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13468779 No.13468779 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans so obsessed over soda? In every country in Europe it's normal to drink water or seltzer?

>> No.13468793
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>> No.13468798

Because it's sugary and cheap, and marketed aggressively.

>> No.13468808

>drinking seltzer
Why? You're eroding your teeth for what tastes like the liquid equivalent of sand

>> No.13468824

It doesn't do anything to your teeth and it tastes good

>> No.13468827

Are you asking two questions?

>> No.13468836
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Fuck off you absolute retard
>t Dutch

>> No.13468858

Fuck off you absolute retard
>t Swedish

>> No.13468876

It's true tho

>> No.13468877

she cute

>> No.13468881

Why is your country obsessed with Americans?

>> No.13468882

I've been there recently

>> No.13468884

Fuck off you absolute retard
>t Czech

>> No.13468895
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She's giving me that uncanny valley feeling. Stare straight at the center of her face for a while. Something isn't right.

>> No.13468937

she is as if a mannequin came to life

>> No.13468999

Fuck off
t. Canuck

>> No.13469144

Rent free

>> No.13469170
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I think I found what was bothering me. Shaped, painted, then lacquered. Even worse than normal makeup. Contouring is like quick plastic surgery done with a makeup kit.

>> No.13469176

America is the prime example of social engineering.
The vast majority is taught what to think and what to like.

>> No.13469180

This so much

>> No.13469202


That always annoys the piss out of me. You can't drink soda, you can't drink wine, you can't drink sparkling water. You can't drink fucking anything but plain jane water. Hell why not go and tell us that cold water and ice water is bad for you too. Only lukewarm water!

>> No.13469215
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>> No.13469222

who's saying sparkling water is bad for teeth? its just carbon dioxide and salt

>> No.13469808
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> In every country in Europe it's normal to drink water or seltzer?
Stop being retarded. You're the second biggest market for Coke and other sodas do even better in Europe than in North America. I bet you think no one in Europe eats at McDonald's either even though they get more revenue from that market than the US.

>> No.13469822

>white-knighting mutts
Pathetic soyboy faggots. You probably love the latest capeshit movies and funko pops.

>> No.13469825

Kids drink soda. If you're drinking it as an adult, you're a brainlet.

>> No.13469839

The mcdicks in europe exist solely for mutt tourists who are too scared to eat elsewhere and need their 1 litre of hfcs to stave off withdrawals.

>> No.13469875

That wasn't even a half effort of trolling. Try again.

>> No.13469886

He's right though. We EURO BVLLS prefer wholesome restaurants that serve our traditional cuisines.

>> No.13469888

seething shitskin inbred

>> No.13469894

because we drive everywhere and eat mostly fast food and they pretty much give you the drink for free with a combo meal vs buying burger + fries or whatever individually

>> No.13469898

if europoors love water so much, why do you have to pay for water in restaurants? some countries you even have to specify still or sparkling water

>> No.13469903

I'm a Spaniard, you pathetic, soy-addicted, consoomerist subhuman. Go queue for hours in front of a Starbucks and jack off to Marvel movies, you skinnyfat subhuman redditor.

>> No.13469938

This shit looks so bad. It's been a meme with brown girls since the kardashians got big.

>> No.13469947

Seltzer is soda.

>> No.13469948

by internet standards Spanish are practically niggers

>> No.13469949
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McDonalds is for black people here though anon. It has been since the 1970s. McDonalds hasn't been served to whites since the 1960s. Protip: black people don't go to europe from the us, theh immigrate en masse from africa

>> No.13469952


Yeah that's a big nah from me dawg. Yall gor browned by the turks 500 years ago and have a touch of the tar brush as bad as Sicily.

>> No.13469957
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>le Spaniards aren't white maymay xD
Shitskin cope. Only mutts with racial daddy issues, arabs who seethe at the Reconquista and people who don't know what Spaniards look like claim this. Spaniards are, except for rare cases, indistinguishable from other Western Europeans. Also most moors were converts, the actual Arabs were a minority and Spaniards cluster close to other Europeans on genetic maps.

>> No.13469963

Sure thing Muhammed we all believe you

>> No.13469965

Why are Europeans so obsessed with Americans?

>> No.13469967

Facts don't care about your feelings, DeShawn Tombolino De La Guadalupe III

>> No.13469968
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The weak fear the strong

>> No.13469971

Do Americans really not realize 99% of these threads are made by Americans?

>> No.13469972

Is that your prime ministers name?

>> No.13470014

i dont fear blobby dumb shartpants like you

>> No.13470017

11 supercarriers amigo

>> No.13470022
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Yep, it’s a mutt alright

>> No.13470056
File: 111 KB, 800x800, vienna-fr-and-this-is-jackassarayl-vania-romania-carniola-croatia-bosnia-trieete-bucharusi-tgrate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when england bankrupts itself fighting for belgium and transfers its empire of wealth to a war profiteering nation but meanwhile spain is fighting itself after going bankrupt because it's kings were too stupid to understand capitolism for the last 500 years and squandered everything turning spain from a superpower and into a third world country of complete irrelevence

>> No.13470076

Schizo post

>> No.13470087

Learn history because it's downright hilarious. The fall of spain in particular is hysterical. During the age of imperialism Europe grew through credit which is how a tiny place like Holland had the largest army in world history by paying so many mercenaries. But the Spanish kings were mentally retarded and refused to pay their debts so their credit lines stopped and Spain started dying. Meanwhile they got into a fight with England and got kamikazed in the channel like the Persians in Greese and the Mongols in Japan years earlier. Then Spain lost it's armada and all of it's credit which is why it is a third world country up to this day.

>> No.13470122

The schizo part is you thinking any of that is relevant to this thread you fucking schizo mutt

>> No.13470135

Lmao it's just funny how hard we boned Europe during ww1. You guys never recovered. Hahahaha especially England

>> No.13470486


I checked 10 stores over Christmas and could not find a single Sprite cranberry. All they had was fucking Cherry. Not even cinny coke either.

>> No.13470532

>11 supercarriers
y-y-yep, it's america alright

>> No.13470592

An american walks into a pub and says ''I'll have a bud light.'' The bartender replies ''You're an American, right?'' The guy says ''How did you know, was it the beer or my accent?''. The bartender replies ''Neither, you're the fattest fuck i've ever seen in my life.''

>> No.13470780
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cool story!

>> No.13470792

>america is the fattest country
>but also the most athletic
how do they do it bros

>> No.13470799
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Because their athletes look like this.

>> No.13470827

then how do other countries get so BTFO by them at the olympics? thats just embarassing.

>> No.13470831

And we always bring home more gold medals than the rest of the world combined.

>> No.13470852

US isn't even top 10 in gold medals per capita, retarded mutt and mutt fellator.

>> No.13470885

>making shit up
You're boring.

>> No.13470900

dumb goblino

>> No.13470928
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>per capita
the biggest cope of 2020 right here

>> No.13470931

Not an argument, goblina.

>> No.13470966

>thinking emilia clark is american
>reflexively calls her a goblina

>> No.13471611

Why do Europeans haha got your hopes up nobody cares. Congrats on your (you)s from Americans though. Glad we could make your day.

>> No.13471621

>I'm a Spaniard
aka, seething shitskin inbred

>> No.13471623



>> No.13471633

Actually cold water is bad for your throat. Lukewarm water is actually the best water to drink, anon.

That said it really don’t matter unless you plan on putting a tremendous strain on your throat, such as talking for long periods of time or singing.

>> No.13471640

>there’s no tipping
Not really a selling point when you don’t tip anyway

>> No.13471666
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amerimutt cope

>> No.13471668

Sprite cranberry is absolutely vile. I got a 64 pack about 5 years ago for like 7 bucks and I thought it was an amazing deal. I couldnt give that shit away it was so bad

>> No.13471727
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>> No.13471859

>The mcdicks in europe exist solely for mutt tourists
Americans do some of the least international travel out of any country. Only about 20% even have a passport and out of that 20% the ones that do have it mostly just use it to buy prescription drugs in Canada or to do recreational drugs in Mexico.
It's obvious Europeans just love McDonald's or else they wouldn't be the top demographic. Deal with it, buddy.

>> No.13471963

eurocucks btfo
eurocuckistanoid COPE

>> No.13473098

This is where Satan thrives. Of course the majority is drinking corn syrup as apart of their diet.

>> No.13473807

My first thought is that she looked homeless.

>> No.13474087

thats literally every country.

>> No.13475776

It's no where near as bad America bruh

>> No.13475840

I don't think I actually know anyone that regularly drinks soda
but then again I'm not friends with fat fucks

>> No.13475846

I see, you're a friendless fattie then.

>> No.13475959
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how did you know

>> No.13476685
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t.pic related
If he was american, you'd call him a mutt.

>> No.13476701

Because you associated drinking soda with being fat and although soda isn't healthy, you can drink it without being overweight if you drink it without going over your TDEE. And blaming specific foods or drinks for being overweight is something common in fat people.
Sorry for my rough words by the way. I hope you lose weight and form good friendships.

>> No.13476755

Americans have been conditioned by their semitic overlords to worship corn syrup

>> No.13477243
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I'm sorry, but $6.49 for 12 cans is cheap?

>> No.13477279

The fuck?
People drink soda everywhere you tit

>> No.13477320
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>this seething brown manlet

>> No.13477377

it's cheaper than gasoline you dumbass

>> No.13477453
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>additional sales tax of 1.75c/oz
>additional tax is almost the same price as goods
>state and federal tax not shown
Modern coasties are a fucking cancer and the opposite of American.

>> No.13477457

oh im sorry i led you to think im actually fat im just shitposting

>> No.13477479

This guy has a nice body, and I hate black people.

>> No.13477595

>Putting europe, ME and Africa in the same fucking graph
Nah, fuck off.

>> No.13477603

Why are you so obsessed with America? Do Europeans really have nothing better do to than worry about America, suck off every non-white that comes through their borders, and eat gross food? Don’t you people have jobs?

>> No.13477894
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Im yuropoor and i drank 2 cans of these a day for a month. When i saw they contain as much sugar as a can of coke i quit.

>> No.13478113

After work it's nice to get a tall glass, fill it about halfway with ice, and put in a soda. It is almost as good as booze.

>> No.13478310

Only soda I like is root beer. Also, why the fuck do Germans love their mineralwasser so much? I mean, it's not the worst water I've ever drunk, but jesus. I was there last summer in a store, and there was no normal bottled water. Just case after case of mineralwasser.

>> No.13479616
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I'm a burger and I don't get it either. Tastes like sugary poison. At least booze lets you feel nice while it poisons you.

hop on the (loose leaf) Tea Train.
>usually cheaper than a soda habit
>genuinely very healthy, no sugar, loads of antioxidants
>has some caffeine but is still overall hydrating
>really not that hard to brew
>improves your palate
>endless variety (compare a baihao yinzhen, a pu'er, a da hong pao, and a gyokuro and tell me they taste anything alike)

>america is the fattest country
Not technically true, there are a number of countries beating us out, though admittedly most are irrelevancies like Nauru

>> No.13479637

he's got the muscles to rip a toddler apart like a warm foccacia but with how much likelier blacks are to have heart disease he's a mild scare away from landing in the morgue.

>> No.13479640

When I was a kid and I took a school trip to France I really enjoyed all the fruit juice sodas. In America our "orange" soda only has a artificially flavored neon-orange syrup and is generally understood to be for blacks only.

>> No.13479757

The most popular dishes are European, even in shartistan.

>> No.13479774

>hop on the (loose leaf) Tea Train

This. If you do hop on the tea train from sodaville, do try and not sweeten your tea or at stick with a reasonable amount. Kinda ruins any health claims if you sweeten it with an utter shit ton of sugar like Americans do their iced tea.