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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.04 MB, 1014x1010, veganuary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13456353 No.13456353 [Reply] [Original]

Gee I wonder who could possibly be behind this marketing ploy?!?

>> No.13456355


>> No.13456375

wow sausage, nuggets and burger, im really impressed with the extend of vegan cuisine

>> No.13456400

that's for the transition vegans ie normies who think vegans only eat lettuce

>> No.13456421

>transition vegans
how many vegans actualy know how to make 3 different meals that dont include fake meat at all?

>> No.13456426

i actually can make vegan food and i think veganism is retarded
im a better at veganism than actual vegans

>> No.13456450

>little peckers
>soy based fake meat
what did they mean by this?

>> No.13456453

The wise man says: look for the key people of Tesco, look for the founder.

>> No.13456455 [DELETED] 
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>I actually can make vegan food and i think veganism is retarded
im a better at veganism than actual vegans

>> No.13456458

pretty sure the jews are behind this

>> No.13456469
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>> No.13456489

>oh no not soy it has Plant estrogen in it that will turn me into a woman!
>proceeds to guzzle cow milk that has animal estrogen in it

>> No.13456494

>little peckers
Tells you all you need to know about vegans.

>> No.13456497


>> No.13456501 [DELETED] 

The meat industry. As long as vegans continue to have a taste for meat, there will always be a chance to pull them back in.

>> No.13456505

imagine my shock

>> No.13456519

Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring chemicals of plant origin that have the ability to cause estrogenic and/or antiestrogenic effects due to their structural similarities to the human hormone estradiol.

In general, phytoestrogens are relatively weak oestrogens, requiring much higher concentrations than estradiol to produce an equivalent biological response. Isoflavones are polyphenolic phytoestrogens that occur mainly as gluco-conjugates of genistein, daidzein, and glycitein. All the phytoestrogens and their metabolites contain at least one aromatic ring. Applications of phytoestrogens in industry are becoming prevalent. There is a global movement toward increased consumption of foods rich in phytoestrogens and tablet formulations of concentrated isoflavone extracts.

>> No.13456534

>Richmond meat free sausages
>Richmond sausages. Pork 42%

Well that wasn't difficult.

>> No.13456545

I have like 8 different cookbooks full of vegan recipes that dont have fake meat or substitutes in them. All that stuff isnt really good. i like the fake turkey slices, cause on a sandwich with LTOP etc they actually do taste good but. Thats the only fake food product I buy. Just cause everyone loves sandwiches.

>> No.13456546

4 of the 6 products pictured are in house brand of Tesco. Tesco is clearly the primary funder of veganuary. Are you clinically retarded, or just being intentionally naive?

>> No.13456586

Holy fuck this paper:

>Phytoestrogens are present in certain edible plants being most abundant in soy; they are structurally and functionally analogous to the estrogens.

> Furthermore, soy is applied as animal fodder, so that residual phytoestrogens and their active metabolites such as equol can remain in meat and influence the hormonal balance of the consumers

>There have been only singular reports on modified gender-related behavior or feminization in humans in consequence of soy consumption. In animals, the intake of phytoestrogens was reported to impact fertility, sexual development and behavior. Feminizing effects in humans can be subtle and identifiable only statistically in large populations.

>> No.13456589

>little peckers
Vegans love it.

>> No.13456621
File: 31 KB, 195x113, vegans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13456632

Would you a The Vegetarian Butcher logo lady?

>> No.13456644
File: 57 KB, 390x354, 1578086205359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is laughing.

>> No.13456665

What are you talking about? I'm making the point that a sausage that contains just 42% meat doesn't have far to go to being meat free.

The only retard round here is you. You little bitch.

>> No.13456739

The conspiracy deepens.

>> No.13456753

What the fuck

>> No.13456768

Why try to pull them back in when they pay ridiculous prices for cheap imitations?

>> No.13456777

This is either high quality bait, or vegans really are retarded.

>> No.13456786

>little peckers

>> No.13456790

This is a dutch brand, it's full of jokes like that. I have a bunch of british-style small sausages in the fridge now, name is "little willies".

Taste of this brand is actually quite good. Their 'tuna' is amazing.

>> No.13456791

Which you also own: Tyson foods is a major investor in the Impossible crap.

The conspiracy deepens further.

>> No.13456801
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>> No.13456833
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>> No.13456838
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and another one.

I personally can recommend their sausages and their fake kebab meat, as well as the rare-to-find tuna.

>> No.13456850

I'll stick with meat, but I'll make more of those edits later.

>> No.13456856
File: 336 KB, 518x716, little vegan peckers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Phytoestrogens are present in certain edible plants being most abundant in soy; they are structurally and functionally analogous to the estrogens.

>In animals, the intake of phytoestrogens was reported to impact fertility, sexual development and behavior. Feminizing effects in humans can be subtle and identifiable only statistically in large populations.

>> No.13456869
File: 62 KB, 680x476, 21b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm i wonder...

>> No.13458169


>> No.13458183

January, worst month to be vegan

>> No.13458193

Unless you count tofu, home made seitan or tvp as fakemeat, I know too many vegan meals to count. If you do count those, there are still too many to count actually.

>> No.13459703


This, most vegan food is just fuck-hideous approximations of food that normie dipshits already eat. Wave an autumn salad with squash and dried fruits and nuts in their general and these plebs will faint.

>> No.13460008

I don't care what other people eat, but why are vegans some of the worst people ever, they all have this pretentious attitude, meat eaters don't go to vegan restaurants and start screaming at every one, some of these people are just delusional, throwing 20$ soy sausage into some bullshit and thinking they're a culinary mastermind

>> No.13460117

Worse than that is vegans don’t need to buy any processed food at all, all the food they could want is cheap and available. But yet, they insist that these products are “better”. They insist in highly processing their food and then claim it to be better than eating animal protein.

>> No.13460125

Because it is. Red meat causes cancer and heart disease. You’re not gonna get cancer from eating a soy sausage.

>> No.13460192
File: 30 KB, 259x358, vegan cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you I'd be back.

>> No.13460293

I'm reading a book about plant-based whole foods written by a medical doctor, and basically he says mock products aren't healthy, they're just no as unhealthy as meat. So you should eat whole foods but occasional indulgence in mock-meats isn't gonna kill you if kept to a minimum.

>> No.13460316

Citation needed

>> No.13460369

Only if you tell me you're daddy's little boy who needs to be spoon fed because he can't google himself.

>> No.13460387

Wrong. Nothing other than meat is as healthy as meat.

>> No.13460405
File: 48 KB, 540x493, ccc57ea6-73c5-4ed5-8757-b2da5a2d9197..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is burden of proof
Brain damage from your dog food?

>> No.13460479

>Known meat-and-dairy industry shill and lobbyist (((Frank Mitloehner))) made an unsubstantiated claim and as a good consumer-goy I will have just a instinctive disgust-reaction and not question anything!

>> No.13460647
File: 3.25 MB, 1600x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat Wee Willie Winkies.

>> No.13460663
File: 496 KB, 1080x1280, 20200104_133204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burden of proof is a nonexistent standpoint made by sophists to excuse their lack of knowledge
>muh dog food
Chicken is vegan? Why are you eating dog food?

>> No.13462269

>burden of proof not needed
I think we are at a point where I at least no longer know what the fuck to eat. To claim vegan is healthier than eating a animal based diet, you need fucking proof to back that up. The only thing anyone can easily claim and be right and there’s proof to back it up is that sugar in all of its forms is bad for you and so are nitrates or processed meats like ham and pepperoni. Other than that any claim you make needs backing.

>> No.13462306

Burden of proof is irrelevant. You need proof to substantiate your own beliefs or you're being arbitrary in your standards. If someone is arguing against X then you argue Y, there is no reason why you should be magically exempt from providing evidence based on who was first

>> No.13462350

>burden of proof is irrelevant
Just because you keep saying facts don’t matter doesn’t make it so. You can’t claim that a vegan diet is better than one which includes animal products and simply claim to be right and no proof is required.
It isn’t arbitrary to say sugar and nitrate processed meats are harmful. It literally has been proven, we all know the effects of sugar and we all know the effects of nitrates. Less known is everything else. There are people to this day who believe eating cholesterol actually raises it, and consuming saturated fats will raise your heart disease risk, it isn’t clear, and if it isn’t clear it isn’t definitive and you can’t make a blanket statement saying so. You’re either underage or stupid if you don’t understand these nuances

>> No.13462520
File: 756 KB, 1734x768, cholesteroleggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he's saying facts are irrelevant, I think he's saying if I make claim A ("vegan is healthier") and you claim B ("omnivore is healthier") than we both kinda gotta prove our points, neither one of us is exempt. Neither one of us alone bears the burden of proof. For me it's bedtime, but I'll try to provide some proofs for my part if the thread is alive tomorrow. Not a link dumb, just some sources on where to start.

>there are people to this day who believe eating cholesterol actually raises it
Most people who don't fall for propaganda believe that. Most cholesterol research showed it back when funding was mostly public - now that 90%+ of it is egg-industry funded wouldn't you know suddenly results are different! Pic related. There are ways to manipulate the results and I highly recommend looking into it.

>> No.13463351

Have you considered that maybe the lesson may not be the funder of the study but the very idea that a property of one food is considered to be the same as the property of another food? We assume that consuming saturated fat for example regardless of source has equal impact when in fact it may differ depending on the source it may differ depending on what is eaten at other times. Food studies can be complex specially when we rely on pinky promises that subjects will follow a strict diet, when we know it’s extremely hard to follow any particular diet to the letter.

>> No.13464718

Yes, it was one of the first things I considered, which is why I looked at metabolic ward studies wherein subjects spend a significant amount of time constantly monitored in a ward or clinic of some sort. Here is a systematic review of 395 such experiments that show a direct link between saturated fat intake and blood total cholesterol:


And here is the presentation by Dr. Barnard from which I got that previous image, where he really goes into detail about how studies are influenced to get the results desired by the industry:


(The presence of these influences studies of course also means that any systematic reviews on the subject tend to be inconclusive.)

>> No.13464734
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Is milk vegan?

>> No.13464740

Barnyard is a biased vegan shill. Hard to tell if he is more or less of a fraud than (meat eating) vegan shill Incel Keys the founder of scientific fraud.

>> No.13464819

>Vegan doctor recommending a plant-based diet: "Shill! Biased!"
>Non-vegan doctor recommending a plant-based diet: "Hypocrite!"
Whatever you may think of him, his methodological criticism of those studies is valid and is something you can confirm yourself by looking at said studies and using your brain.

>> No.13464821

>tesco sells meat and animal byproducts
Based and hitler pilled
>Tesco sells vegetables
The jews did this!!!!!

>> No.13464831
File: 320 KB, 1600x1120, Vegan lobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever relevant.

>> No.13465812

Aren't Richmond sausages already basically meat free though?

>> No.13465819

based Kelly

>> No.13465887

Does it really matter? The post-prandial response to different fats has been tested so many times by now.

All the long chain saturated fats except stearic are hypercholesteric relative to unsaturated. It's not controversial.

>> No.13465898

>Vegan Little Peckers
Fucking Britbongs.

>> No.13465921

i like how mainstream acceptance of vegetarian diets really amounts to fast food and frozen foods being made out of soy

like that's what defines a full and balanced diet, the availability of chicken nuggets

>> No.13465957

A single vegan lobbyist begins operating in 2019:


Compared to the innumerable powerful meat industry lobbying groups:


Yet it's the vegan lobby that's pulling the strings. This is your atrophied brain when you're in the carnist cult.

>> No.13466122

I do believe that image, as all made by the same artist, are deeply ironic and a parody of political cartoons.

>> No.13466139

Yep, I'm sure the 120+ year old owner is behind this.

>> No.13466151

>what are Jews
>what is Jewish nepotism

Schlomo please

>> No.13466156

Kelly is the most genuine political cartoonist specifically because he prompts shitbrains to take him seriously and sperg out like that.

>> No.13466170

>/pol/dditors so lazy they show the obviously dead CEO and suggest that he's the one who thought up a promotion in 2020
>a grocery store is promoting something that is currently trending in the food world. must be a jewish conspiracy to use soy to turn us all into trannies!
Go back.

>> No.13466178

i found the long nose everyone

>> No.13466180

Having a lobby in the first place is a sign of an extremely corrupted country and society, you literally have Jews in the government and you’re ok with it then people get called schizo if they see patterns in the society.

I hope Iran glasses the USA and Israel, we can only hope for this.

>> No.13466192


>> No.13466204

He is a beautiful soul.

>> No.13466223

>must be a jewish conspiracy to use soy to turn us all into trannies
Ironically this.

>> No.13466240

>little peckers

>> No.13467056
File: 207 KB, 1284x1045, 1577537204214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegfag butcher

>> No.13467094

Indirect lobbying via a wide range of sympathetic media voices which are disconnected from the general populace (see virtue signalling et al).

>> No.13467113

The question is will they keep all these products after January. M&S had a big selection last year and then reduced it after January