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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13447656 No.13447656 [Reply] [Original]

There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that don’t use pic related for frying eggs and it disgusts me

>> No.13447663

sometimes i'll cook bacon first and then fry my eggs in the bacon fat.

But if i'm just making fried eggs without any bacon, then i'll just use butter.

>> No.13447689

Very based

Butter is good but nothing will ever beat bacon fat for cooking. I buy these big packages of bacon scraps and then just render it myself. Gives me like a pint of fat plus home made bacon bits

>> No.13447695

This is the correct method

>> No.13447859

Why would I fry my eggs with tofu?

>> No.13447871

Suet beats bacon fat. It's like bacon fat had sex with a cow and the resulting abomination jacked you off while licking your prostate while eating it.

>> No.13447890

Tallow or suet?

>> No.13447891

Why would you fry your eggs in mozzarella?

>> No.13447895


>> No.13447923

amerifats can't eat anything unless it's covered in melted cheese

>> No.13447928


>> No.13447934

Suet. Kidney fat rendered down.

>> No.13448946
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i can't eat eggs

>> No.13448967

Duck fat is better for frying an egg.

>> No.13449194

Butter is fine for me, but I prefer olive oil.

>> No.13449231


Yeah, but cheese isn't a cooking fat. You can't use it like butter or oil.

>> No.13449235

that doesn't stop them

>> No.13449286
File: 144 KB, 1000x750, ⁄ck⁄ webm threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you are missing out big time buddy

>> No.13449362 [DELETED] 

Non-white detected

>> No.13449404

You should learn a little bit about ingredients before posting dumb stuff like that, kid.

>> No.13449426

The only people who can’t use butter are non-whites.

>> No.13449650

i either fry my eggs in butter, lard or coconut oil depending on mood and pairings

>> No.13449658

Butter's significantly more expensive than canola oil where I live. You don't even need to guess where that is.

>> No.13449911

I've tried duck fat but its flavour is a bit overwhelming with eggs

>> No.13449924
File: 74 KB, 600x600, large_82856f67-13fd-48db-a763-85f28e4939da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people here who don't use this for everything and it disgusts me.

>> No.13449948

i eat them raw because im 2 lazy

>> No.13449959

Margine in part of my culture due to some embargo to the point where my parents just call it butter and don't understand the difference.

>> No.13449968

I used to use butter or bacon fat, now I usually just use Pam or sometimes a drop of olive oil. The butter is honestly too decadent unless you are making scrambled eggs.

Also tips on what to season eggs with besides salt/pepper? I also eat quail eggs (which are amazing)

>> No.13449981

Garlic powder, onion powder, paprika

>> No.13450080

As I previously said,
>Butter is fine for me,

So this:
>The only people who can’t use butter are non-whites.
Doesn't apply to me.

But you're absolutely right, and everyone else is wrong. Are you happy? Will you let the adults talk now?

>> No.13450087

>Garlic powder, onion powder,
gross. I would think stuff like saffron or some sort of light turmeric blend would be nice.

>> No.13450094

Eggs cook better in oil.

>> No.13450098

This. it's well known non-whites (italians included) hate butter. The Romans were too stupid to even figure out how to churn it.

I know of one famous example where a Nip studied in France and when he came back everyone complained all the food cooked in butter was "greasy" so he had to just make dry bland rubbery omelettes and shit that appeals to the native palette.

>> No.13450105

eggs cook best in fat, be it butter or bacon, unless you want to preserve the egg flavor, then they cook best in just a nonstick pan or with some cooking spray. Oil tends to make eggs rubbery.

>> No.13450112

> cooking spray.

"Opinion" discarded.

>> No.13450113
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I use margarine to fry my eggs and meats.

>> No.13450122

Why this image humorous? Id kill a motherfucker if they stole my pony

>> No.13450130

Lol essence of pool toy and extract of dirt. Perfect for eggs.

>> No.13450136

Oil is fat you fucking peon

>> No.13450211

cooking spray just allows the egg to maintain its pure flavor without sticking to the pan, it's good if you want to use the egg in an actual dish.

>> No.13450219
File: 92 KB, 1545x869, C1B7E907-25D9-405B-AB71-3C1D69D7CB50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you rip a big egg fart and take a sniff

>> No.13450334

Lmao cooking spray is just soybean oil you mongoloid

>> No.13450375

it's canola oil and the point is you use so little it doesn't affect the flavor.

>> No.13450402

Are you being retarded on purpose? Please tell me you are. No one under the age of sixty uses cooking spray. And yes, it tastes gross

>> No.13450413

>And yes, it tastes gross
it doesn't taste of anything at all because all it does is make things not stick. the point is to preserve the natural flavor.

>> No.13450439

You can't smell that stuff when you spray it? You must smoke a lot if your smell and taste are that bad

>> No.13450554

why did the thread continue after this post?

>> No.13450657
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>with hydrogenated lard

>> No.13450669

>it doesn't taste of anything at all because all it does is make things not stick.
And in the process it gets absorbed into the food where you can taste it.

>> No.13450671

Lard is the best

>> No.13450695

I make breakfast sandwiches in the morning for the week and freeze them. I first cook my bacon and get them folded up nicely, then I use some of the bacon fat combined with butter to make scrambled eggs with a little bit of milk, salt pepper and herbs de Provence on honeyberry wheat. Best breakfast ever.

>> No.13450734

Yeah but not that lard. Hydrogenated anything is not good for you. Leaf lard is excellent though. All natural

>> No.13450754

>canola oil
why would you ever do this, for literally anything?

>> No.13450787

Thyme, cayenne, and paprika are go-tos for me

>> No.13450824

I add cayenne too! Forgot that bit. Makes. Me want eggs rn but I'm tryna fast. You can see that I like to torture myself.

>> No.13450878

thyme is fucking fantastic for eggs

>> No.13450893

being a leaf is suffering. especially a cooking leaf

>> No.13450896

Stop being poor

>> No.13450931

Butter is the magic ingredient to lots of food. frying onions, vegetables, chicken, finishing a steak, roasting potatoes, roasting meats, finishing sauces, gravy, etc.

If you’re not using and eating a stick of butter everyday in your cooking, then you’re not living the good life.

>> No.13450941

I've heard most high-end restaurants use a fuckton of butter to make their dishes as good as they are. any pros can confirm?

>> No.13451202

It's why French food and southern food is so delicious. My grandma taught that a stick of butter makes most dishes better