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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 283 KB, 680x1133, lazy garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13470574 No.13470574 [Reply] [Original]

Which does /ck/ prefer for lazy weeknight garlic needs? I lean to the jar of minced.

>> No.13470588

I prefer to use a microplane, but its annoying to use and wash if Im only doing like one or two cloves. Maybe I could buy a 2nd little one for garlic only or something.

Slicing or chopping garlic is always fucking annoying.

>> No.13470589

poor bait, although I‘m still confused why these products even exist

>> No.13470590

Whole garlic, it takes seconds to peel and smash. Prepared garlic is all slop.

>> No.13470608
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>Why yes, I think Kirkland-brand granulated dry garlic is a perfect substitute for fresh, how could you tell?

>> No.13470632

For making a rub to put on beef ribs.

>> No.13470643

I’ve noticed really no difference if you’re mincing it anyways

>> No.13470668
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This is as lazy as I'll go, and I almost never use the food processor either if I can help it. Bruised garlic is bitter and gross, if I have time or a prep bitch I'll mince a quart and leave in in oil. The mince stays white, not that awful yellow.
There are plenty of occasions where if you need a lot of garlic and mincing seems like too much it's totally fine to roast them then add to your sauce or whatever. Probably a better application in a lot of ways.
trash human

>> No.13470692

Before the /ck/ mafia comes out, yes I am aware there are legitimate uses for crushed or pureed fresh garlic, and that's not what we are doing here today. Thanks.

>> No.13471135

Jarred minced garlic is disgusting. Do your own comparison at home to see for yourself. You can quickly crush garlic with your knife, remove the peel, and roughly mince it. If that's truly too much effort then get a garlic press.

>> No.13471266

OPs shit bait aside; do you guys remove the sprouts from individual cloves? why/why not?

>> No.13471291

Is garlic the main star of the dish (aglio e olio, chicken and 40 cloves, etc.)? Then yes, because they can make it a bit bitter. Am I just throwing in a few cloves for accent? Naw, I'm not gonna spend the time.

>> No.13471356

you think the bitterness comes from the sprout? interesting. i once received the tip to remove it to avoid garlic breath, which is of course also more important in for instance an aglio e olio. honestly, the more pronounced the sprout, the more i am contemplating just tossing the garlic out, because it's already too old and starts having this musky taste

>> No.13471411

I don't think, I know. Cut out a sprout, then cut off an equal-sized piece of garlic from the clove. Try both. And yes, you should be looking for signs of this when you buy your garlic. It should feel heavy for its size, have tightly wrapped paper, no black or soft spots, and no visible green coming from the top of the bulb.

>> No.13471427

>Heh, I only use FRESH garlic. This is /ck/ plebian, get that minced shit out of here.
>Meanwhile, 90% of /ck/ is fast food shit, frozen shit, and alcohol
This board is one of the worst. So much elitism when the vast majority of the board is the lowest common denominator that they profess to hate.

>> No.13471435

i prefer to buy fresh garlic, before it starts to sprout heavily i am usually about to finish it off anyways
unfortunately you're right but every here and there actual discussions will come around. contrarian shitposting and elitism in general is 4chan and always has been, at least on the boards i frequent

>> No.13471438

I would definitely try the frozen garlic ice cubes. But I never see them at the store.

>> No.13471468
File: 1.13 MB, 640x360, yan can garlic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every garlic thread until you buy a cai dao.

>> No.13471546

I keep a jar of ginger/garlic paste in the fridge but that's more for if I ran out of garlic and didn't notice until last minute. It's not terrible I have to drain it before use.

>> No.13471578

anyone red/bluepill me on most pre-peeled garlic being slave/prison labor?

i imagine trader joes peeled garlic isnt really ethical garlic considering their prices

>> No.13471595

Serves them right for doing crime

>> No.13471613

another question:
what is best oil for sauteeingg veggies? ive been using extra virgin olive oil. i know that is wrong.
should i go back to coconut oil? my roommate has lots of bacon fat.

id like to be somewhat a bit frugal and health conscious

>> No.13471616

>if I have time or a prep bitch I'll mince a quart and leave in in oil.
Botulism 101

>> No.13471673

You don't need to buy watery pre-minced garlic for that you retard. At the very worst you can just buy the pre-peeled stuff. A few cloves of garlic with a little salt can be turned into a paste in a pestle and mortar in like 20 seconds. There is never a reason to buy the minced stuff.

>> No.13471680

The prepped meals thread that died about a week ago really drove home how fucking awful this board is.
>food cooked THREE days ago???
>no thanks, I'd rather get Wendy's on my lunch break
>it's just as healthy anyway

>> No.13471721

>meal prep
Might as well go to /gd/ and ask why they don't just use a monospaced font for everything so they don't have to worry about kerning.

>> No.13471723

Depends on what you're making. I'll be making green beans & bacon for dinner today and after blanching the beans I'll be finishing them in the bacon fat with mushrooms, onion, jalapenos and some garlic. For general purpose I'll use grapeseed oil as it's not particularly expensive and it's fairly neutral with a high smoke point. When I make chili I use olive oil for the onion and garlic but that's more out of tradition than anything and I cook them slowly for a long time so I can't think of a practical reason to switch to anything else.

>> No.13471739

>implying this is a cooking board and not just a food board
The most some of these people "cook" is making a bowl of cereal in the morning.

>> No.13471741

Keep driving the point home even further. There are multiple reasons why a person would prep meals, and there are a variety of dishes and methods to make them better. Not that you would know or care when Popeye's every other day is good enough for you.

>> No.13471856

Use oil that has a smoke point of 400ºF or higher. Canola oil is cheap and healthy and olive oil that's not extra virgin is healthy with a high enough smoke point for sautéing. Other popular high smoke point oils that come to mind are safflower oil, peanut oil, avocado oil, and grapeseed oil, which I think are considered healthy or at least not unhealthy. I usually use canola oil for everything other than dressings and finishings but have been experimenting with avocado oil and safflower oil so I can cook at higher temperatures. I didn't like the taste of the safflower oil, but avocado oil is very neutral and can withstand high heat. Since it costs more, I only use it when I want to be able to cook at a higher temperature than canola oil can withstand.

>> No.13471860

I just buy actual garlic
There’s no way I’m going to use a whole one when I’m cooking a dish.

>> No.13471863

I've bought frozen garlic cubes and they seem perfectly fine.

>> No.13471999

All the pre-peeled and minced garlic I've seen comes from China,it smells like garlic but has no taste at all.

>> No.13472013

i believe the point of minced garlic is to save time so you dont have to clean the motor and pestle and not everyoje has a fuckhuge kitchen where shit like that sits on the counter

>> No.13472026

A pestle and mortar is smaller than most electric can openers. It's an unbroken concave surface that cleans instantly. Minced garlic is for lazy retarded boomers.

>> No.13472031

how this nigga preparing all that mutton?

>> No.13472079


>> No.13472152

Whole garlic crushed with a garlic press.

>> No.13472161

I expect that the trader joe's garlic is mechanically peeled.

>> No.13473192

chinese prison labor is cheaper than mechanically peeled garlic? can i like email trader joes to ask? does anyone here think they know the answer?

>> No.13473199

how much garlic do you loose out on with a garlic press?

>> No.13473240

I was making a recipe the other night and realized all of my garlic had gone bad. I used dried minced garlic because it's better than nothing. I prefer to keep it around for situations like that because it's better than nothing.

>> No.13473258
File: 2.35 MB, 2984x3576, ssp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also it was sweet and sour pork

>> No.13473306

that looks tasty my friend
quick rundown on the recipe?

>> No.13473353

I went with like 3 recipes and combined them so it's a bit messy. I didn't like the sweet and sour sauce when I made it so I adjusted it while I was cooking too. I tried editing the recipe to be closer to what I did. I don't know how authentic it is but I tried my best.

Sweet and Sour Pork

Main Dish:
1 lb pork butt cut into ½" cubes
1 bell pepper
half a white onion
1 small can pineapple chunks
2 cloves garlic

½ tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp corn flour
50 ml Chinese wine
1 egg beaten

Sweet and sour sauce:
Rice vinegar ½ cup
Water ¼ cup
Cane sugar ½ cup (probably more)
Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon
Ketchup 1 tablespoon
Kosher salt 1/8 teaspoon
Corn starch 1 ½ teaspoon mix with two teaspoons of water (probably more)
Salt ½ teaspoon

Corn Starch Slurry (to thicken sauce)
Corn Starch 1 tablespoon
Cold Water 1 tablespoon

Prepare marinade and add pork. Let sit for at least an hour.
Add cornstarch to pork mix and mix until it is a gluey mixture. Let sit for another 20 minutes.
Spread cornstarch on a plate and coat pork individually before putting in fryer.
Cook in fryer at 350-375F. Cook meat for approximately 5 minutes until it is mostly done. Remove and let cool then fry again for 1 minute.

Preparing the Sauce
Place all sauce ingredients in a pot or saucepan and bring to boil over medium heat, stirring consistently. Simmer for 20 minutes and thicken with cornstarch solution. Set aside to cool.

Putting it all together:
Heat oil in a skillet and add onions. Add the bell pepper and then garlic. Add pineapples and stir fry for a bit more. After, add in sauce and pork and allow it to come to a boil. Add cornstarch slurry to thicken.

I added more cornstarch as I thought it was necessary.

>> No.13473367

will make later this week
thanks friend

>> No.13473480

I try this but it never works. it doesn't crush completely and I always end up with bits on the floor.

>> No.13473595

Thanks for sharing that link, anon.

>> No.13473608

Am I pleb for using a garlic press

>> No.13474179

You don't smack it as hard or from as high up a him, and you can use a normal knife.

Hold knife against the garlic, against the board, making sure the thicker handle of the knife won't press against the board. Bang it with your fist, repeat with all cloves. Remove the skins from each piece, they could come off easily if you did it right. Then make 1-3 crush, chop, spread passes over it with the knife and you'll have a paste. Stop earlier if you want a mince.

>> No.13476644
File: 178 KB, 640x360, garlic puree.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That webm skips over the bit where he cuts it into sections, but if you cut the clove into two or three chunks, you can place the flat side of each chunk down on the board and it'll crush better and not go flying everywhere. Also follow through with your hand and sort of push the knife down and across instead of just down.

>> No.13476672

>hold garlic clove in your hands
>remove paper
>enjoy fresh crushed garlic

>> No.13476692

To be fair Asian and I think a good junk of "non-English" letter fonts are mono spaced. Also having a font that has ligatures is nice and helps with kerning. Also Tracking is what's used for full text blocks, and isnt too much of an adjustment to deal with. Kerning is more for titles and headers.

>> No.13477010
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>> No.13478362
File: 141 KB, 288x369, 1467634317945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I could afford it I would go with actual fresh garlic. None of the chink shit.
But I can't so I use garlic powder.

>> No.13478572

Anon you might want to get the fck off the nomnoms board if u can’t tell the diff

>> No.13478584

Lol I worked in a restaraunt where they’d “roast” the garlic basically in a confit of vegetable oil in a big hotel tray and then literally throw a lid on it and leave it on the floor under the prep tables for what seemed like weeks. Making garlic mash we would just scoop it out along with some oil and mix it in. They used margarine instead of butter as well. Disgusting. I quit without notice eventually. Their tiramisu was good tho. I once saw the chef drop a piece of chicken on the nasty floor and then serve it.

>> No.13478609
File: 124 KB, 640x480, 5640EB09-C108-407D-8A10-6C588070D54F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i sautee pickled peppers?

>> No.13478648

my roommate wants me to sweep the floor after every time i cook


>> No.13478936

dried and ground coarse is the way to go (also called semolina garlic where I live)
garlic paste is sometimes acceptable if used in asian dishes and it's good quality
anyone who uses pickled garlic should hang from the elm tree

>> No.13479056 [DELETED] 

>So much elitism when the vast majority of the board is the lowest common denominator that they profess to hate.
This sounds like every board.

>> No.13479060 [DELETED] 

I would never trust that fucking psychopath with my food, let alone with a fucking knife. I saw the garlic fragments fly to the left, and the way he pointed the knife to himself? This guy isn't right in the head.

>> No.13480067
File: 536 KB, 1280x960, 90D859AD-98C3-4D4D-9F24-88FCD4F00708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at what point do i add spices like mustard, garlic and cayenne powders to the 'sautee'd' potatoes? do i add it to the oil at the very begining or wait until the end to add it so it does not burn?

i also notice the pan is dry of oil near the end of the cooking, (by the time the potatoes are soft) should i add more oil when i add the spices?

olive oil vs canola oil vs coconut oil vs bacon fat: which would you use?

fuck, i hate phone posting

>> No.13480080

>dried and ground coarse is the way to go
youre talking a out the dry minced stuff?
why is it different from powdered garlic?

is it good for sautee'ing? throw it in the pil early to soften it up?
good for mixing with a can of pinto beans?
good for adding into canned tomato soup?

>> No.13480316

Tell him next time he says that shit you're gonna kill him in his sleep

>> No.13480341

yes, I use frozen garlic blocks
hate me, HATE ME

1 block per 200-250g of meat is enough