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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13465109 No.13465109 [Reply] [Original]

how do people eat runny eggs? runny yolk has the texture of snot or cum. do they pretend to like it like they pretend to enjoy bloody steak?

>> No.13465118

Lol you just said you eat snot and cum. Ur gay

>> No.13465124

sounds like you're undercooking it

yolk is thicker and more gravy-like. when some of the white isn't set all the way, there will be a small amount of what you're describing as snot or cum. it's called chalaza. a properly-cooked over-easy egg is one of life's greatest pleasures.

>> No.13465125
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>how do people eat runny eggs?
over their hash browns or homefries if you're a patrician

>> No.13465127

You sweep it up with bread and it's tasty as fuck

>> No.13465134

fuck u

>> No.13465139

I never liked runny eggs and then I became an adult who developed an appreciation for them

>> No.13465147

Your palate is underdeveloped. Don't worry, you'll grow.

You should stop eating snot and cum, btw...

>> No.13465281

Use a knife and fork to cut the egg up and sop up the remaining yolk with crusry bread or toast. I remember reading a description of a guy eating his eggs so runny he mixed them together in a bowl and ate it with a spoon in Faulkner's "Light in August."

>> No.13465286

>people who like things I don’t like are pretending
Go be fat and ugly somewhere else

>> No.13465304
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>how do people eat runny eggs? runny yolk has the texture of snot or cum. do they pretend to like it like they pretend to enjoy bloody steak?
You seem really immature and you probably have an issue with a lot of food textures.

It is cultural preference some of the time, like a lack of knowledge about safe temperatures for a salmonella food. Try to get a well done egg, or nonrunny scrambled eggs in latin america. Good luck.

The brits even cut the bread into "soldiers" to dip toast into a very soft boiled egg's yolk.

But, on a fried egg sandiwch, the overeasy runny yolk is duplicating the moisture of mayo. It adds flavor, smooth texture/mouthfeel and moisture to items underneath it, in other words. From a dry english muffin, hash browns, corned beef hash, salad greens, etc. Don't forget raw egg yolks are in mayo and in some salad dressings. They're good like that.

>> No.13465305

I crack 4 eggs into my Shin Ramyun. Most of it is runny but cooked.
Why? Because I am the white master race.

>> No.13465372

I don't like runny yolk by itself, but it's nice as a topping on things. If I'm going to have eggs by themselves I prefer having the yolks and whites mixed together completely like an omelette or a scramble. I don't like the taste of egg white by itself, but a fried egg with runny yolk on a burger or something is nice.

>> No.13465466
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STOP liking what I don't like !!

we all have to be the same , Because I am afraid of everything, I don't understand how things taste because I only eat Cheeto's and drink diet pepsi at home and think that fast food is fine dining.

I can't imagine being that narrow minded and afraid of things that are different.

>> No.13465485

>the texture of snot or cum

Is it just me or is this the argument of literally everyone trying to explain why they don't like a fluid? I see this exact shit with mayo too.

>> No.13465490

Fuck you, and fuck everybody that looks like you. Runny eggs are the best eggs. Sopping up egg yolks with your ham, bacon, or sausage is breakfast's greatest delight.

>> No.13465491

came here to post this. yolk is a godsend, literally mothers milk for non placental animals. but you vegan don't like milk, do you? 'lactose intolerant' by ethnicity, hmm?

>> No.13465511

I always trim away the whites first, and then put the whole yolk in my mouth and let it burst
Am I the only one...?

>> No.13465517

you just sop up the yolk with toast or dip your sausages in it

>> No.13465529

I don't know what cum tastes like, I am not a faggot.

>> No.13465574

>like they pretend to enjoy bloody steak?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.13465594

>I see this exact shit with mayo too.
If someone's cum is the consistency of mayo they should see a doctor.

>> No.13465640

are you a doctor? if not, chew my thick orange cOOOOOOm

>> No.13465714


>> No.13465804

Liar. Literally every man has tasted his own at one time or another.

>> No.13465833

I've been trying them raw lately... Taste almost like nothing unless you bite the yolk. Not a huge benefit just no mess no clean. I guess a salmonella risk but meh. I always preferred the runniest egg anyway so. Hate scrambled.

>> No.13465886

Fippy bippy

>> No.13465951
File: 280 KB, 1275x717, A84C36D8-3FF4-4E5C-A7DD-3659DECB8E90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you’re a cumbrain

>> No.13466121

eggs in the state state like fuckin shit so i dont blame amerifags for not eating em runny. Disgusting pale unhappy yolks. You can taste the stress from the chicken

>> No.13466134

literally just taste your own
its not "gay" because no other person is even involved. Swallowing your own semen is not gay, just like touching your own cock and playing with it is not gay

>> No.13466163
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i like runny yolks and also pick my nose and eat my own cum

>> No.13466167
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>cumbrain can't put something in a hole
no way man
putting stuff into holes is literally all they think about

>> No.13466209

Ovrr toast is master race