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13462210 No.13462210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do African Americans like this drink so much?

>> No.13462211

It's a safe bet for when you want to overspend on liquor

>> No.13462226


>> No.13462247

Sponsored mentions,and brand advertising in rap music.

>> No.13462262

I’m white and I love the stuff. 1 shot is like a Xanax for me. I don’t shoot it but it’s the equivalent of a good shot. I just sip it with one ice cube. It hits me in a way that no other liquor does. Just calms me and helps me. I really love it. I won’t ever get drunk on it though.

>> No.13462266

It's expensive, and more importantly other people know it's expensive. They're peacocking.

>> No.13462340

Literally just rappers and showing off wealth, for the price point of one bottle there are so many better liquors you could get

>> No.13462377

It's also the biggest meme by far in the PRC, every fuerdai (equivalent of rich trust fund kid) drinks exclusively Hennessy mixed 50/50 with green tea, don't fucking ask me how or why

>> No.13462392
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That's not what I like to call them.
Also this thread has nothing to do with food or cooking and very little to do with alcohol.

>> No.13462418

They think it's classy, it's sweet, and alcoholic. Of course they like that. Also, the liquor store I work at locks up all the Hennessy, even the 50ml minis. Lol it's in a predominantly white area, but we lock it up nonetheless for when the nigs show up.

But they always say "aay dawg, kood u get me a fifth of Henny"

>> No.13462430

I don't want to think about what kind of day someone is having that involves buying a single 50ml of hennesy

>> No.13462434

Because it's not a cheap imitation from the US.

>> No.13462437

>entire view of blacks derives from sitcoms and hollywood movies, sprinkled with F(au)x News and Breitbart clickbait.

>> No.13462451
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>It's expensive
It's really not, but it's definitely overpriced

>> No.13462457

it was decided that they would consoom this

>> No.13462461


Almost every black I've known, even the nice ones, have been walking stereotypes. The only exceptions being a 50/50 nerd and a tiny little jamaican woman

>> No.13462464

it's no coincidence that every single rap song is full of product placement
do nigs love hennessy or does hennessy love to pay rappers to shill their swill?

>> No.13462468


>buying $250 liquor

Why? Like I can understand it can last for a very long time for a light drinker, I'm that kind of drinker, but $250? Theres so much more productive shit you can finance for $250

>> No.13462477
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I make way more money than I can spend and I enjoy drinking interesting stuff

>> No.13462515

It's no different from any other cognac, you fool.

>> No.13462552
File: 46 KB, 400x362, image0_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's actually a historical reason why black people like cognac dating to WW2, it's not just due to it being expensive. Google around if you want a history lesson and to become slightly more cultured

>> No.13462562

>uhhh there's a reason but I don't know what it is so... just Google it ok???
Kill yourself frognigger

>> No.13462564

Thanks for the tip you ugly, unlovable mouse of lesser than average intelligence

>> No.13462566

That's a mouse. Not a frog.

And I'm not telling you something you can find with a 2 second Google search anon, unless you show me your feet

>> No.13462574
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Excuse me, rude.

>> No.13462580

Here's a question, why do black people all call half-pints "personal bottles" when everyone of every other race refers to full pints that way?

>> No.13462588

Please die :)

>> No.13462594
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>> No.13462608

Other cognacs don’t affect me the same way and it’s what I keep around the house if I need it. You don’t need to be so damn rude.

>> No.13462615
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How this compare?

>> No.13462629

Never tried it. We don’t have a Costco only a sams and they don’t sell it or any local liquor stores b

>> No.13463518

Post salary

>> No.13463542

because 2pac rapped about it

>> No.13463573

Because they're niggers.

>> No.13463577

It’s the same thing in every kind, ethanol. Any enhanced effects beyond getting drunk/buzzed are placebo.

>> No.13463585

No. Beer gives me massive headache while spirits do not

>> No.13463591
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no :^)

>> No.13463620

That actually happens from repressed homosexuality anon

>> No.13463670

I live in a white area and the total wine near me locks up Hennessy and courvasier but not cognacs that are twice as expensive as them. kek.

>> No.13463691

Welcome to the world of drinking alcohol like every other adult. You just prefer cognac over others, hennessy is nothing special expect for its publicity.

>> No.13463698

Hows that super nova? Been eyeing it up for some time.

>> No.13463728

It's a fucking trip, but it also mandates drinking it over the course of at least an hour
half of the pleasure is seeing the flavors change and build, I have to work my way up to it with laphroaig or ardbeg 10 yr so the phenols don't overshadown everything
if you like peat, it's one of the best

>> No.13463746

>Why do African Americans like this drink so much?

My understanding is that it goes back to the days of WW2 where black american servicemen would be on leave in Paris and find themselves treated as equals for the first time in their lives, which lead to them going out on the town and developing a taste for French booze. They took this back to the US with them and passed it on to their descendants

>> No.13463753

Youre the second person Ive heard mention the need to take your time with it. Does it actually develop that much or is it more about its complexity? The menthol is whats drawing me to it, peat and menthol are the choice flavors.

>> No.13463768

we already have a booze thread dude

>> No.13463785

best way I can describe it is the overall profile of flavors is pretty consistent, but the relative intensity of each individual flavor changes quite a bit

it starts out sweet and spicy on the front end, peaty, herbal, and green on the backend at first, but as time passes and your palate acclimates, it inverts
I give mine about 2 drops of water, but I've also tried it straight and it's a different experience

>> No.13463788

t. wigger

>> No.13463797

Did you get that bullshit from your local Nation of Islam preacher?

>> No.13463800

Damn I wish I was an alcoholic (with money)

>> No.13463811

You sold me, gonna hunt down a bottle. Kino taste btw, these JD guzzlers dont know what theyre missing.

>> No.13463826

I didn't know menthol was a thing. supernova is expensive, do you have any cheapish suggestions?

>> No.13463869

I when to high school with a black kid that was adopted, and he didn't fit in the stereotypes other than talking non-stop and having a marginal IQ.

>> No.13463873

Ive found that prices vary greatly for me depending on the season and location. Found cheap bottles of Ardbeg 10, Ive seen Costco sell Laphroaig for 60 leaf dollars. Spend some time in the whisky threads and take note of the stuff youd like to try and then keep an eye out when your shopping. Sometimes store owners need to clear good stuff out of inventory and drop the price significantly.

>> No.13463878

Try Lagavulin and Ardbeg. There are a lot of overpriced scotches that don't compare.

>> No.13463975

This and they would never want to drink whiskey because that’s what slave owner southerners drank

>> No.13463984

Bullshit. Former slaves didn't avoid things just because their owners did them. That should be obvious enough from the number of niggers with last names like "Williams", "Johnson", and "Smith" who just continued using the last name of their former master once they were freed.

>> No.13464238

Goes good in cocktails, had it last night with vermouth and banana syrup.

>> No.13464461

monkey see, monkey do
As with anything white-man-made, nigs have to steal it. And since rappers only talk about cognac and champagne and use the brand names in their rhymes, it makes it well known among their populace. I doubt we are ever going to hear any of them rap aboud Ardbeg Uigedail, Auchentoschan, Bruichladdich, Bunnahabhai or Caol Ila. It is also overpriced and in their mind thus classy.

>> No.13464467
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green tea makes it very smooth and drinkable and chuggable

its always martell and green tea/ginger ale here

t. ex waiter in singapore

>> No.13464488


>> No.13464496

Just wait until the gooks discover Erk n Jerk (E&J). we are fucked they'll go on alcohol fueled rampages and smash everything

>> No.13464501

It's simple. Group think and fitting in with your fellow blacks.