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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 108 KB, 640x492, espresso-ristretto-01-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13418556 No.13418556 [Reply] [Original]

Ristretto Shot Edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what are you drinking
>where is it from
>getting anymore

Previous thread >>13349553

>> No.13418601

Take them out and lube the back? Or lube all over them? Wouldn't the lube on the piston rings be touching the water?

>> No.13418630
File: 32 KB, 1280x720, poison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee is for fags

>> No.13418639

I don’t have a flair so listening to me could result in serious injury, death, damage to property, war, famine, etc.

But I think he means just lightly grease the outer bit that would contact the brew chamber. So you wouldn’t have to remove the o rings. And you wouldn’t be leaving gobs of lube all over your piston (giggity). If it’s food grade then you probably don’t have to worry much about contamination at all.

>> No.13418666

How is coffee "poison"?

>> No.13418688

Why does this retard sperg out in every coffee thread? What does he get out of it?

>> No.13418718

>Great Value Peppermint Kcups

Got a box for a dollar today. Holy shit they’re actually good.

>> No.13418753
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Cursed dubs and trips

>> No.13418754

He never sad it was, dumbass

>> No.13418765

He posted a picture of a coffee mug with a skull of smoke whose filename is "poison.jpg" on a coffee thread, you literal idiot.

>> No.13418776

stomache cancer
high blood pressure
the shakes
addiction headaches
bad breath
yellow teeth

Go on, just repeat what the coffee industry/lobbyists tell you to say. One day coffee will go the way of the cigarette: A product for the uneducated, lower class weaklings

>> No.13418796

Post sources to back up your claims or fuck off.

>> No.13418853

I can feel the obesity from your post.

>> No.13418887

New flair dummy here, made a shot with fresh ground Dazbog beans in a blade grinder
>inb4 "ewwie bladies"
Its all I had. It came out pretty well, very sweet and chocolatey. No crema though, although that's most likely user error. I have the bottomless portafilter and it doesnt come to a point in the middle, usually its a couple points next to each other. Still tasted fine, im pleased
That makes sense, thank you

>> No.13419060

Why "cursed"?

>> No.13419136


Yeah just a tiny smear on the moving piston part. I lube ALL of my orings tho. Less chattering when you press=smoother action=less friction=longer life on your orings.

>> No.13419142

I made a Guatemalan that tasted like slightly fruity Louisiana hot sauce when it cooled.

no u

>> No.13419159
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>It came out pretty well, very sweet and chocolatey.
No shit? Nice.

>> No.13419160
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Hope that helps.

>> No.13419177
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That sounds strongly like bullshit to me but I don’t use my French press enough to dispute it. Also it’s too late for caffeine and I don’t have any fruity decafs.

The Aeropress can make fruity African coffees, and it’s an immersion brewer just like a French press.

>> No.13419428

Thanks, that will help me save up to get a decent burr grinder instead of buying rings
Im not sure if its the brand, but my first attempt yesterday was with Bustelo since I keep it jarred and its a very consistant grind. Came out very burnt and smokey, not very pleasant. Dazbog is a local brand which I always have a good experence with. I like it best in a moka pot because when its over extracted its still drinkable but when done perfectly its absolute bliss, I recommend getting a bag of White Nights or 1996 on amazon if you want to try it

>> No.13419494

Im gay, get it on their site if you want to try it. They're very expensive on amazon.

>> No.13419601

I’m more of a fruit bomb coffee kinda guy and I’m trying to switch to decaf so I won’t be trying it, but I appreciate the recommendation. Especially if it can be drinkable espresso with a fucking blade grinder

>> No.13420080
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Pic related is faintly fruity and clean, the tag is a good descriptor. I shake my blade grinder violently for about 30-45 seconds until its as fine as possible. The dust particles stick to the sides so thats usually not an issue. Any abnornally large pieces I pick out.

>> No.13420304
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>blade grinder

>> No.13420480

Read the thread retard

>> No.13420976
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I appreciate it anon

>> No.13421001
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>Thinking decaf automatically = bad
>Thinking blends automatically = bad
>Thinking blade grin—
okay you're actually right about that one. But the rest are retarded

>> No.13421098

Decaf does definitely automatically mean bad. Blend vs. single origin is a matter of taste but I don't really see a point in buying premade blends, making your own blends seems like it would be more rewarding as a thing to do when you are extremely high level in coffee skill.

>> No.13421921


>> No.13422718

>Decaf does definitely automatically mean bad.
That’s just incorrect. Decaf is probably more likely to be bad than regular, but it’s not an instant condemnation. Most roasters don’t pay attention to their decaf coffees cuz they’re harder to roast properly and “it’s only decaf lol”. Also most beans sent to decaffeination facilities are kinda lame, basic tasting coffees imo like run of the mill Sumatra or Colombians where I’m generally more interested in fruit bombs. But there are definitely some exciting decaf out there. Merit roasters has a Colombian EA decaf that tastes like strawberries and allspice.

>> No.13422719

Anyone else try combining hot cocoa mix and coffee?

If you buy hot cocoa mix, the directions all say to add hot water. Well, just add coffee instead. If you add creamer to your coffee, I find you need to add more creamer than usual for this combination. Also, cocoa is heavier than water or coffee, the cocoa will naturally settle out over time, unlike regular coffee, so you will have to stir it occasionally.

>> No.13422737

Yeah back when I used to drink that sort of thing. Shit’s cash. Now I’ve changed my diet and basically only drink water, tea, or black coffee.

>> No.13423019

When I make an affogato I sprinkle on a bit of cocoa powder.

>Shit's cash.

>> No.13424300


>> No.13424328


>> No.13424974


>> No.13425083

>this coffee that lost a significant amount of flavor to the decaffeination process is actually good because it still tastes good
Well imagine how much better it would taste if you hadn't fucking ruined it by decaffeinating it you retard

>> No.13425175

You do realize some people are caffeine intolerant or want to enjoy the brew at night.

>> No.13425177
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Yeah it probably would taste better if it hadn't been decaffeinated. My point was just that decaf doesn't necessarily equal terrible. The best decafs will likely never match the best regular coffees, but that's got nothing to do with me saying good decaf exists.

Decaf lets me drink coffee at all hours of the day and/or night and it keeps my shrink from bitching about caffeine fucking with my meds. So if I'm gonna be drinking decaf anyway, it may as well be good. I feel like you're arguing against a point I didn't make.

>> No.13425408

I soak my cigars in water overnight to remove nicotine. See how dumb that sounds?

>> No.13425461
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>literally being unable to enjoy coffee without caffeine
Anon I don't think you belong in a thread for coffee enthusiasts.

>> No.13425488

>drinking caffeine free coffee
coffee enthusiast thread and confirmed den of faggots

>> No.13426144


>> No.13426714


>> No.13426740

Ladies, you're both retarded. Coffee is only good iced or mixed with whiskey. Teas have a superior taste and require a higher skill level to blend.

>> No.13426752
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Anyone ever use a stagg double wall carafe before? How good is it at insulation?

>> No.13426789

What are your thoughts on cold brew vs Japanese iced coffee

>> No.13426806

I’m drinking a regular Harrar that tastes like blackberries

Any anons here tried Kinu’s new pour over burr? I wanna know what it’s like

>> No.13426822

I like Japanese more. And I don't have to wait hours if making it myself. There's places around here that serve Thai iced coffee, but that's more of a dessert drink than anything else for me.

>> No.13426840

Where to buy this carafe ? I can only find the mug.

>> No.13426846

Pretty sure 8ounce has it, other than that it might just be their website

>> No.13426853

You're telling me I don't enjoy my soggy, tasteless cigars? Sometimes I want to smoke a cigar without upsetting my tummy so I have to damage core components of the molecular makeup of the plant I'm enjoying.

>> No.13426855

You ever try making Kyoto drip iced coffee? I’m yet to really go deep into iced coffee yet aside from using cold brew as a way to make stale beans drinkable.

>> No.13426875

Thx, I'll look for it.

>> No.13426887

Fellow has like a direct link to my bank account, their stuff is absolutely my aesthetic

>> No.13426926

It doesn't seems to be a fellow carafe. Can't find it.

>> No.13426932

Sorry, I've just found it...

>> No.13427214

>I lube ALL of my orings

>> No.13427250
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Do you like my dick latte /ck/?

>> No.13427368
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i picked up a nespresso a year or so ago and am already bored of it, want to try some more beans

suggestions for best ways to do espresso?

>> No.13427458

Flair or robot + a top tier hand grinder. No cheaper way. Get the pressure gauge.

>> No.13427494
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Yeah man what do you think of mine?

>> No.13427715

I’d say get a Kinu hand grinder specifically. Any Kinu will do the job and do it well but the m47 Phoenix is the cheapest at $200 with plastic internals, the M47 classic is exquisite and all steel but $344, and the m47 Simplicity is the best value at $260 since it’s basically an m47 classic with a plastic catch cup. You can get the magnetic steel catch cup for the simplicity and then you’ve got an m47 classic for all intents and purposes.

They’re also great for pour overs too.

>> No.13427736
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>> No.13427810
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So I went to try a Publix cafe for some coffee. I got an unsweetened cortadito, which is basically a cortado, and I ended up getting this giant thing. It seems more like a very foamy capachino. Did I get punked? I thought cortaditos are always small.
Needs more work, but good form.

>> No.13427849

Side note: I'm genuinely mad my coffee is wrong and I think I became one of those people.

>> No.13427912

You utter fucking american, how the fuck is this pale brown water letting sunlight through a ristretto? Coffee is supposed to tar-black and opaque
go drink some tea with soy creamer, faggot

>> No.13427923

>that crusty ass steering wheel cover

>> No.13427931

A few threads ago when I was shilling flair+kinu noone wanted to listen. Glad some of you have come around. They're honestly fucking fantastic grinders.

>> No.13427935

I know. Been meaning to replace it.

>> No.13428062
File: 2.50 MB, 4032x3024, 9C760576-BCE7-47B8-BB96-A2550E007CB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a newcomer to /ck/ so I probably wasn’t there to be shilled to. Been a Kinu fan for a while now. Consider me a brother in arms lol

>> No.13428068

Huh. Wonder why my pic came out retarded

>> No.13429153


>> No.13429439

So lately my flair espresso is coming out very underextracted, besides grounds being too coarse/not enough pressure tamping what could cause this?

>> No.13429544

Preheat preheat preheat.

>> No.13429568

Ive been letting the portafilter sit in boiling water for about 2 minutes, and letting the plastic piston sit for 30 seconds. I pour the water into a bowl, is it safe to let the portafilter heat up in an electric kettle?

>> No.13430119


>> No.13430645

Is it worth it to get a bag of pure Kona coffee, or is it just expensive bs?

>> No.13430793

Probably not. Thats half the reason they recommend the pressure gauge. Comes with a stainless steel piston ring. Just that much more thermal mass. Regardless, I can tell you if you're not getting consistent results on a fully manual machine, its not the machine. Hone that technique, make sure you're fluffing your grounds a bit in the basket. I use a cork with a needle jammed in the center. YOU need to be consistent and so do your beans. Machine can only press.

>> No.13431227

I was given a good bag of coffee but it's already ground for espresso. Any way I can salvage the bag for drip?

>> No.13431236

Maybe if you have a size 01 v60? Maybe? If you have an Aeropress you’ll probably have better luck with that

>> No.13431290

I do café de olla y abuelita. It's a pretty based mix. Don't even need creamer. Also does anyone know if making instant coffee with milk will create mustard gas?

>> No.13431300
File: 42 KB, 194x186, TooBad.WaluigiTime_57~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey how long should I steep my coffee in a small espro press? I'm doing 250g of water to 19g of coffee and letting it extract for about 4 minutes.

>> No.13431983

hey lads, i need some help with brewing. i've been trying to learn how to brew properly with my french press and i've watched a few videos on the method which isnt difficult in the slightest. however my coffee comes out kind of weak, im using 15 ml of fresh ground beans ( coarse grind, medium ground, and fine ground. over the weeks) it seems like no matter how i grind the beans its pretty weak. am i doing this right or have i royally fucked up, any tips or advice?
(also i have been living off of instant coffee for years.)

>> No.13431992

The entire point of expresso is that it wastes no time steeping. Coffee is forced out of beans with high pressure jets of water.

>> No.13432194
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Espro press, a French press for assholes. Not a dumb way to say Espresso.

>> No.13432200

Assholes call it a cafetiere, "espro press" is dumb no matter which way you slice it.

>> No.13432215

God damn I want to swirly the guy who says "show me your cafetiere". But yes it's very dumb, handy little French press though.

>> No.13432216

>instant coffee
Was it full arabica based? Might have gotten used to robusta.

>> No.13432323

its that nescafe instant coffee bullshit, here at home we've been drinking it for years.

>> No.13432723

>100% coffee
>a mild 100% columbian exists
You might have gotten use to robusta my friend. Either that or your ratios are off/need to grind finer. High quality robusta does exist. Steel french press anon can vouch for that.

>> No.13432762

Try 70 to 75 grams coffee per liter of water

>> No.13432853
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What is your go-to daily drinker coffee, lads?
Or are you constantly trying different coffees and don’t stick with any single coffee long enough to have a go-to?

I fall into the latter group. But only because I’m looking for the right one to settle down with, I swear.

>> No.13432916 [DELETED] 

just started some cold brew for tomorrow
why is that shit so comfy bros?

>> No.13433086
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Hi I am from /tea/ asking for help. I tried Jabana coffee from a Sudanese restaurant near me and it was amazing, unlike any other coffee I've tried before. It was spiced, with (I believe) ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom, sort of like masala chai coffee. it was very thick and rich with some suspended particles sinking to the bottom, not gritty at all though. It was only mildly bitter but still super powerful, and had no unpleasant acidity. Never felt such a strong caffeine buzz either, could barely keep my legs still and felt super motivated. It really opened my eyes to what coffee can be, I've had overpriced trendy LA coffee shop sludge but it was not nearly as good as this.

I didn't drink it as a true ritual they just brought out of this metal pot. I believe it's similar to Ethiopian coffee which I've never tried, but with added spices. How can I recreate this at home? I watched a video on how traditional Ethiopian coffee but it seems really labor intensive and am hoping there is an easier at-home way to brew it.


>> No.13433134

Never heard of this before but it looks like it would be brewed similarly to Turkish coffee. Look up "ibrik" on youtube or something, it's typically done by submerging a metal thing similar to that into hot sand, but it can also be done on a stovetop. You grind the coffee extremely finely and it brews through immersion in the metal cup thing, leaving behind lots of suspended coffee particles in the final liquor which gives it a thicker texture.

>> No.13433171

It sounds like the closest thing would be to make Turkish coffee. You can get those little pots for not much and buy pre ground Turkish coffee. If you want to grind the coffee yourself be careful as you need something designed to grind that fine. Add your spices after you brew; adding them before would add bitterness. Another route to take would be a moka pot which is in between filter coffee and espresso.

>> No.13434290


>> No.13434345

Why settle?

>> No.13434346

how do you tell which coffees are good? got some cold brew thing for christmas, ordered 2 different kinds of coffee, one a lighter roast and one a darker roast. recommendations?

>> No.13434647

taste it retard

>> No.13434889

Because I’d like to have something consistently good that I’ve got dialed in perfectly and I’ll know what I’m getting is gonna be great every time I make it. I’d also save money by buying in bulk. I’d ideally have a few of these go-to coffees.

>> No.13434894

Try coffees with different characteristics to find out what you like. Always get freshly roasted coffee and grind it just before brewing. If you don’t have any roasters nearby, then get coffee online

>> No.13435586

What do you think about grinding beans with Mortar and Pestle? I don't want to spend money on expensive electric equipment

>> No.13435628

>I don't want to spend money on expensive electric equipment
Then get a hand grinder not a fucking mortar and pestle jesus dude
If you want something cheap get a made by knock aerspeed for like $100 or a timemore slim from aliexpress for ~$70. Don’t go cheaper. If you want something better get a Kinu hand grinder at $200, $260, or $344 depending on the model. A mortar and pestle would do a really shitty job and wouldn’t be worth using even if you got one for free

>> No.13435943

Even the $200 Phoenix is bifl quality. Buy once cry once. Finance it out over 200k cups. If you're after exclusively pourovers they've got burrs for that too.

>> No.13436881

I made Japanese ice coffee for the first time and the final result was really bitter. Anyone willing to help me find out where I went wrong?
I used 32.5g of coffee grinded using a Baratza at setting 14
200g of ice
300g of boiling water

>> No.13437152

Hi /ctg/(?) I'm looking to make espressos. All I can find that suits my needs are Flair manual espresso presses, but it comes off as very pretensious. Are there any basic manual espresso presses that don't use electricity and provide quality? Is there anything Flair provides that isn't bad looking?

>> No.13438067
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Your choices for basic manual espresso machines are the flair or the cafelat robot. Yes, the Rok exists, but it's shitty.

>caring about coming off as pretentious

>> No.13438762

What's the best chinese hand grinder for about $100?

>> No.13438853

Flair is the way to go. espressoforge is the shitty pretentious way. Cafelat is the cutesy yet still exquisitely functional. In any case, get the pressure gauge.

>> No.13438875

doesnt boiling water fuck up all coffee? i think best way to do ice coffee is cold water extraction

>> No.13439286

Thanks! The cafelat looks much more appropriate than the flair

>> No.13439298

You're supposed to freeze the cup, pour the liquid, and then add ice.

>> No.13440419

If you’re getting something inexpensive get a made by knock Aerspeed. I’ve heard they’re great if you can find one. Not very suited to espresso but it should be possible. If you want something cheaper get a Timemore slim on aliexpress for like $70. It won’t do espresso, but it’ll do a better job than anything else you can find for under $100.

>> No.13440437

Nope. Unless you’re boiling the coffee in the kettle with the water. Which is kinda but not really what Turkish coffee is. I make pour overs with water straight off the boil unless it’s a super dark roast. >>13439286
No problem anon.

>> No.13440800

This was actually the method I followed. Maybe it's the beans I've been using. I'll try with some different kind next time. If that doesn't work out what is the general rule to lower bitterness? Lower coffee to water ratio, or lower water temperature?

>> No.13440819
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I just finished vinegar washing my espresso machine. It had been sitting for a long time.

>> No.13440828


How delicious does that look?

>> No.13440844

I got pic related for a Christmas gift, drinking it now, no idea where it's from.

It doesn't taste bad, not horribly bitter or anything, I enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would.

>> No.13440924

Basically if it’s bitter then extract less. You can do that by grinding coarser, and/or brewing for less time, and/or using cooler water.

Your grinder and bean might be producing too many fines, which can clog the filter, over extract, slow drawdown, and generally be little assholes. Or your pour over technique might be causing channeling/areas of higher flow than the rest of the coffee bed, and over extract the coffee in those areas while under extracting the rest of the grounds.

But if you have a good grinder and you make good pour overs, then it’s probably just the coffee you’re using. If the coffee tastes bad when doing a normal pour over it’s probably gonna taste bad making iced coffee. So see if you can make it taste good as a normal non-iced pour over.

>> No.13440982

I do a 1:12 ratio and steep for 4 minutes in my press and it comes out well every time.
How is your coffee coming out?

>> No.13441075

How useful is having the ability to make an espresso? I can make a lot of other drinks and goods with it, right?

>> No.13441234

If you like espresso and milk drinks, yeah. But you’ll need foamed milk. You can get a double boiler espresso machine that steams and makes espresso, or you can get a manual espresso machine and a stand alone steamer like a bellman or something. You can also make foamy milk by putting hot milk in a French press and churning the fuck out of it.

But do do you actually want to make espresso? Or do you just want espresso based milk drinks like you get at cafes? Because you can get damn close to the latter just using a Moka pot and the French press/milk trick: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rpyBYuu-wJI

Unless you’re autistically into milk drinks I’m not sure it’s worth the cost and learning curve to get a proper espresso set up exclusively for that. It’ll be around $500 at the low end to get a flair espresso machine, kinu m47 Phoenix, and a stand-alone steamer. Note that that’s just if you’re exclusively into milk drinks and hate straight espresso. If you wanna getInto espresso, or you’re interested in both espresso and milk drinks, then it’s definitely worth it. Cuz that’s the best possible espresso set up for the money.

>> No.13441530

I've never had espresso, just some things espresso are made from. I'll totally try an espresso though

>> No.13441914

I love good coffee. But I'm giving it up for 2020. I just piss too much money away on it going to cafes. And I want to see if I'll feel any different, too. I doubt I'm addicted, I think it's just something good to drink in the morning, so "quitting" will be easy.

>> No.13441984
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Currently drinking Stumptown hair bender, just finished brooklyn roasting company washed ethiopian. Using 1:12 ratio for french press. (for making a shitload) and 1:16 with milleto pourover.

>> No.13442445
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Today I put Nesquik powder in my coffee and ate macaroons with it

>> No.13442452
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>> No.13442689

Got a French press recently and the instructions say fill it to the top with hot water. Is that right? Or do I just add enough water to make one cup of coffee if I only want one cup?

>> No.13443248
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>Do I just add enough water to make one cup of coffee if I only want one cup?

>> No.13443646

You add water and coffee in a ratio. There is no "filling up to the top" because that wouldn't even make sense. A basic ratio for French press is 1:12.

>> No.13443825

It's weird because the instructions said how many tablespoons per 4 ounces, but then it still said fill to the top. Maybe I just read it weird, but I didn't think you'd have to fill it all the way for a cup.
I made a cup. Kinda felt weak, let it sit for about 5 minutes. Not sure if I'm just use to too strong of coffee, or if the water wasn't hot enough. But even if it felt weak, I thought it was somewhat more pleasant. Maybe this is the true nature of enjoying coffee.

>> No.13444517


>> No.13444542
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Is there a reason to own a knockbox?

>> No.13444722

By the way you should be using a scale to weigh your coffee and water amounts.

>> No.13444728

You'll only buy it once?

>> No.13444744

To quickly clean portafilters I guess

>> No.13445546

A fingerbox will do, in a pinch

>> No.13445578
File: 39 KB, 480x470, Pestle_and_mortar_detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best item

>> No.13446806

just bought an aeropress and a grinder after being a coffee maker with grounds pleb
what's a good bean I can buy at publix

>> No.13447884


>> No.13448942

what is it?

>> No.13449755

ancient throwback

>> No.13449916
File: 172 KB, 1512x1512, 2020-01-02-12-11-37-142_compress47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to try this. Hopefully it doesn't taste burnt.

>> No.13450056
File: 104 KB, 1512x1512, 2020-01-02-12-53-19-850_compress90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's a bit more roasted than Llave, but not charred like Bustelo. It also finishes clean. Doesn't have the malic acid bit to it either like Llave.

>> No.13450149

Do we only drink arabica here?

>> No.13450629

Not necessarily. Drink what you like anon. Most specialty coffee is arabica though robusta is used in some espresso blends. I haven’t found any single origin robusta, but I haven’t been looking particularly hard.

>> No.13451383

>flaky skin at the thumb
Hope no one caught your leprosy

>> No.13451615

Neat tisum. It's from the steering wheel. I need to replace it soon.

>> No.13451699

stagg ekg or bonavita? both have tons of shit reviews but everyone still recommends them...

>> No.13451760
File: 437 KB, 540x469, wtf dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently have a shitty living situation, no conditions for moka pot so I gave it to someone who would appreciate it, all i have available is hot water and i dont have the money currently for a drip filter.
i was given two bags of coffee already grounded. any way i could just steep it loose like tea and then filter it? what is that called? whats the recommended steep time?

>> No.13451765

omg i fucking love lily tomlin, that movie is unironically great

>> No.13453086

>any way i could just steep it loose like tea and then filter it? what is that called?
It's called French press if you use hot water. Or cold brew if you use cold. See if you can replicate this with your current equipment >>13444722

I've got an EKG and it's great so far. I like the timer function. I don't ever really use the hold temp function for more than like 5 minutes, and the only time I use water that's NOT straight off the boil is if I'm brewing dark roasts. It does give you really fine control over the flow rate though. Only had it for like 2 months.

The bonavita is probably just as useful. It's what James Hoffman uses. The OXO variable temp gooseneck kettle looks good too. I only have a stagg cuz it's pretty and it was on sale at costco for like $110.

Honestly, any electric gooseneck kettle that gets water to a boil would work. Variable temp is a nice bonus but not strictly necessary. Temperature holding is not super necessary. A built in timer is cool, but you could easily just use your phone or whatever. The biggest thing is the gooseneck. It's SO much better than a standard kettle it's like night and day holy shit. I'll never go back.

>> No.13454590


>> No.13454645

The only reason to own one is if you are running a coffee shop and will pull four shots at one time, otherwise no and it will make you look and be a snob

>> No.13455015
File: 625 KB, 954x1920, 2E2973A0-744E-4E4D-B301-4F8DBE21B1FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking some happymug Ethiopian that smells like blueberries and tastes sort of like blueberries at times and has an aftertaste a little like muffins sometimes. I’m deathly ill with a severe cold and double ear infections and I can’t smell or taste (or hear) a fucking thing and I’m still enjoying this coffee. I can’t wait til I’m better cuz I wanna know what this stuff actually tastes like.

>tfw you get 6 coffees in the mail that you’ve desperately wanted to try for like a month but you’re too sick to enjoy them

>> No.13455124

Sounds good and terrible anon. I hope you feel better soon too.

>> No.13455206

why do people cry about single serve cups when even james hoffman endorses nespresso?

>> No.13455316

Thanks anon

>> No.13455772
File: 51 KB, 644x622, Espresso_o_11953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really struggling with my espressos, I'm not looking to make a perfect cup I'm just looking to make a more consistent shot. Nobody else seems to have issues with the machine I use but whenever I try making something it either pulls too fast or too slow. It's too common to just be the grinder, am I not pressing hard enough with the tamper?

I really like the stagg but I'm also a big ol slut for fellow. My only real issues are that it doesn't hold a full litre and that the design makes it easier for water to dribble out of the lid. Other than that it works fine for me at least.

>> No.13456127

Cause in general they cost more than a basic drip while making inferior coffee; also lots of waste.

>> No.13456736
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It's coming tomorrow bros too bad I don't have any green beans to roast.

>> No.13457020

Cheers, anon. Hope you feel better soon. I just picked up Ethiopian beans from a local roastery today for the first time and holy shit this is fantastic. Lots of blueberry notes and even a little raspberry

>> No.13457341

Have you tried weighing your dose? I've had extraction issues if I under/overload my basket.

>> No.13457431

Yeah I aim for about 18g of coffee for a 32 second pull

>> No.13457491

I got some happy mug Columbia Honey Process. It's pretty okay.

I've yet to find anything I like as much as Peet's Major Dickason's blend. Looking for recommendations.

>> No.13457734

Why not just use a cast iron skillet or Dutch oven for this?

>> No.13457748

machine, grinder and beans

>> No.13457753

none. just use a potted plant. coffee grounds make decent fertilizer

>> No.13457764

I've been using a stainless 3qt pot but this way I don't have to stir it the whole time plus other benefits like being air roasted, temperature readout, cooling and chaff collection in the unit vs pouring out the hot beans in a colander and holding over a fan. Overall hopefully a better roast and more automated.

>> No.13457932

>the best way to use a french press is to not actually press
This irritates me for some reason

>> No.13458190

Thanks anon, I’m starting to feel a lil better. Don’t you just love fruit bomb coffees? They’re like magic

>> No.13458205

I know. Sounds gay, but it works. I don’t always make French press... but when I do, I don’t press it. I actually almost never make French press because it’s annoying to clean and v60 or Aeropress are faster. >>13455772
That’s weird. Maybe your puck prep needs work? Idk.

>> No.13458542

Well you inspired me. Finally putting together an adruino popper.

> Thank you for your order from Sweet Maria's. Once your package ships we will send you a tracking number.

>Nostalgia Electric Popcorn Popper

>Green Coffee Sampler
>4lb Espresso FREE

>> No.13459393


>> No.13460072


>> No.13461594
File: 120 KB, 1512x1512, 2020-01-04-17-04-31-920_compress89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so comfy bros?

>> No.13462003

oh fuk I just got one of these too. tried it outside and not sheriff too much beans, too much fan, or too cold, but I couldn't really get them to first crack. will keep trying.

tough to get a consistent and even roast. I think heat gun + dog bowl is probably the best cost:peformance ratio.

this is a great deal and was the gateway drug for me.

>> No.13462172

I've already got the arduino and thermal probes, just waiting on the roaster hat.


>> No.13463766
File: 53 KB, 528x543, It+must+smell+like+tuna+_0b72c89aed0887f9a5072fe44b92833c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because cute

>> No.13464491


>> No.13465104

Post results

>> No.13466426


>> No.13466456

You went to a flyover grocery store and got bad coffee. What do you expect?

>> No.13466481

The coffee it self wasn't bad, it think they miss took it for a cappuccino. Pic >>13461594 is the size it should be

>> No.13467613


>> No.13468141


>> No.13469017


>> No.13469037
File: 45 KB, 640x480, IMG-20191231-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask for a cortado
>barista hands you a 20oz cup

>> No.13469247

How to drink coffee without being a goy slave?
When can they make coffee without all the shit in it

>> No.13470426


>> No.13470451

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.13470460
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 1575329255600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What carafe do you smart people use?
I have the glass Hario one but it requires me to drink my two cups fairly quickly or it gets tepid.

>> No.13470521

If I hadn't eating a large meal i wouldn't care as much. Jokes on them they charge me $1.60 for the monster. Might go by and get a straight espresso one day.

>> No.13470749
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>> No.13470879

Ask in a non/pol/tarted way and I'll respond.

>> No.13471078

I brew my V60 straight into my mug because I'm not a nigger

>> No.13471081

Is it bad practice to brew more than one cup at once somehow?

>> No.13471366

Why would you ever need more than one cup at once

>> No.13471425

Because pour-over doesn't make coffee instantly and I may want a second one in a short while without repeating the entire process?

>> No.13471465

At once? Maybe more than one person drinks coffee.
Otherwise, saving a couple minutes every day of your life is saving a lot of time

>> No.13471514
File: 2.19 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200106-120141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this cortado at work today, this is generally what you should expect.
I wouldn't go back if I was you. It seems like kurig tier coffee.
Put a small plate/saucer on top. It'll help but not stop all the head getting out. You could also transfer the remaining coffee into a travel cup to keep it hot. Again, more of a band aid rather than an actual solution.

>> No.13471548

Gf got me an Encore for xmas. Used it on #8 (fine) for Moka with great results, but #30 (coarse) for French press looks inconsistent. I would have expected the opposite, for coarser grinds to look better. I'll try Chemex next.

>> No.13471902

What's the difference between a macchiato and a cortado?

>> No.13472045

It's harder for consistent coarse grinds because the burrs are further away from each other so there is more play. I use 27 for French Press, as long as it's not dust I don't think it will matter much for French Press.

>> No.13472659

If you snobs HAVE to get a coffee at Starbucks, what do you order and why?

For me, it’s a double blonde espresso macchiato. Delicious, simple, $2.50

>> No.13472661

I'm going to answer assuming you mean espresso macchiato.
Macchiato translates from Italian to English as the word "Marked" so an espresso macchiato is an espresso shot "marked" with milk.
Cortados on the other hand originally come from Spain and use a restricted coffee shot.
Let's say that your espresso bar is extracting shots in 21 seconds. These are called "ristretto" shots. A ristretto shot extracts the three main stages of your espresso.
They are;
In that order. Each stage lasts for 7 seconds and is timed from when espresso starts to flow from your portafilters.
With a cortado, you don't want all of that espresso, you only want the first 12 seconds, which is all of the sour phase, and most of the sweet phase. The resulting shot is called a "corto" shot. It's very small and his a bit of a kick to it.
The shot is served in a glass, never a cup, nó bigger than 4.5oz to 5oz as any bigger and you'll water the shot down and it'll lose it's flavour. The shot is then topped off with silky steamed milk with very little foam.
Cortados themselves are sipping drinks, sour and sweet thanks to the steamed milk. When made properly they are quite pleasant.
If they were any bigger they would be too unpleasant to drink, only serve them in smaller doses and never get one with an extra shot and have it in a bigger cup, you'll regret it.

>> No.13473021

Black iced blonde americano or cold brew. Because I don't trust anyone to make good straight espresso, cold slightly inhibits flavor so if it's bad it'll be less bad than if hot, I like cool drinks, and I virtually always drink black coffee because diet reasons.

>> No.13473169

neat post.

>> No.13473591

there was a stagg carafe posted here that looked pretty thick

>> No.13474767
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judge me, this is all I drink unless I'm out and about, in which case I just get whatever coffee is closest, usually medium roast

>> No.13474774

where can I get a good cortado in SE michigan?

>> No.13475472
File: 76 KB, 497x406, nice-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this time I thought a cortado was just a regular shot with equal parts steamed milk.

>> No.13476308
File: 149 KB, 1512x1512, 2020-01-07-15-01-05-231_compress63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to clean your coffee pots with vinegar at least every month.

>> No.13476361

I saw it, but there's no handle and reviews say it's very fragile. Still seems like the best option, currently.

>> No.13476784

>judge me
make me, faggot
does the same thing apply to electric kettles? just boil some vinegary water, rinse, then boil clean water?

>> No.13476886
File: 157 KB, 1512x1512, 2020-01-07-17-48-56-110_compress6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not entirely sure. I'd Google how to to be safe. Also if you use non hard water your fine. Pic related I keep just for drinking and electric kettle so I don't have to fiddle with it.

>> No.13477784


>> No.13478647


>> No.13478742

No idea, I'm in Vancouver.
It's a weird one, specialty coffee shops don't usually carry it but that doesn't mean that you can't stop by one and ask if they know anywhere that does. Each Barista will have their favorite place to grab coffee when not in work and may be able to advise you.

>> No.13479074


>> No.13479231

So what the fuck is up with the new tabbed Hario filters? 50% of the time my brew time is doubled or even tripled, never happened with the untabbed filters. Has the Jap jewed me with shitty design?

>> No.13479677

This will make everything clear.
TL;DW: get the filter made by actual japs and not just Hario branded filters made somewhere outside of Japan. The 100ct jap tabbed filters in crinkly plastic and OG jap tabless filters in 40(?) count boxes are both good to go.
If you’re sometimes getting triple the drawdown time and sometimes not with the same bean, grind, filter, etc. then it’s something you’re doing and not the filter

>> No.13479737

I researched the issue a bit more and discovered that the 100ct Jap tabbed filters clog more easily from finer grains tham the 40ct tabless filters. I started with the 40ct tabless and recently got the 100ct since I didn't know about the difference. The tabbed filters barely worked when I used a medium grind, so I'm going to get the tabless ones, and write a complaint to Hario that their new tabbed filters are dogshit.

>> No.13479893

Looks good man. I'll give just their plain esspresso one last go. I'm not sure they have the tiny cups so it'll be interesting to see what happens.

>> No.13480992

What grinder are you using?

>> No.13481050

Bodum Bistro grinder, works great. I looked up what others had to say about the new tabbed filters and the concensus is that it's worse than the untabbed, due to a slower extraction and clogging issues that are not present on the tabless filter, using the same grind.

>> No.13481558
File: 73 KB, 600x497, I+was+poor+then+_82b49f7a203497c240a0cc0f8c61de30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50% of the time my brew time is doubled or even tripled
>The tabbed filters barely worked when I used a medium grind
Tabbed vs tabless shouldn't make the enormous differences you're describing. Some difference, yes, but generally small enough to be worked around.

If you're using the same beans and grind setting, then the difference should be a consistent one. For example, a +20 second brew time every single time you use a tabbed instead of a tabless filter, all else being equal. Not 50% 3 minute drawdowns, 25% 6 minute drawdowns, 25% 9 minute drawdowns. That doesn't make sense unless your grind, pour over technique, coffee bean, and water temperature are wildly inconsistent.

OR, if Hario somehow made the world's least consistent bag of filters and you're the unlucky son of a bitch that got stuck with them. Which is possible. Were you getting perfectly consistent results with the tabless filters? I'd get another batch of tabbed and tabless and test if you still see the same inconsistency.

If you do, then I think you'd be better served with a better grinder and working on your pourover technique. (Actually I think you should do that regardless because that's just coffee brewing best practices. And because the Bodum Bistro isn't renowned for being a great grinder.)

I mean obviously, you should use the filters that work best for you. I'm not saying you should do otherwise. Just maybe there's other pour over variables you should consider too.

If you want to read pages and pages of high-quality coffee autism on this subject, check these articles out:

>> No.13482450


>> No.13483031

The tabbed filter can't handle grinds finer than that shown in my image. Right now it's four minutes, three minutes for the tabless, but if the grind is finer than shown in the image it will almost stop halfway through and extend extraction for a few minutes. It works fine if I use the grind setting shown, even if it takes another minute.
Please ignore my first hyperbolic post.

>> No.13483045
File: 399 KB, 1655x1242, Bodum Bistro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13483798


>> No.13483822

The oder day I had coffee from a bakery, it was actually good, as opposed to pretty much 99% of other places. I'm pretty sure it was the type of coffe, here most places that serve coffe will give you a roasted coffee, I don't know why but they just do, and it tastes like ass.

>> No.13484294

Does anyone have experience with 1zpresso grinders? Thinking about picking up one of their grinders for pour-over.

>> No.13484796

No but I read some of the Chinese (I think) threads on them thanks to google translate and it seems like when you get a good one, people like them. They apparently have very good grind distribution. At least, one version of the grinders does.

But there’s two problems: everything is in Chinese and there’s a trillion different versions of the grinders, and some people are having issues with the crank arm snapping off. In my opinion they seem like they’re overcomplicated and have spotty quality control, but some of the things they’re doing are cool. (Like having a Lynn Weber grind distributor looking thing as a catch cup.)

All the support and almost all the users who could tell you anything about how to use your grinder are in chinaland somewhere so you’re not likely find much help in English yet. There’s more info out there on the timemore grinders, even. (Well built, decent for the $70 price, not suited for espresso, and there are better hand grinders out there like the aerspeed for not too much more money.)

I decided to just get a Kinu and be done with grinders until/unless I decide I must have something electric.

>> No.13484797

Elaborate. Coffee generally, is roasted.
You should ask them where they get their beans from. Could be a micro roaster somewhere near you.

>> No.13484810

That's not it, at least here in spain we have roughly 2 types of coffee, one is "torrefacto" which translates into roasted which is very bitter and strong, and then you have the one that isn't that, I mean it is most likely roasted too but there's a difference and the main difference is bitternes. That's what I mean, I'm guessing the "roasted" one might be cheaper or some shit, and you find it pretty much everywhere.

>> No.13485272

Depth Charge, which is basically drip coffee with a shot of espresso.

>> No.13485281

>coffee snob

pick one. it's like saying people are gourmands for eating at mcdonalds

>> No.13485551
File: 45 KB, 768x768, 1556559932409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to assume that I've a gun to my head.
Just a double espresso. Ristretto.
>pumps of vanilla?
>caramel or chocolate sauce?
No, just give me the bloody espresso.

>> No.13485717
File: 383 KB, 1600x1532, World-Data-Locator-Map-Zambia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my hands on a Zambia and God damn is that fruit nice in it

>> No.13485742

Start a business, import Zambianese high quality fruit to where you are, call it groumette organic soilord. And make mad cahs. 100% serious.

>> No.13485757

Venti Pike no room

>> No.13485779

If it has to be coffee I'll probably just order a black coffee. Otherwise I like their teas

>> No.13486016


>> No.13486054

I'm pretty sure the logistics are already there, but you'd have to buy a shitton of fruit to break even with the spending of transportation... or own the logistics all the way, but that would be when you go big, you'd have copy-cats for sure trying to rekt you at every point, hard but doable. Just start small and grow as your name grows.

>> No.13486069

The word that translates to roasted must be what would be called a "dark roast" in English. Light and medium generally are much better but some people (like It*lians) like the bitter and one-dimensional taste of dark roast.

>> No.13486084

Is the dark roast one cheaper though?

>> No.13486087

And btw I had amazing fucking coffee pretty much everywhere I went on bologna, they whipped the milk, and they probably used 15-30% fat milk for it too.

>> No.13486215

A lot of dark roast is mass produced and uses low quality beans since the bitterness and burnt flavor covers up most of their natural flavor anyways, so yes, it is often cheaper than others. It's a lot harder to make cheap beans taste acceptable at a light roast, so usually better quality beans are needed.

>> No.13486229

I just started using a french press and goddamn

>> No.13486289

that explains a lot, thx

>> No.13486759


>> No.13487372
File: 410 KB, 1920x1080, roasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn sweet maria look like that?

>> No.13487860

doesn't have to be coffee, starbucks has coffee, tea, espresso drinks....

>> No.13489535


>> No.13489612

I can't tell because I haven't got my hands on that yet, but is there any reason I couldn't use a french press as a regular carafe with a pour-over dripper on top?
This is ridiculous but the only full metal double walled carafes on the internet are french presses somehow. Everything else uses plastic or has a bad beak design.
I apologize if that comes off as the most autistic post in this thread or if I'm missing something crucial here. Thanks.

>> No.13489879

Thanks for the response. If I can get them to match their Taobao price for a direct sale I think I'll try them out.

>> No.13489921

Assuming the v60 fits over the top of the French press, yeah. I don’t like drinking coffee (especially hot coffee) out of stainless steel because the flavor and aroma always seem way off. I know there’s a ceramic lined insulated mug thing, if they make a big enough one I’d look into using that instead.

Or just wrap a good glass carafe in insulation of some sort

>> No.13489927

That's really helpful. Thanks.

>> No.13491004


>> No.13491490

Hey I saw these rad minimalist wallpapers of different brew methods but I can't find it anymore. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.13491507


>> No.13492688
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.13492697

Nice thumbnail, YOU FUCKING RETARD

>> No.13492724
File: 229 KB, 480x480, Hedonismbot_no_apology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13492766

That's cool (if a bit small) but not quite. It was like a bunch of different brewers like aeropress and chemex on a light blue background.

>> No.13492803
File: 17 KB, 382x300, 3f2b15cc0c8fb39bdec53b022b99a014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13492815

Yes! Well close! They were separate and much bigger but at least I have something I can search with!

>> No.13493466
File: 2.14 MB, 3400x4533, 20200110_225458-3400x4533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this for Christmas, along with a Master Chef-brand single-serving french press. Any tips? I'm honestly probably just going to brew most of this in the drip maker.

>> No.13493487

Black dark roast with room for cream, or a double espresso with iced water.

>> No.13494186


>> No.13494957

Any electric espresso machine you people would recommend at around $200?
I'm not looking for anything manual because that's what the v60 is for. Thanks.

>> No.13496377
File: 157 KB, 1512x1512, 2020-01-11-16-09-49-643_compress83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I broke down and bought some coffee from luckys. Brick is just so terrible. The only one I tried that had some sort of flavor was La Llave. This tastes like your basic Ethiopian: fruity florals with some savoryness. Such an upgrade from bricks though.

>> No.13496639

Unless you find a STEAL on a fucked up old pavoni locally, no. If you do give it a citric acid flush.

>> No.13497122

Thank u anons for inspiring me. I got the comfiest Brazilian cortado today at a cafe I've never been to. 1.) It was one of the best drinks I've ever had, gents 2.) They had live music and a generally wonderful atmosphere. I love my life :3

>> No.13498239
File: 113 KB, 288x300, 35021FFF-0DA0-4BAB-874F-225CFF9E00CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at around $200

>> No.13498433

Okay, how about $300?

>> No.13498467
File: 363 KB, 850x1123, be_gay_do_crime_io_ascarium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, if an anon wanted to cut his porn intake but still liked the community on 4chan, what boards would he go on? I've just gotta spend a whole lot less time on /v/

>> No.13498479

You're four years too late to avoid /v/pol/eddit culture.
Unless you've got a real niche hobby to discuss like /p/ then you're out of luck.

>> No.13498675


>> No.13499590


>> No.13499614

any good coffee-by-mail services that deliver to Denmark? I can't seem to find any...

>> No.13499739

You're still looking at a flair.

>> No.13500332

Not that anon but I was looking at delonghi dedica myself
Having to faff about a manual press in the mornings is not my thing

>> No.13501468

Bi-quarterly reminder that coffee threads should be banned. The S I P B O Y S were persecuted relentlessly for their threads which are basically the same just about a different drink that the jannies didn't approve of

>> No.13501471

At what price do good enough machines start? Specifically asking here because I know I'll be getting smart answers.
I have an aergrind which is just good enough for espresso.

>> No.13501472


>> No.13502000
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Today I put cream and raw sugar in my coffee and had it with three plain Timbits which I let soak in the coffee for a minute

>> No.13502085
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Newfag here, I've been drinking a lot of coffee, especially in the morning since I started my new job, looking for a better alternative to my shitty capsule machine, I'm looking for something that would be relatively quick and painless to clean. The goal is to brew 300ml of coffee I can bring on the train in a small thermos, so ideally it should still be very hot when its done brewing.

I was thinking about a French press to avoid having to buy filters but I'm also aware a moka pot could work, any experience with either for the intended use?

>> No.13502089

Will I find poop residue on Indian coffee or is it safe? The only single origin robusta I've found is from there.

>> No.13502109

$450 for the Gaggia is the cheapest decent espresso machine that I know of

>> No.13502349


>> No.13503355

and it still needs opv modded, a pid, and a few other changes.

>> No.13503598
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>Want to try Turkish coffee but am a basic bitch morning drinker who only has a blade grinder and this shit
Is it possible to pull off with some nigger rigging or should I just find a local cafe that makes that stuff?

>> No.13504061

both are annoying in my opinion. The french press sucks to clean, and the moka pot is finnicky to use/clean properly as well as not making 300mls at a time. Get a plastic hario v60 size 02 and a gooseneck kettle and you're good. Simple to use and easy to clean.
Or get an aeropress, make coffee concentrate, and dilute with boiling water to 300 ml. The aeropress is basically self cleaning. You can get reusable metal filters but they can be annoying to clean, and a pack of paper filters lasts for fucking ever anyway so I'd just stick with those.
probably a breville dual boiler for over $!K. You're really better off with a manual espresso machine than you are a low end single boiler electric. Because one of two things will happen:

>You don't like making espresso
In this case you're only out between ~$160 to ~$350 for either a flair or robot instead of at absolute bare fucking minimum $450 for a gaggia single boiler that will be harder to sell than a manual machine.
>You DO like making espresso
Then the flair or robot will be easily good enough that you can comfortably wait and save up for a proper dual boiler machine — IF you feel like you even need one. The robot can easily be your primary machine if you're only making espresso for one or two people.
And when you do get a proper machine, your manual espresso machine will still be worth keeping as backup, for travel, or just cuz you like it.
Not so for a cheap single boiler. Also a robot or flair will be faster and easier to get consistent results with than a basic bitch electric.

>> No.13504146


>> No.13504354

>not taking caffeine tablets

>> No.13504385

I get that but I'm not a fan of depending ok some proprietary method for something so basic, also pouring hot liquid over plastic looks like a bad idea, and if I understand this correctly, poorover coffee tend to be milder.

Does anyone have long term experience with Aero ? Also are there filters to avoid for a v60 poor over ?

>> No.13504676

>proprietary method
how the fuck do you make coffee without equipment that's specific to coffee making?

I've had an aeropress for a few years. Since getting a v60, the v60 became my go-to since it's easier to make more coffee at a time, and in my opinion, it often tastes a liiiiittle bit better. But if I'm in a hurry or only want like 200ml of coffee then I'll use the aeropress instead.

I'm not sure what you mean by pourover tasting milder. If you mean lighter or darker, then that depends on the bean you get. If you mean less extracted, then no it's not unless you do it wrong. If you mean it's weaker than immersion methods, that depends on your water:coffee ratio. It can be as stronk or weak as you want it.

You might be remembering people saying that you use less coffee:water when making a pourover to get the same strength in the cup, which is true, but it doesn't mean the coffee is any less extracted or less concentrated than immersion. (Because the grounds aren't soaking up brewed coffee like if they were in a french press or something.) It also ends up being more cost-effective since you use less coffee beans to brew the same amount. So 60-65 grams coffee/liter of water for v60 vs 70-75 grams/liter for french press. Roughly. Coffee brew ratios are essentially a matter of personal taste.

For a v60, you want to get japanese-made hario v60 filters on amazon. And you can get a glass, ceramic, or metal v60 if you don't want plastic. Plastic just has better thermal insulation properties so it keeps the temperature more consistent and therefore theoretically makes tastier coffee.

But it kind of sounds like you've already decided you want to use a french press, so just use that. It'll make enough coffee in one go, and you won't need to buy filters. The catch is it'll use slightly more coffee than a v60 for the same amount, and in my opinion it's an absolute bitch to clean. Also it can be silty if you don't brew it right. But it's very simple to use.

>> No.13504684

French press. Easy to clean, can mimic the foaming step that pourovers do, and the taste is amazing.

>> No.13504882
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>Easy to clean

>> No.13505068

Moka pot is my fav. It makes a small amount of concentrated coffee that you can dilute with hot water. French press could work but your going to need a small one.

>> No.13505073

>eating at timhortins

>> No.13505088

I feel this

>> No.13505707

Take plunger out, rinse it, put a tiny bit of water in with grounds, swirl and dump them, rinse the rest down the drain and then a quick wipe. 30 seconds tops. E Z

>> No.13505863

Nigga, you fill it with water and shake it until the water comes out clean, or just shove it in the washing machine.

>> No.13506027

New thread

>> No.13506039


>> No.13506046


>> No.13506228

Nah it’s safe. The processing removes the skin and flesh from the bean, then it’s dried and/or monsooned then it’s roasted.

Not that you asked but... India has a famous coffee processing method called monsooning where they expose the beans to either wet monsoon winds winds or a climate controlled storehouse to mimic monsoon conditions. This ends up producing a very interesting, earthy coffee with basically no acidity to speak of. It also produces a ton of Crema when made as espresso so it’s often used in blends as a kind of substitute for robusta. The most famous Indian coffee is monsooned Malabar.

Anyway yeah Indian coffee is perfectly safe

>> No.13506348

La Cabra?

>> No.13507484

Sounds comfy, which province are you repping?