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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13462108 No.13462108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

has anyone ever noticed that blacks have the food preferences of children?

all the blacks i know refuse to eat beef that isn't well done, and they're grossed out by mundane shit like avocados.

it's like they won't eat anything that their mom didn't serve them when they were kids. why is this?

>> No.13462122

Yeah i bought craft beer (not ipa just regular ale) for a nigger who sold me some drugs and he totally hated it

>> No.13462178

Most peoples palates are based on what they ate as kids from what I’ve noticed. Maybe some genetic predisposition

>> No.13462193

it's pretty normal for kids to be picky eaters. but all other races tend to actually branch out and try different foods, while blacks seem to stop developing around age 12.

>> No.13462195
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maybe if you seasoned that

>> No.13462199
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I had a black roommate who would not eat tomatoes or anything that had tomatoes in it.

What kind of bullshit is that?

>> No.13462204

>brussel sprouts
my nibba

>> No.13462212

there's clearly a lot of black pepper. can't see the salt obviously.

>> No.13462290

it all comes down to parents. my mom always cooked steak well done. first tried medium/medium rare in high school and remember gagging and being grossed out. now i only order my steak med rare

>> No.13462298

Maybe he has an allergic reactions to tomatoes.

>> No.13462373


Tomatoes are a nightshade so it is highly inflammatory to many people.

>> No.13462572


It's a poor ppl thing

>> No.13462585

This. There's that one rapper that went on Hot Ones and he had literally never had hot sauce before. He didn't have a dad (surprise surprise) and his mom was never home, so he grew up eating only pizza and chicken nuggets every day, and carried on doing that into adulthood.

>> No.13462598

>gagging and being grossed out
How can you possibly be that much of a faggot, it’s like you knew you had to act like a child just for the spectacle

>> No.13462672

Their IQ is in the mild retardation range, there's no reason to expect more from their palate.

>> No.13462700

This steak is cooked very well, I’m jelly.

>> No.13462727

because i never experienced the texture

>> No.13462746

Did you let him fuck your girlfriend too?

>> No.13462752

Wait, you eat nightshades ? LOL

>> No.13462765
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>has anyone ever noticed that blacks have the food preferences of children?

you are deranged
please get help

>> No.13462796
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>> No.13462861


>> No.13462896

He probably complained about that too.

>> No.13462919

low iq race of people

>> No.13462978

even in UK dey always ask for their eggs well done, whereas white folks just take their eggs however the fuck they come

>> No.13462994

I had a black roommate who only ate yams, chickpeas and bargain bin meat

>> No.13463113

Based and redpilled

>> No.13463202

I always heard from medical stats that African-Americans have much higher risk for diabetes and related diseases, and I assumed it was a genetic thing. Then I worked at a coffee shop for a few years and noticed that almost every single black person would order their coffee half full of sugar (sometimes more), and they'd always want jelly to go with their breakfast sandwiches on top of that. Not to say there weren't white people who ordered mountains of sugar, but they were much fewer by comparison. It was very common for black customers to order so much sugar in their coffee that it would almost not dissolve, and turned the coffee into actual syrup. That was when I realized that the black population isn't at higher risk of diabetes because of genetics, but because they have an absolutely insatiable sweet tooth and eat like garbage. Like you said, OP, they eat like children. It's actually rather insane, even by typical American standards.

>> No.13463240

>the black population isn't at higher risk of diabetes because of genetics, but because they have an absolutely insatiable sweet tooth and eat like garbage
Sooo, genetics.

>> No.13463366

No, taste and diet aren't completely genetic, they're mostly trained and learned. I used to love sweet shit. Candy, pop, desserts... then I went without any sugar or sweeteners for a few months and could no longer handle foods even half as sweet as I used to enjoy, because my palate was no longer accustomed to being bombarded with sweetness. At one point I lapsed and went back to eating like crap and became accustomed to sugar again and could down sweets like nothing just like I used to. Tons of people report losing the taste for sweets after going long enough without sugar, too, not just me. My point is, the sweet tooth they have is not genetic, it's because they grew up with Kool-Aid in their bottles as babies or some shit, I dunno. But it's a learned habit that could be unlearned if they cared.

>> No.13463381
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You want childish?
I remember years ago at a chinese retaurant overhearing one who was buttblasted cause they made some dish a certain way and he wanted a refund because "they don't make it like that where I get it"

>> No.13464316

Depending on how it was prepared this is kinda understandable, some Chinese places are weird and do weird shit.

The other day I went to a Chinese buffet and saw a strange looking thing they called “treasure shrimp”. I decided to try it, because I am no bitch, but alas the “treasure” is apparently weight loss because the second I put it in my mouth I gagged. I spit it out, but I could still tell I was going to throw up from the taste alone, and so I went to the bathroom and threw up (luckily alcoholism - which I have mostly broken away from - had trained me for this exact moment). If I hadn’t been able to prevent my throwing up for two minutes it would’ve been all over the table in front of my parents and brothers and fiancé.
Apparently my brother ate that shit and said it was fine, but he was homeless and on drugs for several years, and I think it gave him an iron gut because that shit was not even palatable.

>> No.13464332

you sound soy

>> No.13464347

If it's good enough for your brother and family it is good enough for you.
It's shrimp in flour and sauce how bad could it be you overreacting pussy? Even if it isn't delicious it is not "run to the bathroom to throw up" worthy you anorexic bitch.

>> No.13464356

No. It's just your prejudice playing tricks on you.

>> No.13464359

Maybe he doesn't want fake crab rangoon.

>> No.13464371

Earing under cooked beef has nothing to do with being an adult, or mature. You need psychiatric help

>> No.13464375

It's perfectly prepared if it's still mooing.

>> No.13464382

>I am no bitch

>> No.13464412

everything about this post screams reddit, especially the spacing, you sissy bitch tranny fagoid

>> No.13464416

God i hate palates

>> No.13464428

The black palate isn’t very sophisticated when it comes to their favorite seasoneeeens. Always a buttload of lawry’s, dollar tree onion powder/garlic powder and eye-talian seasoneeeen. They wouldn’t know what to do with fresh herbs or to cook finer cuts of meat that are really just best enhanced with salt and pepper.

>> No.13464430

A sweet tooth is genetic? Keep telling yourself that fatty.

>> No.13464440
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>> No.13464450

they're more likely to send stuff back and they never tip