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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13457489 No.13457489[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is sweet the reddit of flavors?

>> No.13457512

Is this thread the reddit of 4chan?

>> No.13457515

sure go ahead, keep talking about reddit

>> No.13457564

Have you ever seen such a stupid thread as this one?

>> No.13457578


>> No.13457604

what flavor does spicy fall under? that one.

>> No.13457635

Bump, I don’t want to accidentally like something I shouldn’t /ck/ros, help me out

>> No.13457656


Why not just say savory? Does saying faggy words from Japan really help anyone?

>> No.13457689

you are the reddit of people

>> No.13457727

Tastes that are acceptable to enjoy:

Borderline unacceptable, you'd better be at least 6'3" or you will seem gay:

Warning! Warning! Major reddit levels detected:

>> No.13457761

Because savory is not a basic taste and the Japanese put forth a lot of scientific effort demonstrating that umami is a basic taste in the late '80s

>> No.13457765

Finally a helpful post

>> No.13457849

tongues don't have "flavour zones"

>> No.13457995


>> No.13458006

Science would disagree

>> No.13458020 [DELETED] 
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>Because savory is not a basic taste and the Japanese put forth a lot of scientific effort demonstrating that umami is a basic taste in the late '80s

>> No.13458023

i hope this is bait

>> No.13458030

nice non-argument
imagine saving wojacks in this day and age

>> No.13458033

Le taste map is a myth, retards.

>> No.13458044

Jesus Christ this website is absolutely obsessed with Reddit. Just admit that you faggots browse Reddit.

>> No.13458065 [DELETED] 
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>Jesus Christ this website is absolutely obsessed with Reddit. Just admit that you faggots browse Reddit.

>> No.13458177

Only when my google search leads to a reddit thread and even then I try to steer clear

>> No.13458203

ck is more obsessed with reddit than any other board ive seen

>> No.13458247

Even worse.

>> No.13458253

>put salt onto various parts of my tongue
>taste it

Flavor zones are for astrology level retards

>> No.13458264

I feel like this picture is false, nobody only tastes things in specific regions of their tongue. If it were the case, then I shouldnt be able to taste certain things if I place them in particular regions on it. Never had that happen.

>> No.13458314
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>> No.13458590

sour is the reddit of flavors
redditors like shit like sour patch kids and other pathetic candy and think sour flavors are cultured, but they're too immature to enjoy proper bitter and layered savory. redditors just love anything that is entry level but appears to be intellectual. sour is the rick and morty of tastes.

>> No.13458617

>I feel like this picture is false
>I feel like
It is false, anon...

>> No.13458626

most correct post on this shithole today

>> No.13458909


>> No.13458952

It was paid for by a businessman who owned a patent on MSG. The truth is, MSG is just salty tasting, without being sodium chloride. His basis for what umami tasted like includes both fish sauce and tomato. I don't know about you, but to me fish sauce is salty and savory, while tomato is sweet. He also says mushrooms and cheese are "umami".

>> No.13458959

that image is the reddit of stock images

>> No.13458997
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>> No.13459009

ok jimmy neutron

>> No.13459013

>OPs mouth

>> No.13459073

any sodium salt is salty tasting. Even baking soda tastes salty. The point is that glutamate also has a distinct taste in the various foods it's present in, like all the examples you gave.

>> No.13460027

You can't seriously believe that a tomato. seaweed, mushrooms, and cheese all share an underlying taste.

>> No.13460048

I always thought umami was a feeling, not a taste. It's that mouth-watering feeling you get when you eat something savory.

>> No.13460068

yeah the taste that sticks to the back of your tongue

>> No.13460079

no one said umami was a taste until 2019

>> No.13460087


>> No.13460098

Are you telling me that all this time umami was supposed to literally be a flavor? Because that's pretty fucking stupid. I don't associate any particular underlying taste with savory foods, only a full-bodied, mouth-watering feeling. But feelings are not tastes or flavors.

>> No.13460118

4chan is worse than Reddit now. On Reddit you can go to any of millions of tiny communities and discuss your niche interest forever. Here there were a few dozen subjects to discuss and all but camping, origami and graphic design have been infested by retards like OP and marketers intentionally making the culture as predictable as possible with the intent to make it easier to shill. I no longer worry about attracting retards like OP to the smaller communities of Reddit when I say "quit coming here, flee to Reddit" because the kind of retard OP is now hates that place with blind passion. They wouldn't visit that place even if it would cure their Down's syndrome.
Anon, I mostly only come here at this point to spread the word to whatever actual humans still remain here. Find some nice, small groups on Reddit to interact with. The huge festering pits like r/gaming are traps to catch the subhumans like OP so humans like us can enjoy the real discussions in secret. Let this place burn, they don't even like food

>> No.13460129
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Holy shit, you guys really hate entire basic flavor categories? How autistic can one group be?

>> No.13460130

Not mouthfeel, a feeling like an emotion. That feeling you get when you put a juicy cut of steak in your mouth and your salivary glands light up and you sink back in your chair while wanting to savor the bite. That's what I thought umami was a term for, not a flavor.

>> No.13460140

Based and redpilled

>> No.13460149

Sounds like you need to go back, faggot

>> No.13460155

>tomato is sweet
opinion discarded

you're retarded

>> No.13460162

You can always tell who the pl*bbit cucks are because of the brutal assdamage they suffer whenever a silly thread insults their faggot site. Kys ASAP

>> No.13460167

post body

>> No.13460177

>>tomato is sweet
>opinion discarded
You need to eat less sugary shit if you think tomato isn't sweet. Your sense of taste has been dulled.

>> No.13460178
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>post body
The ultimate cope post, pathetic reddit cuckold

>> No.13460181

wrong. you get banned for wrongthink over there. and if enough people dislike what you have to say nobody else will even get to see it so you better share their opinions or effectively get silenced

>> No.13460194

If you taste anything but caustic acid and metallic blood when you put a tomato in your mouth you might be a lizard.

>> No.13460198


>> No.13460203

Again, cut back on the sugar for a while. Tomato is acidic, yes, but it still tastes sweet and is not acidic to the degree you're saying.

>> No.13460212

I ACCEPT your concession that you’re an impotent reddit estrogent, here’s your final (you), faggot

>> No.13460216

>conflating sweet and savory
I'm not sure what kind of bait you're going for here.

>> No.13460227

i cant believe i got two (you)s out of (you)

>> No.13460234

The only bait is how dead your sense of taste toward sweetness is.

>> No.13460239

got 'em! have some upboats good sir!

>> No.13460241

is draino sweet to you as well? Lol

>> No.13460247

>muh reddit
>>>/tv/ is that way kid.

>> No.13460251

I bet you think antifreeze tastes like battery acid.

>> No.13460254

what does /tv/ have to do with r*ddit?

>> No.13460302

Don't play dumb with me chump I'll lick your asshole wide open.

>> No.13460304
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He was clearly called out as a r*dditor there
>I’ve been found out

>> No.13460331

Literally everyone browses reddit child you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.13460337
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>> No.13460344

Okay redditor.

>> No.13460362

Get banned here for the same thing so what does that mean hmmm

>> No.13460374

why do you keep replying

>> No.13460400

literally what?

>> No.13460414

Then you must smoke a lot of cigarettes and eat a ton of hfcs if you can't even taste savory foods

>> No.13460416

the only thing you get permabanned for on here is posting cp

>> No.13460420

Tomatoes are sweet, retard. How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke a day?

>> No.13460426

Tomatoes are not savory

>> No.13460450
File: 61 KB, 1024x576, 2A3EE2B0-E599-4652-BB21-7B840A4792A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve been found out
Why do you even bother to defend yourself? You are not fucking welcome here

>> No.13460458

depends what kind you get. some are definitely sweet, some are even sour

>> No.13460460

I don't know why you're so intent on convincing everyone you don't browse reddit when we all do. Fucking Obama even posted on reddit you're seriously not fooling anyone. It's okay dude reddit is a fun website no one will judge you for posting there.

>> No.13460480

1. not the same person
2. r*ddit is cancer and i have pointed out why i won't go there in this post here >>13460181

obama was a terrible president, it doesnt surprise me that he browses terrible websites for numales

>> No.13460497

Tomatoes are not fucking savory, you idiot.

>> No.13460500

This forced meme that plebbitors are like everyone else will not stick. Just stop

>> No.13460502

I can say with certainty that sweet becomes less appealing as you get older. For example, I used to use coffee mate + sugar now I just use coffee mate alone. When I was younger, I didn't even realize coffee mate was pre-sweetened.

>> No.13460524
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fuck off and die, niggerfaggot

>> No.13460531

>e-everyone does it g-guys quit bullying me
KYS pl*bbit tranny, you will NEVER pass and your narrative that everyone browses r*ddit will NEVER fool anyone

>> No.13460539

Are you okay, /ck/?

>> No.13460541

Tomatoes are sweet and savory. They're literally one of the most common foods associated with umami, dum dum.

>> No.13460544

You must be at least 18 years or older to browse this site.

>> No.13460563

Good for us that precludes your browsing this website, go back to r/cooking faggot

>> No.13460564
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>> No.13460578

/tv/ and /pol/ are the 2 major reddit gateways into 4chan.

>> No.13460586

>using * to censor words
>"le tranny cuck tranny cuck maga based shadilay i love pseudo-politics on a cooking board xD praise kek"

Go back.

>> No.13460587

Have you ever considered that your opinions and thoughts were wrong?

>> No.13460595

Kys tranny

>> No.13460611

Either you have a mental illness or you're 14, shut your double-digit-IQ mouth

>> No.13460621

No, kys you desperate tranny

>> No.13460636

Post some of the science about the taste map, wise one.

Sweet is underrated if anything.
A little sugar can really open up a lot of dishes. I put some on birds before roasting them. Just a little.

>> No.13460649
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>> No.13460687
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>> No.13460753

Bitter is

>> No.13460850

This. Pretending to like bitter flavors is generally an attempt to make up for a lack of personality. It's a way to seem edgy or interesting. Humans biologically can't truly enjoy bitter flavors. We evolved to objectively dislike the taste since many things in nature that are harmful to eat taste bitter.

>haha look at me I'm pretending to like beer because it's bitter, aren't I wacky XD

>> No.13460978

>Tomatoes are sweet, retard.
That's exactly what the post you replied to says, you illiterate fuck.

>> No.13460997

different =/= wrong. please drink bleach

>> No.13461019

Yes, although they differ widely in flavor, they share a common taste: glutamic acid; which is qualitatively impossible to describe, like the sensation of blue color.

>> No.13461057

This guy is either a kike, faggot, or a nigger. Probably all three. Either way go back to the prolapsed diarrhoea hole you came from

>> No.13461061

I genuinely enjoy bitter flavors when they temper blunt sweetness, they provide crispness and counter balance that just makes sense.

>> No.13461062

>literally the flavor that tips you off that the food is no longer palatable
Die beerlet

>> No.13461065

It's impossible to describe as a taste because it's not a taste, it's a sensation or feeling. Do you also think that "spicy" is a taste?

>> No.13461124

>actually bumping this thread for this long
There’s at least 54 people on /ck/ who need to be gassed, and don’t worry, since I’m adding myself to the list I’ll handle gassing myself as well

>> No.13461187

Kek, OP here, shocked its even still up. Gave me a good chuckle reading the reddit internet defense force replies

>> No.13461194

>posters: 56
>there’s a new poster
You’re obviously not OP, why would you even lie about that?

>> No.13461201

>different tastes register on different parts of the tongue
are there people really this stupid?

>> No.13461210

Demonstrate that glutamate sensation is not taste.

>> No.13461231

Because it is a sensation. It doesn't trigger any of the taste receptors. As another anon said, there are a very wide variety of savory or "umami" foods that taste absolutely nothing alike. They do, however, produce a similar sensation in the mouth that is characteristic of savory foods. Do I also need to demonstrate that acidity or spicyness are sensations and not tastes?

>> No.13461256

>he doesnt enjoy savoury foods

>> No.13461274

Your tongue doesn't work like this. Why do people think there are "zones" on your tongue?

>> No.13461299

It does and it doesn't. You can taste every flavor on every part of your tongue, but it does seem that certain flavors can be detected slightly more strongly on certain parts of the tongue. This is why when you do something like wine tasting you need to swish the wine throughout your mouth so it can touch all parts of the tongue and you can most clearly pick out all the distinct flavors. It's not a hard line like OP's pic implies, but there's certainly varying levels of sensitivity for certain flavors in certain regions.

>> No.13461607

>bro it's not a taste it's just this sensation on my tongue that lets my body identify what the food is like

>> No.13461721

Underages will be mad, because this post tells the truth.

>> No.13461744

I'm saying it's a reaction that will happen when that shit touches ANY part of your mouth and is unrelated to your taste buds. Again, do you think spicy is a flavor? Because it's fucking not, it's a sensation in your fucking nerve endings all over your mouth caused by a reaction to certain types of acid. The same is true of "umami." It's a sensation, not a taste. You would have that sensation with or without taste buds, just as your mouth would feel hot when eating spicy foods whether or not you had taste buds.

>> No.13461764

I was phoneposting, now I’m back home. I appreciate your attention to detail though

>> No.13461791

niche subreddits are often just the same with a couple general favorites and other things rarely being discussed

>> No.13461811

Nice conjecture on your part but I see no demonstration or proof so far.

>> No.13461900

Well, you're wrong. I never said spicy is a flavor. Nice autistic strawman though. From Google:

>Sweet, savory, and bitter tastes are triggered by the binding of molecules to G protein-coupled receptors on the cell membranes of taste buds. Saltiness and sourness are perceived when alkali metal or hydrogen ions enter taste buds, respectively. ...

It is objectively a taste. It interacts with tastebuds. If you can't taste savory then you need to stop smoking or you have a sensory disorder. Rubbing a savory steak on your arm will not produce the reaction as putting it on your taste buds, you dumb faggot

>> No.13462339

No chef ever says "I need a savory element....I will add tomato." Tomatoes are sweet and mildly acidic.

>> No.13462358

I can just picture you.
>How does it taste?
>Whoa...it's spicy!
You must be a joy to hang out with.

>> No.13462361

umami is definitely the reddit of flavors

>> No.13462491

I mean, he's not wrong. Spicy is irritation and is picked up by pain receptors.

>> No.13462540

This better be bait faggot, umami is the taste of meat which is man shit and if you say it's not then you're either a vegan or an actual fag (what's the difference right?) and either way you don't belong telling other people what's good to put in their mouths when you put what you do in yours.

>> No.13462545

Yeah, uh, that’s gonna be a big fat “cope,” from me, pal.

>> No.13462553
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I was gonna post that

>> No.13462651


>> No.13462710

take a bit of dr pepper on your tongue, since its got 23 flavours in it, it really pronounces the different types on each section.
could probably do the same with some home made slurry of sugar, vinegar, salt, beer and soy sauce but jesus christ it sounds gross thinking about it

>> No.13462715

thats a pretty bold assumption to make

>> No.13462938

Soybeans are not savory either but east asian cuisine usually employs soy sauce for that purpose. Likewise, concentrated tomato products (powder, paste, etc) are quite savory as well. When it's in the form of a raw tomato, you get a lot of sugar and acid dissolved in water, which is primarily what you taste. At least, that's my attempt at reconciling your extreme difference in opinion with the rest of the anons on this thread.

>> No.13463171

That's fair. A retarded cheflet would probably say that they would use a tomato to add a savory element.

>> No.13463178

I don't think you understand what savory actually. You seem to just be making things up. Sad

>> No.13463185

Actually is*

>> No.13463203

In addition to your vocabulary you need to work on your banter

>> No.13463233

or if they specifically use the leaves
while not particularly common, you can use them for things like pesto or in sauces

>> No.13463234

Just stating facts. No banter. You don't need to seethe so hard over it

>> No.13463284

I am literally shaking from anger, what gave me away?

>> No.13463297

I could tell because you are gay btw and you were unsure if that makes a difference

>> No.13463326

I would never correct someone like that in casual conversation, because people speak in non-technical, casual, and colloquial ways. But we're having a higher-level and more technical discussion than that so it's different and the definition of terms becomes important. Context matters. Spicy foods are a good analog for what I'm talking about with savory foods.

>> No.13463330

Weird flex but ok

>> No.13463334

Maybe your disagreement about what savory actually is, is the cause of this conflict. What do you think savory is?

>> No.13463415

>I don't know what spicy food tastes like, because it's impossible to taste it.
Maybe science is wrong.

>> No.13463610

Chili sauce is spicy, but it tastes like chili peppers. You can easily describe its vegetal qualities, the saltiness of the sauce, how sweet it is... those are the flavors you're tasting. The heat and spicyness is something else, though, causing a burning sensation in the tissues of your mouth. It is not a flavor. This sensation only happens in your mouth, too, putting that same hot sauce on your arm will not create a burning sensation. Spicy is a quality of the hot sauce, describing the sensation of heat you feel, but it is not a flavor of the hot sauce. I believe umami is much the same. A quality of food that is associated with certain sensations and reactions in the mouth, but unrelated to the actual flavors you're picking out and tasting.

>> No.13463633

hah gay

>> No.13464079

>No chef ever says "I need a savory element
I agree. I've never heard a chef say that, let alone use the word, "umami". When something is savory that's usually the dominant flavor; for example, we do a tomato bisque right now, and if it isn't quite right it's usually too acidic and we need to add a little sugar. Many dishes also need either salt or acid. Nobody ever says, "this needs more umami, or this needs more bitterness".

>> No.13464095

>putting that same hot sauce on your arm will not create a burning sensation.

You go dunk your hand in a bucket of habanero salsa and then come back and talk to us about burning sensations.

>> No.13464144

Capsaicin definitely affects all your skin. Not just your mouth skin.

>> No.13464781

>everyone does x
Is always wrong

>> No.13464789

That's some gr8 b8. I gaurentee you enjoy bitter.

>> No.13464808

there's no umami taste. no matter what, you only "feel" the effect on the brain, never on the mouth. It's like pretending "being drunk" or mint cold is a taste.

>> No.13464855

Child palate cope.

>> No.13464880

>t. Pretends to like ipa's