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13475214 No.13475214 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most autistic thing you have ever witnessed in a dining establishment?

>> No.13475219


>> No.13475245
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This customer was eating, and in this restaurant the dishwasher station was in the basement. Instead of leaving his dirty dishes on his table and leaving like every normal person on the planet, he picked them up and walked into the employee area and asked a waitress where they go and she was surprised and just told him downstairs and he actually went down there and delivered the dishes to the dishpit himself.

Everytime I tell people this story to people too, they don't see how deranged with customer was, they just say: "oh, what a nice gesture."

It's fucking insane.

>> No.13475258

I used to work in a restaurant (foh). The top 10 most embarrassing (or autistic if you will) episodes were all drunk dudes who tried to hit on waitresses. Its not social suicide to ask for a number, but the way these guys just kept going even after a painful rejection was hilarious
>bad jokes, nervous giggling, tipping
>inb4 anon gets hurt because he identify with the guests

>> No.13475312

Sounds like you also got shot down trying for that waitress cooze. Sorry nig.

>> No.13475317

this person was probably used to eating in self serve diners and the place was so dingy he wasn't sure if it was an actual restaurant so he decided to take care of his own dishes

>> No.13475319

shut up you aspie

>> No.13475324

fuck you!

>> No.13475340

I used to provide my own recipes to the waitresses and tell them to give the to the chef and that’s what I wanted to order. They were always based on ingredients I knew the restaurant already had based on their menus. It worked better at cheaper places. I remember one time they said know so I asked how it was any different than subbing out a side and they ended up making it for me anyways.

Normally it was just a baked three cheese Mac n cheese with breadcrumbs one top, nothing too difficult. I didn’t even care if they used cheese slices and sphagetti noodles

>> No.13475434
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A few years ago I was at a nearby diner having chicken fried steak for dinner when an old couple walked in. I don't think the husband said a word while they were there. His wife, pic related, demanded a certain table and informed the waitress they would be having
>the usual
and got super offended when the waitress didn't know what that was supposed to be. She didn't just make a snarky comment she fucking exploded. Then when her husband tried to order she cut him off and ordered something else for him and substituted practically everything, she did the same with her own meal. After that I remember her being a megacunt until I left but nothing specific comes to mind. Come to think of it, someone pulled some similar shit with me when I worked at a sandwich shop during summer break a longass time ago, my first fucking day someone came in and ordered
>the usual
and got all huffy when I told her I didn't know what that was.

A while ago I was at a seafood place and the person in the booth next to me got crab and kept bitching at the waitress about the melted butter which, from what I could gather, must have something wrong with it because it's not like the fake butterlike substances she's used to.

Back in 2010 I was at a buffet and this tiny Asian lady that looked like Ms. Swan went to the dessert section and took the entire tray of brownies, literally the entire metal tray, back to her table and started downing them.

I went to trivia night at a nearby bar with some friends and some stankass soccer hooligan (seriously I think he might've been homeless) was making the rounds at the outer tables trying to score free food. He got to our table and started asking for shit in Spanish so we told him to fuck off in Spanish and someone at the next table starts bitching at us for assuming he's Mexican.

>> No.13475439

No one is reading that wall of larping

>> No.13475447

you’re an aspie for being so shocked by this

>> No.13475449

no you're an aspie for thinking thats normal behavior

>> No.13475450

>seeing people act like retards in public
Leave your house.

>> No.13475456

I never said it was normal, why does it bother you so much that people do weird shit sometimes? Do you have ocd?

>> No.13475464

Oh i see you take one of those short buses set up by the town

>> No.13475467

Nobody read that made up story. Congrats.

>> No.13475476
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>Walk into restaurant

>> No.13475480
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>t. acts retarded in public and is mad because something hit too close to home

>> No.13475482

Listen here, you said yourself that everyone you told this story to just thought it was a nice gesture. The fact that you’re overreacting to a mild anomaly like this suggests you unironically have autism. You thought some awkward behavior was “deranged” and you have the audacity to say everyone but you is insane. you forget to take your anti psychotics today?

>> No.13475489


Not a dining establishment, but this is the most autistic cringy back and forth I will see all year. And it's january 7th

>> No.13475491

>set up by the town
You really are autistic. I’m pretty sure you’re just baiting though.

>> No.13475497

Yeah and you’re on 4chan. Did you really expect anything else?

>> No.13475512

That would imply I read it, which neither me nor anyone did

>> No.13475520

The fact you're getting so bent out of shape leads me to believe you're socially crippled and autistic enough to do something like this. Im not even the op. Ive just worked in multiple restaurants and the only people who do something so outlandish are demented elderly or literal aspies like you.

>> No.13475524

Good comeback. Can you take my trash to the landfill while you're at it you fucking pedophile?

>> No.13475530
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you're not hiring a personal chef to make whatever flight of fancy pops into your head, restaurants have pre selected meals for efficiency reasons. You probably slowed down everyone else's order in the whole restaurant just to get your overgrown kids meal

>> No.13475534

I did this in yurope because I can never tell if it's a real restaurant or not. and no one acts like they are there to serve you

>> No.13475535


>> No.13475538
File: 43 KB, 550x400, Shrug life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK. I don't believe you considering how much time you've devoted to talking about a post you supposedly didn't read, but OK.

>> No.13475542

Believe what you want. It doesn't change reality

>> No.13475546

Yeah, you should aim towards your temple and pull it.

>> No.13475547

No one here is as upset as you, my friend.

>> No.13475554

Holy shit lol aspie is triggered

>> No.13475557

Okay, aspie.

>> No.13475558
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What an incredibly ironic thing for you to say.

>> No.13475559

This thread is irrelevant to food and cooking and I request that it be deleted.

>> No.13475560

Actually, I read it all.

>> No.13475565

Oh boy now the virginity is coming out. Yikes.

>> No.13475569

Actually I didnt, im gay btw.

>> No.13475576

I read it, and I enjoyed his post. BITCH

>> No.13475577

This post is an impostor.
I, >>13475560, did in fact read >>13475434 in its entirety.

>> No.13475584

this entire gay slapfight you started is longer than the post that guy wrote to begin with

>> No.13475586

>no you

>> No.13475600
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If you do this anywhere let alone a disgusting restaurant table you should neck yourself

>> No.13475603

Pointing out that it rings hollow when you try to espouse a dismissive philosophy that your posts indicate you don't actually follow is not a
>no you

>> No.13475610

what if you order at a counter and have to walk up stairs to sit at a table

what do with plates

>> No.13475616

A ramen place I used to go to with this exact setup just had you drop your stuff off in a bin on the way out.

>> No.13475618

You know what else rings hollow?

Your brain.

>> No.13475622

not really autistic but gross
>at costco food
>elderly couple next to me eating
>wife is picking at caesar salad, not really eating it
>husband takes it and brings it to the condiments
>3 full pumps of ketchup in the center of the salad
>"here you go honey"
>wife happily devours the salad

also my uncle would always use his phone flash as a flashlight to read the menu in fine dining establishments

>> No.13475625
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>no you

>> No.13475632

Except you didnt say my brain rung hollow you giant fucking retarded FAGGOT

>> No.13475635

>What is the most autistic thing you have ever witnessed in a dining establishment?
Burger roasties in a pizzeria in Italy

>Complimentary bread basket is served
>Bottles of balsamic vinegar and olive oil on the table as per usual
>"Ehmmmm sooooo could we like have some plates, yeah, just like empty plates all right?"
>Waiter looks confused but complies
>Plates are served, one covers the entire flat of her plate with oil, the other does the same with balsamico
>They switch bottles and repeat, both plates have a veritable lake of oil/balsamico on their plate
>They start dousing pieces of bread in them as if they were sponges, mere utensils in order to achieve the goal which is apparently to consume as much oil and balsamico as possible without actually drinking straight from the bottle
>Waiter looks at them, both disgusted and puzzled
>They order a carafe of water, insisting it being free tap water, one pizza with again two plates and that's it, after eating they pay the check, not a cent of tip
Idk if this is a burger or a roastie thing or just some muh backpacking on a shoestring budget so everybody has to bend over to our poverty thing. It was a disgrace

>> No.13475647

I'd still say I set a higher bar for slinging those words around than you did.

>not a cent of tip
I thought Yurop wasn't into that.

>> No.13475653

Ffs this is so cringy, a grill from my town I used to work with in a small restaurant does this too (to a lesser extent) when we go out to eat, she always puts the plates on top of each other with the cutlery on top "because I know haha I used to be a waitress too hahaha". It's so rude because you're basically signalling that the waiting staff is incompetent and needs to be helped. Also it ruins the dining/eating out experience by passing piles of dirty dishes in front of other table guests.

>> No.13475668

It's not really a social obligation, but counting the amount to the cent is considered a signal of bad service. Demanding special treatment is usually also followed by a tip if you don't want to be rude. In any case, rounding up to the nearest multiplication of 5 is considered polite.

Personally I've never had problems with the phenomenon of tipping, just with the obligatory character it has in some countries.

>> No.13475697
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>> No.13475699

Thanks for the tip Alton.

>> No.13475706

>waiting tables in college
>16 person party came in for a teenagers birthday
>Wasnt my table, I wasnt even needed to carry out food I was on the opposite side of the floor
>Barely thought anything of it until I hear screaming from the table
>Most of the table is covering their faces or looking away
>The birthday boy got his free sundae and grabbed the lit sparklers by the hot sparkling part
>His mother was demanding all 16 meals be comped for not warning them that the sparklers would be hot
>Owner said lmao no and actually laughed at her
>the party bought ~$500 in gift cards after the mother left
I was told that kid was in there all the time. His parents make nigger lemonade at the table and the kid always orders the chicken tenders and fries in two separate baskets with bbq and ketchup in seperation containers. All 3 are white as driven snow

>> No.13475718

I think you're the autist here. Nothing that they did is unusual in any way. Eating bread on a plate like a civilized human so you don't get crumbs and shit everywhere is normal- why didn't they get the standard plates that literally every restaurant gives with its bread? The oil is there to be used as a condiment, dipping bread in oil is literally its entire purpose. Free water is also completely normal and standard, although I guess people usually drink sparkling water in europe instead since the tap water is poison? It's weird to me that you think drinking -water- of all things is unusual. Same thing with the pizza. It's a pizzeria and they got a pizza. They split it because that's how you eat pizza. Are italians so fat that they all eat an entire pizza by themselves?

>> No.13475721

>go to restaurant with grandmother
>she openly insults people sitting right next to us
>stops waiters/waitresses to tell them random stories even when they're busy doing other stuff
>picks up her food and wipes it off with a napkin
>gets a phone call and won't answer it because it'd be "rude" but then lets her phone ring nonstop with the volume on full blast
weird stuff

>> No.13475728

Read it all nigga nuts. Stay mad kid.

>> No.13475742

>nigger lemonade

>> No.13475746

Lmao! Best post in the thread.

>> No.13475748

Absolute madwoman

>> No.13475754

Take the free glass of water and ask for a shitton of extra lemons. Squeeze lemons into water and then add a few of the sugar packets that were at the table. Instead of paying $1.50 for that ritzy "real" lemonade you made a vaguely lemon flavored sugar water for free. Cause a scene if someone tries to charge you 50 cents for the two lemons you used

>> No.13475764

>Every item in a separate container
This one may be actual autism

>> No.13475793

No eating Ketchup with a salad, especially a costco salad is fucking autistic don't hold back.

>> No.13475813
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This better be a shitpost Anon

>> No.13475814

I literally have had several waitresses and waiters tell me that they prefer it to be stacked. I dunno how that makes them look incompetent its less time they have to spend fucking around and cleaning a table when they could be bringing out orders or giving refills you fucking twat.

>> No.13475836

I feel like I need to clarify this
>A basket for his fries
>A basket for his tendies
>A container of ketchup for his fries
>A container of bbq for his fries
>A container of ketchup for his tendies
>A container of bbq for his tendies
>If any of these 4 touch the entire order of tendies fries and sauce is now inedible
>He will not eat it and his parents will not pay for it

>> No.13475844

ive actualy done this myself afew times and only because im so used to serving other people and being on the other end of handing out meals. So when I go into auto pilot putting the dishes back i dont realize what the fuck im doing till im there.
>The usual.
I can understand if they where there every day and they know the usual people there/know them since that dose happen but up and seeing some new rando and not knowing who you are and expecting to know what the fuck you want is ass. I only said 'the usual' as a joke afew times to people before actualy ordering.

Only serving stories I have was dealing with these weird electronic buzz squares at a Baja blues that ring up the wrong people and a revamped mc donalds with newbies that had trouble understanding 'one meal with fries and one without fries' and probably brain-dead at that point having to take lunch orders during the rush.

>> No.13475851


>> No.13475854

a mirror

>> No.13475893
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>the most autistic thing you have ever witnessed in a dining establishment
Sure, I gotchu. Since my mom was a microwavable meal mom and my dad was a home cook dad I didn't eat out enough to witness these magical occurrences, but I've since seen a couple things.
>Chili's beneath by apartment
>been frequenting since college food dollars on account
>not more than 15 times total, but have become 'that guy'
>walk in one day after classes
>walk up to hostess stand and motion towards the menus on the wall
>fat freshman/sophomore girl walks into sight
>'are these the new menus?'
>can I have a menu?
>ask if I can have a seat
>'I'd like to eat, can I eat here?'
>'do I just sit down anywhere?'
>"here's a table over here"
10 minutes pass by and no one even comes to ask what I want to drink and I just walk out. I've never been back since. Shit made me feel like I entered at just the moment they were sacrificing a human in the back or something - very, very fucking uncomfortable.

>> No.13475931

When you put it like that I can definitely see where you're coming from.

>> No.13475958

is that related to nigger tomato soup, which is a bowl of hot water that they pour ketchup into?

>> No.13475987
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so you had bad service, that's not much of a story

>> No.13475991

It's not. My other go to meal of choice was grilled chicken with Italian seasonings put between two pieces of wheat bread with cranberry (or other fruit) jelly on the bread and a slice of cheese (any kind) served with a side of grilled onions.

I try to stop doing it nowadays after I got in trouble because I complained about my Mac n cheese only having one variety of cheese when I knew they had at least three back there in the kitchen. I even once had Chipotle make me a rice and cheese bowl and had them microwave it up and stir around the cheese so it would melt.

>> No.13476017

Dude, it wasn't that long.

>> No.13476042

FFS I had to google your retarded slang to finally get what you meant by "burger roastie" you little incel fuck.

>> No.13476088

ive seen plenty of people mad on the internet, but i really cant understand what is making you mad here

>> No.13476106

you dont belong here

>> No.13476124

woman in her 40s demanding that her steak be cut up for her

>> No.13476130

I hope you get raped in prison and you complain to Tyrone and his buddies that there isn't enough variety of cum in your asshole

>> No.13476160

Working in a restaurant, it's hard to list the autistic shit I've seen.

Wasting my time by insisting I separate the eggs in front of you in the morning so you can be sure you're just getting egg white was done TWICE. You're not allergic to yolk you fat fuck and I have other orders.

Complaint of salad being cold. I loved that one.

>> No.13476225

Any customer who tells you they are allergic to something they arent allergic to. Its okay if you dont like something. When you dont like something we wont put it in your order. Dont give us some shit about how you're allergic to tomatoes because now instead of just not giving you tomatoes we need to halt all tomato based orders, cooked or otherwise and sanitize the whole area to ensure no tomato particles are touching your dish because god forbid you die of tomato based allergic reactions because you are the real 1:1,000,000 person with any level of tomato allergy and not just Karens special little guy who doesnt like raw tomatoes

>> No.13476301

Unfortunately what it means in the long run is that restaurants stop taking allergies seriously. At the peak of the gluten craze more than 10% of our customers were claiming to be coeliac. You can't expect the teenage commis working garnishes to deep clean his section at the end of service; let alone 10 times a day. Thank fuck that diet fad's over; at least the vegan loons don't run the risk of dying if they eat meat.

>> No.13476310

The waitress expecting a tip.

>> No.13476322

That's some powerful autism if I ever saw it.

>> No.13476342

As you get older, you start to lose sensitivity in your taste buds until the only stuff you can really taste is sweet, this isn't tooooo autistic if they were 80+ years old.

>> No.13476359

My mom throwing a tantrum for some extremely insignificant problem with her meal during my birthday dinner for the 2nd year in a row.

>> No.13476372

Dude... You are the one being autistic here.

>> No.13476388

>work in restaurant that does small catering orders
>woman calls
>"I need to make a catering order"
>okay, how many people and for what day?
>"200 people, and can you deliver it in 20 minutes?"
>no, that is not possible
>"But I really need it"
>refer her to 48 notice policy on catering orders and repeat that her request is physically impossible
>she demands manager
>hangs up on manager repeating the same thing
>calls back and pretends to be a different person needing two 100 person catering orders in 30 minutes

>> No.13476418

good read

>> No.13476426

jello on a napkin?

>> No.13476433

I work at a college cafeteria and did the pizza station for a bit and wew it was aspie central. there was this really weird short manchild el goblino kid who got two slices of pepperoni pizza every day as soon as we opened the doors. 10 minutes later, he got two more slices. the only other thing I've seen on his plate is fries, a hotdog, and a burger, which he'll eat once or twice a week alongside his pizza. so this motherfucker eats a whole pizza each day for $16 when he could just get a pizza at his dorm for less than half the price. dumbass.
I tried talking to him and the only thing he'd do is smile in another direction and mutter about his league of legend games. he twitched so much the kitchen called him twitcheroni.

>> No.13476440
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I hate it when they use the "I used to be a waitress line" but they make it sound like a threat. If it's ever happened to you, you know what I mean.

Anyway I just turn it around on them and say:

So was I.

>> No.13476458


>> No.13476475

Sounds like a comfy life. I eat pretty much the same way.

>> No.13476477


>> No.13476492

>signalling that the waiting staff is incompetent
While most wait staff are incompetent as fuck, I only do it out of politeness.

>> No.13476493

I was sitting in McDonald's and one day this retard came in with a couple of guns and started shouting insane shit so we all ignored him, and then he started shooting people.

>> No.13476511
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The foodslaves should've gotten the man his food. He was correct to express displeasure.

>> No.13476530


>> No.13476550

It was me talking to a hostess who kept saying "what" after literally everything I was saying and if she wasn't saying 'what' she was negating everything I asked like I was speaking a foreign language. It was pretty fucking autistic. I also had to make sure I wasn't the autistic one.... but i still wonder...

>> No.13476562

I once went to dinner with my ex (then gf) and her parents for a college grad dinner. her mother is absolutely batshit insane and a huge control freak
>hostess takes us to the table
>mother: "excuse me don't leave we would like to know what you have"
>poor girl looks terrified and basically reads the menu
>mother: "ok you can send us the real waitress"
she did the same "don't leave I am not done asking you questions" to the waitress. stupid questions about what something was made of and questions about staff.
>she complained because it took more than 10 minutes at a fancy restaurant to make 6 meals
>a young family with kids came by after we got our food to get seated.
>kids were 6 or 7, and super well behaved
>she loudly asked the waitress to not seat the family next to us because the kids were going to be loud

I tipped the waitress a big tip

>> No.13476570
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what??? i do this every single time, it just makes a million times more sense. free's up the table for doing quite literally anything else and has all the dishes ready for the waiters to come and take the shit. how is this even remotely weird.

>> No.13476590

I used to fuck a lot of waitresses (drug users put out a lot) so I've heard all facets of FoH discussed and ranted about at length by a plethora of experienced industry lifers. And it's literally 100% that they prefer the fucking plates stacked with silverware on top. Throw your shitty used napkin/straw wrapper on top too so they can rake it in the trash. They don't want to reach over you to collect plates any more than you want it, trust me.

>> No.13476595
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good thing I don't care about what lazy waitresses want

wah wah wah I want a tip and I want you to do my job and I want this and I want that

well now you don't get anything

>> No.13476621

You must have some sort of reading problem if you think that is a wall of text

Or are you used to those books where the pictures take more space than the actual text on each page?

>> No.13476623
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>Perceive negative signal being sent to waitstaff
>Told that it's an inaccurate inference
>Say you never actually cared to save face on 4chan

>> No.13476635

I mean, it benefits you in that you don't have to sit there with a clutter of dirty plates setting there in your face while they serve another table. But whatever man.

>> No.13476715

The point is they're being cheap fucks, sharing one main, demanding tap water and consuming as many calories as possible in bread are all the hallmarks of someone who is spending as little an amount as possible. There might be a good reason for it but if you can't afford your own meal on holiday you probably can't afford the holiday

>> No.13476729


>> No.13476733

If you didn't know what he meant immediately you clearly need to lurk more, or preferably fuck off

>> No.13476746

I want waitresses to feel negative thoughts. That's the whole goal.

I want their whole existence to be angry thoughts about dishware while I merrily eat without a care.

>> No.13476765

There’s nothing wrong with this you aspie

>> No.13476772

>frees up the table

You only use it for eating.

>> No.13476878

>Any customer who tells you they are allergic to something they arent allergic to
These are the people who get politely asked to leave because the kitchen can't guarantee their fake allergen will never come in contact with their order. Then they walk out humiliated as the husband gets ready to beat his wife when they go home because she's got both of them effectively banned.

>> No.13476967

That's actually smart behaviour. They are saving their money for themselves. Fast food staff is usually working at these places for a reason. The only reason why you think this is socially unacceptable is because you empathize more with fast food staff rather with couples who are fulfilling their lives and act accordingly. Speaks for itself, doesn't it?

>> No.13476978

Bitch, its an election year. Just fucking wait

>> No.13476993

I read it you zoomer faggot BITCH

>> No.13477008


I'm on board with your uncle some restaurants are like a fucking cave.

>> No.13477051

I read it too you fucking stupid IMBECILE, STUPID RETARDED APE

>> No.13477074

It was like 5 separate stories you illiterate fucking retard. This is why there's no good OC anymore.
Single digit IQ goblins like you need to be spoonfed everything starting with "be me" and using no more than twenty words.

>> No.13477215
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I worked the cafeteria in undergrad because I was poor....anyways, there was an aspire that would come in every day and use the tongs for the french fries to count them one by one and place them on his plate. He had some specific number, like 43, that he had to have every time and it took several minutes. It obviously held up the line and everyone hated him. It's a prestigious university so I have no idea how he got in unless he majored in women's studies

>> No.13477225

People who send back $25 cheap reds saying it's corked.

>> No.13477232

this was normal in the war when a single sexy young nurse would bounce between hundreds of injured young men, fact even all the other men who were watching would join up and hit on her or laugh on all the fun.

i dont know why its become such a certain stigma to white knight even subconsciously

>> No.13477256
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>he doesn't play a rousing game of Yahtzee! while waiting for the check
Are you European or something?

>> No.13477270


>> No.13477275

I've read this before

>> No.13477285


You dont lose tastebuds you mong you losa saliva. Sauces and purees are easier to taste for old farts cause they moisten the mouth

>> No.13477319


>> No.13477324

Way to out yourself, ribbit

>> No.13477331


I saw some blacks in sportswear roll up in a mcdonalds and break out fucking catan

>> No.13477401 [DELETED] 

>I saw some blacks
That sucks

>> No.13477426

Jesus. I hate women too but this wouldn't make me mad in the slightest

>> No.13477446
File: 19 KB, 458x472, 38753823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me, pastry chef
>Slow day, very empty
>Suddenly get call down to help out with starters
>Guy is new, think nothing of it, probably overwhelmed
>"Anon, could you plate up this fish and chips?"
>Plate up and send fish and chips with the rest of the check, see something out the corner of my eye
>Batter for the fish is so thick it's almost solid
>You could literally lift the batter out of the tub without leaving any behind
>Mention it to sous chef, he makes some more while I work a new dessert check
>2 mins later
>Waitress brings fish and chips back
>"There is no fish"
>Opens up the fish, it's like 99% batter
>The batter was so thick it melted and absorbed the fish
That was a bad day

>> No.13477470

It's a good way to signal to the wait staff that you've finished with a course and are ready to have the plates taken away. There's nothing worse than sitting around for ages because the staff can't figure out if you're done eating or still nibbling at the scraps on the plate.

>> No.13477472

Is this autistic?
>go out to bar with notoriously hot waitresses
>meet some friends of friends and start hitting it off
>have a few drinks, but I'm not wild
>all of them moaning about how hot a certain waitress is
>tell them I have a gf but I want to make sure I've still got it
>6'3" great shape, and have been told I should get into modeling
>get a pen and a spare receipt
>walk up and lay on the schmooze

>> No.13477476

>she says she would otherwise be genuinely very interested, but just now started taking things seriously with a guy
>I say that it's totally understandable
>ask her before she leaves to just write down a fake number "so those drunk idiots think I'm cool"
>she grins ear to ear and says "absolutely"
>tells me I'm really charming

>> No.13477485

>she gets back to work
>on my way back to my pool table, I jumpshotted it into a trash can
>tfw in it was all real numbers and not just a bunch of nines
>she may have actually given me her real number because of my goofy line

>> No.13477486


it's cringy because it's just regular life flirting and you're only posting it to gloat. or you're some weird loser who's trying to live fantasies vicariously through 4chan

>> No.13477489
File: 2.98 MB, 600x406, 1444487388721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I order no sauce pizzas at various pizza places and they give me a look of "what the fuck why?". Usually I'll settle for pesto or an alternative white sauce, but depending on their reaction I'll say "light sauce".
Just let me order my dumb fucking pizza

I don't order this at little ceasars because a light sauce Pizza is now considered a special order and you get charged more for it. It's the only place I know where less is more when it comes to pricing and it bothers me immensely. Yeah I get it hot and ready cheese or pepperoni is the deal but you assholes put too much sauce on it. Just make one with less without charging extra for it.

Also I order filet mignon well done in mixed company and a chef personally gave me shit for it. I don't care about the presentation of the dish, just cook it as I want and I'm good. It was justified bitching I got but still

>> No.13477496

Ok cool. I thought I was legitimately fucking autistic for just asking her to write a fake one.
Thanks for verifying that I am still fucking autistic somehow, though.

>> No.13477508

holy shit the reveal of the dish was perfect. Good bait

>> No.13477535

go and stay go

>> No.13477570

This is your brain on mobile.

>> No.13477593

is this an american thing? because I've have literally never been to a restaurant where people stack plates on top of each other, it sounds like something you'd do at a truckstop maybe.

>> No.13477601

>I only said 'the usual' as a joke afew times to people before actualy ordering

Do you also 'tip with a rip'?

>> No.13477621

I'm american and I'm just as confused as you are

>> No.13477685

Thats pretty funny but not really autistic just bad cooking

>> No.13477692

Its not the first time Ive posted it. Not every day you see some retard grab literal fire and then karen gets told by waitstaff, management and her family that its not the waiters job to remind customers that fire is hot

>> No.13477712

It's 342 words. That isn't even enough for three paragraphs.

>> No.13477733

Good on ya

>> No.13477734

Bowl? What is this the ritz? Some rich uppity nigger like Chris Brown with his bowl

>> No.13477743

did anybody screencap the thread where that anon went full sperg at dinner with his gf and her parents?

>> No.13477757

Even that anime mug nigga owns a bowl

>> No.13478469

I don't understand. Did you see other people in the Chili's? Could you see waitstaff running around?

>> No.13478526

I literally read it and then saw ur gay response

>> No.13478537


>> No.13478562

Tom Selleck eating a baby dick.

>> No.13478593

I used to go to this bar/restaurant and always tell knock knock jokes to the bartender.

>knock knock
>who’s there?
>frank who?
>frank and fries

I just wanted a damn hot dog and French fries

>> No.13478708

> The war

>> No.13478831

Not exactly autistic but we had a couple who eat at our restaurant like two or three times a week. Whatever meals they ordered they would only eat ~2/3rds of, and then the circus started. Every single time they would complain about something and try to have us comp the entire meal. We did it the first time and second time, but then we caught on to them. Funny thing is they were nice to speak to, and actually seemed to take interest in you up until the moment were they would attempt to commit fraught, where they just exploded in rage, just to calm down 100% after being told to stop their bullshit.
I never understood why my boss didn't ban them.

>> No.13478860

Are you retarded? I work at a kinoplex, do you think I hate it when people actually throw away their fucking trash? What is so damn cringy about making a customer service employees life a bit easier?

>> No.13478874

It is YOUR job

>> No.13478885

Once, when I was a kid, I started crying at Cheesecake Factory because my mom made me share my cheesecake. The funny thing is that I didn't even want to finish the whole thing. There was plenty left over to share. I had a poor understanding of social norms as a child, and I've been busting my ass to become normal since childhood.

It's hard being mentally ill.

>> No.13478894

Did your mom buy you a cheesecake with the intention for you to have it all, and then changed her mind? If so then it's shitty judgement on her part. Which fucking kid wouldn't be upset about that.

>> No.13478895

> delivered the dishes to the dipshit himself.

Admit you read it that way the first time over too.

>> No.13478924

i have a relative that is unable to order anything how it is on the menu. seriously not a single time. no matter what kind of restaurant

>> No.13479014
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This nigga counted the words.

>> No.13479016

No one capped it because we all thought she was a cunt for not leaving with him afterwards.

>> No.13479082

What is caten? When I search it I get some California highway thing.

>> No.13479085

>go to the bathroom
>see autistic retard in mirror

>> No.13479095

settlers of catan you stupid inbred

>> No.13479101

>It's so rude because you're basically signalling that the waiting staff is incompetent and needs to be helped.

this is the most autistic thing that everyone who dined with you has seen

>> No.13479102

who gives a fuck?

>> No.13479122

I'd spit in your face.

>> No.13479128

I am a backwater Ohio lad you bumbling homunculus

>> No.13479137

Americans have a superiority complex. Because the wait staff are serving them they see them as being lesser and treat them like slaves.

>> No.13479143

ive had some real cunt waiters in my time and when they confront me about no tip i am euphoric in smugly telling them why and walking out of said establishment while they're stuck another 6 hours.

>> No.13479169

No one cares about your feeble attempt at pretending to be a PUA, kid.

>> No.13479177
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do it wagie cuck you lazy niggers fuck up my orders all the goddamn time and i dont even do substitutes just subtractions.
maybe if you graduated highschool youd have better reading comprehension for your bills

>> No.13479191

someone say something?

>> No.13479197

if its like a family restaurant like chilis or something and yoh have sporadic children and need room for them to draw with restaurant crayons then yea ok i get it.
if not what the fuck else are you doing at the restaurant? if youre getting more plates its on foh to clear shit for the next course

>> No.13479203

how many letters?

>> No.13479208

its what you're paid for lazy bones

>> No.13479209

imo just blame your mother. havent talked to mine in 5 years, older sibling started n theyre up to 2 years we keep in touch.

>> No.13479212

The lamest part of this post is you don't even realize how retarded it is.

Unless it's bait. In that case; well played.

>> No.13479214

I see American Education is on par with their food...

>> No.13479218

why would a person do that?

>> No.13479222


>> No.13479228

>I am a stupid inbred

>> No.13479258

One time this tall lanky black dude was walking around spilling soft serve all over off an overfilled plate at the Golden Corral. Not really an autist moment more of a drugged out one

>> No.13479297

actually pretty funny

>> No.13479299

jesus christ man just kill yourself

>> No.13479306

>most autistic cringy back and forth
your parents having sex.

>> No.13479308

I’ve never seen it but you know some autist somewhere walks into a bar and asks the bartender to Mark Twain

>> No.13479313

? speak english

>> No.13479333

are you disabled? I was in a bar once and this wheelchair-bound guy kept trying to get a bartender's attention but no was even fucking looking at him. I tried kneeling on the ground and asking him what he wanted to drink and he shouted at me 'no I can do it myself! i'm just like everyone else!' I got a bit upset so I spilled a bit of my drink on him and pretended it was an accident as I left the bar with my drink

>> No.13479356

because not every1 likes wallowing in their own filth and stacks of dirty dishes like it was your bedroom, anon.

>> No.13479459

good man

>> No.13479469

Guru? Is that you?

>> No.13479479

I did

>> No.13479562

i asked dairy queen for a pepe cake for my birthday. my mom paid for it.

>> No.13479565

fpbp, came here to post this

>> No.13479689

Not him, but
>copy post
>open word
>look at word count
>close word
E-z p-z. You've been out of school for a while, haven't you?

>> No.13479724
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>> No.13479729

And i would ask for the manager and get you fired from your shit job

>> No.13479730

Not the guy you're replying to either, but considering where we're at I don't think it's impossible that he glanced at the screen for a second then spat the number out like rain man

>> No.13479754

a small hole in the wall mexican restaurant I used to go to (before the owners retired) had a menu item named after a friend of mine. He ordered it so often the "Russ Special" went on the menu.

>> No.13479772
File: 3.04 MB, 444x250, nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in a mcdonalds once and this guy was having a problem with the soda machine not working right. he approached a worker and asked her to look at it and all she did was stand, stare, and cover her mouth and nose. He repeated to her the same request then gave up and went to the counter to talk to the manager. The manager went to talk to the worker (who I think was slightly retarded) and asked why she didn't help him. Her response? "he smells like death". I'm like WTF, just then the guy walked in front of me. fucking bloody hell he smelled like a god damned road killed dog 4 days on the side of the road. I nearly puked.

>> No.13479787 [DELETED] 

I once got a onion blossom at a steak house. we started eating and jebus h christ he was saltier then hell. Manager happens to come by and ask how our meal is. I told him to try the onion blossom there was something wrong with it. He looks at me like I'm a nut but tries it. Immediately spits it out. Takes it back to the kitchen and comes back later to explain that they had apparently ran out of battery and some MORON had substituted salt for flour. We were comped our meal even though I never made a fuss about it.

>> No.13479791

Littler cesars makes all their pizzas based on a weight formula, if you order extra cheese they will remove other ingredients. I knew someone who worked there. their pizza is crap.

>> No.13479813
File: 3.48 MB, 320x240, 1538441362352.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls back and pretends to be a different person needing two 100 person catering orders in 30 minutes

>> No.13479840

I was at subway having a 'wich, in walks some old guy smelling like shit. He ordered a turkey club and went to the restroom. A worker went in after the old guy left and immediately walked out. Then the manager went in with a mop bucket and said something like "WOOOOOEEEE SOMEONE DONE MADE A MESS!" He never came back out and I was there for at least 20 minutes.

>> No.13479932

Not only did i read that whole post, im reading yours now, and im posting to call you a fuckhead. Learn to read.

>> No.13479959

people used to call the grocery store i worked at to see if we were making scalloped potatoes that day

>> No.13480237


I admit

>> No.13480282


Yes, Italian Pizzas are a one person meal, not disgusting US style 10,0000 calorie grease wheels

>> No.13480391


>> No.13480405

Are you black?

>> No.13480417
File: 24 KB, 800x258, calvin-on-acquisitiveness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lady with warning signals comes in 10 minutes before close
>someone just sold the last of a certain kind of bread sandwich
>say outloud to other staff "we're out of this bread"
>lady immediately asks for a sandwich on that bread.
>"We've just run out of that bread. I can make more, but it'll be a long wait."
>"I'll have it on the other bread, it's fine."
>She observes the sandwich being made, a little odd but it's empty and close to close so w/e
>serve the sandwich
>"So... can I have my money back because this is on the other bread?"
>Excuse me?
>"I want to speak to the manager"

>> No.13480432

>demanding tap water

>> No.13480556

i didnt even realize thats not what it said until you pointed it out

>> No.13480575


are scalloped potatoes a black people thing?

>> No.13480633

Fuck off I'm not falling for that coercive pricing scam. If you want me to pay in round dollar figures, reflect that in the pricing.

>> No.13480677

I used to get Wendy's a lot because it was right next to my job and this one autistic guy would almost always be there and make noises like HHHHHHUUUUAGAAA

>> No.13480701

People who call out/wave to a waiter. Like holy shit just make eye contact and nod, it's not that fucking hard. How is it that people have no more etiquette these days? And no, it's not just niggers.

>> No.13480713

yeah, that's actual autism, foods can't touch or be mixed, it's pretty common.

>> No.13480728

In this case it sounds like bad parents not actually correcting the dumb wishes of their child. Actual autists would have a lot of difficulties going to an actual restaurant with people and would try their best to be normal/not deviate from normal behavior.

>> No.13480755


>> No.13480773

I don't get it.

>> No.13480774


Lurk moar newfag

>> No.13480795

Wow it's almost like men trapped thousands of miles away god know's where from home have some leeway when they act like autists infront the first even decently cute women they've seen in months to years.

>> No.13480797

lol faggot go home

>> No.13480798

it really depends on a lot of factors, if the place is particularly loud or busy it can set off sensory issues, but familiarity can offset this. food obsession is also a thing.

>> No.13480824
File: 56 KB, 1245x334, 1573998395371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does most of this weird shit happen in the USA?

>> No.13480827

that was a trill ass nigga

lessgo settle em up a catan yall

>> No.13480845

Ya got me.

>> No.13480862

the local pizza buffet got taken over by a less good chain pizza buffet and during its transitional phase there was a guy singing praise about how good the new pizza crust was every other bite and i'm like 70% sure he was paid to do so because that shit was hard as a brick
he also tried to talk the family next to him out of seeing dunkirk in theaters and said i was odd for eating the pizza sideways when i was only doing it to get more crust in the bite to see what he was talking about
fuck you southside shill

>> No.13480899

Guess it's
>obsessed o'clock

I stack plates because as several others, who cared to actually talk to the waite staff, have said: they usually prefer it. It's how they tend to stack and manage the dishes when they carry it. If while I'm bored waiting for a check or whatever, I can idley make their lives that tiny bit easier, I'd be a pretty big prick not to do it.

Also I hate touching other people's dirty shit. I just assume, even if they do it for a living, other people don't like it either.

>> No.13480900

>whiteknighing some random wanderlust traveling thots
Complimentary food is free with the expectation that you spend money on other things to make it worth their while to serve you. Yes, you can be a nigger and say it isn't technically illegal to just take the free food and leave, but for the rest of us, unspoken expectations are the grease that keeps the wheels of society running.

>> No.13480902


>> No.13480910

I remember being taken to those shitty all-you-can-eat roast dinner places by my tasteless grandparents. Saw some real specimens there.

My favourite was this fat guy who piled his plate with stuffing and veg, then walked over to the meats. Obviously for profit reasons the meat was attended by a carver, and the man kept asking for more and more meat. The carver was obviously intimidated and kept cutting increasingly tiny pieces of roast beef or whatever. The fat man's plate was visibly overflowing, I was behind him in the line so could see his wrist straining and shaking from the weight. Eventually he dropped the plate and then went nuclear at - no, not the carver - but at some waitress who walked over to investigate

>> No.13481014

>His parents make nigger lemonade at the table
I hate that I know exactly what you mean by this.

>> No.13481054

Nice, La creatura strikes again.

>> No.13481090

>although I guess people usually drink sparkling water in europe instead since the tap water is poison?
What? In my country everybody drinks delicious tap water while in the US everybody is always only buying massive containers of bottled water

>> No.13481099

A local indian casino here has a seafood buffet (all you can eat). I don't care much for seafood but we went there for reasons. Fucking place was full of asians every time they brought out fresh steamed crab legs these fuckers would stumble over each other to get 3 or 4 pounds of the stuff. then repeat when they brought out more. I don't know where they were putting it, and they weren't fat either.

>> No.13481102

There's this old man who goes to my local Starbucks everyday and spills his coffee on purpose. Makes a big scene, yells, curses, apologizes profusely as if it were an accident

First time I saw it the workers were like "Aww, spilled your coffee again Richard?" in the most jaded tone possible. I asked them about it and they told me he does this every single time. He's super old so I guess they don't have the heart to ban him

>> No.13481108
File: 75 KB, 678x1024, hotdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it just a few posts down and deemed that literally this entire thread is retards coming to make sure there are other retards as powerful as them, and then argue about it.

>> No.13481117

I'm convinced that it's totally normal for old people to overplay their feebleness in public to try and wring more interaction out of service staff. It's really depressing

>> No.13481148

I don't know if it's a sympathy play or a power move (clean my mess, millennial), probably both

>> No.13481151


ive worked as busboy and bartender and i can tell you it saves a lot of time. no one considers it rude as far as i know, if anything its considered rude to leave shit all over the table

>> No.13481158

Based chad

>> No.13481159

what is nigger lemonade? lol

>> No.13481182

not a dining establishment per se, but I worked in a supermarket deli for awhile.
There was a dude who looked like a tim and eric character who kept asking if we had deviled eggs. We kept telling him no. Like he hang around for 30 minutes asking each new employee he came across if we had deviled eggs.
on of my coworkers pointed out that we had deviled egg potato salad. He decided he wanted that, but he didn't want any potatoes in it. Wanted us to fucking strain it somehow.
Thankfully we managed to convince him that was ridiculous, and he finally left.

>> No.13481239

Have two, more retarded than autistic.
>Lady named Moody
>Only comes in when we're crazy busy
>Places enormous special orders with half of everything on the side, some things left out, random shit added in on -everything- she orders
>Pitches a fit to get free garbage or a discount when we predictably get one little thing wrong

This guy mighta just been drunk.
>First year working at this place
>Fat black guy waltzes into the back as free as you please
>Walks by the entire line, a couple cooks ask him if he needs directions to a bathroom
>Politely says no
>Pisses in the tripple sink and one of the trash cans
>Walks out

>> No.13481366
File: 2 KB, 119x125, 1540148896647s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk moar or quit browsing

>> No.13481426
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>variety of cum

>> No.13481474

Went to a Chinese place. Friends brother shows up in a bath robe with slippers and pajamas underneath at like 8 at night. Eats more than anyone and claims he didn't bring money. Had to walk him outside and make him use an atm. Was a pretty fun night.

>> No.13481497
File: 28 KB, 540x422, 072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you have to make 3 separate fucks you inept fishstick fuckwit

>> No.13481506

pizza part is fine

you are a waste of good meat. the only people who cook meat well done are old whites and niggers, so either you'll die within this decade or you should speed it up and skullfuck a microwave

>> No.13481549
File: 23 KB, 519x521, 1529640064100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>havin a 'wich

so how's your boyfriend doing?

>> No.13481557

Women just crave shitty sweet foods throughout their whole life with it getting more and more as they get older. Whereas men crave savory stuff, I think there's even a study with men being more willing to try exotic/foreign food as they get older whereas women just want more chocolate.

>> No.13481572

It is, old people start doing whatever they want and then their family stop talking to them because they become intollerable assholes and then they pull this shit with anyone who give them the slightest bit of attention because everyone else ignores them
This is what happens when you deny a normalfag your time and attention, they meltdown

>> No.13481620

You sound like the poor fat white trash/nig/bean families who can't afford to eat out so they just go and order 1 or 2 main dishes for 10 people and ask for 5 bread baskets and an extra for their Togo box. Then complain at a split plate fee that they are told about when ordering.

>> No.13481624

No. Sometimes you get retard zoomer waiters and waitresses who don't pay attention to anything. I don't call out but eye contact and a miniature "hey" handwave is the perfect signal. If no one is coming to your table for a really extended amount of time you ask the hostess. It happens a lot where I live

>> No.13481776

>caring about wagies feefees

>> No.13481787

Terrible story, but it reminded me of this good one

>> No.13481792

That ad was fuckin odd.
>Nigel Mansell, dressed like a 70 year old, stares at a printer
>then he steals it
>and ends it by eating a strawberry

>> No.13481793
File: 38 KB, 500x600, __dr_eggman_sonic_the_hedgehog_drawn_by_myuutau_tadakichi__9d568898160190fdc9230b11cdffcf2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, depending on the region, but scalloped potatoes have always been kind of the flag ship of mediocre middle class white soccer mom cooking. Litterally every one of my friends moms would make it at least once if I slept over at the place more than 4 times. It always had like an inch of water or oil on the bottom.
Also the real name for it is potatoes au gratin.

>> No.13481847

A likely story

>> No.13481872

kek i cant imagine going out for dinner with family or business and stacking up a bunch of plates "hey you done with that soup? I'm making a stack over here" lmao. The only way I could see is maybe at a big table passing a plate over or something while it's being collected but realistically you're poor and low class.

>> No.13481895

My fucking friend did that yesterday get out of my head anon.

>> No.13481898

I didn't say it goes down like your autistic scenario, fucknut. Usually it's just 2 of us and we stack plates when we're done with appetizers, or eating AYCE sushi where there's a billion plates, etc. Rarely at the end of the meal unless there's some reason to clear space on the table. It also makes it less intrusive when they come to clear the plates, they don't have to reach over everyone etc, just grab it off the edge of the table.

Though I will still stack the utensils/napkins/etc that we want cleared away onto the plates after a meal. That's just effecient use of space, and has the benefit of not being a cunt to the staff. Also signals very clearly that you're done with the meal.

>> No.13481901

Post dad's BMW from your basement window.

>> No.13481920

Nah fuck you lol.

>> No.13481947

I'm autistic. Not like overly spergy, I look like a normal fag and act like one but shit nigga I do some shit people do not want to tolerate
>go out with my girlfriend
>there a bowl of jams and marmalade and creamers and sugar packets
>INSTANTLY I start building a tower
>Why? Fuck if I know.
>After I run out of things my girlfriend grabs another bowl full of bullshit and we continue
>the wait staff is just gawking at this point as we're adding salt shakers and plates
>finish our meal, leave a generous tip at the top of a four foot tower of fuckery before we sneak out

>go to a fancy Italian restaurant wearing a metal shirt and "don't give me a DUI" sunglasses
>Show up 30 minutes before they close DRUNK AS FUCK off a whole bottle of Prosecco
>Order more alcohol, the sassy gay waiter is not impressed
>get a chacuterie platter and lamb ravioli
>sassy gay waiter is extra not impressed
>Having way too much fun with my friend being obnoxious as all heck, it would be embarassing if I gave a fuck
>chacuterie shows up
>ask what everything is, even the garnish
>inhale it at the speed of light with my friend
>five minutes remaining, we've cleared our plates
>order 6 Jager bombs
>no redbull, this poor waiter just wants to go home
>fucking take 2 redbull out of my jacket, throw the shots of Jager in a wineglass, pound them back and stumble into the night

>> No.13481952

Nothing more autistic than writing a post about other people's autism and finding out its you who is the autist

>> No.13481962

lurk moar faggot

>> No.13481967

a mother complained that we served her kids burger medium because it was "raw" and demanded another one

>> No.13481975

That's not autistic. You're basically an uncool asshole.

>> No.13481977

They put the olive oil and balsamic on the table. They serve free bread. The restaurant doesn't seem to give a fuck yet you do...

>> No.13481981

Youre trying way to hard

>> No.13481988

That's literally what being autistic is

>> No.13481990

Pretty sure he's autismal as fuck for even posting the story

>> No.13482009

You're not autistic, you're a fucking idiot.

There's a difference.

>> No.13482034

In America a lot of "authentic" italian restaurants serve a bottle of olive oil and a plate of "italian herbs" that you drizzle the oil over and dip your bread in
Maybe that's what they were getting at?

>> No.13482037

While your observations may also be true, I am in fact autistic. Think about those stories from the perspective of the waiters, or anyone near by, and imagine a socially awkward giant motherfucker doing the assorted bullshit. Don't hate appreciate.

>> No.13482078

Joke's on you aspie: I AM THE MANAGER

>> No.13482085


>> No.13482101

Then I’d take to social media and leave awful reviews you couldn’t do anything about. I could make up crap about you harassing your female employees and get you #MeTooed

>> No.13482108
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Lurk moar retard or gtfo

>> No.13482111

My spit naturally contains highly poisonous chemicals to humans. You're a dead man.

>> No.13482112
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>> No.13482125
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Jesus christ i don't fucking get these new YuGiOh cards desu

>> No.13482138
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Frig off back to /edhg/. /ck/ is my autistic lair.

>> No.13482217

Fuck off reddit

>> No.13482220
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Me too!

>> No.13482311

Glass of water mixed with sugar and sugar packets

>> No.13482329

Sounds like a prison food habit.

>> No.13482343

I live in NJ where there are a lot of diners. On childrens menus there are options like spongebob, mickey, etc that correlate to unhealthy dishes like hotdogs and grilled cheese. They aren't consistent throughout the state either like an alcoholic drink would be so they just see a cartoon they like and pick it. Its always shit like hotdogs, tendies, grilled cheese, fish sticks.

>> No.13482344

That's my grandma she'll use the "oh my husband just died" excuse even though he died 4 years ago. Same as needing help but she doesn't have a handicapped placard. She's just a cunt to everyone and pretends she can't do anything, including the family. Also at gas stations there's so many lazy old ladies who try and get help saying their husband's always pumped gas so they don't know how to put a nozzle in their car. Listen Margaret you voted for equality so stop trying to pretend you can't do anything.

>> No.13482353

Anon he wasn't drunk, he was based.

>> No.13482370

>She's just a cunt to everyone and pretends she can't do anything, including the family.

>Old ladies refusing to use those trolley things or walking sticks
>Instead they cling to their middle aged daughters and force everyone to yell at them because "they don't have their hearing aids in" and move out of their way anywhere any time
They never have them in, it's yet another attention seeking ploy by forcing people to scream half the time and I don't get the refusal to use a walker thing

>> No.13482458

it's just balsamic you dumb idiot

>> No.13482465

Never seen this

>> No.13482477

I really hate myself for taking the bait
>think about those stories from the perspective of the waiters
Q.E.D., you aren't autistic

>> No.13482553

I just assume all old ladies are lying who don't act like normal people. Same as the rare old man who is drumming it up for support. Legit had a lady years ago come and ask me for help pumping her gas who was like 60, right next to a Russian dude with a fake leg and arm who was doing it all by themselves.

>> No.13482565

I once saw someone browsing /ck/

>> No.13482602

That's not that weird for a place like Chili's. Sometimes you walk into a restaurant like that and get blank stares and barely any response to what you're saying. If I detect that from the hostess I'll just do the stare off until she asks how many in the party and all that.

>> No.13482640

>getting baited this hard
Jesus Christ you newfags really thought someone knew what ffs and incel mean but not burger or roastie?

>> No.13482650

baka tbqh famalam

>> No.13482679

Holy shit based

>> No.13482681

autist spotted.

>> No.13482685

He's probably crushing a sando brah.

>> No.13482693

the term incel came from reddit you stupid nigger

>> No.13482699

this is autistic but cute at the same time, not to be a faggot

>> No.13482708

Doesn't change the fact that if someone is on 4chan, and uses the term incel and the acronym FFS, its pretty unlikely they don't know what burger or roastie mean.
Reddit and 4chan circulate the same shit anyway. There are tons of threads on 4chan about or featuring reddit threads, and there are tons of greentext and other 4chan type shit being circulated on reddit.
Difference is people here think it is a secret fucking coolguy clubhouse and sperg out about someone using a website that hosts the same shit.

>> No.13482724

stupid bitch spotted

>> No.13482737

Nah, that anon is right you are an autist.
Some people like making other peoples lives better for no reason other than it is something to do with themselves.
Most of the time these people are people who have worked in the industry, and know what makes life easier for that position.

I know its hard to understand, on account of your autism, but there is an emotion called empathy, and it makes people who are capable of this emotion sometimes want to help others.

>> No.13482754

I'm not even the guy who made the cat post
Suck my nuts

>> No.13482766

>stupid bitch
cute insult retard, could you come up with something better next time?

>> No.13482774

Yeah, stupid whore slut
how'd ya like that

>> No.13482800

I'll only counter this with my MIL can't have a bunch of stuff due to bladder issues that are really bad, so if she doesn't say she's allergic then certain spice mixes with stuff like onion and really normal stuff will kill her then the wait staff won't ensure the meal is made without it. It's a nightmare though, because it's impossible to expect things aren't made without normal ingredients like onion. I think she recently said she can't have sage without flaring up really badly. She shouldn't be going to restaurants at all or ones that don't serve hospital food tier stuff. She can't even have normally made chicken noodle soup since its made with mirepoix, so she really should bring her own meal or just eat bread and butter, but sometimes it happens that she goes to restaurants with other people. When she visited I was able to actually order thai food that didn't bother her, but I know what will mess with her system and was able to get plain enough stuff that she could handle.

>> No.13482804

>She shouldn't be going to restaurants at all
this tbqh

>> No.13482809

Maybe she shouldn't fucking eat out then
Or at least call the place she's planning on eat at an hour or two before she arrives

>> No.13482816
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>> No.13482823

Valmet is my wife

>> No.13482833
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did i ask

>> No.13482838

She shouldn't and, as I said, it's a nightmare. I honestly don't know how she manages to eat anything but homemade porridge and steamed fish and vegetables (chicken is okay but meat is hard on her esophagus which got ripped open in a car accident). But from time to time there are family occasions at restaurants, and her denial is high. The anon's post about the grandmother who insults patrons sitting right next to her is painfully true. When no one is visiting she and her husband only eat food she prepares or only go out to places they know really well, so it's not an issue. In the past year and a half or so I've just made sure that we only go out to a place she's familiar with IF for some reason there is an outing. Otherwise, we have a lot of fun making food at her home.

>> No.13482839

no but that doesn't give you a license to be rude

>> No.13482842

Did I stutter

>> No.13482844

>license to be rude
read what site youre on

>> No.13482851

it might be an uphill struggle but I'd love to change the toxic nature of this site. If I could convince just one person to treat others respectfully i'd consider it a job well done (:

>> No.13482863

all i do is treat people nice unless they post about their waifus when i didnt ask

>> No.13482878

I worked in a college cafeteria and the desert station guy was a legit aspie who was good at making mass dessert. A lot of people were dismissive or downright mean to him, so I tried to be nice. But then he would try to talk at length about specific star trek episodes and go off on bizarre tangents any time I got anywhere near his station and/or crossed his path. I'm pissed I never got his chocolate chip bread pudding recipe, but it would have taken at least 4 hours and him deciding we were friends. I usually worked in the deli or at the registers and can't remember any aspie behavior. I only remember when people were drunk or sober assholes. However:
>grill station on grilled cheese day
>grilled cheese is so popular that school can't keep up with demand
>have to enforce 1 grilled cheese per person per line attendance
>still unlimited but students have to take plates back to table to eat then get back in line
>one girl was so furious she put their grilled cheese under her plate and got back in line just to score another grilled cheese before sitting down
>told her no
>she flips out
>tell her I remember her from 2 minutes ago and saw her put the sandwich under her plate and get back in line
>she complained to the manager
>thank god he was a former marine who would laugh in people's faces and reinforce the rules
>...possibly the same girl who got drunk and ran around the dining hall telling everyone I had a pole up my ass after turning her away from the door at the register for being uncontrollably piss ass fall on her face drunk (she got past a cashier at another entrance to do this)
The same manager thought it was pretty funny. I don't give a shit as long as the liability of giving someone that drunk admittance to the dining hall wasn't on me.

>> No.13482906

Sounds like a line that someone with non-aspie social skills would pull and possibly get a real number from. It was crappy to throw it into the trash can and gloat basically saying to everyone else that she was garbage and you wasted her time just to take a shit on her, but it still sounds like normie behavior.

>> No.13483048

It depends on the restaurant. Sometimes they will be so shitty that you have to call them down. Usually you can do a nod and maybe slight signal to let them know you're done. At nice restaurants, you shouldn't need to signal the waiter other than not eating any more, but anywhere lower on the totem pole can be a struggle with the waitstaff.

>> No.13483425
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>Walk into restaurant
>Decent place, someone waiting to seat me
>Directs me to my table
>See couple from table beside me get up and leave as I approach
>The dirty fuckers stacked up their finished plates and cutlery, literally four plates stacked on top of each other and just left there on the table beside me
>Walk out absolutely disgusted, dining experience totally ruined, never leave house again.

>> No.13483466

Based. Pollacks seething about their little meme words is always funny

>> No.13483499

>its almost like
insert soyjack here

>> No.13483616

Like I said, it's not at all an obligation. Counting pennies on a fun night out just makes you look like a jew

>shaming restaurant guests into paying your emaciated staff's wages
>calling me a jew

>> No.13483911

Please kill yourself with thanks.

>> No.13484046

children, this is obviously b8
a shit, smoothbrain b8 also. 18 replies, really? why are you so fucking dumb?

>> No.13484090

heres a honest advice for you and also the other 14y old retards in this thread: stop building your identity on the fact that you browse 4chan. its deforming your personality and leaves you vulnerable to b8 posts like this. its also one of the most pathetic things a person can do i think.

>> No.13484447

>obsessed o'clock
more like obesed o'clock you fucking fatass

>> No.13484494


>> No.13484656

ello old chap ows the weatha in ol blighty?

>> No.13484688

What the fuck is a MIL?