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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.26 MB, 3456x4608, weedtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13455378 No.13455378 [Reply] [Original]

whats the best food to eat while high? pic related is mine. completely empty stomach so gonna be a nice time

>> No.13455384

You can smoke it instead of eating it.

>> No.13455385

dime bags? are you a nigger?

>> No.13455387

i have like 6 of them dude, one can fill a whole pipe

>> No.13455391

woah lookout guys, this guy has six bowls of weed. stop being a nigger and grow your own.

>> No.13455397

imagine actually being so invested in weed that you grow it. only smoke it for a fun time baby

>> No.13455411

do you only eat prepackaged food?

>> No.13455417

i dont smoke weed everyday so thats a stupid comparison

>> No.13455418

All food is good to eat while high, i personally enjoy a fat subway sandwich when i'm baked, or a pizza.

I've also been known to get baked and grill up some steaks or burgers.

>> No.13455423

god, you sound like a cunt

>> No.13455426

>Dude weed thread
>Every post is cringe

Fuck stoners.

>> No.13455429

smoke a joint dude, chillax

>> No.13455430

Nigger confirmed

>> No.13455435

more cringe is the person who sees a weed thread and actively goes into a thread they KNOW they don't care about or want to see.

Embarrassing yourself anon.
You're like the women who were on the phone when louis CK was jerking off, just hang up the fucking phone you limp wristed cunt.

>> No.13455447

I would watch Louis CK jack off it it helped him finish. I’m not gay but I do enjoy his comedy and would want to help a brother out. It’s not like I need to jack him off or anything...

>> No.13455449

A bullet, you miserable fucking pothead. This is why your family hates you

>> No.13455450


>> No.13455456


>> No.13455462

just got a few grams of a strain with 1% thc and 12% cbd
i'm trying to curb an all day everyday beer habit that's making me fat and miserable but smoking pot sometimes freaks me out

>> No.13455465

Smoke meth

>> No.13455468


>> No.13455483

meth is much more freak out inducing then weed tho

>> No.13455532
File: 1.53 MB, 2193x3917, 2020-01-03 13.14.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just eat whatever you want, everything tastes better baked.

>> No.13455535

Kings Hawaiian rolls

>> No.13455540


>> No.13455543

Looks so much better than the seedy bags OP posted. However, are you concerned at all that wax can cause pulmonary edemas?

>> No.13455550

Not teally it's very enjoyable until you stay awake too long. The first day is great, its the third day where things start getting weird. But that's the lack of sleep not the meth.

>> No.13455551

there is literally not a single seed in my weed you shithead

>> No.13455557

Not concerned in the slightest.

The reports of that shit are from wax PENS, and generally ones that are not lab tested and not produced under proper lab conditions, likely stretched to go further with filler chemicals.

I'm not at all concerned about lab tested and government sold concentrates that I am dabbing directly onto a nail.

>> No.13455561

concentrates have no soul to them

>> No.13455562

its fun until it wears off and you start scouring the room for spilt meth

>> No.13455569

The only people who say this are hippie retards, and morons that have only ever had garbage quality concentrates.

>> No.13455570

not him but it looks seedy, wet and full of cat hair

>> No.13455571

Damn man I still remember the lemony taste of that shit at my old dealers house. That and the anxiety drive home. Dab smoke is so thick and pungent.

>> No.13455572

It's always funny seeing anti-stoners just swarm these threads whenever they pop up. You haters always just embarrass yourselves.

>> No.13455575

>defending the quality of a dime bag
your weed is shit

>> No.13455576

how would you know that? are you mad, perhaps?

>> No.13455580

You're thinking of crack. Meth isn't like that at all.

>> No.13455584

That's only really true if you're taking MASSIVE dabs and wasting a fuck ton, or if your dab quality is fucking shit-tier and you're burning off butane or other chemicals remaining from your extraction process.

>> No.13455586

As someone who smokes regularly, the most embarrassing post in this thread is op showing us the bags of weed he spent actual money on.

>> No.13455589

Massive dabs, correct.

>> No.13455591


why are you so triggered?

>> No.13455592

As someone who has been smoking daily for the past 8 years, I mostly agree.

Would've been better to just post a close up nug shot over a picture with 2 dime bags full of meh.

>> No.13455593

No. Actually edemas are correlated with heat of air ingested. Meaning that the nails are way more likely to cause an edema. The very early research had correlated problems to a poorly produced THC cartridge, but the research has been updated since then to reflect both THC and non-THC containing vapors when consumed at too high a temp cause burns in lungs. Pens are the safest. Butane nails and the nicotine vapes that look like big boxes and let you turn the heat way up are more likely to be problematic.

>> No.13455603

This, buy from a wholeseller not a 19 year old out of his backpack. Buy in quantities of 1oz plus and save yourself some money and time around drug dealers.

>> No.13455604
File: 776 KB, 2677x2503, IMG_20191124_171922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok heres my crystal. no bags because its all i have left

>> No.13455607

You do realize that not everybody has the same effects from smoking weed, right? Why is it that stoners assume that the only reason people don't smoke weed is because they are some "anti-druggie square" who just needs to "chill bro and smoke some weed dude xD"? I don't smoke weed because it gives me horrible panic attacks yet obnoxious fucking stoners like yourself always want to shove it in peoples faces. Stoners are the only drug users who think it's funny giving people/animals/whatever contact highs, not realizing that not everybody has the same reaction to it. Dumbass stoner girl I used to work with thought it was funny to let people take hits of her vape pen filled with oils thinking that they were smoking regular vape fluid. This is how all stoners are. I would take 10 thieving junkies, methheads or crackheads over 1 fucktarded stoner, any day.

>> No.13455611

smoke a joint dude, chillax

>> No.13455623
File: 1.20 MB, 2125x3123, 2020-01-03 13.29.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE high temp dabs, you lose all the flavor and the only advantage is if you're trying to take huge dabs at one time instead of spacing your dabs out.

I have my enail set to around 550-600F and then I cap my dabs with a carb cap to lower the air pressure and reduce the temperature required for vaporization to occur.

>> No.13455629

lmao nerd. just get a fat glob and shred that shit all in one go bro.

>> No.13455630
File: 124 KB, 1000x667, dabbing-marijuana-nail-torch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what he had

>> No.13455633

Imagine being insecure enough to get this defensive over some nothing comment.

>> No.13455637
File: 547 KB, 1115x1280, 49FFEAB8-7C24-47A6-939A-D1C49787F600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I be mad? I’m not the one who bought shit weed...

>> No.13455640

that looks fucking awful

>> No.13455644
File: 72 KB, 882x624, what now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13455646

Lmao fuck off child, i've been dabbing daily for 6-7 years, I HAVE done massive globs at high temp, and they taste like ass and get you wayyy to fucked up to function.

No point.

Most people with titanium nails tend to just heat them up until they're cherry red and then take their dab a few seconds later as it starts to cool. But I find that to be too hot personally, hurts my throat and kills any flavor.

You've gotta be dabbing a lot to really dial in your preferred temp just by sight or by feeling how hot your nail is by hovering your hand near it.

I personally use an enail so it stays hot all day and I can take a perfect temp dab at a moments notice.

>> No.13455647

Nah, you’re just mad yours sucks and mine doesn’t...

>> No.13455648

That’s good.
The latest data suggests it’s the people who turn up the temp (again on both THC and nicotine products) to get “bigger” hits that are scorching their lungs.

The edemas fill with water, but at some point, some people experience a rupture of the edema. As the fluid in the pulmonary edema leaks out, the lung collapses.

However, since a lot of KIDS are having issues and then lying about it, it’s hard to get a full picture. But it seems clear temperature is correlated directly to problems as is low quality/bootleg liquids, waxes, etc.

>> No.13455649


>> No.13455650

Hes snorting it lmao

Smoke or shoot that shit you idiot you may as well eat it at that point

>> No.13455651

>nothing comment
No, just tired of stoners never being able to shut the fuck up about how "cool weed is dude XD"

>> No.13455656

anything you like, thats the beauty of weed. everything tasted good.

>> No.13455657

Right. I’m so upset I didn’t get any seeds in my bag...

>> No.13455658
File: 652 KB, 473x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk to me unless you got that gas. Fuck outta here with those dimebags

>> No.13455660

And we're sick of your childish whining. Shut the fuck up and hide the thread if you're so fucking buttblasted, you infant.

>> No.13455662

All stoners should try drinking bleach.

>> No.13455664

i boof it sometimes and injecting is a good way to kill yourself. smoking it doesnt last as long and i always fuck it up and crack the glass

>> No.13455665

Yeah for me the ideal dab doesn't vaporize when it touches the nail, it melts, and only vaporizes when you cap it and reduce the air pressure.

You get a bit of waste by doing this compared to higher heat, but the taste is FAR better, and it's much easier on the throat/lungs in my opinion.

>> No.13455666

You should try drinking bleach first so they know how to do it.

>> No.13455668

imagine wasting your money on that much weed. i feel bad for you dude

>> No.13455669

No idea, my weed dealer would just have toy smoke a dab with him while there. I bought nice flower from him. I think his strategy was to make your tolerance go up by front ending you with shatter so you go through your weed faster. We always smoked out of a 2 perc bong in my stoner days but I actually always preffered rolling a long thin joint on king size slims with the little spacer cardboard.

>> No.13455673

first home grow huh? that's some amateur shit lol.

>> No.13455674

I'll post wherever I fucking want.
>"le just hide le thread bro xD if muh weed doesnt hurt you why can't i smoke it? its just a plant bro xD dude weed bro xD chill bro xD im soooooooooo high"

>> No.13455677

smoke a joint bro, chillax

>> No.13455678
File: 212 KB, 680x712, 1578041768417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cannabis thread
>at least a 1/3rd of the posts are brave "DUDE WEED" replies or some other canned response
>every time

>> No.13455681

Hahahaha awesome, I always assumed boofing meth would just make you shit like a coffee enema

>> No.13455686

It's all about self control, i've been smoking 1g of concentrates a week, every week, for 5 years.

I have friends who started at similar levels and are now dabbing 4-5g in a week, while i'm still here on 1g a week.

Feels good to have self control

>> No.13455688

I'm sure they can figure it out. They're dumb, but putting chemicals in their body that make them retarded is instinctual to the stoner manchild. It would be nice if dealers started to lace weed with rat poison and other chemicals that would kill them off faster though.

>> No.13455697

why do other people's personal choices trigger you so hard? are you jealous?

>> No.13455699

Stoners have a tendency to make their entire personality revolve around weed because it's the most interesting thing about them. If you took away the weed, they'd just be dull, brainless husks. This is why every post they make must be along the lines of "I'M SO HIGH DUDE I HAVE THE MUNCHIES MAN LOL"

>> No.13455702

The funny part is the dude is mostly likely over 300 pounds surrounded by filth and candy wrappers degrading others for what they choose to put in their own bodies.

>> No.13455706
File: 65 KB, 560x315, ahhyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever chopped up a bowl of fresh mixed fruit and had it sitting in the fridge cold when you're ready for it? shit's awesome.

>> No.13455709

Why would I be jealous? I could probably find better weed than 95% of the people in this thread for cheaper. I'm no stranger to drugs. Stoners are the lowest of the druggies but convince themselves that their dudeweed addiction gives them some kind of moral superiority and think that everybody should just chill and be a dudeweed as well.

>> No.13455710

i prefer room temperature fruit

>> No.13455711

hard cope, yikes

>> No.13455713
File: 2.02 MB, 2973x3567, 2019-12-25 13.21.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most stoners would never bother to mention it to you.
You're just biased and allowing those biases to influence your opinion.

When I post on /ck/ 99% of the time I have no reason to mention my weed smoking, that doesn't mean i'm not high basically 24/7 though.

>> No.13455716

170lbs and candy is gross, but good guess. Stoners just feel the need to justify their addiction by saying "it's not as bad as x, y and z" and then force others to think that way, getting upset if they can't convince them that being a dudeweed is cool.

>> No.13455718
File: 607 KB, 473x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far from amateur shit. This is some AAAA weed.

>> No.13455722

It doesn't look that good desu.

Looks fine, even above average, but it's certainly not some award winning quality or anything close to that level.

>> No.13455723

>haha im so high bro xD
Wow. You're cool.

>> No.13455728

he is. you're not, though. smoke weed

>> No.13455734
File: 1.60 MB, 3941x1801, 2019-12-25 10.24.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, yes, that's exactly the point of my post. Good job, you've cracked the code.

It's okay to admit you can't actually cook.

>> No.13455744

Not him but you must be the dime bag guy calling everyone else’s weed shit because you’re so embarrassed about your own...

>> No.13455776

This is mine, so i'm not embarrassed at all.

>> No.13455800

Well you should be even more fucking embarrassed. Dude grew some nice weed, and you have the nerve to drag it? You fucking buy your shit. You probably couldn’t keep a fucking lawn alive, and shatterfags are lame. No, we don’t want to go sit on your couch in your smelly living room all day watching you play games because that’s where your dab rig is...

>> No.13455814

Ehh, not too much keef to be honest. I'd give it a B.

>> No.13455830
File: 350 KB, 2339x1709, _MG_0885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you're even sloppier than me with a knife

>> No.13455831

Lmao, you're embarassing yourself kid, i've got a job, I can't be fucked to spend half of my time off caring for plants, even though it is perfectly legal here to grow my own, I have no interest in it, especially since I VASTLY prefer concentrates over smoking flower. It's so much easier to properly dose myself knowing the THC% of the concentrate, I can pick out a dab size that is perfect for how high i want to be, take that dab in a single hit that doesn't hurt my lungs or irritate the throat. And then head to work or go do whatever i've got to do for the day.

If you enjoy the "ritual" of growing weed, great for you, but weed isn't my life, and I'm not going to waste a significant chunk of my life growing something I don't like smoking compared to concentrates anyway, and i'm certainly not going to go and make my own lab quality concentrates from scratch, as that would take up more time than I can afford to give to it, and I have little interest in being essentially a lab tech for my own drug habit.

>> No.13455836
File: 11 KB, 194x259, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls other people nigger

>> No.13455837

Hehe nothin personal kid

>> No.13455848

post an actual image of your trimming and we might be able to judge, this is an arts class quality picture with all that bokeh. Nothing but the tail is in focus.

>> No.13455850

stoners are so gay.
Imagine still dabbing in 2020? I got bored of dabbing in 2012....I was bored of DMT in 2016...
Now red wine is where it's at. Get with the times, boomers

>> No.13455866
File: 346 KB, 1096x2153, 20200103_131536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just vaping 92% THC


>> No.13455868


>> No.13455870

sorry i'm not mister sun rays through the kitchen like you

also that image has no bokeh, learn your photog terminology before commenting again

>> No.13455874
File: 2.46 MB, 2329x4027, 2019-12-21 15.47.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, that's a totally different cut of beef.

Mine is a ~7.75lbs ~3.5kg whole tenderloin.

That looks like Eye of round.

>> No.13455885
File: 349 KB, 2449x1632, 1572535780315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, confirmed eye of round from your last thread.

>> No.13455887

good god i thought it was pork

>> No.13455893
File: 2.45 MB, 3279x3019, 2019-12-25 13.37.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, disgusting

>> No.13455903

no sear overcooked

>> No.13455906

Your attitude is why people hate weed smokers.
>dude, you don’t like, have your own indoor grow room and produce your own concentrates? God you’re such a casual, not a true stoner like me. I’m on another LEVEL of stoned!

Fuck off

>> No.13455908
File: 20 KB, 361x358, 38451512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>13455688 haha wow look at mr never drank a beer over here

>> No.13455912
File: 3.20 MB, 4032x3024, 2019-12-25 12.01.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was an end piece, you can see the center of the roast here >>13455713

And of course there was no sear, it was cooked in an oven slathered in a fuck ton of butter and herbs. It was a pure roast, no effort was made to sear before hand or after.

>> No.13455916

looks ok. i like mine trimmed to the max.

>> No.13455919

How many plants?

>> No.13455929

gross desu

>> No.13455936

how fucking insecure are you

>> No.13455939

For my first holiday meal done by myself without my grandmothers assistance, i felt it was a good effort.

>> No.13455941

This is the weed equivalent of soylent. It’s a joke when women do it.

>> No.13455942
File: 55 KB, 417x450, sushi-misto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been high but sushi might work, works for me when i have a hangover after being out on a night :D

>> No.13455944

how many pounds of butter? don't lie

>> No.13455950

it was a full 1lbs of kerrygold butter for the full 7.75lbs tenderloin, after trimming probably ~7.4lbs

Another 1lbs of kerrygold butter was used in the mashed potatoes

>> No.13455968

Reading this was painful. You seem like the kind of guy that hanging out with would be comparable to having teeth pulled.

>> No.13455996

You really should sear

>> No.13456012

I don't smoke anymore, but damn that looks tasty.

>> No.13456021

Lol cope

>> No.13456026

Not the other guy but buying dime bags is genuinely for niggers
>not just buying an ounce for $100 and keeping it for a month
You’re literally throwing your money away every time you spend $10 for a gram, and on top of that, you’re proving you’re such a poor pile of dogshit that you can’t even amass a few hundred bucks to realize how many better deals exist

>> No.13456039

Imagine smoking mids

>> No.13456067

>Never been high but sushi might work
I don't think that would be a good combination, actually. Weed doesn't amplify all flavors equally and tends to slightly dull texture, so I'd imagine you'd end up with an overpoweringly fishy iodine flavor that blocks the more subtle flavors of the rice and cucumber, while making it feel more like a crunchy goo than the tender 'pop and give' that sushi should have. I'd imagine the wasabi burn could be pretty unbearable as well, but of course, that'd be optional.

>> No.13456070

The last dab rig I had was years ago, I have preferred flower or making my own edibles. Seeing professional made wax makes me want to get a rig and pick a few grams now that Chicago is rec. when I start doing dabs regularly I just feel retardedly high though, it’s so easy to go overboard.

>> No.13456102

I agree dabs make it a lot easier to go overboard, but in my opinion they also make it equally easy to have a precise dab with exactly the amount of THC you want.

Obviously it takes a bit of time dabbing daily to really get it dialed in, but once you have your preferred dab size dialed in exactly, and you're capable of restraining yourself from just hitting dab after dab all day, then it's pretty easy to keep a consistent usage.

>> No.13456114
File: 127 KB, 1110x613, 1577019732316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a NEET that stays inside all day, does anyone know why sex, drugs, alcohol, and smoking would scare me? Not like scared to do them, or looking down on the people who take part, just scared that they even exist. I get anxious and a pit in my stomach thinking about it.

>> No.13456116

this entire thread turned out to be gay.

For me, texture and temperature are what I like the most. Something cold and creamy, or something hot and chewy, or room temp and crunchy.

That being said, my go-to's are as follows:
microwave bean/cheese burritos
instant mashed potatoes
hot dogs
cereal out of a box (raisin bran or plain cheerios)

i mean, you really can't go wrong.
I guess the answer is food.
Eat something.

And in defense of everyone else, your weed looks like tiny skunk dime bags. Could be the light, could be the truth. Who cares.


>> No.13456159
File: 6 KB, 329x328, 1576561223422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some...sour cream and onion chips, with some dip, man. Some beef jerke, some peanut butter. Get some Hagen-Daz ice-cream bars. A whole lotta of chocolate. Gotta have chocolate, man. Some popcorn, pink popcorn. GRAHAM CRACKERS!!! Graham crackers with the marshmallows. Little marshmallows with little chocolate bars and we'll make some s'mores man. Celery, grape jelly, Captain Crunch with the little crunch berries, pizzas, we need two big pizzas, man, everything on 'em, water, a whole lotta water and.......Funyuns.

>> No.13456167

dude weed lmao

>> No.13456182

Damn. I tried to read through but this thread is fucking embarrassing.
If you've never tried them, maybe you're just frightened because you don't know what the experience is actually like and the unknown factors make you anxious.

>> No.13456198

Best food for druggies is a bullet.

>> No.13456213

If you're buying dimebags from a teenager I doubt you know anybody selling in quantities of 1oz

>> No.13456234

Autistic people often have meltdowns when over stimulated as their brain can't process it properly, it's why autists don't like loud noises, alcohol, weed, spicy food
Your brain is aware you can't handle a potentially intense experience and so is warning you off of it

>> No.13456251

You smoked too much and had a scary experience, it happens. You're supposed to take it nice and slow until you build a tolerance

>> No.13456347

cringe instanigger

>> No.13456760
File: 306 KB, 1024x768, 1491966756008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever, cheech.

>> No.13456794
File: 11 KB, 440x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yop yoghurt drink is good for calming the burn from too many bong hits of soap bar or other cheap forms of cannabis

>> No.13456800

put them all in one bag you dumbass. cop will arrest you for distribution if he sees multiple bags. absolutely no good reason to keep it in separate bags.

>> No.13456807
File: 444 KB, 1200x1811, 1200px-Metal's_not_dead[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why are there a large amount of autistic metal fans? Autists LOVE metal

>> No.13456809

that dog hair though

>> No.13456821

When I get high, I like to eat popcorn. I don't really get the munchies when I'm high so idk.

>> No.13456825

your fave food to eat while high is dimebags?

>> No.13456829

Why are weed threads always full of so many sperging fuckboys? Nobody cares that your weed has 0.03% more thc. Nobody gives a fuck that you think dabs are the best thing ever. Just smoke it and shut the fuck up.

>> No.13457180

Was his name ben?

>> No.13457440

Just keep smoking to get past the panic attacks. The only reason you're anxious from weed is because you aren't used to using your mind.

>> No.13457505

Don't mind the haters anon, I'd try it.

>> No.13457563

Maybe it's more structured and you have more control of yourself then with drugs

>> No.13457571

Don't worry, it tasted amazing and i'm usually picky about my tenderloin.

>> No.13459153
File: 8 KB, 308x296, 1566701413798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>46 unique stoners

>> No.13460311
