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13473736 No.13473736 [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody actually enjoy the new disgusting taste of this candy bar anymore?.

>> No.13473742

Haven't had it. Did they completely get rid of the original version?

>> No.13473746


I guess so. I know it tastes like shit now. It used to taste really good when I was a kid. sure enough they had that "new recipe" or whatever crap on it. I'm done with them.

genuinely curious if anybody out there still like them. I mean someone must because they are still in stores, but man they're nasty now.

>> No.13473758

I like it better than the old recipe honestly.

>> No.13473765


wow, ok. Was the old recipe too buttery for you?. I do remember the old flavor being like "strong" and after a couple bites I wouldn't want anymore, but with the new flavor I don't want any of it.

>> No.13473792

No it's fucking bullshit, was my favorite candy bar since I was a kid and it tastes like grandpa farts now. I can't fucking believe they did my boy dirty like that.

>> No.13473799

Eh. At least chickosticks still exist. They taste like Butterfingers without the chocolate, so basically just what I liked from Butterfingers in the first place.

>> No.13473802


damn, never even heard of that.

>> No.13473941

They're good. They used to sell them at convenience store counters for ridiculously cheap like 10 cents to a quarter for the smaller ones.

>> No.13474030

One of the worst candy bars, and all of you need to be gassed. Enjoy eating all the chocolate while the rest of it sticks to your teeth

>> No.13475207

Are there any other dupes out there for Butterfingers? They taste like disappointment now.

>> No.13475353

I don't think I've eaten a butterfinger since 2013 or so

>> No.13475391

lol buttfingerer

>> No.13475393

>I'm bart simpson who the fuck are you

>> No.13475503

i like the crisp version

>> No.13475504

zoom zoom

>> No.13475842

Zoomer get out

>> No.13476548

>they laid a finger on his Butterfinger
i crey evry tiem

>> No.13476592

The new one is 1000 times better than the old one. The new one is an adult's candy bar.

>> No.13477840

Literally tastes exactly the same, you people are arguing over a fucking cheap as candy bar.

>> No.13477849

Holy FUCK they're terrible. You can't imagine my disappointment when I realized they had ruined a perfect thing. They taste like old, stale peanut butter. The old interior had such a beautiful and distinctive taste. I hope all you faggots saying you like these new ones die within the next year.

>> No.13477852


your taste buds are fucked. How are you even on this board?

>> No.13477857

5th Avenue was the better crispy peanut butter candy bar anyway.

>> No.13477886
File: 222 KB, 411x394, 4899BC2D-5883-4EFE-AD08-CE6FBBAB5B4C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can’t tell the difference between this super processed $1 candy bar?!?!?
>why are you even on a cooking board?!?!?
It’s quite ironic that this is a cooking board but all you dumb faggots are in here arguing about a candy bar made by a multi billion dollar corporation out of the shittiest cheapest ingredient possible. Consider suicide.

>> No.13477891

>everything needs to be expensive even candy

>> No.13477905
File: 13 KB, 224x216, F58B43D0-00BE-4932-B436-93BC8EB4A49B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you put words in someone’s else’s mouth because you’re to retarded to understand the point they are trying to make.

>> No.13477910


I won't because I'm in the best shape of my life, and I love the new butterfinger.

>> No.13477912


What does the price have to do with it?. I mean point is there's a very distinct taste between old version and new and you're the only person in the thread to say there isn't. You're either wrong ot trolling. I mean they even admit there's a new recipe.

>> No.13477922

Recently I drank some Capri Sun and haven't had any since I was a kid and it tasted like chemical garbage I didn't remember it being that bad as a kid or maybe they changed something

>> No.13477930

You fucking retard.

>> No.13477940

It's called nostalgia, dipshit.

>> No.13478119

Who cares? You could get hit by a bus or struck by lightning, and you will, if karma exists.

>> No.13478128

"improved recipe" always means they found a cost cutting measure but couldn't get the flavor to be quite right

also when you see something like "20% more free" on a box. that's actually just the standard size and in a few months they are going to reduce the standard box size by 20% and nobody will notice
because if a 10oz box suddenly went to 8oz over night everyone would reee
but by doing this when the switch is made you just assume it's always been 8oz

>> No.13478579
File: 103 KB, 332x350, same.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adult's candy bar

>> No.13478591

You want to be made sad? Go get a box of turtles. They’re fucking garbage since nestle bought the brand