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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13462087 No.13462087 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about packed lunches. I'm trying to avoid spending money out, so I'm looking for packed lunch recipes and tips. Preferably stuff that you can prep a day in advance and eat cold.

What are some things you do to take food with you from home, /ck/?

>> No.13462090
File: 1.17 MB, 1110x655, 1bebcba6-4569-43d1-bdbd-feb8f3ef135b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post some more of these shitty infographics I found to bump.

>> No.13462102

ya take ya white bread
ya take ya peanut butter
ya take ya strawberry jam
and ya make a sandwich

>> No.13462115
File: 1.32 MB, 1150x701, 6e1fc9e0-e59e-47d5-9213-8cc559d01509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple as.
I've done sandwiches all my life, just trying to shake things up a bit.

>> No.13462128

the drinks look rancid as fuck

>> No.13462244
File: 1.10 MB, 1037x645, 688bc763-924a-40fe-b711-3f29d5d5551f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13462276

>85% PURE chocolate
a 56%'er made this

>> No.13462344
File: 1.19 MB, 1144x714, 2405c76f-04e6-44bf-86df-a494a6230564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13462357

The M&M pancakes with agave nectar didn't give it away?

>> No.13462359

are these cunts really calling watered-out juice 'infused' water, fuck outta here

>> No.13462417
File: 734 KB, 554x694, 9070c2af-0c15-4939-ae0d-7cb6fc58d76c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're infusing water with ingredients, not watering down juice. It's kind of ridiculous, but strictly correct.

>> No.13462428
File: 1.38 MB, 1250x619, d98232cb-3169-45fb-933c-6edd20d295c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13462538
File: 1.28 MB, 1151x703, e334eebe-9e59-486f-9ce7-1de7453bd56b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13462547

These look fucking awful.
Just make extra of your dinner and put it in a box and bring it with you the next day.

>> No.13462702

Reddit faggotry

>> No.13463043

I ended up at the point where I would just eat a "protein" granola bar (Great Value or Nature Valley) for late breakfast and one for lunch as meals were too much of a hassle working an outdoor job with no fridge, but I think I would have still ended up there if I had stayed in an office job. I enjoy cooking at home, but a lot of food is gross reheated in an office microwave or gets soggy or generally disgusting and the stuff that is fine gets redundant and sad. With that said, you can make cold wraps, spring mix salad greens with both grilled (or pan seared) chicken and homemade balsamic on the side, any kind of salad or slaw that contains seeds, cheese, and bits of meat (could be bacon but could be cheaper stuff), PB&J, regular sandwich but wait to put dressing/sauce on at lunch, and cold chicken with mustard and hot sauce. That's all I got. I actually get why people drink soylent freak drinks. It's so sad to eat before and at work that people would rather streamline it into some sort of depression nutrient slush.

>> No.13463081

Also I was making anywhere between $10 to $25 an hour in office jobs. On the low end my food was really sad, but on the high end they were taking 25% of my pay. With $750 take home per week I had enough to pay for a shitty room in an expensive city and pay for phone and other bills but just enough to pay for restaurants and take out. When I was making more I often just spent it on either real meals or something quick from 7/11. When you get paid more you're expected to work non-stop in an office job anyway. So I generally resorted to ignoring eating real food until I got off work. I also tended to eat crushed peanuts in full fat greek yogurt to sustain myself in the better paying job.

>> No.13463091
File: 888 KB, 604x755, ecf8faf6-ac0e-449a-ba50-55a30dd57b99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the last one. Yeah, they're faggoty, but I'm using them as a bit of a springboard for looking at portable meals.

The protein bar/smoothie kind of combo that just aims for max nutrients is depressing as shit, but somehow just barely manages to beat out microwaved garbage. I think cold meat cuts and fresh veggies is the way to go.

>> No.13463180

Cold cuts with cheese, olives, and crudité is great and easy to make for work. The only issue is that eventually anything easy to make for work ends up becoming redundant and associated with work. I did low quality PB&J for quite a while, because it could fill me up and I couldn't get upset about it. If I had been happier with those jobs then maybe I wouldn't have been so easily disgusted with day to day life, but once I started working for myself I stopped caring since I working for yourself and making money at your own accord keeps you busy and eating some bars or powering through is nice rather than depressing.

>> No.13463293

Paella leftovers are delicious cold.

>> No.13463299

>reusing disposable plastic bottles
Great way to get chemical leeching.

>> No.13463446

bud, all of these are way too... not sure how to put it.
Nobody would spend the time to make meals this intricate, just to nuke it in the microwave and have all the shit mix around in a sloppy mess
they look like tasty meals (with some meme ingredients) that you'd be ruining by stuffing them in a lunch box
Who knows, maybe you have the kind of super autism you'd need to keep up that kind of effort for work lunches

>> No.13463515

the very bottom of them look kind of thick, so they may be glass. weird shape though.

>> No.13463778

Or just have a wife who spends time on pinterest

>> No.13463805
File: 247 KB, 739x772, 1576517052457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is inn a container which means it's meant for cold storage
and when rice gets cold, it gets nasty, so wouldn't you want to put the rice in the microwave?
But if you do that the poneapple and tomato and basil and even the avocado would heat up a lot and make it nasty

So what's the purpose in putting them all in a container? temperature wise it is hard to maintain unless in room temperature, and I wouldn't suggest heating it all in the microwave.

Taking out the pineapple tomatoes and avocados to heat the rice and proteins alone seem to defeat the purpose of even having a container

>> No.13463828

two sides of the same coin

>> No.13463857

nips eat cold rice all the time, what's the big deal

>> No.13463860

>Mango & Mint

That sounds fucking disgusting, toothpaste and orange juice tier.

>> No.13463867

it's gross, the texture is ruined, kinda chalky

>> No.13463880

Sure, if you only ever make minute rice and not a variety that works fine cold.

>> No.13463894

>when rice gets cold, it gets nasty, so wouldn't you want to put the rice in the microwave?
Keep in mind that different kinds of rice respond differently to chilling. Long grain rice gets hard as hell and is just about unbearable cold. Medium and short grain rices handle it better and tend to remain a lot more tender than long grain. Think sushi rice.

>> No.13464028

I take a ham sandwich (the types of cheese and veggies I put on it vary), a clementine, a tiny 1/2 cup of salad, and some crackers to work every day. I eat it with water and a red bull. Never gets old.

>> No.13464033

>he doesn't like orange juice and toothpaste
tastelet and reddit

>> No.13464108

These are definitely lunchbox meals made by a lonely overweight 25-30 year old with nothing else to do but watch Netflix. The homemade teas are the most sad aspect of the lunches. It all seems overzealous and not even that healthy. Like things a fat lonely depressed young woman would make to lose weight.

>m&m pancakes with *choke* agave syrup
>weak stick tea in a plastic water bottle
>chicken sausages

>> No.13464222

Why do these people use these nasty single use takeaway containers?

>> No.13464669

I’m currently looking for a bento but I have some very specific requirements.
Can anyone help me?

>> No.13464852

Absolutely based OP. Unlike most retards who post fast food threads and YouTube channel trash.

>> No.13465458
File: 1.91 MB, 400x400, emoji_dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the bigass fucking chunks of shit stuffed into the water bottle gives me some serious negative asmr
it's a little like seeing people drink out of mason jars full of like, avacados or something