everybody out of the water, used that to move into a temporary duty helping new hires get used to the phones, and eventually led a team of my own for a while. Operations was fine but wanted to move behind the scenes, so I bent over backwards trying to pull my team out of the bleak funk that is customer service work so they gave enough of a shit to try. Ended up getting a position in leadership development for a year and then I transferred to a consultancy role.

It was ~2 years of hard work from getting my shit together to moving to where I am now, but my quality of life has improved immensely. I set my own schedule, work from home, and get paid 3 times what I did listening to some Karen bitch about a $2 policy increase.

It's a pretty similar to what you hear from a lot of start-ups, but going the corporate route was safer in some ways, less so in others.

>> No.13486736
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I did broccoli, carrots, and tempeh with a sweet chili garlic sauce over quinoa tonight. Took maybe 30 minutes.

>> No.13486766
File: 3.82 MB, 4032x3024, 20191218_171011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicky y Broccy

>> No.13486818

looks good. do you just sautee it all together?

>> No.13486841

Could you have made that look any less appetizing? Also, what are those proportions? 1+lb of chicken and the smallest head of broccoli you could find?

>> No.13486865

Just the Full potencial of your human being

>> No.13486899


Tempeh in peanut oil over high heat til golden brown. Veggies blanched for 3 minutes then mixer into the tempeh, add the sauce and 4 more minutes.

Sauce was toasted sesame oil, fish sauce, tamari, hoisin, chili garlic paste, and cilantro.