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File: 2.33 MB, 1960x2616, pommes frites .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13437173 No.13437173 [Reply] [Original]

Choose your fries

>> No.13437178


>> No.13437186

English. Just salt and vinegar. Your picture makes me feel sick

>> No.13437193

In this picture i'm going to have to go with Canada or Japan. Canadas needs more cheese curds though.
t. American

>> No.13437198

I went to McDonalds today, drove to the drivethru and said "Yeah, I'd like two large fries, and that'll do it for the order." The lady on the other end said "French fries?"

I just said yes. Wtf?

>> No.13437234

you missed out, they had English fries

>> No.13437301

The top one is not American. American fries have nothing on them. This is carnie flyover State Fair shit

>> No.13437313

Those are chili cheese fries you fucking retard

>> No.13437319

I know. Name a restaurant that serves them cunt

>> No.13437326

Belgium. What's in the Turkish one?

>> No.13437359
File: 390 KB, 1502x475, Wendy's Fries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ anon, fucking Wendy's even serves them you fucking rock-dweller retard.

>> No.13437371

Carne Asada, but I do enjoy poutine.

>> No.13437382

Where else can one get them you stupid fucking faggot

Chili cheese fries are as American as chocolate shakes and cheeseburger. Obviously every country has plain fries retard but in America you can treat yourself with chili cheese you dumb mong.

>> No.13437388

Fuddruckers, Checkers, Johnny Rockets, Big Ben's Chili Bowl

>> No.13437418
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sonic, Dariy queen, Hardee's, Jack in the box

>> No.13437422
File: 60 KB, 751x532, parrillada-sencilla-y-rapida-con-chorizo-morcilla-y-papas-frita-foto-principal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13437423

They all look pretty great. Not sure what's going on with the jap ones, though. Definitely would eat the carne asada fries and turk fries.

>> No.13437428

seriously if chili cheese fries aren't american who the fuck owns them? Aliens?

>> No.13437461

Steak N shake, Krystal's, White Castle, Cook out

>> No.13437463


>> No.13437465


>> No.13437466

Mexico is not owner of the carne asada fries. They are from California

>> No.13437476

Hint: the pic I used for kebap fries is from a restaurant in Germany. The Japanese furikake fries is also taken from the website of CBC.

>> No.13437478

dude turkey one isnt what fries side with
theres no side for fries in turkey and thats a dish you put in there

>> No.13437488
File: 1.19 MB, 3585x2818, qeuhfkS7ece_9NpazVhE3P9gPE2pPgX5IAS_BeX99hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude turkey one isnt what fries side with
>theres no side for fries in turkey and thats a dish you put in there
I feel like I get what you're trying to say but I don't

>> No.13437490

Seriously question, how the hell hasn't poutine caught on in the US? If I didn't know what it was and someone asked me where a dish that is nothing but cheese curds, french fries, and gravy comes from I would bet my life its from like Alabama or Georgia.

>> No.13437510

Its pretty big in Louisiana and some northeastern states

>> No.13437525

It's name sounds kinda icky so chains don't want to try to market it

>> No.13437526


What the fuck is top right, what in the actual fuck

Japan looks like shit too

The rest are acceptable. If I absolutely had to pick one I'd probably go USA

>> No.13437529

I'm gonna just guess the availability of cheese curds in general. The name alone makes my friends "want to gag" regardless of how much they like or dislike cheese. I guess it reminds them of cottage cheese, which I love, but most seem to hate.

>> No.13437538

Poutine has been in many restaurants i've been to in PDX

>> No.13437540

basically any good diner

>> No.13437548

Lmao anon got rekt

>> No.13437560

Who actually eats chili cheese fries in America? Like I have occasionally seen them available, but I have never been with someone who ordered them or even suggested getting them. I have had poutine much more frequently

>> No.13437568

As someone who lives in Wisconsin, where cheese curds are super common, I can confirm poutine is kind common around here. I don't really think it was around when I was a kid though

>> No.13437575


>> No.13437578

I get them occasionally, it's a once or twice a year thing.

>> No.13437595

1. Poutine
2. Furikake Fries
3. Seasoned Curly Fries

>> No.13437604

What’s worse, the Scottish baby vomit fries or the Filipino dumpster fries?

>> No.13437607


>> No.13437617
File: 149 KB, 1024x682, Vanguard_BuffaloPoutine-349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "South Buffalo Poutine" from a restaurant called Vanguard in Milwaukee are the best type of fries

>> No.13437643

I'm an American and I love Canadian poutine

>> No.13437659

they're called chips you retard

>> No.13437676
File: 17 KB, 412x232, salt and vinegar please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're the retard

>> No.13437698
File: 137 KB, 1000x750, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to find a better french fry based dish than carne asada fries. You can't.

>> No.13437730

No one.
No one orders them
2 places sell them.
>totally American!!
People like fries and ketchup.
Only fat fucks even know chili cheese fries are a thing

>> No.13437738

What the fuck Scotland.

>> No.13437739

take your meds

also fries and ketchup would be a european thing in the first place

>> No.13437745

No it isn't asshole.
They aren't a non-thing just because some hipster douchebag hasn't sold you it in a shoe or whatever for $30.95. That picture however is a real crap example.

>> No.13437766

I bet more places sell sushi then chili cheese fries so does that make sushi an American food now too you fucking brain dead piece of shit.

>> No.13437769

I think the Japanese ones are shoe-strings with sesame seeds on them. Knowing them they probably didn't salt the fucking things so they just taste bland and weird.

>> No.13437782

to be fair, the most iconic way of eating fries in america is just dipped in ketchup as a side to a burger, chili cheese fries are not that common

>> No.13437936
File: 122 KB, 960x742, E8FFB5A0-9F8C-4984-9792-02A75A6768C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, these are chips you dumb bongoloid

>> No.13438036
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 31203735_1834072566659465_7259088049907171328_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, would you call this a pure Japanese style dish? Not regional at all?

>> No.13438078

Our poutine always has more curds on them than in pic.

>> No.13438827

This, but unironically

>> No.13438849
File: 14 KB, 300x450, 577B69DF-DCA5-46B2-B24F-593E0CC5D9DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The British, but I prefer my curry sauce separate for dipping.

>> No.13438857
File: 263 KB, 600x300, 1489963389105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very proud of you anons and our country

>> No.13439482
File: 81 KB, 600x400, chip-peas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give me fucking normal chips with salt, pepper, vinegar and a side of mushy peas

>> No.13439729

Belgium frites from the road-side carts in Brussels are the best fries I've ever had. Didn't have any of sauce on them though, just salted.
British fries are terrible, they're all unevenly cut and not crispy at all.

>> No.13439768

Not sure why so many people think chili cheese isn't a thing in America. Just about every restaurant near me that sells fries also sells chili cheese fries. However, I'm mostly a salt and vinigar guy. Sometimes regular cheese fries.

>> No.13439777
File: 184 KB, 1500x1535, DSC04129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dutch one with ketchup and curry sauce

>> No.13441259

fries in ketchup isn't american dumbass, it's international

>> No.13441267

it's just one autistic douche

>> No.13441288


>> No.13441454
File: 658 KB, 737x516, Falling Down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak fries (or as my Polish mom called them, Belgian fries) are great, chili fries are also great and Falling Down Brewery here in Warren MI had a great smoked pulled pork poutine but the place closed down after the owner died.

Kinda annoying that despite Canada being literally right nextdoor, you can’t get poutine in metro Detroit.

>> No.13441474

For me, it's McDonald's fries from the 90s. They were fucking bomb when they still used beef tallow.

>> No.13441483

It's getting more popular here. Not a huge fan, myself. But it's not bad either. I just like some thin, crispy fries with chup, myself.

>> No.13441487

Bars and bowling alleys. Soaks up booze and sticks to your ribs and doesn't require a fork. I still use one, though.

>> No.13441488

Too much topping there. The fries are going to be a wet, soggy, steamed mess.

>> No.13441792

those are crisps

>> No.13441808

its the cheese curds man
gotta get them from the quebecois

>> No.13441817

this thread isn't about fries. that picture has fries sure, but it also has a full meal of other shit on top of them.

>> No.13441881

Turkish fries, any fucking day

>> No.13442175

all of these things are available internationally, or at the very least in the US, doesn't change the fact that fries with ketchup next to a burger is by far the most common way to see them in the US, everything else is straight up rare compared to this

>> No.13443539

This thread is about loaded fries, can you name a more quintessentially American type of loaded fries?

>> No.13443546

Turkey's dish looks the best in that picture but the fries are plain and only one small component of that meal.

>> No.13443865

Literally almost any place that sells fries that isn't Mcdicks or BK? Even fucking Del Taco sells chili cheese fries.

>> No.13443868

It's the name. It's like Pupusas, I hear the name and don't want to eat it.

>> No.13443872

Fries that don't have Guac and sour cream? Guac looks like baby vomit and sour cream looks like fucking whipped cum.

>> No.13443875

God tier: Belgium
Top tier: Canada, Mexico
Shit tier: everything else

>> No.13443880

How does your asshole feel anon? Can you still poop straight with it that blown out?

>> No.13443881
File: 172 KB, 1500x1500, Fry Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's fry sauce. It's weird it's not popular outside of my state and Idaho.

>> No.13443895

The european ones look yucky

You lose again, europe

>> No.13444050


Moved to Utah 2 years ago. Definitely have taken a liking to good fry sauce

>> No.13444469

I think you were lucky somehow. 90% of places here in Belgium use frozen fries and double-fry them in low quality oil or fats.

>> No.13444475

I'm talking mainly about the Brussels and Walloon regions, btw.

>> No.13444719


source: your ass

>> No.13444726

you're a stupid fucking autist that doesn't understand original pic

>> No.13444737
File: 45 KB, 704x396, hsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hangover cure

>> No.13444776 [DELETED] 
File: 2.29 MB, 1960x1308, alien cheese fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here,fixed it just for you your royal highness

>> No.13444783
File: 2.29 MB, 1960x1308, alien cheese fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, fixed it just for you your royal highness

>> No.13444788


>Not the UK

Entire of the UK does this, however put Scotland exclusively is a Scotaboo.

>> No.13444838

What are the two bottom choices?

>> No.13444847

carne asada fries (actually Californian) and filipino cheese fries (seasoning for american potato chips/crisps basically)

>> No.13444852

You guys wont like this but its unironically scotland/UK, gravy looks a bit shite in OP pic.

In the canada pic are a few chips not peeled? looks like potato skin still on the chip.

>> No.13444876

>are a few chips not peeled
potato skins are left on and eaten in US & Canada/North America

>> No.13444878

The mexican one is not authentic otherwise it’d be drenched in beans. So, it’s probably tex-mex. I don’t speak hispanic but pretty sure it’s carny asada

>> No.13444884

The states have one of the most over bloated dairy markets on earth and not one idiot farmer can think of marketing curds instead of milk and contract mild cheddar?

No wonder its heavily subsidized now.

>> No.13444889

disgusting amerimutts. It literally grows in the ground and you fuckers will just chomp right in, at least give it a fucken rinse.

>> No.13444905

Cooking kills the cooties, dumbass

>> No.13444909

you stupid fucking faggot I SAID CALIFORNIA OR SAN DIEGO FLAG.

>> No.13444910

>carny asada

>> No.13444911

Are the Turkish and Mexican portions really that huge?

>> No.13444914

fuck California and fuck you

>> No.13444917

yes, they would be relatively the biggest out of all, Turkish chips were quite cheap too

>> No.13444953

Only the mexican portion. Those people are fatter than amerilards. The turkish one would probably be smaller sense they understand portion control.

>> No.13445530

my nigga

>> No.13445572
File: 306 KB, 354x359, 56f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Mexican enough, brough. I mean, clearly you get it.
fuck off

>> No.13445650

In my experience, greek places make the best french fries for some reason. Mexican resturants are second, with sweet potato fries third.

>> No.13447287

they say that sweet potato ones are for white moms, but i like them quite a lot. i'm white but not a mom.

>> No.13447572
File: 35 KB, 460x276, 1550949475210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sour cream looks like something from the 90s and the whole concept is shit, with the soggy fries, to many flavours etc. its actually weird south americans doesnt treat potatoes with respect in general. The potato originated in South America yet the region has the world's lowest level of potato production, why is this?
obviously the belgian/dutch variety. no cheese though im a mayonaise boi.

>> No.13447768

Well you're wrong

>> No.13448895

a fucking leaf

>> No.13449047

Chili cheese fries all day. Fond memories of my grandfather. I used to always go to Duchess and get the chili cheese burger, and chili cheese fries, and I'd jokingly ask for a chili cheese coke. I miss being a kid and having a good metabolism.

>> No.13449052

Sounds like Putin and we dont fucking with commies.

>> No.13449060

Jolibee are the only normal fries there op.
The rest aren't "fries", but french fry based dishes.

>> No.13449494

>chili cheese burger, and chili cheese fries, and I'd jokingly ask for a chili cheese coke


>> No.13449520

The Belgian one is just fries and a dipping sauce.
Turkey, Mexico and the USA are definitely disqualified though

>> No.13449522

french fries is a dish Pnoy, it's a snack dish

>> No.13449525

a lot of people requested carne asada, and kebab fries is definitely a huge european thing

>> No.13449528

>They were shit
Not surprised

>> No.13449529


>> No.13449530

I havent been to the philippines in like 15 years and even i cn tell that those are cheese fries

>> No.13449539

>90% of places here in Belgium use frozen fries and double-fry them in low quality oil or fats.
I mean if you go to Italy 'most' of the restaurants are also gonna be shit.

It's up to you to determine the tourist fluff from the authentic ones.

Belgian fries are some of the best I have tasted in the entire world, except for poutine which I have never tried.

>> No.13449543

French fries is a dish (usually a side dish) on it's own, but what is your point?
>cheese fries
Ah, I didn't catch that. Never been to jolibees.

>> No.13449545

there's no turkish fries in turkey either

>> No.13449549

What is your point?

>> No.13449551

Both of those are obviously dishes where fries aren't the main component though; Might as well feature Stoofvlees for Belgium and add a burger for the Philippines

>> No.13449579
File: 149 KB, 512x512, mitraillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't @ me again

>> No.13449645

That you're a big gay idiot.