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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13409014 No.13409014 [Reply] [Original]

Should I be exercising these fuckers so they're ripped and muscly or will they taste better if they're soft and fat?

>> No.13409021

How do you plan to exercise them? Buy them a membership to the gym?

>> No.13409030

They're free to run around all day and you don't feed them more than a reasonable amount? I doubt you have to worry about them.

>> No.13409031

Calisthenics and running

>> No.13409099

Fat equals flavor. Do you gain fat or lose fat when exercising heavily? Do your muscles harden or soften after exercising?

>> No.13409154

Chasing them and laughing like a retard doing it.

>> No.13409156


>> No.13409305


>> No.13409332

Throw them in a pool and watch them trying to get out.

>> No.13409334

Getting a cat.

>> No.13409337

I think a cat would get bored with chickens pretty quickly, maybe a wolf?

>> No.13409341

You'll have to fuck them after chasing them if you end up catching them. Otherwise they'll eventually stop running from you.

>> No.13409352
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There's a magazine devoted to this...

>> No.13409354 [DELETED] 
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Give them that kitty love

>> No.13409371

I meant to fuck the chicken you sick fuck.

>> No.13409420

Based and henpilled

>> No.13409429

As long as they're not clawing your balls you can fuck them then eat them, rotisserie style. It's the holiday season, have some fun.

>> No.13409583


>> No.13409587

...and kinda wholesome.

>> No.13410459

fat carries flavor, fat is not inherently flavorful.

>> No.13410467

what can't she do? seriously guys

>> No.13410595

buy them some weights and make them do situps daily. Only then will the meat be good

>> No.13410610

anon imagine your ripped muscular chickens fighting back as you try to slaughter them

does that sound like something you want to be a part of

>> No.13410611


>> No.13410617

I've been experimenting with my chickens and basically raising them like Wagyu cattle. They're all in an open air cage where they cant really move and I exclusively feed them a corn and beer slurry and the results have been fantastic so far. Super rich eggs, almost like duck eggs and beautiful roasting birds. Sometimes I play them the OST of various Final Fantasy games on my old bluetooth speakers as well lol.

>> No.13410658

Did you air fry them heh?

>> No.13410709
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I regularly get high and go catch chickens. Either making chicken sounds or yelling chicken.

>> No.13410728

You can fatten them up at the end.

>> No.13410730
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These fuckers will eat absolutely anything. And fight over it. But give them bugs and greens and they will be tastier.

>> No.13410887


>> No.13411107


>> No.13411427

Ignoring the fact that that i actually somewhat inhuman of you (not allowing the chickens to move) that's fucking hilarious but i am still intrigued and would definitely welcome the opportunity to eat a roasted one.

>> No.13411437

If you want to market them as "free range", you probably have to let them run around.

>> No.13411468

I used to catch grasshoppers. Big juicy ones at that. I'd give them to my chickens. Then they all got eaten by a bobcat. I had a really tall fence too.. I miss my chickens :(

>> No.13412896

Is there visually more fat marbling on the meat?

>> No.13412972

Stress actually reduces the quality of the meat, because of the production of hormones and chemicals it induces.

>> No.13412978

the meat of working animals is not good, it's hard and tasteless since fat is necessary to catch the flavour.at best you need your chicken to go bear mode, big AND fat.

>> No.13412980

That's bullshit though. It's just a peta marketing argument, in reality nobody notice jack shit. Long term stress just make some animal skinny but that's it. those hormones have no taste

>> No.13412985

I shiggy diggy

>> No.13412995


>> No.13413007


That's a great mental image lol

>> No.13413494

>shiggy diggy
time's up old man, this is a zoomer board now

>> No.13413526

Somehow I read that as fatty carrots have flavor, throw in a chicken boolion cube and you've got a stew.

>> No.13413531
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Next stop is soylent green wafer town, Tuesday's especially.

>> No.13414084

That's animal cruelty you retard.

>> No.13414153

>feeding an animal booze and corn while they listen to FF OSTs is animal cruelty
It's a waste of beer imo so he's defs a retard but how is it animal cruelty?

>> No.13414277
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>> No.13414292

Shut up faggot. Dilate

>> No.13414321

Still worth it

>> No.13414323

They don't swim?

>> No.13414457

They do swim. Ive tossed a chicken in my lake before. The float and kick theyre legs.

>> No.13414601


>> No.13414631

Check out this oldy time game Chicken Invaders, it's pretty hilarious.

>> No.13414664

god whatever

>> No.13414710
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>caving to zoomers

>> No.13414722

>he didn't watch Chicken Run

>> No.13415088

Hire me, I used to terrorize a cat I had by chasing it.

>> No.13415096
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Keep the shiggy side shiggy and the diggy side diggy, man.

>> No.13415106

thats pretty much my life what the fuck?

>> No.13415118

Me too. I know I'm delicious, don't ask how.

>> No.13415119

Based and moespilled

>> No.13415135

You tie a string on their legs, and spin them until they sleep.

>> No.13415201

If you cut the nuts out of a young rooster it gets huge and fat.

>> No.13415280

While Im blog posting about my life with chickens. I threw up twice outside. The chickens ate all of it.

>> No.13416151
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>> No.13416401

Go back

>> No.13416978

It'll make the meat tough you dummy.

>> No.13417029

you should be raising geese instead

>> No.13417275

but itll add more cartilage and other tasty connective tissue to make a tasty stew.

>> No.13417306

Those cats are pretty wiley, they either jumped over the fence or dug underneigh the fence. Those cats looking for a winner winner chicken dinner will stop at nothing, that's why people would have rifles and shotguns to protect their flocks.

>> No.13417307

I ain't raisin no chickens to make no stew my African American Slang term. It's fried or roast for me.

>> No.13417309

Is it finger lickin' good?

>> No.13417316

i thought wagyu was all superior genetics

>> No.13417326

Hahaha yeah right, from the japs that have to do sneak attacks and still get it wrong. Look up unit 731 for their superior genetics.

>> No.13417363

It's genetics and rearing. Most cattle are massaged in addition to what the OG Wagyu Chicken dude said he was doing.

>> No.13417807


>> No.13417825

This is a true patriot

>> No.13417837


>> No.13417845

The better shape the animal's in the more tough and stringy the meat will be. Let your chicken relax and watch TV with all you can eat feed troughs and delicious sparkling water tubs.

>> No.13417847

>Ignoring the fact that that i actually somewhat inhuman of you (not allowing the chickens to move)
To be fair this is exactly what most human beings do when given the freedom to decide for themselves.

>> No.13417855

flavour + fat = more flavor + fat = more flavor. yo daw i herd u liek mudkipz so we put more fat in your flavor so you can flavor while you fat

>> No.13417863

feed chicken 2 your chickens then they taste like double chicken

>> No.13418250


>> No.13418391

mine have eaten my chicken and dumplings made of their compatriots. i dropped a bowl and they went W I L D

>> No.13418473

That could give them Mad Chicken Disease.

>> No.13419750

Roosters wiith their balls cut off don't move much at all and they're the tastiest fucking chickens you could ever have. Way better than hens or normal roosters. Because they're low T, they don't much move much so they've got a lot of intramuscular fat. The breast tastes like a thigh from a normal bird and the thighs taste fucking amazing.

Basically, try to exercise them as little as possible.

>> No.13419798

How do you even find the balls on a rooster? It takes specialized training to be able to differentiate the sex of chickens and even those guys fuck up sometimes.

>> No.13419807

How do you get inside them to cut off them off?

>> No.13419830

you fucken freak
fucken chopping your chickens cocks off so they taste better you fucking loser monster fuck you

>> No.13419871
File: 37 KB, 555x596, d6psynt-2212f4e0-51f4-4625-a0f6-1a8a48cf65af.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I exercise my chickens?

Sure OP, "exercise".


>> No.13420056

>projecting this much

>> No.13420547

Ever notice birds, especially chickens have this look in their eye like they are going to kill you?

>> No.13421179

You know how I know you're autistic?

>> No.13421185

>has never been chased up a tree by a chicken
.t Sheldon

>> No.13421382

Not funny in the least.

>> No.13421408

pls end life

>> No.13421518


>> No.13421609


This guy >>13411468 has the right idea, I think it's more about what you feed them than what exercise they get. Have them free range to use their muscles of course, but chickens are omnivores, feeding them just grains will not be as tasty as a varied diet of insects, fruits, seeds, kitchen scraps, etc. Don't forget grit like egg shells too.

>> No.13421745

I feed my chickens rice, beef and seaweed along with ground acorns and they come put tasting like guinea fowl.

>> No.13421926

Go back kekkitor

>> No.13422479

>wasting beef to sustain the inferior protein
I am disappointed

>> No.13423592

All common meats are equal unless you're a shitty cook.

>> No.13423803


>> No.13424796


>> No.13424891





>> No.13426188


>> No.13426193


>> No.13426194


They want to kill you and would if they could but they just arnt strong enough.

>> No.13426197


Your chickens eat better than most people lmao

>> No.13426283

>americsns even circumsise their chickens
Good goyim!

>> No.13426289

How about exercising yourself, so you become as fast as greased lightning?


>> No.13426298 [DELETED] 

My mom grew up on a farm and because she was the tallest yet youngest and smartest and hottest one the chickens used to chase her around and peck at her feet, her parents were real scumbags so that's why she got out of that situation with my dad as fast as possible. That's why our NY side of the family ignores those west coast scumbags. I wouldn't give that cali side of the family the time of day if I was being tourtured for it, they don't deserve it.

>> No.13426302

>I wouldn't give that cali side of the family the time of day if I was being tourtured for it, they don't deserve it.

California people are just shit people in general... I wish people would have warned me so I could have immigrated to a different state when I came to the US.

>> No.13426306 [DELETED] 

>pre slaughter
The person was talking about just chasing the birds around in general, not the specific stress around tying up a bird and hanging it upside down before lopping its head off

>> No.13426307 [DELETED] 

Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart - Babylon 5

>> No.13426317 [DELETED] 

oops ...
Babylon5: Total Eclipse of the Heart

>> No.13427055
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Got a kick out of that, thanks anon.

>> No.13427859


>> No.13427864

Is acorn actually edible? Any good recipes? Got a tree that drops tons in my backyard.

>> No.13428048

Give them walking space, prick

>> No.13428501
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>no one can eat fifty egg


>> No.13428673

It doesn't matter if you can. Please don't.
For the sake of the noses of everyone within 10 miles (20 downwind).

>> No.13428746

>Hell, he's a natural-born world-shaker.

>> No.13428773

Active meat is firmer
Taste mostly comes from feed

>> No.13428807

Chicken have better digestive systems than humans do. Humans can get some calories out of acorns but historically it's been a famine cuisine only done out of desperation because there aren't more sensible alternatives readily available.
If you do try to eat them you'll probably want to prepare them in some way first, like getting out the tannins and probably grinding them down or something.

>> No.13428863

Yes, but idk how to make it edible. I just buy the acorn flour and cook with it. Really, the stuff is only good for making acorn jelly and acorn jelly noodles.

>> No.13428873

americans don't eat capons. french, spanish, swiss, italians, slovenes and lots of others do but not americans. they're too busy clapping to raise chickens properly.

>> No.13428989

Livin ya smelly head rent free, hooah USA USA USA USA

>> No.13429036

That's nice, dear.

>> No.13429527

Eurotrash seething lmao

>> No.13429986

Theyre bitter even after youve soaked out the tanning and changed the water a dozen times. Makes great pig feed.

>> No.13430239

This is absolutely based
Vegans and PETA absolutely BTFO

>> No.13430259

More exercise makes them more stringy. You want to keep roasters in a smaller space so they get fat and don’t use their muscles too much. Read a book nigger

>> No.13430384

So is eating meat

>> No.13430675

If you say so.

>> No.13430990

Cry me a river you smelly Euro and remember that you'd be in the stoneage without any of the USA's technological innovations.

>> No.13431085

This. My dad's friend who had recently gotten into chickens gave us eggs. He had a German roach problem for a long time, but as soon as he got chickens, they destroyed them. Those eggs where the richest eggs I ever had. They tasted like you already added cheese to them.

>> No.13431194

Please don't use any of that foul language in 4channel, but if you insist, please stick to 4chan my friend.

>> No.13431241

What the fuck did he post

>> No.13431417

Woah OP Wagyu Chicken raiser here, the chickens get free reign of the paddock every 3-4 days and the cages aren't barbaric cages where they have next to no movement available, just small enough that they can turn and stuff but not move too much. They seem very happy most the times but I don't know how much of that is from the beer. Though I'll try and raise a few to be exclusively in the cages throughout raising to see if there's any difference.

>> No.13432617

It's still animal abuse dude

>> No.13432763
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now I want a Popeye's Chicken Sandwich

>> No.13433233

Just get one then you big baby

>> No.13433258

You should try a more varied diet anon
Corn is fine for chickens, but it's not ideal
Chickens love bugs, seeds, and grass
It might boost the flavor--but that's just my conjecture

>> No.13433266

Euros think circumcision is castration because they are so used to the idea of being without balls

>> No.13433465


>> No.13433483

>Do you gain fat or lose fat when exercising heavily?
well it depends what kind of fat you're looking for

if you exercise a lot you will end up with subcutaneous fat, if you don't exercise you will end up with intramuscular and visceral fat

Take sumos for example, They mass gain but also exercise as much as you would expect any professional athlete to so their fat is all subcutaneous and jiggly, thus it really doesn't cause them any negative health problems

after they retire though they continue eating sumo sized portions without the training so they end up becoming unhealthy

>> No.13433828

Shut the fuck up, nerd.

>> No.13433933

Don't tell him how to raise his chickens, he's funneling budweisser down their throats, he's going above and beyond crickets and bugs.

>> No.13433951

wait, what if you fed them chicken? would that make them taste more chicken than a normal chicken does?

>> No.13433994

That's who they make KFC Double Downs because chickens that are fed chickens become double chickens. Also they get downs syndrome.

>> No.13434086
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>> No.13434288

>Sometimes I play them the OST of various Final Fantasy games on my old bluetooth speakers as well lol

>> No.13434494
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Buy them some weights

>> No.13434495


>> No.13434622

That was funny
Really funny
Well, not that funny
But pretty funny

>> No.13434708


>> No.13436313


>> No.13436378

Literally how BSE started.

>> No.13436390

>All common meats are equal unless you're a shitty cook.
The least truest thing in this thread notwithstanding the larping.

>> No.13436403

Acorns are the default feed of NAmerican Whitetail deer. Makes big racks. Ideally you want a mix of corn for fat and mild meat, and acorns. Too many acorns makes them gamey is the 'old wive's wisdom'.
Whatever this means for chickens and acorns I don't know just adding to the thread.

>> No.13436433

NOt beer, beer slurry or old used mash I gues
Ideally you'd want a portable coop with a mesh floor and take them out to your woods or unkempt part of your lawn.
They can eat the bugs and seeds out there, plus slurry and cheap feed.
I need chickens I'd be a chicken master.

>> No.13436760

t. Shitty Cook

>> No.13436783

Thanks for sharing your retard lore

>> No.13437249

Birds dont have subcutaneous fat. Only mammals.

>> No.13437774

Kek he tried to be smart with his bro science and got btfo

>> No.13438113

I guess you're a shitty cook then.

>> No.13438738


>> No.13438943

Cringe and Iamverysmartpilled
Based and Iamactuallysmartpilled

>> No.13438953

shiggy isn't even old

>> No.13438961

It is on the current scale. We've been living hyperreality for the past 20 years.

>> No.13438964

Who cares lol

>> No.13438983

No, but you should regularly provide oral stimulation to the cloaca. Trust me. Better meat, better eggs.

>> No.13439240

Shut the fuck up you unfunny fuck.

>> No.13439413

What a shit joke mate.

>> No.13439421

That's strange considering the best hams in the world from Italy and Spain are made from pigs fed a diet of acorns.

>> No.13439619

What's BSE?

>> No.13439755

Selectively breed the muscliest and leanest chickens so you get the chicken equivalent of those steroid looking cows.

>> No.13439876

>aminal aboos!
They're chickens. They have no feelings.

>> No.13440617

Ok incel

>> No.13440630

That is called a duck.

>> No.13440884


>> No.13441185

Billion Sollar Extreme

>> No.13441248

>eating traps

>> No.13441320

That may be the best description I've ever seen of the average 4chan poster.

>> No.13441549

Aren't those just photoshops?

>> No.13441971

t. Retardo Montalban

>> No.13442246

they're real my dude

>> No.13442482

If I eat this would the residual steroids transfer over? I wanted to be full natty but at least this way no one would know I'm boosting.

>> No.13442574
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more like they'll be running slower next time

>> No.13443122


>> No.13443251

Congrats on the longass thread.

>> No.13443283

I really want chickens but i dont wanna get reported:(
>illegal to own chickens in city limits here
>buddys mom lives a couple doors down
>she always raises chickens anyway
>some asshole reports her
>animal control come kill her chickens
>she gets more chickens anyway
Wish i was that based.

>> No.13443312

Can I rent part of their cage to stay in?

>> No.13443331

Any source to back this up?
I'm pretty sure this is bullshit because duck definitely has TONS of fat just below the skin

>> No.13443413

Based. Time to grow a sack and start a revolution, anon. Get chickens and gift your neighbors chickens from your brood. And when animal control comes make a big fuss about it on twitter so no matter what the facts are people will rally on your side because #chickenlivesmatter. Go do it anon, start a revolution! Be the Chicken Master!

>> No.13443613


>> No.13443618

Based and redpilled.

>> No.13445031
File: 101 KB, 531x500, 8bf4433a-3e02-49a6-94f3-028e7936d1b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bigger the chicken is, the better.
Big chickens require big drugs.

>> No.13445131

The mental image of a bunch of fat ass chickens guzzling down beer and corn while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY1Vetd7OCs plays in the background is intensely funny to me

>> No.13445151
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i was wondering how a thread survived since christmas
i love you idiots

>> No.13445187
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keep them soft and flabby so they don't try to fuck your girlfriend with the cute butt like ducks are known to do
ducks will try and ruin everything

>> No.13445239

kekd. pls be real

>> No.13445590


>> No.13445871

Holy shit hahaha

>> No.13446266

What the fuck? Please tell me you actually play them Final Fantasy OSTs lmao.

>> No.13446307

Do you play them the fat chocobo theme? Because you should.

>> No.13446576
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No matter how you raise them, make sure you read to them from the Good Book everyday.
Make America great again.
Chicken and dumplings was Jesus' favorite supper.
Yeah, it's that easy.

>> No.13446583

I just want to hear more about OP's chickens.

>> No.13447195

>fat chocobo theme
OMFG I want to play XIV again hahaha

>> No.13447424
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>> No.13447617

I'll take 'What is Autism?' for 500 Alex

>> No.13447766
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I sous vide it at 205 for an hour to decarb, then 4 hours with a pound of butter at 185. Strained it three times to remove all the plant material. It looks like it could send you to another dimension.

>> No.13447854

See >>13430675

>> No.13447865
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You could train them like they do it in Puerto Rico, they put roosters in a closed space, like a garage and force the chicken to move around by prodding them with a stick for 15 or so minutes. Supposedly gives them more endurance for cock fighting.

>> No.13448144

Oh I bet you know all about cock fighting

>> No.13448921

obese factory chickens don't taste good

>> No.13448952

Please tell me more about how you battle with your cock.

>> No.13449141

Why are you battling your cock with other cocks?

>> No.13449266

Give them weighted jackets so they get super muscly legs for extra meaty drumsticks.

>> No.13451034


>> No.13451436

wtf is that? thc oil?

>> No.13451463
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I bought mine a treadmill. You need that exercise if you want to be an indoor chicken farmer.

>> No.13452110

imagine the smell

>> No.13452583

what the fuck dude?

>> No.13452635

oh god

>> No.13453229

It's butter

>> No.13453467

My fucking sides, this is already the best /ck/ thread of 2020

>> No.13453594

Will this be the 'Turkey Heh' of 2020?

>> No.13454174

Based and a reminder that this is a chi/ck/en board

>> No.13454309

More pics please

>> No.13454315

the amount of autism in this post is astounding

>> No.13454324
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the absolute state of flightlets

>> No.13454333


>> No.13454335
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Holy shit lol

>> No.13454557

Look what you faggots have become


>> No.13454563

Has this site become a big reddit psyop?

>> No.13454623
File: 7 KB, 284x177, doctormoreau33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring me them chickens to my Island and I'll show what could be what.

I've worked miracles with animals of all persuasions because that's what I do best.

It's the Moreau promise.

>> No.13454992

Have you ever seen a chicken breast vagina? That except a guys massive testicles are on it

>> No.13455010

>faggot from reddit reposts a /ck/ thread from 10 days
>hurrdurr proof that 4chan is just plebbit
Why haven't you killed yourself yet, faggot? Just leave.

>> No.13456551

Go back then kys

>> No.13456579 [DELETED] 

Hey, that board is great. It shows all the good parts of 4chan without making me wade through all the rubbish. Later, suckers. I'm outta here.

>> No.13456591

it's really a shame it's such an inefficient process compared to the grinders
imagine having to do surgery on each one of the roosters in this 10 minute clip

>> No.13456596

Yeah go back Adam and kill yourself.

>> No.13456709

million dollar idea right here

>> No.13457143


>> No.13457161

That's a new job created right there. Rooster castrater.

>> No.13457171 [DELETED] 
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It wasn't a joke it was an epic troll.

>> No.13457201

Well, that's in my Top 50 Shit I Wish I Hadn't.

>> No.13457211

There's also chemical castration. You basically get a specialised feed that prevents them from ever maturing into roosters. idk exactly what's in it nor how it would affect people since my country just does the surgery thing.

>> No.13457220

and they say american farms are cruel

>> No.13457240

it's not a board
it's a subreddit
as in a section of the website reddit, and not 4chan

>> No.13457244

What are ducks but aquatic chickens.

>> No.13457245

Make them lil ramps n perches to get onto, I see chickens in a tree every time I go to work

>> No.13457253 [DELETED] 

A message is board is a message board. Branding is nothing to me.

>> No.13457298

Ducks are more gentle and kinder than chickens. Some chickens can be gentle, but generally they're assholes.

>> No.13457320

The whole process takes literally 10 seconds. The birds don't know anything happened to the beyond the feeing that they got hit by something. They stop bleeding pretty immeediately and they go on their way.
The reason it isn't common in the US is because Americlaps eat birds which are less than a month old, at 4 weeks. Capons, however, are /at least/ 16 weeks old at slaughter, often up to 20 weeks. Furthermore, they're given much more free range to fuck off as they please since they have zero pecking instinct. idk why they get so much space since, as said in >>13419750, they don't really move all that much.
Anyway, since the take up more space and live a longer life before slaughter (which means more feed is needed), they cost a lot more to keep. As such, in order to be profitable, they carry a far higher price tag than other poultry. Last I saw a capon in the US, it cost just shy of $60 for an 8something lb bird. Compare that to a "regular" hen, often sold at around $6 for a comparable size.

>> No.13457493

You just need a chicken whisperer to help you, anon.

>> No.13458410

shut up nerd

>> No.13458758
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based Marcelino

>> No.13458759

if you don't know, you have it

>> No.13459193

You don't know either do you?

>> No.13459350

t. Idiotboy

>> No.13461041

no lol

>> No.13461214 [DELETED] 

I entered the 4chan address in the browser like always, friend. I don't control where it takes me, but wherever I go, I'm taking my n-word pass with me, nigger. Have a good one.

>> No.13461328
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Nothing makes me feel like a kid but doing this

>> No.13461337
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>> No.13461707

Is this some kind of a record?

>> No.13461734


>> No.13462179

>mfw this thread is still in the catalog

>> No.13462277


>> No.13462302
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>> No.13462319


>> No.13462466

it's a good thread

not any worse than factory farming honestly

>> No.13462624

>not any worse than factory farming honestly
This, the OP is actually shelling out for corn and Coors for his chickens and plays them music lmao

>> No.13462673
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man I hope not, theres plenty of cheaper beer that would work better for this, coors is that one cheap beer with a mid-high beer price tag
the best way to do it is to get in touch with a brewery about buying some of their old mash, and since it's waste to them, it's cheap and usually used in cattle feed lots.
these cows drink regular water instead of a beer slurry though, might be tricky balancing how drunk your chickens get if you switched exclusively to mash feed

>> No.13462713
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get a Pelaton for your chickens
or else
something very bad could happen
very bad

>> No.13462960

go away please

>> No.13463508

chicken exercise heh

>> No.13463526

I’m impressed this thread is still here
Christmas Eve is when it was posted

>> No.13463529
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God I want to coom all over her face while she rides that Peloton

>> No.13463582
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>tfw watched it as a child with grandma and grandpa who owned a chicken farm + cows

>> No.13463853

So, was it accurate?

>> No.13463911

grandma was offended grandpa said it was her in the movie

>> No.13464083
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>> No.13464320


>> No.13464520

Holy kek

>> No.13464640

Go back kekkitor

>> No.13466625

Based grandpa

>> No.13467326

Your grandfather is the best

>> No.13467855

Just bumping the best thread of the year.

>> No.13467880

Not disputing that. But our lad claimed to toss a chicken into the water and witnessed leg kicking. I am calling shenanigans, as you can do the same with a duck, but a duck has webbed feet. So a chicken isn't exactly aquatic is my point. They have tasty thighs though, I will give them that.

>> No.13468309

Okay lads, may as well bump this 'til the limit.

>> No.13468503

>chemical castration involves estrogen implants
>castrated roosters taste the best
>trannies take estrogen

do trannies taste the best?

>> No.13468522

From what my mom told me, in our old apartment, my granddad had some chicks in the smaller bathroom one time. How and where he got them from in fucking Harlem is anyone's guess, but he did.

>> No.13468804

Not too far off desu, I know of a lot of old folk in the old neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens talk about how they kept chickens and other live stock like a goat in their apartments lol.

>> No.13469049
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No I claimed that. And Id go out right now to show you otherwise but the lake is frozen solid.

>> No.13469660

Do it in your bathtub dum dum

>> No.13469668


>> No.13469757

That's just a holdover from their dinosaurian ancestry.

>> No.13470108

Yeah DumDum use your brain for once.

>> No.13470377

Try exercising turkeys heh

>> No.13471953
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lost my shit

>> No.13471972
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Also see: >>>/out/1670055

>> No.13472660

Fuck off and shill your shitty board elsewhere fuckface.

>> No.13472665

>fat equals flavour
You know what else makes meat flavourful? Exercise. That’s why dark meat has more flavour than white meat, or why tough cuts are more flavourful than tender cuts. Requires exercise. Exercise will make a tastier chicken than fattening it will.

>> No.13472669

/out/ is literally one of the best boards.

>> No.13472680

Then stay there fuckhead.

>> No.13473505

Noted. I can't not imagine some of the immigrants from the Caribbean trying to keep a few critters around if not outright shipping them from home.

>> No.13473757

Yeah most of the people I talked to were FOB Italians who told me one apartment would be a communal room where they would pay some guy a fee to take car of their chickens lmao.

>> No.13473811

Gross, why do I want to go to an lgbt board?

>> No.13473819

Screw all that exercise crap. Inject them with testosterone.

>> No.13474041

THREAD OF 2019 AND 2020!!!!!

>> No.13474579


>> No.13474931

Only one way to find out

>> No.13476589
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actually that is a fucking blast
>t. raised chickens growing up and also was a retard

>> No.13476600

>/r/4chan exists
>they screencap our threads
woooooooooooooooooooooow how could this happen bros wtf??????? are we reddit now!?!?!

>> No.13477303

Go back homo

>> No.13477985

good to see things haven't changed

>> No.13478033

Holy fuckn shit

>> No.13478037

You buy meat birds for meat bruh

>> No.13478039

i feed my chickens italian grass and make them do laps

>> No.13478518


>> No.13478549

Just paying my respects to a GOAT thread.

>> No.13479669


>> No.13479728
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Fine, you son of a bitch.

>> No.13479738
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My dirty tub is to shallow for this.

>> No.13479742

Can you house train a chicken?

>> No.13479753
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You can train them to poop on command. But youll still have accidents.

>> No.13479755

>fucking dumb idot fell for the reddit meme of decarbing
lmaoing@ur life

>> No.13479766
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Dont think Ill be using this towel again.

>> No.13479773
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>> No.13479795

Shame to see the bump limit reached

>> No.13479846

Does that mean the thread is now dead? (°ロ°) !